Jack is tired of talking to T-BUG.

It's Jack's turn to come over and help Lidya Su with some work within his power.

T-BUG was browsing the computer emails of the former owner of this safe house, trying to see what kind of person the former owner was and who he usually contacted.

There was no bed in the room, so V lay on the hacker chair to rest.

Su Xiao continued to make firearms at the workbench.

Three hours later.

Su Xiao and T-BUG sat face to face, playing Seth cards.

V and Jack squatted aside and watched.

Set is a card game popular in Night City.

Players need to build a deck and use cards representing different companies to fight against their opponents on a board representing a battlefield.

Best of three.

Set cards are not complicated. There are only three types of cards: leader cards, unit cards, and event cards.

Every corporate power has several leaders.

Take the Arasaka deck in Su Xiao's hands as an example.

The leader cards include Saburo Arasaka, Saburo Arasaka [Lily] and Saburo Arasaka [Alter].

Each leader has unique skills, and you can only choose one leader per game.

There is not much to introduce about the unit cards.

Just all kinds of arms.

The event cards are equivalent to the magic cards and trap cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

It’s just that every event card has conditions for use.

For example, the "shooting every day" event card that Su Xiao is playing now.

It can only be used on military technology.

The effect is that the security situation in the city under the control of military technology will deteriorate, causing T-BUG to be unable to replenish its hand cards in the next two rounds.

Four hours later.

"Stop playing cards and look at this."

V rotated the computer screen and pointed it at Su Xiao and the others.

On the screen, Yorinobu Arasaka, dressed in a suit and with a serious face, seemed to be at a press conference.

He said to the reporters in the audience and the thousands of Night City residents in front of the screen:

"Good morning, Night City, you sitting in front of the screen may or may not know me."


Let me introduce, I am the CEO of Arasaka Company and the current head of the Arasaka family. My name is Arasaka Yorinobu. "

"You may have heard that my father, Saburo Arasaka, was murdered last night."

"I don't know how many people still remember that Night City's independence was earned by our Arasaka super aircraft carrier."

"But now, he died in this city. It is really a great irony."

"I will not let go of my father's murderer, but there are more important things than revenge."

"That's the happiness of the people around me, for my family, for my employees...I'm making an important decision here."

"Double the number of Arasaka's special assault troops stationed in Night City."

"Perhaps in the eyes of President Miles, what I did violated the Alvin Agreement, was a provocation, and was directed against New America and military technology."

"Then what does murdering my father count? Isn't it a provocation?"

"Don't worry, this is not over yet, there will be more to come."

V jumped a few channels, and another press conference appeared on the screen, but facing the microphone and screen was Miles, the president of New America and the former CEO of Military Technology.

"The new American government is very worried and uneasy about the increasing hostility between Arasaka Corporation and Japan."

"Any accusations against Military Technology or New America, and the death of Saburo Arasaka, the head of Arasaka Corporation, are not only unfounded, but also extremely irresponsible."

"Both military technology and the new American government have always respected and supported the terms of the Alvin Accords."

"But if the other side continues to make malicious provocations, on behalf of the new American government, I guarantee that we are ready to respond comprehensively."

"In the previous unification war, we as a polity, as a country, showed Saburo Arasaka the fact that Arasaka is not invincible."

"I will not hesitate to teach his son another lesson if it is still necessary."

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with Arasaka Yorinobu's statement.

But if you think about it carefully, the problem is huge.

He just wants to strengthen the number of special assault troops stationed there.

However, no arrest warrant was issued for the assassination of Saburo Arasaka.

Not to mention whether Saburo Arasaka was really killed by an assassin sent by military technology.

At least it was true that the three of them forced their way out of the hotel.

More real than real money and silver.

But why didn’t Arasaka Yorinobu even mention a word?

Normally, shouldn't wanted posters be posted all over the streets of Night City?

Or is it that the three brothers are not actually wanted by Five Star?

At this time, Lidya Su suddenly remembered someone.

He made a phone call.

"Hey, Su." Li Nali appeared in the holographic screen.

"Hey, how are you doing, how are you?"

Li Nali tilted her head slightly: "It's okay."

"Didn't you say before that you wanted to find out who's dirty information? How is the collection going?"

Considering that the walls have ears, Su Xiao didn't say it clearly.

But Li Nali knew who Su Xiao was referring to as soon as she heard it.

"We've gotten some, but not enough to convict."

"Then keep working hard. In short, if you need my help, just call me. You're welcome."

Li Nali blinked, with a sly look on her face: "Then I'll thank you in advance, but that's not why you called me, right?"

"I can't hide anything from you. I want to ask, has Arasaka issued a wanted warrant for a reward at the NCPD so far?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just asking."

Seeing that Lidya Su was unwilling to disclose, Li Nali did not ask further questions.

"Then wait, I'll check it for you."

"Thanks a lot."

Two minutes later.


"No? Okay, I understand, thank you."

Just as Su Xiao was about to hang up the call, she heard Li Nali suddenly say again: "Could it be you who did it?"

Su Xiao's face showed no reaction and was very plain: "What did you say?"

"That's what happened to Cang Bi."

"How is that possible?! I didn't, it's not me, don't talk nonsense!" Su Xiao quickly denied it three times, and then asked: "Why do you ask that?"

Li Nali stretched out a finger, put it to her lips, narrowed one eye and smiled: "A woman's intuition."

After ending the communication with Li Nali, Su Xiao called Rogge again.

"Hi, Roger."

"Little guy, there's quite a commotion."

Although no information about Su Xiao and the others was broadcast on TV.

But Rogge's source of information naturally did not come from television.

Not Jim Harker's foreign secretary.

What's more, Rogge has known about the deal between Dexter, Su Xiao and others for a long time.

I just don’t know the specific details.

Rogge was an old acquaintance, and besides, she was very knowledgeable and well-informed, so lying to her would only bring humiliation to oneself.

So Lidya Su did not deny it: "The situation is a bit complicated."

"How complicated would it be to let you kill Saburo Arasaka?"

Lidya Su’s eyelids twitched.

"We didn't kill that."

To Su Xiao's surprise, Rogge replied lightly

: "I think so."

"You believe that?"

Lidya Su was stunned for a moment.

Dexter wouldn't believe it even to death.

Rogge believed his words so easily.

Originally, Su Xiao prepared a basket of words to persuade Rogge.

All of them are useless now.

Seeing the picture of the holographic phone, Su Xiao showed a slightly surprised expression, and Rogge laughed.

This kid is good anywhere.

The person looks good, has a good body shape, and has a good frame.

Able, capable, and beautiful at what he does.

More importantly, he can carry it clearly.

But for such a nearly perfect person who could not find any faults, Rogge always had a selfish desire.

I just wanted to see Lidya Su’s surprised expression.

It feels great now.

Satisfaction arrived.

"My child, I have crossed more bridges than you have walked."

Rogge's eyes seemed to be filled with memories.

When it was still the Fourth Corporate War, the commando team that raided Arasaka Tower was not just one team led by Johnny Silverhand, but three teams.

A commando team led by Johnny Silverhand, codenamed Alpha.

In addition to Johnny Silverhand, a guy who had an undying and bloody feud with Arasaka, there were also the top cyber mercenaries at the time such as Spider Murphy and Shaitano.

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