Just when Lin Tianwei thought he had earned a profit from this collision, something unbelievable happened.

This arm had just fallen off Roberto's body, and it began to wither quickly, as if the life force in it had been extracted by some special energy.

By the time it completely fell to the ground, it had completely turned into a piece of dead wood, completely devoid of life.

Lin Tianwei's attack naturally could not be so powerful. The only explanation is that Roberto took back the energy in this arm through some means.

This should be a talent similar to talent: simple regeneration, combined with Roberto's special ability to control plants, it is an incredible effect that can be achieved.

In other words, the seemingly serious broken arm injury may not consume much energy at all for Roberto.

On the contrary, because Lin Tianwei did not deal with it in time, some of his own energy was eaten away by the parasitic seeds.

Without hesitation, the dark flames of destruction ignited again, instantly burning out all the parasitic plants on his body.

Not only that, Lin Tianwei's body was directly transformed into a body of energy, turning into a blazing black flame.

Roberto has strange abilities and is extremely elusive. Lin Tianwei believes that transforming into an energy body is the best way to use it.

However, how could Roberto, who was familiar with Lin Tianwei's intelligence, not know that Lin Tianwei had an energy body?

During the long period of waiting for the match, he was sorting out everything about Lin Tianwei.

The moment he saw Lin Tianwei transform into a body of energy, Roberto was so excited that all the puzzle pieces leading to victory were finally assembled.

Next is the time to reap the fruits of victory.

The moment Lin Tianwei completely transformed his body into a body of energy, a bright green light instantly lit up, illuminating the entire plant cage.

and Lin Tianwei, who was trapped in a plant cage.

The vast sea of ​​life energy crazily poured into the plant cage as if it was free of charge, and began to corrode the flames of destruction that represented Lin Tianwei's body.

This life energy, which is good for other cosmic beasts, is extremely poisonous to Lin Tianwei, who has transformed into the flames of destruction, and is constantly eroding his body.

In fact, Roberto had already judged the essence of the Flame of Destruction through the initial battle on the plant cage, the essence that he could be annihilated by life energy.

So he was bound to win this blow.

To this end, he even mobilized the life energy of the entire forest, which was considered a desperate move.

A severe burning sensation invaded Lin Tianwei's whole body.

After all, this is not an ordinary flame of destruction, but a flame of destruction transformed by Lin Tianwei. Even though it is continuously eroded by life energy, only about one-tenth of it has died.

But if he left it alone, Lin Tianwei would be completely swallowed up by this terrifying life energy sooner or later.

Talent template: Body of Energy (Extraordinary) canceled!

Lin Tianwei's body turned into flesh and blood again, and then he felt that the erosion of life energy on himself had completely disappeared, and the original burning sensation turned into a warm current, constantly nourishing his exhausted body.

But how could Roberto do such a thing to benefit the enemy?

With a thought, almost at the moment Lin Tianwei canceled the energy body, these life energies also changed and turned into countless plant seeds again.

Moistened by the terrifying life energy, these plant seeds grew into vines almost instantly.

The slender roots pierced into Lin Tianwei's body and began to absorb the energy in Lin Tianwei's body crazily.

If he transforms into an energy body, he will be attacked by life energy. If he continues to retain his flesh and blood body, he will be attacked by parasitic seeds transformed into life energy. Lin Tianwei seems to be in a dilemma.

Talent template: Body of energy (extraordinary)!

Facing a stronger enemy, Lin Tianwei did not hesitate to show off his own strengthening, revealing the tip of the iceberg of his own strength.

It was also a body of energy, but this time Lin Tianwei transformed into a body of pure flame.

Ordinary flames naturally have no restraint relationship with life energy, which allows Lin Tianwei to be immune to parasitic seeds and not be attacked by life energy.

Sometimes it's that simple to break a seemingly fatal situation.

Roberto never imagined that the killer plan he had carefully crafted for Lin Tianwei would be so easily broken by Lin Tianwei.

Although I was surprised, I felt it was reasonable.

If the points in the Law Arena were so easy to earn, they wouldn't be so valuable.

The matching mechanism of the Rules Arena is not a vegetarian. It is extremely difficult to defeat any opponent that can allow you to gain points.

