Let Saburo Arasaka sit in the fully automatic wheelchair they had prepared long ago.

The full automation of this wheelchair refers to not only its mobility, but also its life support system.

The senior officials wanted to show their favor to Saburo Arasaka, but what was left to them was Goro Takemura who was as cold and hard as a rock.

"Prepare some aerial vehicles for us. After Master Saburo takes a rest, we will go to Kanbi Building."

The senior officials looked puzzled.

I don’t understand why Saburo Arasaka, who has never left his house, has to go to Kanbi Building immediately after leaving Tokyo after such a long time?

As senior officials, of course they knew about Saburo Arasaka's schedule.

But they only knew that Saburo Arasaka was coming to Night City, so they negotiated with Mayor Lucius Lane and asked the latter to seal off the Watson District.

They thought Saburo Arasaka was here to inspect their work.

I didn’t expect to go to Chambi Building.


Although confused, they quickly arranged it.

After eating and drinking, the three of them lay down to rest.

As men, Su Xiao and Jack gave up the most comfortable big bed to V.

The two of them were lying on the sofa.

Restore your physical strength and nourish your spirit.

Another three and a half hours passed after that.

There was no movement in the communication channel.

If Su Xiao hadn't called T-BUG once on the way.

I almost thought T-BUG was asleep too.

The Lazuli Suite is nice, well decorated, with great views and attentive service.

But after all, they are not really here to enjoy it.

It was okay at first.

As time went by, the patience of the three people was gradually worn away.

If this fails, Kanbi Building will definitely increase its alert level.

Next time they want to use a fake identity and sneak in, it will be basically impossible.

The first person to lose his composure was Jack.

He paced around the room anxiously.

Su Xiao and V were sitting on the sofa, watching TV.

A presenter on television, reporting on the upcoming mayoral election.

Mayor Lane's bid for re-election seems to be in jeopardy;

Jefferson, the rising political star, now maintains his advantage, but no one is sure whether the votes will be reversed at the last minute.

The atmosphere in the room was oppressive and dull.

As if he couldn't bear it anymore, Jack was at a loss for words: "What do you think? Why did he give up?"

V didn't react for a moment: "Who? What did you give up?"

Jack put his hands on his hips.

"Arasaka Yorinobu, give up your glory and wealth. I know this, but I just can't figure it out."

"Just like, if you think about it...you have everything, right? Money, education. If your father snaps his fingers, a nuclear bomb can flatten half of the earth..."

"But you say, 'Fuck, love so-and-so,' and then what do you do?"

"Fuck gangsters! Iron dragons or something!"

"I've stopped contacting my family, put on a few pieces of imitation leather, and been a gangster for several years. What are you trying to do!"

Jack couldn't understand it.

He was born in Heywood.

My family was very poor when I was a child.

It was far more difficult than today.

It all comes down to the fact that his father, Raul, was a violent alcoholic.

Mrs. Wells worked from dawn to dusk, and finally bought a bar of her own.

But Raul not only never cared about the Wild Wolf Bar, but also owed money everywhere.

Let Mrs. Wells wipe his ass.

In the beginning, the business of the Wild Wolf Bar was not as prosperous as it is now.

Throughout the year, I can't make much money.

And even this hard-earned money was basically used to pay off Raul's debt.

This is why, even though his family ran a bar, Jack was still very poor in his childhood. He had no money to go to school, no education, and joined a gang at a young age.

What's more, what's even more outrageous about Raul is that instead of being grateful to Mrs. Wells for her hard work and virtuousness, he beats Mrs. Wells and Jack at every turn.

Raul is lazy and notoriously impatient.

His friends had noticed that he was living in such poverty.

Find him a job as a driver.

As a result, within a few days, he and his car and goods disappeared from the world for you.

As time went by, no one wanted to pay attention to him.

Chapter 146: Burn my broken body, blazing holy fire (3K)

Unable to find a job, I am still living in a state of confusion and poverty for a long time.

