As for the two security turrets at the door, the program had naturally been rewritten long ago to mark them as friendly forces in advance.

ten minutes later


T-BUG also came here in a Delamain taxi.

After everyone arrived, Su Xiao dragged out several boxes from the secret compartment on the wall of the room.

V and Jack came around to watch curiously.

After seeing what was in the box, Jack was stunned.

"So many weapons?"

Each box contains neatly classified kinetic energy weapons, technical weapons and smart weapons.

The other boxes were ammunition boxes, all filled with bullets of different calibers.

This is the safe house prepared by Su Xiao.

Since it is a safe house, how can we not prepare weapons?

This is reality, not a game.

But there is no way to carry dozens of weapons of different types and models anytime and anywhere like in the game.

In addition to the weapons that must be brought when performing tasks, the extra weapons are kept at home.

If you can't go home, you'll be in trouble.

It is precisely with this in mind that Su Xiao prepares a variety of weapons, supplies, and daily necessities in the safe house in case of emergencies.

Seeing so many weapons, V and Jack were not polite.

V picked out a technical pistol "Kenshin", a smart submachine gun "Tianshi", and a technical sniper rifle "Nekomata".

What Jack is interested in is the technical shotgun "Sardara" and the kinetic light machine gun "Defender".

T-BUG only took one smart pistol "Yukimura".

Lidya Su asked her to get a few more, you’re welcome.

She doesn't take much either.

In her own words -

"My marksmanship is terrible. I can't hit a ten-meter target. My physical strength is not very high. I can't bear the recoil of kinetic energy weapons. The only thing suitable for me is a smart pistol."

"If the bullets of these two smart pistols are exhausted and the enemy is still alive, it means that they have been forced into a desperate situation. At that time, what difference does it make if there is one more weapon and one less weapon?"

At this time, V suddenly came closer.

"Should I give Lucy a call to say she's okay so she doesn't worry?"

Lucy was not allowed to participate in this mission.

But she must have seen the news about the incident in Kanbi Building on TV.

Lidya Su thought so too.

It's just that I never had time before, so I didn't get the chance to spare it until now.

The call to Lucy only rang once and was immediately answered.

Lucy's worried face appeared on the pop-up window.

"Su, where are you?"

Lucy's eyes were red, and she had obviously cried more than once.

There are still two clear marks on the face, where the tears stained the makeup on the face.

"Don't worry, Lucy, we escaped and are in a safe place now."

Hearing Lidya Su say this, Lucy obviously relaxed a lot.

"That's good, that's good. When will you come back?"

"We can't go back for the time being, otherwise it will cause trouble for you and Mrs. Wells." Su Xiao didn't want to stay on this topic for too long, so he quickly changed the topic, "Is there nothing going on over there?"

Lucy shook her head: " least for now, there is no problem. Mrs. Wells has asked us to stay in the bar for the time being."

Lidya Su nodded.

She is indeed Jack's mother.

What I am thinking about is Zhou Dao.

"Where are you? I'll go look for you."

"I can't tell you, I don't want you to be in danger too."


"Okay, I'm calling here just to tell you that we are all still alive. Don't worry about it. We will go back when the matter is over. We can't chat for too long. If Arasaka finds out, we will be in trouble."

Lucy obviously also knew Arasaka's methods.

Although she still had a lot to say, the thoughts and worries in her heart finally turned into just one sentence.

"Then be careful."

"Say hello to Mrs. Wells for me and tell her that Jack is with me and that Jack is fine and hasn't lost a hair."

After hanging up the phone, Lidya Su fell into silence.

V noticed that something was wrong with him and asked gently: "Are you okay, Su?"

"I'm fine."

Lidya Su forced out a smile.

They are all fine.

At least for the time being.

However, when he saw the tears on Lucy's face, he still felt like he had been punched hard in the chest, and he couldn't breathe.

He knew that Lucy was actually even more uncomfortable there.

Because she didn't stay with him.

This will make her think wildly.

At this time, Lidya Su suddenly felt that her hand was being held by someone.

He turned his head in surprise and saw V's encouraging eyes.

V said nothing.

But this look seemed to be telling Lidya Su:

——No matter what you encounter next, I will go with you.

After sitting for a while, Jack couldn't help but start shaking his legs.


T-BUG, who was sitting on the hacker chair, looked over and said, "What's going on?"

"If this job goes well and you get paid, how do you plan to spend it?"

T-BUG rolled his eyes at him: "Is it necessary to talk about this now?"

Jack spread his hands: "Yes, it is necessary. Talking about this is at least more boring and embarrassing than the four of us."

The big eyes stared in embarrassment at the small eyes. "

T-BUG looked around.

In this small room, which was only about twenty or thirty square meters, there were four people crowded together.

Well, she admitted that Jack had a point.

"If this goes well, I should be on a plane leaving Night City by now."

Chapter 156 I’ve always wanted to see this expression on your face, this expression of jealousy on me (4K)

"You also want to leave Night City. Why, is this city so bad?"

Jack's eyes widened.

Lucy in their team originally only regarded Night City as a place to stay.

I have no intention of settling here.

Whenever you want to leave, you will leave anytime.

Of course, Lucy changed her mind once she became an official member of their group.

In addition to Lucy, there is also Judy from the Mox Gang, who originally did not plan to participate.

It was Evelyn's condition that "this job can earn enough money to leave Night City" that made Judy make up her mind.

Now, I heard that T-BUG also wants to leave Night City...

Is Night City so bad?

Why do two of them want to leave Night City?

It's like a siege.

People outside the city want to come in, and people in the city want to go out.

"Jack, aren't you also a native of Heywood? Do you think this city is like paradise?"

Jack waved his hand quickly: "No, I'm not saying this city is as beautiful as a utopia. I mean, if you have money, you can definitely move to Civic Center, Charter Hill and North Oak."

Is Night City a paradise?

That's certainly not the case.

Night City has more shootings in a year than the new United States.

These are just eyewitnesses.

Not including those who died in sewers or dark alleys.

But if Night City is a garbage dump, that's not necessarily true.

At least in the urban areas that Jack himself just gave examples of, it is paradise on earth.

It can only be said that if you have money or not, you will feel a completely opposite world in Night City.

T-BUG is noncommittal.

"Maybe you are right, but I still want to leave Night City. I have my eye on the place, Crete in the Mediterranean Sea."

"Crete? Isn't that a Greek island? You like to play philosophy, no wonder you went there," Jack suddenly realized, "Hey, I said, if you have the chance to go there in the future, don't forget to send me Postcard”

T-BUG declined politely: "No offense, but I plan to block everyone and start my life again."

Jack and T-BUG had a great conversation.

On the other side, V connected to the monitor outside the room through the computer in the room and watched the scenery outside.

Lidya Su was sitting on the other side.

Press the bullets into the magazine one after another.

After one hour.

Jack and T-BUG are still chatting.

V also came to Su Xiao's side and took over his work, loading the magazines they were going to use.

Su Xiao sat at the workbench and began to use this free time to make smart weapons.

Two hours later.

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