Jack couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"How about it, we are wearing suits too, hehehe, am I handsome?"

Lidya Su glanced at him: "It's not bad, but your hairstyle doesn't match your clothes."

Jack touched his ball head.

"Have you ever considered changing your hairstyle? Like Arthur Morgan or Geralt?"

Jack waved his hand: "Forget it, I think it's fine as it is now. What suits you is the best."

Lazuli Suite on the 42nd floor.

This is the room chosen by T-BUG.

It is still a cool-toned decoration style.

The aquarium built into the wall is high-end and classy.

According to different cultural habits, there are both sofas and cushions in the room.

Even the bathroom is full of style.

The three of them stood in the middle of the room, and Jack whistled.

"It's so fashionable. It's a pity that we can't stay overnight. It's a good idea, BUG."

"I didn't choose it for fashion. This is the fastest place to get to the network administrator (Arasaka hacker) and the control room."

"Sí, sí, me acuerdo (Yes, yes, I remember)."

V glanced around the room with his Qilusi prosthetic eyes: "BUG, you said before that you wanted to let the little guy go through the vent, right? I found the vent."

"Let Xiao Pingtou come here."

V suggested: "How about I come?"

Jack's hacking skills are as good as Su Xiao's.

If hacking is compared to playing football, then Lucy and V can gallop around on the green field, while Jack and Su Xiao can only shout 666 in the audience.

"What a big deal, don't look down on me, V." Jack waved his hand.

Jack opened the box and inserted the operating chip into the neural slot.

His prosthetic eyes lit up blue and began to control.

Photothermal camouflage armor activated.

The little crew cut turned into a ball of transparent air and disappeared from the sight of the three people.

However, if you observe carefully, you will still vaguely find that the air is twisting abnormally where the little flat head is.

Of course, this is under the condition of sufficient light. If the little crew chief hides in the shadow, it really will not be visible at all.

Jack controlled the little crew chief, climbed down from the box, and got into the ventilation duct.

Under T-BUG's instructions, Jack controlled the little crew chief and crawled through rooms one after another along the ventilation ducts.

Finally, we came to the control room where the Arasaka hacker was.

The control room and server room of the Chambi Building are arranged in the same place, so they occupy a very large space.

But in this huge computer room, there is only one hacker.

In fact, if it were an ordinary person, it would be almost impossible to replicate the same operation and sneak into the ventilation duct.

Because there is no way to escape the eyes of this Arasaka hacker who monitors the hotel 24 hours a day.

But the little flat head has light and heat camouflage armor, so it can get close to hackers without knowing it.

And burned Hacker Arasaka to death on the hacker chair.

"Deal with him, this is awesome."

"What should I do with the little flathead? Do I want him to go back the way he came?"

"No, just leave it. It still needs to be connected to the hotel's subnet. Okay, Jack, you can exit now."

Chapter 145: Only magic can defeat magic (3K)

After withdrawing from the control of the little crew chief, Jack's face looked very ugly.

"Jack, how are you, are you okay?"

"Don't...don't talk to me, I want to vomit."

Lidya Su quickly brought him a trash can.

Jack immediately spat it out.

Xiaopingtou is a prototype robot and is still in the experimental stage.

In addition, Jack uses the Whirlpool Gang's homemade operating chip instead of the original one.

The self-made operating chip can bypass the original permissions and drive using a small flat head.

The disadvantage is that it cannot be used for a long time.

Otherwise, you will feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

After a while, Jack finally recovered.

"I'll leave this kind of work to you and Lucy next time."

In the small team of four, Lucy is the one with the best hacking skills.

Next is V.

Because Jack thinks, is it just a matter of controlling the robot to walk all the way? How difficult could it be to not leave it to V to control?

Now that I think about it, Jack regrets it.

V patted his chest: "Okay, leave it to me next time."

Su Xiao took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator in the hotel room.

"Have you finished vomiting? Drink some water after vomiting."

Jack took it, rinsed his mouth, and drank a few more sips.

"BUG, how's it going? When can we go up?"

"Listen, in order to disable the security system in the penthouse suite, you have to go through the ICE in the Chambi Building. The wall is thicker than I thought. It might take a few hours to get through."