It is impossible to blame yourself for your own incompetence, never.

So it all turned into anger and vented on their mother and son.

Whenever Raul came home drunk, Mrs. Wells would send Jack away and let him spend the night in a bar, or let Jack hide in the closet.

The consequence of this is that Mrs. Wells will be beaten more seriously by Raul.

By the time Jack reached his teenage years, he had finally lost his patience.

He hit Raul hard in return.

And told Raul, "If you still dare to hit me and my mother, I will kill you."

Raul stayed in the hospital for a while, then left and never came back.

Probably out of guilt.

But it is more likely that he realized that Jack was no longer the trash can and sandbag he used to be, a trash can and sandbag that he could beat, scold, and vent his emotions to.

If you stay in this house any longer, you won't be able to eat his good juice.

That's why he chose to leave.

Therefore, Jack cannot understand.

Arasaka Yorinobu has a father who is so rich and powerful.

I also received the best education since I was a child and even went to university.

Why do you want to leave Arasaka on your own initiative?

It is a high position that others may not be able to climb even if they long for it all their lives.

Ever since he was born, he has been standing on the top floor of Arasaka, overlooking all living things.

Why did he give up his wonderful life?

To hang out with gangsters?

"To be precise, it's not a gang. The "Steel Dragon" is a family of wanderers in Japan. "

Su Xiao had stayed with the Bucker family before and knew that there was a family of wanderers in Japan called the "Steel Dragon".

It's actually quite famous.

Not just because of what they do, it's a bit like the Japanese version of Robin Hood.

It's even more because their leader's surname is Arasaka.

Japanese wanderers have a harder time than their counterparts on the North American continent.

Because Japan is a small country with extremely limited resources, there is very little space for homeless people to move around.

The Iron Dragon was once very active, but unfortunately, in the end, it was like a pebble falling into the river, only causing a small splash.

"Perhaps, he couldn't stand Arasaka's plundering of the people, so he would rather be a wanderer."

Jack still couldn't understand: "If that's the case, then why did he come back?"

Su Xiao looked through the window at the Arasaka clover signs that could be seen everywhere on the city streets below.

"Maybe he has recognized the truth and realized that Arasaka, the militaristic beast, is too huge. It is so huge that even the Central Provincial Office has nothing to do with Arasaka."

"Since this giant beast cannot be harmed at all from the outside, let it swallow itself into its belly, turn itself into a bomb, and detonate it from the inside. (Monthly fee group 694936135)"

V and Jack looked at each other in confusion.

"Su, I always feel like we are not talking about the same person. Arasaka Yorinobu is a playboy. Is he so great?"

Lidya Su smiled and said nothing more.

At this time, a float vehicle flew over from outside the building.

The port window of the float vehicle is open.

You can see that the people sitting inside are none other than Arasaka Yorinobu and Adam Hammer.

Jack cursed: "Fuck! It's so late, is this guy here to visit the hotel?"

"Whether he's visiting the hotel or not, his aerial vehicle has landed on the apron below Cangbi Building." T-BUG's voice finally sounded again after a few hours.

Su Xiao asked: "He may have come to his penthouse suite, BUG, ​​how are you doing there?"

"The security system on the top floor has been taken care of. If we act faster, we should be able to get it done before Arasaka Yorinobu returns to the room."

After staying for so long, Jack could no longer sit still.

"Perfecto (very good), let's hurry up."

"V, wait a moment."

Su Xiao suddenly grabbed V's palm.

In the palm of her hand, she wrote a line: "Can you turn off the camera in the room?"

V was stunned for a moment.

Looking at Lidya Su in confusion.

She didn’t understand why Lidya Su didn’t say it directly.

But do it anyway.

Two seconds later, the camera in the room was cut off.

Soon, T-BUG's confused voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Have you set off? There may be a malfunction on my side. The surveillance screen in your room suddenly went black."

"We'll leave immediately."

Jack didn't make a sound, just lip-synced.

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