After the woman finished speaking, she stood up and left first.

Su Xiao watched her leave. Before she could walk out of the church, the video ended here.

Although the woman talking to Evelin had a thick mosaic from head to toe.

But on the wall of the church where they were, there was a very obvious and huge electronic voodoo symbol.

This kind of symbol is usually used by the Voodoo Gang.

Just like what Lidya Su thought.


The man behind Evelin's actions was the Voodoo Gang.

What Su Xiao didn't expect was that stealing the relic was not at the instigation of the Voodoo Gang.

The Voodoo Gang just let Evelyn go in and record a Mewtwo.

As a result, Evelin was dissatisfied and set her sights on Relic.

It's impossible for Evelin not to know that the Voodoo Gang came to her for the purpose of recording Mewtwo.

I just want the relic of the penthouse suite in Champy Building.

But Evelin still chose to cut off her hair.

This woman doesn't know who got the courage to be so courageous.

No wonder when news of the sensation in the Cyanbi Building spread throughout Night City...

The Voodoo Gang immediately determined that Evelyn had done those things.

That’s why they bypassed Genting’s subnet and burned out Evelin’s brain.

Regarding Evelin's behavior, Lidya Su could only sigh.

Still too greedy.

Voodoo Gang, Arasaka, Dexter...

None of the above three is something that a little sex doll like Evelin can afford to offend.

As a result, Evelin offended all three of them, like an old man who had eaten arsenic and was tired of living.


There is a saying that "wealth can be found in danger".

But no matter how "seeking something in danger", it is not "seeking" like this.

Record a Mewtwo, find a middleman, hire a few mercenaries, and steal the chip...

Evelin thought too simply.

Not to mention that she even wants to kick out the middleman.

Chapter 208 The Famous Su (3K)

Even if they were successful in Su Xiao's trip, it would still be difficult for Evelin to contact the buyer to sell the chip.

The voodoo gang could still come knocking.

It can only be said that Evelin is really courageous and does not have a thorough plan. She relies on taking things one step at a time. It is no wonder that she has ended up like this.

Judy's confused voice sounded around.

"Su? Haven't you finished watching the video?"

"After reading this, I will quit now."

There was also a burst of dazzling light. When Su Xiao opened his eyes again, he found himself back in the dim computer room again.

Su Xiao briefly told others present what she saw in the Chaomeng video.

V thoughtfully said: "In other words, after making such a big noise in the Cangbi Building, Evelin was afraid of being found by the Voodoo Gang, so she hid in Yunding?"

The thumb and index finger of Lucy's right hand made a gesture of the Arabic numeral 7 and were placed on her chin.

"Evelin's idea cannot be said to be wrong. Genting is the top sex club in the city, and it is also the territory of the Tiger Claw Gang. Even though the Voodoo Gang is a famous hacker gang, who would have thought that Genting's network The security measures are so fragile."

V and Lucy were talking to each other, making Judy's face look a little ugly.

She knew they were telling the truth, and they didn't mean to ridicule Evelin.

But she just loves the house and the bird and doesn't want to listen.

However, her attention was soon diverted by Su Xiao: "The woman who hired Evelin, can you think of who is opposite?"

Judy said doubtfully: "Didn't you say it was the Voodoo Gang..."

Lidya Su explained: "No, I am referring to her identity."

"I may not know as much as you do," Judy said at the end, "Sorry, Sue."

"You don't need to apologize to me. It's Evelyn who should be sorry. She only had to record a Mewtwo, but she ended up planning a big robbery that shocked the whole city, and even stole money from under the noses of her guests. chip."

Judy said with a guilty tone: "You showed up at that time. She hired you, caused a lot of trouble for herself, and got you involved."

None of the people in the room spoke.

Lucy continued to fiddle with the hair hanging down next to her face with one finger. V crossed his arms and looked down at the toes of his shoes. Su Xiao also scratched his cheek and pretended to look up at the ceiling.

The atmosphere was a little dull.

After a minute or two, Judy took the initiative to speak and broke the silence again.

"There's another video here, do you want to see it?"

Lidya Su nodded: "Let's see, in fact, no matter what it is now, it won't make me feel..."

Surprised. "

He took off the Mewtwo ring on his head, Judy took it, popped out a chip inside, replaced it with another, and returned it to Su Xiao.

Just like before, after the strong light passed, Su Xiao entered the Chaomeng video again.

After the strong light receded, what appeared in Su Xiao's field of vision was a pair of hands wearing golden finger gloves.

These two hands hold a cigarette between the fingers of one hand and a lighter in the other.

Since Evelin lowered her head at this time, Su Xiao could only see the mottled and faded floor tiles and the bricks placed on the side.

However, he soon realized that this was the continuation of the previous video.

Evelyn came out of the church.

I just wanted to light a cigarette for myself.

But he saw that the woman who wanted to do things by herself before had not gone far.

She immediately hid behind the guardrail of the stairs.

Secretly looking down.

A woman covered in mosaics holds a mobile phone in her hand, and a man's voice comes from the mobile phone.

