Akemi Miyano, who had a serious face, stood by and watched someone's stir-frying actions while turning on the fire and adding water to another iron pot and blanching the tender tofu with a small amount of salt.

The intention is to remove the bean smell in tofu and the taste of brine.

There is a fundamental difference between blanched tofu and unblanched tofu.

If the bean smell and brine are not removed by more than half.

Then it will destroy the deepest taste of tofu in Mapo tofu, thereby destroying the overall appetite and making the various flavors of the food unable to play at their peak.

Therefore, blanching tofu is very necessary.

Moreover, from the chemical aspect, it is also known that the high temperature of water destroys some chemical reaction chains, but at the same time, it can also coagulate the protein in tofu.

What about Su Cheng's side!

While continuing to stir-fry the beef, he taught everyone.

He taught everyone in the kitchen the principle that the oil covered the bottom of the pan half the size of a palm and waited for the oil to warm up before adding beef.

First turn on high heat and stir-fry for about ten seconds.

The purpose is to quickly evaporate the residual mid-surface moisture in the fresh beef grains.

Then turn to low heat and stir-fry slowly.

The reason for turning to low heat is because the innermost layer of fresh beef grains still contains moisture.

If you fry it dry over high heat, it will be easy to scorch the beef grains.

Therefore, stir-fry slowly over low heat for a while.

Later, the water of the beef grain is completely evaporated, and a small amount of water is locked in all levels of the beef grain.

In this way, it can have a crispy feeling, a chewy head, and the more chewed, the more fragrant.

It can also achieve the final refined beef grains, golden color, red crisp not plate, one by one, one grain, crispy in the mouth, stained teeth, making people swallow saliva.


At this time, the butter contained in the beef grains quietly spit out.

"Woohoo~!" The heat kept pouring up from the pot.

As soon as he noticed this situation, his eyes were sharp, and he seriously poured a little bit of sweet nectar that was diluted hundreds of times during the stinky flower period.

In general, there is no need to add nectar.

The main thing is that the nectar is of high quality and has a sweet taste, which can contrast the subsequent spicy taste.

But in authentic mapo tofu, there is no step of adding nectar.

He added a very small amount of nectar, also so that the spicy taste in Mapo tofu was sweetened to dominate the top spot.

Wait another five or six seconds for the beef grains to be completely crispy.

Then add some salt, more chili, more peppercorns, a little soy sauce, tempeh, and color and taste.

After adding these seasonings, the taste quickly changes from the beef aroma just now to rich and sweet.

The spicy feeling comes to the face.

"Hiss~!" Akemi Miyano and the others watching from the side took a deep breath, and their pink cheeks were slightly red.

His eyes were intently fixed on his operation and the unfinished dishes in the pot.

"Haw, haw~!" Suddenly, several voices of swallowing saliva sounded.

Now they have a great appetite.

"Merlot~!" Meloyeta was also spinning around in the air, a little choked on the unfamiliar spiciness.

But it still doesn't want to go out.

It was very much to expect from the food he made!!

Last time I ate it and stuffed my stomach full, this time I want to do the same.

Hey, hey....

In the time of Meloyeta's fantasy.

Su Cheng did not stop.

Instead, remove the tender tofu that had been blanched before, but simply drain the water.

After adding a little water to the pot and rolling it slightly, I pour all the tofu into the pot, so that the tender tofu like white jade and the beef grains the size of soybeans gently collide with each other.

Remember to gently collide, fry tofu, can only push, so that the tofu is as white as jade, fluted and horned, and crushed with a twist.

Pulling tofu back and forth will rot, and the taste of the tofu will be destroyed.

At the same time, add some finely chopped fresh red bean paste.

Part of the success of Mapo Tofu depends on this bean paste.

A good bean paste will bring out the spiciness of mapo tofu.

Remember that the beans in the bean paste should be small, otherwise if you bite the large beans when eating, the taste will not be good.

Seeing this, everyone held their breath and concentrated, and the spicy flavor came up.

They felt as if they were on top of a hot volcano.

It makes them all feel dry mouthed, but the more they want to eat.

Su Cheng continued to push the tofu gently, and the bright red spicy sweet beef soup gradually dipped into the tofu's body, slowly seeping in, silent and domineering.

The next step is to pour the already seasoned juice along the wall of the pot into the white jade tender tofu with a little red.

The soup began to thicken rapidly in an instant.

And it also hangs firmly on top of the tofu, locking all the flavor inside.

"Whew~!" A thick spicy fragrance dispersed the floral fragrance, and it was very domineering to occupy everyone's sense of smell.

Finally, when the tofu is cooking, sprinkle an appropriate amount of minced peppercorns and a large handful of chopped green onions to make it fresh.

Fresh also refers to fresh and tender emerald green, red and white, fresh color and taste, impeccable.

Su Cheng saw that this final step was solved, so he poured this mapo tofu into several large plates.

The steaming tempting mapo tofu is complete!!

The sound of everyone swallowing saliva reappeared.

"Gollum~!" Unexpectedly, it was mixed with the sound of my stomach growling.

The complete mapo tofu can simply describe the white jade tender tofu as a beauty waiting for others to eat, while accessories such as peppercorns and green onions can be compared to red makeup and bipei that decorate beauty.

Su Cheng quickly spoke, asking people to transport Mapo tofu to the hall on the second floor.

Because mapo tofu should be eaten hot to be delicious.

And also use a small spoon to scoop the food so as not to destroy the overall structure and taste of the tofu.

Mapo tofu is served, and the inch-long garlic seedlings stand upright in the bowl, emerald green and blue, and the oil is very bright, as if it has just been picked and chopped from the field, and it comes alive.

Everyone waited for white rice, and then ate like crazy.


"It's Mapo Tofu!" In the room on the second floor, Suzuki Sonoko, who was wearing a light purple slip dress, happened to smell the spicy fragrance, and quickly ran over and saw Mapo tofu on the dining table, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly exclaimed.

Her slip dress fell just right at the base of her thighs, and her two beautiful Qianqianyu legs were white and smooth.

The fluffy slippers look both upscale and playful.

Then she pulled away the chair, looked at the white rice that had already been laid out on the table, picked up the spoon, scooped the bright red mapo tofu, and sent it to the red lips coated with lip gloss.


For a moment, fine beads of sweat appeared on her snow-white smooth collarbone, like a thin mist, and seemed to be steaming hot.

She couldn't help but hit a spirit, and her body trembled unconsciously.

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