Although he failed to achieve a decisive blow to Lin Tianwei, at least Roberto had blocked Lin Tianwei's flesh and blood body.

In this case, he still had a terrible advantage.

Thinking of this, Roberto's sharp claws protruded from the plant cage again and quickly attacked Lin Tianwei.

Even though Lin Tianwei had turned into a body of fire at this time, he still did not dare to underestimate the deadly claws from Roberto.

The flames jumped quickly, trying to avoid Roberto's fatal attack.

However, Lin Tianwei is no longer a flesh and blood body at this time, and when he obtains the characteristics of an energy body, it also means losing the bonus of most of the talent templates.

He was not fast, or not fast enough, and was immediately hit by Roberto's sharp claws, instantly tearing several huge holes in the flame body.

Ordinary physical attacks naturally cannot harm Lin Tianwei in the state of energy body, but the claws enchanted by life energy can.

Lin Tianwei was seriously injured with just one blow.

Not only that, Roberto had no intention of retracting his claws, and the second blow, the third blow,..., the Nth blow were all on his way.

Trying to use his crazy claws to completely extinguish the flames in front of him.

But how could Lin Tianwei let Roberto succeed?

The previous series of seemingly passive operations were just Lin Tianwei's method to confuse the enemy and lure him deeper.

Otherwise, Roberto has been unable to come out and has been hiding in the forest. Lin Tianwei really has no way to deal with him.

Virtual reality conversion!

Lin Tianwei's body instantly returned to flesh and blood. With the bonus of the speed burst from the talent template, Lin Tianwei was simply terrifyingly fast.

With one powerful move, Roberto's huge body was locked directly, and the next step was the real showdown.

Roberto never expected that Lin Tianwei would dare to use flesh and blood in the plant cage to activate the life energy again, and Lin Tianwei's body returned to a situation controlled by countless parasitic seeds.

A large amount of life force was absorbed from Lin Tianwei's weak body, and was continuously turned into the energy of the plants, and also turned into Roberto's energy.

Under the circumstances, Lin Tianwei had no capital to compete with Roberto.

However, facing the attacks of countless parasitic species, Lin Tianwei did not care at all, and greeted Roberto mercilessly with his sharp minions.

Like cutting tofu with a sharp blade, every blow would leave terrible wounds on Roberto's body.

Although these wounds will be healed instantly with the blessing of a large amount of natural energy, Lin Tianwei is not doing useless work, but the damage is not obvious.

Those parasitic seeds all over Lin Tianwei's body became the best armor to protect Lin Tianwei at this time.

Unless the good opportunity to absorb Lin Tianwei's physical strength is completely given up, Roberto's fists and kicks can only be anxious while watching Lin Tianwei do it.

As for Wood Release?

Roberto, who was controlled by Lin Tianwei's body, couldn't touch the plants at all, couldn't use Wood Escape at all, and could only watch Lin Tianwei's minions constantly greeting him.

Although his body was injured, with the life energy supply of the entire forest, Roberto didn't care at all. All wounds would be healed instantly under the influence of the huge life energy.

As long as the forest remains, Roberto will remain completely immortal.

He even deliberately stayed in place to fight with Lin Tianwei in order to use the parasitic seed to quickly suck Lin Tianwei into a beast.

Otherwise, after paying a certain price, he can still use Wood Escape again to escape into the forest.

ten minutes.

half an hour.

Three hours!

However, when the hand-to-hand battle entered the third hour, Roberto finally realized something was wrong.

He has been sucked by his own parasitic seed for three hours. Why hasn't Lin Tianwei been drained dry and sucked into a beast?

Not only that, Lin Tianwei is also extremely lively, and there is no sign of any decline in offense.

It was as if the other party, like himself, also had a forest as his backing and a steady source of energy.

This discovery immediately made Roberto realize that something was wrong, and he began to observe patiently, observing all the energy around Lin Tianwei.

This observation didn't matter, Roberto immediately discovered something that shocked him extremely.

Betrayal, he was actually betrayed by the forest.

A small part of the life energy that should have belonged entirely to him was quietly being transported to Lin Tianwei, nourishing his opponent who was his enemy.

Such a discovery made Roberto furious, and he roared loudly, as if he was venting his anger.