"Wi li ale. Ou te gen rezon, manzè twò entelijan pou sa pote I byen."

The voice was heard clearly, but it was neither English nor Spanish, nor Chinese nor Japanese.

"What language did she speak?" This sentence was said by Judy. When Su Xiao was watching the Mewtwo video with the Mewtwo headband, Judy was also watching it on the terminal.

Su Xiao shook her head: "I don't know, but since it's a voodoo gang, maybe it's Haitian."

The Voodoo Gang's territory is located in the Creole settlement of Pacific Islands, and they are composed almost entirely of Haitians.

The gang was originally founded by voodoo priests and priestesses, immigrants from the undersea, a high caste in Creole culture.

In 2062, the climate changed drastically and Haiti was submerged, which also opened a new chapter in the history of the Voodoo Gang.

They proclaim themselves the guardians of Haitian refugees and are responsible for the interests and safety of Haitians.

The Voodoo Gang is the only one in Night City, notorious for their devious cyber hacking techniques and mysterious voodoo practices.

Most of its members are cyberwalkers, and cooling suits and neural implants are the equipment they rely on to survive. Their clothing often has a "voodoo" style, such as dreadlocks, tattoos, and Ornaments made from bird and rodent bones.

"Hey, by the way, wait a minute, I'll see if I can install an automatic translator. At this time, you can first tune to the frequency band of the phone and listen to what is said on the other side. Wait, it will be there soon..."

Su Xiao pressed the pause button and waited for Judy to install the automatic translator on herself.

"Okay, I just found an automatic translation package that can be loaded into Mewtwo's headband. By the way, if you want it in the future, I can also send it to your tactical eyepiece later."

"Okay, but first let's listen to what the Haitian woman and her accomplices were secretly talking about."

The installation of the automatic translation package was completed. Su Xiao brought the progress bar of Chaomeng video back to the front and clicked play.

Sure enough, the Haitian was translated into a language he could understand.

Although only the subtitles have been translated, it is enough.

"The sex doll is gone?" said the male voice on the phone.

The Haitian woman who ordered Evelin to do things did not notice Evelin hiding on the stairs above and peeping: "Let's go, you are right, she is too shrewd for her own good."

"Is she going to get us into trouble?"

"She doesn't dare, and she is our best way to get close to Arasaka Yorinobu. We have to take the risk."

"I wish I could be like you and firmly believe that Silver Hand can help us find Ultra."

"Do you have a better way? Very good. If you're done questioning my judgment, go back to work."

The progress of this Mewtwo video is shorter than the previous one, and it ends here.

Su Xiao exited the Mewtwo video, took off the Mewtwo headband, and rubbed his eyes.

Just like sitting in front of the computer and playing too many games, you will feel backache and dizziness, so too, you will feel uncomfortable if you watch too much Mewtwo.

Su Xiao put Mewtwo's headband back on the table and stood up to move her body.

Judy picked up Mewtwo's headband and put it back in place: "I don't understand. What does this have to do with Johnny Silverhand? He's dead... I don't know how long he's been dead."

Su Xiao didn't say anything, just looked at V and Lucy in the room.

The news of Johnny Silverhand's resurrection from the dead, apart from the three of them in this room, only Rogge and her two most loyal men, as well as Jack, T-BUG and Panan know (it seems that those who know also Quite a few).

But after thinking about it, Lidya Su still felt that it was better not to tell Judy.

He stood up and declined the two women who were about to come forward to help him: "Thank you, but no, I'm not that weak yet."

He turned to Judy and said: "Thanks, Judy, this is very helpful to me. If nothing happens, we will leave first."

A voice suddenly came from behind: "No, please wait."

The three of them stopped, and Lidya Su looked at her: "Is there anything else?"

Judy said hesitantly: "No, it's just that you helped me and Xiao Ai a lot... the previous incident of punishing Jotaro, and Xiao Ai's hospitalization expenses... No matter what,

Let's wait until we have eaten before leaving. "

Lidya Su smiled and refused.

"Thanks, I appreciate it, but we've already had breakfast."

"Then stay for lunch."

Seeing Judy's eagerness to repay her kindness, Su Xiao knew that if she didn't do something, she would feel guilty.

There was no rush to find the Voodoo Gang. Thinking of this, Su Xiao felt soft and agreed: "Okay, then let us have a taste of your craftsmanship."

"Great!" Judy almost jumped up. Then she realized her gaffe and her expression was a little unnatural. "Then I'll go out to buy groceries. You guys wait for me at home."

Before Su Xiao could say anything else, Judy hurriedly ran out. A few seconds later, the sound of the door opening and closing came from outside.

"You guys sit down wherever you want, I'll call Johnny." Su Xiao left Judy's house and walked to the corridor outside.

Facing the wind blowing in his face, he dialed Rogge's phone number.

After a few simple greetings with Rogge, Su Xiao asked Rogge to give the phone to Johnny.

Soon, Johnny's unique voice rang on the phone.

"Isn't this the famous Su? Why do you have time to call me, a nobody like me?"

"I have something to ask you, Johnny. Are you familiar with the name Ultra?"

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