Of course, Rogue himself is among the Alpha Commandos.

And Alpha Commando also includes a small number of military technology special forces soldiers.

The second team (Beta Commando) is also composed of cyber mercenaries whose skill and reputation are no less than those of Johnny Silverhand.

The last and most elite Omega Commando is led by the famous Morgan Blackhand himself.

Its members are composed of the most elite ACPA troops in military technology.

The operation at Arasaka Tower went smoothly at first.

But the situation took a turn for the worse after Heavy Hammer arrived, and the Alpha Commandos suffered heavy casualties.

Those legendary mercenaries were killed and seriously injured by heavy hammers one after another.

If Morgan Blackhand hadn't arrived in time, there would have been no way Rogge and Spider Murphy could have evacuated.

Back then it was just about blowing up Arasaka Tower, it was so difficult.

It is conceivable that the difficulty of killing Saburo Arasaka will only be higher.

Of course Rogge would not be so stupid as to think that Su Xiao and the others were responsible for Sanlang's death.

End communication.

The other three people in the safe house all looked over with concern.

"People I know in the NCPD said that Arasaka did not issue any wanted warrants in the NCPD."

V couldn't believe it and said: "Could it be that you are playing a long game to catch the big fish?"

Lidya Su shook her head.

He sees things differently.

"Probably not. What is Arasaka Yorino's identity? Now that Saburo has died before he could appoint an heir, Arasaka must be in chaos."

"Don't forget, the emperor who is in charge of an empire usually does not have only one descendant."

"In addition to Yorinobu, Hanako and Michiko are also descendants of Saburo Arasaka, and they also have the right to inherit."

"And within Arasaka Company, there are indeed forces of the Hanako faction and the Michiko faction."

"At this moment, Arasaka Yorinobu is busy fighting for inheritance and it's too late to eliminate the opposition. How can he have time to hang us slowly?"

Jack was in disbelief.

"So, doesn't it mean that this matter has turned over?"

In fact, not only V and Jack, but even Su Xiao herself had an incredible feeling.

Last night, even a veteran middleman like Dexter.

Because of this incident, I was so frightened that I wanted to kill someone and wipe my feet with oil.

Who would have thought that in just one night, the seemingly desperate situation would usher in a huge turn for the better.

But just to be on the safe side.

Su Xiao suggested that everyone should stay in the safe house for two more days to see the situation.

Chapter 157 Cherish Takemura who can still show off now (3K)

"Let's get back to this week's shocking news - the murder of Saburo Arasaka, President and CEO of Arasaka Corporation."

"According to reports, the head of this Japanese business giant was assassinated by unidentified gangsters in the Kanbi Building, a hotel owned by the company, while attending an internal family gathering."

"Arasaka Saburo's son Arasaka Yorinobu believes that his father's line was murdered by the company's competitors. However, Arasaka Yorinobu has not yet produced relevant evidence that is sufficient to confirm this view."

"Market analysts analyze that the assassination of the CEO may be a cover-up to divert conflicts, diverting public attention from the ongoing internal problems."

"Take a short break. Later we will conduct expert interviews on Arasaka Company's strategies to get out of the crisis."


Su Xiao picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

Then, he contacted Li Nali.

It was once again confirmed that Arasaka did not issue any wanted warrants in the NCPD.

Next is Roger.

And from Rogge's mouth, he learned that Arasaka was at the middleman, and no reward was issued either...

Lidya Su finally decided to try to go back and take a look.

You know, three full days have passed since Kanbi played Saburo's execution song.

In the past three days, Su Xiao and others have paid close attention to various news stations in Night City.

But not a word was mentioned about them


If Su Xiao didn't find anyone from Arasaka lurking in their apartment after going back, then it might really be a thing of the past.

Originally, Su Xiao wanted V and Jack to stay.

But they insisted on advancing and retreating together with Lidya Su.

Unable to defeat them, Su Xiao had no choice but to agree to bring V and Jack.

After thinking about it, Su Xiao took the freezer for relic and the silver suitcase containing Falcion.

Seeing him coming out with a freezer box that had no relic inside, V asked strangely: "Why did you bring this?"

Lidya Su couldn’t tell clearly.

"I have a feeling this box might come in handy."

V shrugged and stopped worrying about the box.

"Then take my car?" Jack said.

Lidya Su shook her head: "No, let's call him Lao De."

Driving your own car can easily expose you.

Delamain Taxi is different.

It's everywhere in town.

Moreover, the Drama Taxi is not only heavily armored, it is, after all, a vehicle capable of traveling through war zones.

If there is an accident, the tactical retreat will all depend on it.

Penthouse suite in Champy Building.

Saburo Arasaka's body has been dragged away and disposed of.

The rooms are all cleaned.

All furniture and smart appliances have been replaced with new ones.

Arasaka Yorinobu stood where his father died, unable to tell what he was thinking.

Suddenly, a blue light bloomed in his eyes.

"Lord Yorinobu."

A voice sounded in his head.

He was the confidant he sent to monitor Takemura Goro.


"Zhucun seems to have discovered something. He went to Watson District. Your instructions..."

"If he finds something, you know what to do."


"How did you go about what I told you before?"

"I called up all the surveillance cameras in the Chambi Building, but all I could see was a thick layer of mosaic. The other party should have a built-in anti-detection jammer, and it is also a top-notch model."


"But I have sent people to the streets to inquire and use the stupidest method to find people. Sometimes this may be more effective."


"One more thing, Lord Yorinobu, Adam Hammer's backup consciousness is not in the mikoshi."

"What did you say?"

As Arasaka's top combat power, Heavy Hammer is the only one. Arasaka backed up a copy of his consciousness and stored it in the Kamikyo.

But now, his confidants tell him that Zhonghami's consciousness is not in the gods.

Then there is only one possibility.

It was stolen from the shrine in advance by someone else.

"Lord Yorinobu, do you want to conduct a search?"


The only ones who would do such a thing would be other factions.

The hawks controlled by Yori Xuan are not strong enough to completely suppress other factions.


Even within the hawks, there are still discordant voices opposing Yori Nobu's leadership.

It is suspected that the death of Saburo Arasaka is related to Yorinobu.

Although it is a pity to lose the heavy hammer as a thug, for the sake of the overall situation, it is not convenient for Yori Xuan to act rashly.

"so be it."

The blue light in Arasaka Yorinobu's eyes dimmed.

He took one last look at the spot where his father's body had previously lay.

Finally, I took the elevator and left without any nostalgia.

"Lao De, wait."


The Delamain taxi braked suddenly and stopped.

The car door opens.

Su Xiao threw the freezer she had been holding into the garbage pile on the sidewalk.

It frightened away the flies lying on it.

He closed the car door.

"Okay, let's go now."

Both V and Jack didn't understand what Su Xiao did.

But the two asked nothing and said nothing.

Anyway, Su Xiao must have his own motives for doing this.

"Where to go first?" Jack asked.

"Go to my house first."

The apartment in the valley area where Su Xiao lives is different from other places.

The entire floor is Lidya Su’s home.

If Arasaka's people get their real information, they are prepared to ambush them.

Then the possibility of an ambush in a valley area apartment is greater.

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