"How many hours? So long?"

Lidya Su glanced out the window.

It was already afternoon when Dexter told them to go to the next life.

And now it's dark.

It happened to be the time for Siris's news broadcast.

They had not planned to spend the night here.

The original plan was to leave before the weather forecast ended.

But now T-BUG says that just crossing the ICE will take several hours.

Doesn't it have to be early in the morning to finish work?

If it's night, then Arasaka Yorinobu can't go back to his room to sleep?

How about stealing a shitty relic?

V also felt that this time was too long: "How many hours? Can't it be faster?"

T-BUG retorted: "Are you trying to set my head on fire? Sit down and admire your handsome suits."

"Okay." It seemed that T-BUG couldn't get up soon. Jack looked at Su Xiao and V, "When I just went upstairs, I noticed a bar downstairs..."

Before Su Xiao said anything, V helplessly held his forehead and sighed: "Jack."

Jack jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "What? I didn't say go now! I meant that after you finish this job, you can take Misty here."

Then he walked over to the bed and sat on it. It was softer than any bed he had ever slept on.

This made him couldn't help but lie down on it and close his eyes: "This hotel is really luxurious. I don't know how much it costs to stay there for one night."

Su Xiao said lightly: "Depending on the level of the room, take the one we live in now as an example. More than 10,000 euros a night is definitely indispensable."

Jack was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, it's so expensive? Did the strong wind blow all the money from these rich people? Why are you so willing to give it up?!"

Su Xiao walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling glass and looked at the Arasaka Beach below.

Even though the lights have been turned on, you can still see the workers working hard at the port like ants.

"It's not brought by the strong wind, it's squeezed from ordinary people. Ordinary people create wealth for them. They only take out a very small amount and throw it to ordinary people like feeding dogs. The rest is taken by them. Have it for yourself.”

"That's why they can build such luxurious high-rises, live in villas with beautiful views, drink expensive champagne and eat real food."

Jack looked at Lidya Su's back: "Even if you say so, what can you do? This world is the world of companies, and only companies can defeat companies."

"Not even New America can regain Night City with Arasaka's support, let alone anything else."

Lidya Su calmed down.

"Maybe not now, but in the future... you can't say what will happen in the future."

Su Xiao clapped her hands, as if to dispel the previous heavy atmosphere: "Okay, let's not talk about this, are you hungry? How about I order some food and drink to be brought up, anyway, there are still a few hours before work. .”

"After eating and drinking enough, you can also take a good rest to recharge your batteries and wait for work."

V said with some worry: "Dexter just booked a room for us, and didn't include the food?"

Su Xiao didn't take it seriously: "What does that matter? I'll pay for it in advance. When we finish the work, we'll take care of him when we get back. Do we have to sit like this for a few hours and go to work hungry?" ?”

Seeing that V seemed to be hesitant, Su Xiao directly made the decision for her, calling the front desk to help her order several of her favorite foods.

When Jack saw that Lidya Su was serious, he was not polite.

Anyway, he just asked Su Xiao to advance the money first, and asked Dexter, the black-skinned Jesus, to reimburse him after he returned, so he ordered a lot of delicious-looking things without any hesitation.

at the same time.

In the box of Afterlife Nightclub.

"How many hours will it take to get through ICE? No other way? Okay, I get it."

After ending the communication with T-BUG, Dexter said to Ma Zai, who was standing outside the box and doing his duty faithfully.

"Get the car ready, let's go to the Tightmouth Motel."

Ma Zai was stunned: "Boss, they failed?"

"No, not yet, at least not for the time being, but be careful."

Ma Zai nodded.

Get out of the box.

After Ma Zi left the box, Dexter made another call.

"Are there any seats left on the spaceship tomorrow morning...only one seat left? Okay, that's just one seat."

Company Square.

Arasaka Tower.

A flight formation composed of the Air Self-Defense Force slowly landed at the airport behind Arasaka Tower.

At the airport, there were already company executives and a professional medical team waiting in line.

He looked longingly at Saburo Arasaka who got off one of the passenger planes.

As soon as Saburo Arasaka landed.

The medical team who had been waiting for a long time quickly gathered around.

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