After Dexter and his pony leave.

There were only three of them left in the box, no outsiders.

"What do you think?"

Su Xiao did not express her thoughts first, but wanted to hear the opinions of Jack and V first.

"You're right, Dexter really wanted us to mess with Arasaka. Fortunately, Lucy didn't come down."

V's face was solemn.

From beginning to end, Su Xiao and others never mentioned Lucy to Dexter.

Including Jack, who was the first to come into contact with Dexter through T-BUG.

He was also very secrecy-conscious and did not mention how many people were in his team.

Therefore, Dexter and T-BUG also don't know about Lucy's existence.

Although Dexter may not know those things about Lucy, if Dexter is going to deal with Arasaka, it would be best if the two don't meet.

Su Xiao looked at V: "Then what do you think..."

V shook his head: "I can't say. It mainly depends on you whether you can take this job or not. I will do whatever you want."

"Then we will..."

Lidya Su was ready to express her thoughts.

At this time, Jack next to him suddenly interrupted: "Wait!"

He first looked at Lidya Su, then looked at V.

"I said... Su, V, don't you want to miss this great opportunity?"

"Jack, if the money is gone, we can still make more money, but if our life is gone, there is nothing."

Su Xiao knew how serious Jack was about this big deal.

So he comforted her with a gentle tone: "Think about Mrs. Wells and Misty, how sad they would be if something happened to you."

"You are right, Su, but things are not that simple."

V asked strangely: "Why isn't it easy? When Dexter comes back later, tell him that the risk of this job is too high and we can't do it. Let him choose someone wiser."

"What about Dexter? He has told us everything he is going to do. If we don't do it, can he let us go?"

Lidya Su took over the conversation.

"Don't worry, Jack, believe it or not, even if we call Arasaka now to report Dexter, Arasaka won't pay attention at all."

"My downstairs neighbor, the first thing he does when he wakes up every morning, is clamor for the supermarket Hanako Arasaka, and even locks Michiko Arasaka in the basement as a pet for him. There is no NCPD or Arasaka agent to arrest him. .”

Just as big as Arasaka.

I don’t know how many reporting calls or harassing calls I receive every day.

Even if all the employees of the Arasaka Counterintelligence Department, Tenten 007, could not arrest all the people who were talking high.

By the same token, even if they run to report it.

There is no way Arasaka would send agents to kill Dexter.

Moreover, Dexter only said that he planned to steal the relic, but did not tell him the specific plan.

So there is no need to worry about them leaking secrets.

If they really want to give up, they can still withdraw.

Seeing that Su Xiao seemed to have made up her mind to give up, Jack could not persuade Su Xiao. He could only reluctantly turn his eyes for help to V, who was sitting with Su Xiao.

"V, please tell me too."

Seeing Jack's pleading look, V couldn't bear to refuse, so he spoke his mind.

"Jack, what Su said is right. The risks and opportunities of this trip are equally important, but for the high returns that may be obtained, if it were someone else, they wouldn't give up casually."

"Besides, not just anyone can take on the work of a middleman. The fact that we were chosen by Dexter means that we have already made quite a name for ourselves, so that Dexter can take notice of us."

After hearing V's words, Jack's face suddenly became much better.

"As expected of V, I can't say it any better."


However, V's next words made Jack's expression suddenly freeze: "But..."

The first half of what V just said spoke to Jack's heart.

He couldn't agree more.

But as soon as the "but" came out, Jack couldn't hold himself any longer.

He smiled so happily just now, and now his slumped face is so ugly.

"But as I said before, Su and I are together. If Su is not willing, then Su and I will quit together." V thought for a while and finally added, "I think Lucy probably has the same idea as me. "

"Fuck! Stop! You guys, hey..."

Jack sighed heavily.

"Do you know why I'm reluctant to give up this opportunity?"

"After all, I'm not like you. I'm no longer young. Especially during the recent period of working, I can clearly feel that I'm getting older."

Lidya Su asked doubtfully.

"What are you talking about, Jack, aren't you only thirty years old?"

Jack shook his head with a wry smile: "I'm not like you, Su. You are young, get up early and go to bed early, don't smoke or drink, and insist on exercising. Unlike me, I stay up late and drink. Although I also like to play iron, I also It’s a disease.”

