Chapter 111: Extremely High Containment (4K)

"You said I was fired? What does that mean?"

Exit through the door of the Biotechnology Building.

Emilia did not go far.

Instead, he found a place to sit in the square.

Although this is a public place, it is the company's territory.

Hence the greenery.

Clean and tidy.

It's not as dirty or messy as other urban areas.

Emilia first made a call to the team’s general manager, Diana Cuno.

But no one answered.

She was stunned for a moment.

then call

Joanne Couch, Director of Research and Development.

As a result, the other party didn't even answer.

Hang up the phone directly.

I called again and found that I had been blocked by the other party.

This left Emilia, the second monk, confused.

Don't know what happened.

It wasn't until she called her close friend in biotechnology that she had a close relationship with her, and she got the idea from her friend.

Learned that he had been fired.

"Didn't you watch the news this morning?"

"No... I played "Victoria 7" with my friends last night and went to bed very late. I almost overslept this morning."

"The things your team did were all reported by WNS news. Not only you, but the general manager, Dr. Diana Cuno, also committed suicide out of fear of crime. I heard that the old woman shot herself dozens of times. , it’s so miserable.”

"Project Nightingale" was reported by WNS News?

Dr. Diana actually committed suicide?

WTF? ? ?

Emilia's mind was filled with confusion.

The anger caused by the previous argument with the guard suddenly dissipated.

She no longer wanted to continue chatting with her friend.

A few hasty exchanges with friends.

Just end the communication.

Emilia casually went to a store near the company square and borrowed the other party's computer.

First, I checked the WNS news that aired this morning.

Then I logged into the official website of Biotechnology and saw the public relations statement issued by the public relations team.

In this public relations statement, except for the fact that the person in charge, Diana, who was mentioned by friends committed suicide out of fear of crime.

Several other "Nightingale Project" engineers were also suspended or demoted.

The only engineer who was fired was himself.

Emilia was so angry that she almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.

Suspension? Demoted?

That's just a show for outsiders to see.

When the limelight is over, he can still resume his original position.

But I am different.

Because he is the only one in the entire team who dares to confront Joanne.

So even if you think about it with your knees, you will know.

They can be reinstated.

It is absolutely impossible to do it yourself.

Emilia left the company square.

Head to Kabuki District.

I found a random market.

I bought a mobile phone and an eSIM card at the market.

Emilia walked out.

While dialing Joanne Couch's number.

The call was not hung up.

But it wasn't connected either.

After a few dozen seconds, the phone rang with the message "No one answered the number you called, please call again later."

Emilia walked through the low eaves.

Avoid sewage and garbage on the ground.

Called again.

When Emilia called for the third time.

The call was finally answered.

Joanne's cautious voice sounded from across the way.

"Who is it? Identify yourself."

Emilia opened her mouth and cursed: "Joanne, you bitch! I know everything! You planted those documents on my head! You shameless selfish bitch! They fired me all because of you! Why? ? Just because I have the guts to go against you?!"

"You went out of your way to buy a new eSIM card just to do this kind of thing?"

Faced with Emilia's scolding, Joanne's heart remained unmoved.

It's just the barking of a defeated dog.

What's there to care about?

However, Emilia's next words made Joanne's expression suddenly change.

"You took my whole fucking future away! So guess what the fuck? I have nothing to fucking lose. Oh, but you still have."

Joanne frowned.

There was a vague feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"What do you mean?"

"When you kicked me out, did you forget that I was also a member of the team? I know all the information about the "Nightingale Project". "

"So what? All the information is only the originals that Diana and I have. You probably don't have backups."

"Joanne, are you kidding me? If someone else backs up, they need to inform you, right?"

"You...shouldn't you..."

Joanne's expression changed.

Hearing Joanne's shocked tone, Emilia smiled: "Yes, you are right, I have evidence in my hand."

"You must have forgotten, right? You poisoned the camp where the Red Ocher family is, and you even hooked up with a few of our people."

"They dropped biochemical weapons for you, and you accidentally got infected yourself. What did you do next?"

"You asked me to send them the poison and told them it was the antidote. Do you think I left any video or audio evidence at that time?"

"By the way, the video I recorded using the implant at that time was made of 8K material. You can even see the pores on your face clearly."

Joanne stopped talking.

But from her rough tone.

Emilia could hear it.

She panicked.

Emilia smiled.

He said with certainty of victory.

"So, either you find a way to get me back into biotech, or I make this evidence public and I can be on WNS news again tomorrow morning."

"in addition

, I also work in a company, so don’t even think about answering me with those silly excuses. "

"Don't pretend to be dead. I know you haven't disconnected. Get back to me! Otherwise I'll send it!"

After a long while, Joanne spoke hoarsely.

"I need to think about it..."

"I told you, don't try to fool me!"

"This is not a fool's errand, I really want to think about it."

"Okay, then you can think about it, but you must reply to my message before tomorrow, otherwise you won't be able to enjoy the juice."

city ​​center.

Biotech Hotel on Republic Road.

A car, protected by two armored SUVs and an armored truck, arrived at the door of the hotel.

"Hurry up--"

A large number of soldiers from the biotechnology security force got out of the car.

Set up a defensive formation in front of the hotel.

The staff in the hotel were all shocked.

Not sure what happened.

An officer with the rank of major on his shoulder came to the counter.

"Whoever is the manager on duty, ask him to come over."

Soon, a man with a bald head and the general's belly trotted up to the major.

"The top floor of the hotel has been requisitioned by us. Director Joanne will move into the top floor. From now on, the entire hotel will be under martial law."

"During the martial law period, all hotels staying in must undergo strict inspections."

The manager nodded and bowed: "Major, this is a biotechnology company hotel. Outsiders are not allowed to enter or exit."

The major glanced at him: "Even if they are employees within the company, they must be inspected. Do you understand?"

The manager glanced at the soldiers who were armed with live ammunition and did not dare to say more: "I understand... I understand."

"very good."

Seeing that the major has taken control of the situation.

Joanne got out of the car with a stinky face.

When Joanne walked towards the interior of the hotel, several soldiers immediately followed her.

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