She wasn't going to Santo Domingo, but Santo Domingo had the closest border checkpoint.

She didn't dare to stay in the city any longer.

Now that Joanne has regarded herself as a scapegoat, she will die if she stays in the city.

Of course, just this is not enough.

So Diana also called someone.

"Pick it up, pick it up quickly!"

Diana was distraught.

Finally, the other party picked up the phone.

Before the other party could speak, Diana spoke eagerly like a machine gun.

"I need your help, there's something going on here at Biotech."

"The research that Joanne Koch and I were doing was reported by WNS News, which Arasaka supported."

"Joanne wanted me to take the blame. She wanted to blame all the problems on me. But Joanne, including everyone else, pretended not to know anything, just slapped her ass and left."

"That's not all. They want to kill me and silence me so that I can't defend myself and make their evil deeds public."

"The reason I know so well is because I've done it before."

"I need help getting me out of town! Leave today! Money is no object!"

Japan Street, inside the pachinko shop.

If you just look outside, you won't see anything at all.

There are not a hundred pachinko shops in Japantown, but dozens of them.

There are many stores that are bigger and neater than this one.

But only a few people know that this place is more than just a pachinko shop.

Okada Wakako was holding a mobile phone, and the old god was sitting on the chair.

What was playing on the screen hanging on the wall was the public relations team of biotechnology, shirking the responsibility of the Nightingale Project to the public (clarification).

Moreover, Biotechnology promises to bring the main leader of the research team, Diana Cuno, to justice and bring peace to Night City.

"My answer is 'no'. Your matter has already become a big deal, and I don't want to cause trouble for you."

Okada Wakako could have just hung up.

But then she suddenly remembered that Diana was also her big benefactor.

In the past, she was often given profitable work to do.

Considering the old friendship, Okada Wakako gave a rare piece of advice.

"But I still give you a suggestion. If you still want to live to see the sun the next day, then leave quickly, now, immediately, immediately!"

Diana wanted to say something more, but the communication was once again forcibly cut off unilaterally.

The next words were stuck in my throat, not to mention how frustrating it was.


Diana slapped the steering wheel angrily.

"Fuck the middlemen! Fuck Wakako! You can't rely on anyone at the critical moment, so fuck you!"

In fact, Diana had long known that the middlemen were a group of hyenas that came over only after smelling the smell of meat.

Which guy who can be a middleman is not a human being?

They are all strong in the downwind situation.

I won’t fight against the headwind.

However, Diana would call Okada Wakako, just to try it out of luck.

What if it succeeds?

Unfortunately, in reality, there is no such thing as a contingency.

"Joanne, you bitch, just wait for me! Do you think this is the end? I have a handle on you. Wait until I escape and see how I kill you!"

Diana sneered.

Joanne, Joanne, it is true that she is still a little too young.

Do you think it will be okay if you pour all the dirty water on yourself?

ridiculous! ignorance! Stupid!

I am indeed kicked out by biotechnology now.

But after all, he is also one of the general leaders of the "Nightingale Project".

Moreover, I have been working in biotechnology for so many years, and I don’t have a tiny bit of information.

As long as you leave the City of Night first and find a place to live in the bad land.

Then contact other giant companies.

I believe they will all be very interested in me.

As for why you haven’t contacted me now?

That's of course because we are still on the cusp of the storm.

even if

Giant companies don’t dare to blatantly take over their own hot potato.

When she thought of this, the stagnation in Diana's heart could not help but feel relieved.

He even started to laugh at Joanne's intelligence.

If she were Joanne, she would definitely ambush a security force on the only way to Santo Domingo.

As soon as I pass by...

At this time, an armored SUV suddenly approached from behind.

The pitch-black car body is very conspicuously marked as a biotechnology paint.

Diana suddenly felt like she was dead.

"No, no, no, please wait..."

She watched helplessly as the muzzle of the gun protruded from the open window of the armored SUV.

next moment.

The sharp gunfire rang out, the muzzle spit out dazzling flames, and the bullet casings flew like raindrops, clattering all over the road.

The bullet easily penetrated into the sports car and made countless bullet holes in the sports car.

The out-of-control sports car left the road and galloped across the grass. Finally, it hit a fir tree and came to a stop.

Even so, the armored SUV still had no intention of letting the opponent go.

It follows the out-of-control sports car.

After the sports car stopped, the armored SUV also stopped a short distance away.

Several soldiers of the biotechnology security force with live ammunition got out of the vehicle, formed a fan-shaped tactical formation, and slowly approached.

"Don't...let...let me go...I'll give"

In the main driver's seat, even though Diana had been beaten into a sieve, she was still breathing at this time.

However, these soldiers raised their guns indifferently.

He pulled the trigger without mercy.

Company Square.

People were coming and going at the entrance of the biotechnology building.

They were all company employees queuing up to get ready to go to work.

Everyone wears their employee card, hangs it on their chest, and passes through the inspection gate set at the gate.

When it was Emilia Morton's turn lined up in the crowd.

Like the people in front of her, she took out her employee card and walked through the inspection gate.

But the blue scanning light of the detection door suddenly turned red.

And made a harsh beeping sound.

"Wait a minute, there's a problem."

The guards pulled out Emilia, who was about to go in through the door to go to work.

He pointed at the inspection door with red light.

"You can't go in."


Emilia shook off the guard's hand in anger.

"Employee information not detected, you are not a biotech person."

Emilia's eyes widened as if she heard that Japan would sink tomorrow.

An incredulous expression appeared on his face.

"You see me coming in through this door every day, and I'm not an employee here? Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"That's not what I said. The detection gate cannot detect your employee information."

Emilia kicked the inspection door angrily: "That's because the door is broken."

Neither Joanne nor Diana were easy-to-talk bosses.

What they often say is:

——"I don't care what reasons you have, even if you are going to save people, you can't convince me here. Being late is being late! An explanation is a cover-up!"

Emilia has been working hard this year.

Never arrive late or leave early.

It would be a shame if half a year's bonus was deducted because of a goal.

However, the guards didn't care about that much.

He did see Emilia every day.

But that doesn't mean anything.

If the detection door doesn't let anyone in, even people he knows, they can't enter.

Otherwise, I will not be able to keep my job.

"How could it be that the door is broken? Take a good look at it yourself. No one else has a problem, so why is it just you?"

"Do you know who I am? How dare you block me like this? Be careful, I won't let you go. I'm just a gatekeeper, what's the air?"

Seeing that Emilia seemed to be trying to force her way in, the guard immediately reached for the holster hanging on his waist.

"I am just performing my duties. Please cooperate with me. If you are unwilling to cooperate, then I will have to use force."

"Night City City Hall has given biotechnology the authority to use necessary force when safeguarding the company's property security and interests."

I saw that the guard actually came for real.

He even pulled out his gun.

Emilia, who had been fierce just now, immediately became intimidated.

She raised her hands and backed away slowly.

But the meaning in her eyes was clearly telling the guard:

——This matter is not over yet! Just wait and see!

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