"In addition, you have the talent to make firearms. Those materials and parts, with your hands, can make them the same as those coming off the production line."

"When you open your eyes every day, you will earn 350,000 euros. And what about me? If there is no commission that day, then my income for the day is zero."

"I started living on the streets when I was thirteen, and later joined the Valentino Gang. I left the gang when I was eighteen, and I have only been working as a mercenary since then."

"In the past twelve years, I think I have tried my best, but in the City of Night, it is more difficult to get rich than to reach the sky."

"Do you still remember what I said to you not long after you came to Night City -"

"——"The father opened the store, and the son continued to open it when he grew up; the mother ran a small supermarket, and then the daughter took over. At the end of the day, close the door and return to the shabby apartment, or simply sleep in the store . Do you see any of them who can buy a villa in North Oak by doing serious business?"

"My situation is similar to theirs. Although I can take over the Wild Wolf Bar if I don't become a mercenary, the difference between me and them is that they may have accepted their fate, but I am not willing to succumb to it!"

"You said, after Misty and I get married, can I make her worry about the family's livelihood all day long and become haggard? Can I make our children grow up on the streets like us and follow the same old path as us? "

"I spent the first half of my life in a shit basin. I can't let Misty live such a miserable life with me!"

"What's more, even if she wants to, I can't bear it!"

Lidya Su and V were both silent.

Lidya Su sighed.

When people reach middle age, they cannot help themselves.

No matter how cheerful and cheerful a person is, there will always be times when life makes him frown.


All difficult.

It’s difficult for everyone.

The famous French writer Romain Rolland once said - There is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life.

But how many heroes are there like this?

Is there one in ten thousand people?

Most of them are just ordinary people whose spines are bent by the daily necessities of life and reality, who suffer from electronic impotence.

The gap between rich and poor exists in every country and region.

But here in Night City, the gap between the rich and the poor is infinitely magnified.

Night City is the most typical example of the Matthew Effect.

Those who are poor can be so poor that they exceed the lower limit of your imagination.

Breaking through the lower limit here refers not only to the lower limit of wealth, but also to the lower limit of IQ and bottom line.

When people are in this environment, they will do terrible things for a little profit.

And the rich ones can be so rich that you can’t even imagine how rich they are even if you think about it.

These rich people seem to have an inexhaustible cornucopia.

What they worry about every day is not how to make money, but how to spend it.

It seems that if they don't think of a solution quickly, the wealth in their hands will be like a vast ocean, drowning them.

In Night City, can you believe that in 2077, there are still people dying from common pneumonia?

Even with the cheapest trauma team insurance, it only takes an hour to recover.

But just because he couldn't afford the money, a forty-five-year-old life was taken away by common pneumonia.

The rich live into their seventies and eighties, but they look no different from those in their thirties.

Yes, we are talking about Arasaka Yorinobu and Arasaka Hanako.

The rich enjoy the convenience of technology.

But the poor are working ten or a hundred times harder than they were a few decades ago.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a background or background. What you saw as your parents when you were born is how you will be in the future.

Turn over?

Across classes?


In a dream.

Chapter 130: Friends walk together for life (3K)

Jack wanted to get a wife and have children, and wanted to give his children the fatherly love that he had never received.

He wants to live a good life with Misty.

He also wanted to honor his mother.

Mrs. Wells has worked hard for half her life and is still running the Wild Wolf Bar just to give him a chance.

A retreat.

The bar business isn't bad, but it's hard work.

Every day when you open your eyes, you have to get up and work.

Except for a few days in the year, stores need to be open for business the rest of the time.

Jack wanted his mother to not have to work so hard.

I want my mother to still look like she is in her thirties when she is seventy or eighty years old.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

A poor boy born in Heywood needs money if he wants to do this.

And it’s a lot of money.

"Jack, if you need money and want to change your job and don't want to be a mercenary, I can actually help you."

"You know that I have always had business dealings with the priest. You can join in. I don't mind. I believe the priest won't mind either."

Although Jack doesn't know how to make firearms, he doesn't know how to sell them.

But Su Xiao can hire him as a "security consultant" to be responsible for security and other tasks.

Even if I only give him a salary of 10,000 euros a day, he will have 300,000 euros in a month.

No more fighting life and death, but you can still make such a large sum of money.

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