"This... doesn't seem to have anything to do with it, right?" V was a little confused after hearing Su Xiao's worries.

It’s not like they haven’t gone against the company before.

Sequoia Mental Hospital…

And in Badlands, the R\u0026D director of Intercept Biotechnology...

It’s not scary to go against the company.

Just do it covertly and don't get caught.

"What I'm worried about is that if Dexter's big deal involves Arasaka..."

Su Xiao did not tell V and Jack everything about Lucy's secret.

But it was also briefly revealed that Lucy and Arasaka have something to do with each other.

V and Jack are both mature-minded adults.

Lidya Su knows a little bit, and they will understand immediately.

"How about Lucy, just wait for us in the car."

"It's safer this way. Just a few of us can go down and meet Dexter. If it's not Arasaka, we'll call you."

Lucy is not willful either.

I know everyone is thinking about her.

He nodded sensibly.

Left in the car.

"Come on, let's go meet Dexter."

The three of them went downstairs and entered the afterlife.

Find the box where Dexter is.

He didn't rent a box in the bar hall outside like Rogge did.

Instead, I rented a very spacious room behind the hall.

Outside the room, Dexter's bodyguard and driver, whom Su Xiao had met before, stood.

Just as Lidya Su still remembers him, he also knows Lidya Su.

Seeing Su Xiao and the others coming, they got out of the way: "He is waiting for you inside."

Dexter's fat body was like a mountain of meat, sitting on the sofa in the box.

Because of his heavy body of more than 300 kilograms, the sofa was deeply dented.

Seeing Su Xiao and the others come in, Dexter's fat face was immediately filled with smiles.

"Mr. Su, Miss V, Brother Jack, welcome."

Dexter was smoking a cigar, but suddenly thought of what Su Xiao had said in the car before, so he put out the cigar and turned on the air purifier in the box to the highest setting.

The smell of cigarette smoke in the box quickly dissipated.

Although I can still smell it faintly, I can make do with it.

"Find a place to sit wherever you like."

Dexter stared at the metal box placed at Jack's feet: "So, is this the 'little crewhead'?" "

Lidya Su made a gesture.

"That's right, Jack, inspect the goods for Dexter."


Jack picked up the metal box, placed it on the table and opened it.

Inside is the robot "Little Flathead" that Dexter wants.

Dexter was elated.

The eyes looking at Su Xiao and the others became more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Is everything going well? Did you encounter any trouble? What is the attitude of military technology?"

Su Xiao said lightly: "Needless to say the trouble, the Whirlpool Gang has changed its leader. You gave the money to the former leader Brick. The new Royce didn't acknowledge the debt at all and wanted us to pay again." Second time money.”

Dexter looked surprised.

Based on the rumors he heard from the road, it was within his expectation that Royce would deny his account.

That's why he sent Su Xiao and the others there.

Treat this mission as a test question.

What surprised him was that Su Xiao and others got what he wanted, and the situation of the three of them seemed to be very good.

It seemed like the skin wasn't even scratched.

"Then how did you do it? Did you take advantage of the woman from the company who called you? Or did you

Did they spend their own money to buy another robot from Royce? "

As soon as Dexter's words came out of his mouth, Jack said with disdain.

"Dexter, who do you think our brothers are? You said you paid once. How could we spend money wrongly?"

Lidya Su smiled and said: "I met Meredith, and she liked me quite a lot."

"Like you?" The expression on Dexter's face at this moment was like a monk who was confused.

"Yeah, look at me, I could have relied on my looks to make a living, but I have to rely on my talent." Su Xiao changed her position on the sofa. "In short, as Jack said just now, Royce wants us to pay The second money, but I don’t like to be blackmailed.”

"So as soon as I called, Meredith and her people came in and wiped out the Uzumaki Gang."

A light flashed from behind Dexter's sunglasses.

Even a fool knows how people can use military technology at will.

But it was a fact that the robot was intact in front of him.

Dexter couldn't figure out the details of Su Xiao and others.

He could only praise with a smile, "Not bad, not bad."

Seeing that Dexter didn't talk about his big deal for a long time, Jack couldn't help but urge: "I say, Dexter, you got the robot, is it time to talk about business?"

Dexter took a deep look at Lidya Su, thought for a while, and then said slowly.

"There is... prototype technology, to be precise, it's a biochip. Get it for me, it's that simple."

