He Jianyi raised his chin towards Zhou Yuan, "Although I am her father, but Mei Mei, the girl, looks really good!"

Fertile water does not flow into the field of outsiders. Zhou Yuan is his own disciple, and so good, maybe the relationship between the two can go further.

Zhou Yuan just smiled awkwardly. "Let's talk about it when she comes back..."

He Jianyi, an old fox, smiled mysteriously, "Is it not easy to come back?"

Then, turning back to the previous topic, said:

"Huiwei Pharmaceutical Group, do you know? It is the drug developed by this group. There is absolutely a problem with that drug. I can't sign it!"

"I didn't expect them to be so cruel. I don't know how much money they paid. My ex-wife even used the method of remarriage to get me to sign.

Zhou Yuan nodded.

In fact, he knew this very well.

Speaking of which, Huiwei Pharmaceutical Group is also related to Jiang Xiaoqi.

More than 20 years ago, Jiang Xiaoqi's biological parents were killed in a fire, and her adoptive mother Zheng Lan raised them and sent her to study abroad.

Huiwei Pharmaceutical Group is actually under Zheng Lan.

Zhou Yuan looked at He Jianyi with some admiration.

In the face of huge interests, other experts modified their signatures without conscience, but He Jianyi remained unmoved.

"Boy, don't look at me like that. If it's you, you can't agree to the listing of a harmful drug!" He Jian smiled.

"By the way, Chuchu's mother woke up, go and have a look."

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised. After saying goodbye, he rushed to the intensive care unit of Chuchu's mother.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Zhou Yuan heard laughter coming from inside.

Chu Chu's mother was lying weakly on the bed with a nasal feeding tube inserted, and a pair of tired eyes stared at Chu Chu next to her.


Seeing Zhou Yuan's arrival, Chuchu yelled happily.

Chu Chu's mother was a little surprised, and she was about to sit up, but Zhou Yuan stopped her.

"How are you feeling?" Zhou Yuan asked.

"It's getting better already. I heard Chuchu say that you, Dr. Lu, and everyone in the emergency department have been taking care of Chuchu for the past four or five days... Thank you very much!" After that, Chuchu's mother's eyes were a little moist. Up.

The touch from strangers is always easier to touch people.

Zhou Yuan touched Chuchu's head and said with a smile: "Chuchu is a pistachio from our department. Everyone likes her very much."

Chu Chu turned his head and shrank into Zhou Yuan's arms like a little cat, and said, "My brother is very powerful. He has saved many people these days! I am optimistic that many uncles and aunts will come to my brother for treatment!"

Chu Chu's mother looked sad when she heard these words, but she quickly covered up the past and smiled: "Really? Then Chu Chu, did Chu Chu make trouble in the hospital?"

Zhou Yuan caught Chuchu's mother's expression and couldn't help but think of Chuchu's father who had passed away.

After Chuchu's father left, Chuchu's temperament has also changed a lot. Don't look at Chuchu who is doing well now. In fact, Chuchu is always used to being alone before Chuchu's mother wakes up.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It’s okay when everyone is there. At first they will show a smiling face. Once they become a person, they will involuntarily sit in a daze in a chair, which makes people very distressed.

Chuchu naturally didn't notice the instant expression of his mother, only thinking that her mother was suspicious of her, so he crossed her waist and said, "No! Chuchu never made trouble!"

At the beginning of the day, my mother laughed, "Just don't make trouble..."

She just wanted to say that Chu Chu was a naughty ghost before, but she thought of someone, worried that Chu Chu was unhappy, and immediately stopped.

"If you don't make trouble, you are a good boy!" Chuchu's mother laughed.

Chuchu smiled, broke away from Zhou Yuan's arms, ran to the side and took two bananas.

"Brother, mom can eat bananas now!"

At the beginning, he slipped back into Zhou Yuan's arms and asked with expectant eyes.

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Of course, mom can eat any kind of fruit now."

At the beginning, my eyes lit up and I opened my mouth and bit one end of the banana. After biting a hole, I peeled the banana peel along the opening.

Zhou Yuan was surprised: Who taught you to peel bananas like this?

"Mom! Here you are!" Chu Chu happily handed the banana over.

Chuchu's mother didn't have an appetite, but she still took it over with a bright smile, "Chchuchu is really good!"

Chuchu smiled and narrowed his eyes, then peeled another one to Zhou Yuan, "Brother! Yours!"

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised. "How about the first one?"

"I've only eaten two!" Chu Chu said cutely, touching his belly.

Zhou Yuan nodded and took the banana.

It was discovered that Chu Chu's mother lying on the bed frowned and looked at Zhou Yuan with a plea for help.

Zhou Yuan immediately looked at Chuchu and said, "Chchu, shall we take out the garbage in the ward?"

"It's not full yet!" Chuchu said.. ......

"The garbage in the trash bin is not conducive to the recovery of mother's body." Zhou Yuan said.

Hearing these words, Chu Chu immediately picked up the half-filled trash can. "Brother! I'll take out the trash!"

Zhou Yuan almost couldn't help but laugh, and said: "In the beginning, you put down the trash can...just lift the plastic bag in the trash can!"

On the first day of the first day, he touched his head, and it took a while to realize what Zhou Yuan meant, blushing and lifted the garbage bag out of the trash can.

I found that Zhou Yuan was holding back a smile. He blushed at the beginning and said unconvincedly: "Don't laugh!"

With that, he ran out of the ward with a trash can.

At the beginning of his departure, Zhou Yuan reluctantly shook his head and refilled the trash can with plastic bags.

"I left at the beginning."

After speaking, Zhou Yuan also hurriedly followed up, "Chuchu, wait for me!"

A few seconds later, Chuchu's mother, who was pale, vomited and vomited all the bananas she had just eaten.

"Fortunately, I didn't let Chuchu see this scene..."

Chuchu's mother touched the scar on her chest and looked at the ceiling, tears streaming down uncontrollably.


"All right!"

I jumped at the beginning and threw the garbage in the trash can.

Zhou Yuan walked over and touched Chuchu's head, "Okay, let's go back."

"Brother, let's go buy some flowers for mom!"

Zhou Yuan nodded and took Chu Chu to the outside flower shop.

"I want to give it to my mother!"

The lady of the flower shop laughed: "What a lovely little sister... If you give it to your mother, carnations, lilies and roses are all good choices!"

With that said, I started choosing flowers from the beginning. Obviously, the lady proprietor of the flower shop could see which one of the young and the young was in charge.

"Madam boss, are there any fake flowers?" Zhou Yuan asked.

Real flowers are too dangerous. Once the mother is allergic to pollen or sneezing from pollen, it is very likely that the wound will burst.

After listening to Zhou Yuan's explanation, I bought a bunch of fake carnations at the beginning with a "okay" sound.

"Brother, buy three more bundles!" Suddenly, Chu Chu said again.

"Buy three more?"

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

Does she know other people in this hospital? .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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