Zhou Yuan sighed, "Reliability does not mean sticking to it tightly."

"Once the suture is too tightly secured, the insulation of the wire will be damaged, and another operation will have to be performed at that time."

Lu Chenxi was taken aback.

"Okay, now connect the lead to the pacemaker." Zhou Yuan said.

Zhou Yuan was very careful in this step.

Once improperly connected, the lead may be dislocated, and the pacemaker cannot be used normally.

Soon, the pacemaker was installed.

Zhou Yuan glanced at the instrument, then heaved a sigh of relief and said, "The operation is complete..."

This time the operation was really going through the ghost gate~gate several times.

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Lu Chenxi, He Jing and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of their hearts.

"The wound was compressed by local sandbags for about six hours." Zhou Yuan- said.

This helps the pacemaker fit the heart.

To be honest, this operation is less difficult than Zhou Yuan's previous operations. However, the patient's situation is too special. Apart from the operation of his mother at the beginning, Zhou Yuan felt the most troublesome this time.

"The valve replacement cannot be performed directly now. The patient's body is too weak. First, give her warfarin to prevent the thrombosis of the mechanical valve and control the medication, and then solve the problem of valve jam." Zhou Yuan said.

Lu Chenxi nodded.

She is an expert in this area.

"If the effect of drug control is not good, a second valve replacement must be performed immediately." Lu Chenxi added.

Wei Lili nodded.

"Pregnant women are pushed into the intensive care unit and continue to supply hyperbaric oxygen!" she said.

Outside the operating room, the family members waited anxiously.

Sun Lele's husband had already seen the child, and all of them were waiting for Sun Lele to come out.

"What to do...I won't save the child and Lele is gone..." Grandma Sun Lele squeezed her fingers in anxious manner.

"What nonsense! The doctor will definitely rescue Lele too!" Sun Lele justified.

After a while, the door of the operating room opened.

The patients rushed forward and surrounded Wei Lili, Zhou Yuan and others.

"How is it! How is it!"

"Doctor, how is Lele?"

Wei Lili took off her mask and smiled: "Don't worry, mother and child are safe."

The family was stunned for a moment, and then they cheered.

"Thank you doctor!"

"It's great! I said Lele is good for life, marrying such a good husband, how could she just leave like this!" Sun Lele's mother smiled.

Sun Lele's husband wiped his tears with excitement, and the eyes of a one-meter-eight man were red.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"I envy them." Lu Chenxi whispered.

He Jing nodded: "Yes, there is a husband who loves her so much! Knowing that his wife can't get pregnant, but he still has to worry about fulfilling his wife's wishes... His heart must be very painful!"

"Fortunately, we rescued her, otherwise her husband will definitely be guilty for a lifetime!"

He Jing and Lu Chenxi were discussing, and the more they felt that their three views were very close, the more they looked at each other, the more pleasing they were.

"I wish I had this kind of love..."

Lu Chenxi said, patted Zhou Yuan on the shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yuan was checking the two intermediate treasure chests rewarded by the system, and was photographed by Lu Chenxi.

"No... it's okay! Let's go back to the emergency department!"


Zhou Yuan nodded, preparing to leave.

There is experience in postoperative care of pregnant women in obstetrics and gynecology, so Zhou Yuan does not need to say more.

Suddenly, Wei Lili stopped Zhou Yuan.

"Wait!" Wei Lili shouted.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yuan asked back.

"Do you... do you want to come to the obstetrics and gynecology department? The obstetrics and gynecology department are all good-looking girls, lacking a clever young man like you!" Wei Lili emphasized the words "good-looking girl".

She is a person in her forties. She knows how to catch Zhou Yuan's young heart.

He Jing's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Zhou Yuan is coming to the obstetrics and gynecology department?

After that, I won’t have more opportunities to have surgery with him and learn his skills!

Zhou Yuan was taken aback. He also had no experience in obstetrics and gynecology...

Before Zhou Yuan could speak, Lu Chenxi, who noticed He Jinglang's eyes, directly pushed Zhou Yuan away from the obstetrics and gynecology department, saying: "No! Zhou Yuan can only stay in the emergency department!"


After a while, Lu Chenxi, who was puffed up, pushed Zhou Yuan with a blank face back to the emergency department hall.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Ling walked over and asked.

"What's wrong! The deputy director of the First Obstetrics Department wants to dig Zhou Yuan over!" Lu Chenxi said.

"Huh?" Lin Wen also leaned over, looking surprised.

"Too despicable! There are many beautiful female doctors and nurses in the obstetrics and gynecology department! Use this to fool Zhou Yuan!" Lu Chenxi said.

Sun Meng, who had just finished checking the house, happened to hear these words, and the whole person was not good.

·········Ask for flowers···········

"Despicable!" Sun Meng said together.

"Yes! Too insidious and cunning!"

This is the first time Sun Meng and Lu Chenxi agree.

Zhou Yuan reluctantly left the hall, ready to tell He Jianyi that the operation was successfully completed.

As soon as I was about to knock on the door, I heard a quarrel coming from inside.

"You'd better go back, I can't remarry you, nor can I modify the signature of the expert certificate!" This is He Jianyi's voice.

Zhou Yuan was taken aback and was about to leave, but he saw that He Jian opened the door and was about to slam it out.

He Jianyi was obviously taken aback when he found Zhou Yuan at the door, but he still walked out and motioned Zhou Yuan to follow him.

Soon, the two of them arrived on the balcony on the second floor of the emergency department. He Jianyi was relieved after a glance that no one was following.

"Teacher, I...I'm here to tell you that the operation is complete." Zhou Yuan's expression was a little embarrassed.

........ .. ...

He Jian waved his hand, "What did you hear us say?"

Zhou Yuan shook his head obediently: "No."

He Jianyi naturally would not believe Zhou Yuan’s nonsense and explained: “Some time ago, a pharmaceutical company just listed on the market developed a new drug to dissolve thrombosis. In the process of clinical trials, this This medicine is effective for most patients, but... one patient died!"

"Did it be killed by the side effects of the drug?" Zhou Yuan asked.

He Jian nodded: "Yes, at that time, the expert confirmation committee agreed that the side effects of this drug caused the patient's death. I am also a member of the expert confirmation committee. I can be sure that this patient was killed by the drug they developed. ."

"Now, they plan to put the drug on the market and ask our experts to approve the committee members to modify the signature. Once the drug is on the market, it will be a profit of hundreds of millions or even billions. In the face of huge profits, other experts have revised it. Sign it, but I don’t want to."

Zhou Yuan nodded: "If you don't sign, thrombolytic drugs cannot be listed."

He Jian nodded and shook his head: "In the face of such huge profits, my signature alone can delay the launch of the drug at most, and it is impossible to really hinder them... No, my ex-wife is a lawyer, and the pharmaceutical company wanted me to sign. I invite all my ex-wife to do my ideological work."

Speaking of this, He Jianyi suddenly remembered another thing, looked at Zhou Yuan with approval, and said: "Zhou Yuan, I have a daughter who is studying in M ​​country, a little younger than you, 19 this year. Years old, very beautiful..."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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