Dexter's tone and the content of his words were as calm as possible.

It's like going to a restaurant and not paying the bill.

But his hand holding the cigar trembled slightly.

It revealed that he was not at all calm inside.

Su Xiao held the elbow of her right hand with the palm of her left hand, made a fist with the five fingers of her right hand, and tapped her cheek gently.

"This biochip you are talking about is relic?"

Now it was Dexter's turn to be shocked: "How do you know?"

Chapter 129: Broken Heart (4K)

Lidya Su smiled.

"I saw it from TV. This biochip advertisement has been broadcast many times. It was not only mentioned in "Business Talk", but also in "Tonight's Talk", Chigurh also specially invited two guests. Tit for tat, outputting different viewpoints around relic.”

For several years, experts in the fields of prosthetics, neurology and psychology have been working to place human consciousness on silicon crystals.

So far no success.

Although scientists have successfully created artificial intelligence that can match or even surpass human intelligence, replicating the human "self" is still beyond human capabilities.

In countless attempts, humans have only produced sophisticated chatbots, digital beings that can imitate human language and behavior but have no self-awareness.

However, not long ago, Huangban experts announced a breakthrough.

Their latest flagship experiment, Guard Your Soul, also known as Relic, can copy human thoughts onto separate chips.

To be more specific, it uses the concept of personality transfer to convert the data of the human nervous system into digital imprints, and then stores them as consciousness on the Relic biochip.

This kind of biochip is not as big as a credit chip, but it can be plugged into other people's neural interfaces, allowing users to "hear" and "see" digital personality consciousness.

The goal of Guard Your Soul is to enable you to communicate with your loved ones who have passed away.

Of course currently only the wealthiest clients can do that.

Their personal consciousness is preserved on the Relic biochip, which means that in a practical sense, death is no longer the ultimate obstacle to human beings.

Unfortunately, not everyone is qualified to personally test the actual performance of this extraordinary technology.

Arasaka has strict restrictions on who can use Relic, and only a few selected testers can participate in the project.

Unsurprisingly, they are some of the richest and most influential people in the world, exactly the kind of people Arasaka wants to win over.

As for the vast lower middle class and marginalized classes in Night City, don't expect it. It's better to just go to sleep and have everything in your dreams.

Seeing that Su Xiao knew so clearly, Dexter also nodded.

"Now that you know it, it's easier to handle and save me the time to explain. Yes, it's relic."

Lidya Su frowned: "Are you kidding me, Dexter? You said it yourself, it's Arasaka's thing."

There is more than one giant corporation based in Night City.

Kangtao, Military Technology, Biotechnology, Qilusi Optical, Delamain, Dongyue Electronics, Jianli, Zeta Technology, Pezo Petrochemical, Ke Jing Logistics, Yeshi Company, etc...

But if you want to ask, who has the most power in Night City?

The answer is undoubtedly Arasaka.

Other giant companies only have their own company building in Company Square (of course, second-rate companies like Ke Jing Logistics cannot afford the sky-high rent in Company Square, so they can only "make do" in other locations).

Arasaka, on the other hand, has his own territory in Watson District.

Arasaka Beach is not only Arasaka's private territory, but also the port for Night City's foreign trade.

Not to mention

When Night City was not annexed by New America, it relied on Arasaka's super aircraft carrier parked in the harbor. From this, we can also know the attitude of the city hall towards Arasaka.

It is no exaggeration to say that Night City is Arasaka’s territory!

Who dares to mess around!

Mingbao Zong Yujia personally conquered - are you tired of life?

Dexter didn't pay attention to Su Xiao's doubts, but laughed.

Dexter expected to be shocked when dealing with Arasaka.

Rather, if any mercenary shows confidence, then Dexter should back down and doubt the other person's ability.

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. This is the number one rule in the next life."

"Besides, I'm not stupid. Without that diamond, how dare I take on this porcelain job?"

"If something happens, Arasaka will definitely not let me go. Even if it's for myself, all aspects of this job must be considered to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

"Just put your heart back in your stomach."

However, even Dexter blew it so well.

Su Xiao, V, and Jack still looked at each other.

Neither of them agreed hastily.

"We need to talk it over first."

Dexter nodded slightly.

"I understand. I happen to be a little thirsty too and want to go to the bar outside for a drink." He slowly stood up and walked outside, and his bodyguard also left with him.

"I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer when I come back."

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