He is the son of the forest, the absolute king of the forest, and the behavior between Lin Tianwei and Lin Tianwei is like NTR himself in front of him.

This humiliation of being raped made Roberto furious, and he immediately unleashed all his potential. After paying the price of being seriously injured, he forcibly broke away from Lin Tianwei's restraints and escaped into the plant cage again.

Seeing Roberto finally discovering the truth of the matter, Lin Tianwei stopped pretending. With a little effort, he broke away from the so-called parasitic seed.

This skill, which is quite incomprehensible to other cosmic behemoths, has no effect at all on Lin Tianwei, who has the talent template Nature Spirit.

Although he cannot gain control of the entire forest, it is still easy to gain control in a small area.

Even during the few hours of this stalemate, Lin Tianwei was not idle. He was constantly communicating with the surrounding plants, and openly planted his spies in Roberto's base camp.

This caused the Wood Release, which was originally extremely safe for Roberto, to have flaws at this time, and the flaws were the plants that Lin Tianwei instigated.

It doesn't need much, just the right amount, so that Roberto's figure can be completely exposed to Lin Tianwei's eyes.

caught you!

Talent template: Thousands of incarnations (extraordinary)!

Lin Tianwei's eyes flashed, and his terrifying speed exploded instantly, and he easily passed through the plant cage with thousands of incarnations.

Any cage with gaps cannot trap Lin Tianwei.

After a while, Lin Tianwei came to a towering tree.

According to the enemy's undercover intelligence, Roberto is hiding in this towering tree, trying to regain his absolute control over the forest.

But before he could completely restrain his control, Lin Tianwei's attack came quietly.


The towering tree, which was thicker than Lin Tianwei's body, failed to resist Lin Tianwei's attack and directly intercepted it.

Roberto hidden inside was also revealed.

This huge forest giant finally showed panic in his eyes. Once he loses the protection of the field, all his abilities will be greatly reduced.

It was simply not enough to compete with the ferocious Lin Tianwei.

After all, he looks vicious but is actually a mage, a mage who uses plants and life energy to attack enemies.

How could the mage defeat Lin Tianwei, the land king, in hand-to-hand combat?

So Roberto's only option is to run away and hide in another plant.

However, his actions were in vain.

After having enough undercover agents, Lin Tianwei could clearly see Roberto's movement trajectory, and it was impossible for him to escape from his clutches.

After all, Wood Release is not teleportation. Although it has a similar effect, it requires plants as a medium, and the speed is not as unpredictable as teleportation.

This serious competition eventually turns into a game of cat and mouse, a game from which Roberto will have no escape.

Every time Lin Tianwei destroyed Roberto's body, his body would be healed by the influx of natural energy and restored to its original state.

However, this is not in vain. This kind of healing can only heal Roberto's external injuries, but it cannot heal the original reason why he was injured by Lin Tianwei at all.

In the end, after two and a half days of chasing, Roberto, who was shot to pieces by Lin Tianwei again, failed to recover. Instead, he lay on the ground panting. It was obvious that he had reached his limit.

For the exhausted enemy, this is definitely not the time to make any villain declaration. The best choice is to send him to his death at the speed of light.

Without hesitation, the flames of destruction rose again, completely burning Roberto's huge body, and announcing that Lin Tianwei had undoubtedly won.

"Ding, congratulations on successfully killing your opponent and winning this competition."

"This competitive offensive evaluation is: B, you are still playing tricks."

"This competitive defense evaluation is: B, I am not injured, really!"

"Ding, since your opponent's strength exceeds yours by two major stages, the overall evaluation of this competition will rise by two levels."

"Ding, your final overall competitive evaluation is: S, and you can enjoy a 500% points bonus."

"Ding, after calculation, you have gained a total of 2.5 million points for this competitive victory (basic points 5000*S-level evaluation bonus 500%*Purgatory difficulty bonus 5000%*own excellent evaluation bonus*200%). "

"Ding, your evaluation and ranking have been updated and can be viewed through the panel."

"Name: Lin.

Age: 27 years old.

Strength: Universe level seventh level.

Ranking: 2067+.

Points: 43 million+.

Rating: Top (challenge points +100%).

Note: Who is the real king of the forest in the big waves? "(End of chapter)

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