Johnny was obviously taken aback: "How do you know this name?"

"Remember our trip to Cyanbi? The reason was that the Voodoo Gang wanted Evelin to go in and record Mewtwo, but it turned out that Evelin planned a big robbery that shocked the whole city."

"Hmm, I know, and then that girl Evelin was burned into a fool by hackers."

"You'd better not let Judy hear what you said, otherwise she won't be able to forgive you... The name Ott was said by the people from the Voodoo Gang. Their purpose in focusing on Relic in the first place seemed to be to use you to Find Ultra.”

"I've been dead for half a century, and I'm sorry, but I can't just snap your fingers and hand over all the answers on a shit plate."

Su Xiao expressed doubts about this: "Do you really not know anything about it?"

Chapter 209 Ott Cunningham may still be alive (3K)

Johnny sounded extremely irritated.

"Hell, Ott Cunningham, she's my girlfriend, okay?"

"I know she is your girlfriend, and half of the reason you deal with Arasaka is for her, but you don't want to say that she is still alive now, right?"

"She is dead and gone. Arasaka took her away."

Johnny's words were consistent with the information Su Xiao heard.

Arasaka killed her with the soul killer developed by Ott Cunningham. This also made Johnny Silverhand, who was already extremely dissatisfied with Arasaka, reach a critical point and join the plan to attack Arasaka Tower with military technology.

This led to the fate of Arasaka Tower being bombed.

But from what the Voodoo Gang said, they not only knew that Johnny Silverhand's consciousness was trapped in the Relic, but they also knew that Ultra was alive in some way.

Only in this way can the sentence "You need to find Ultra through the Silver Hand" can be explained.

While Su Xiao was thinking, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again. It was no longer Johnny's voice, but Rogge's.

"Su, this is Rogge. If you have time, please come to Laisheng here in the next few days. I have something to talk to you about."

"Something to do with Johnny?"

Rogge said calmly: "You are very smart."

"Then I'll go there in the afternoon."

After having lunch at Judy's house and accepting her warm reception, the three of them left Judy's apartment at around one o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Xiao called a Delamain taxi for V and Lucy and took them back.

Originally, V and Lucy wanted to go with Su Xiao, but Su Xiao refused.

I just went to the next life to see Rogge, there was no need to mobilize troops.

Su Xiao did not take another Delama taxi, but called the Fenrir motorcycle that had not been used for a long time.

"Hi, Rogge." In Rogge's exclusive box, he saw Rogge holding a tablet in his hand. A data cable was plugged into the tablet, and the other end was connected to the nerve socket on the back of Rogge's neck.

"Sit down," Rogge took off the data cable and put it on the table together with the tablet. "That little sex doll that almost killed you, I heard she's awake?"

"Yes," Su Xiao didn't hide anything, and simply told the two Super Dream videos he saw in Judy's apartment. Finally, he asked, "Ott Cunningham, what do you think about this?" Do you remember the name?"

"Why don't you have any impression? After Johnny broke up with me, she was the next person he looked for."

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

But as the saying goes, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Su Xiao looked as usual and said: "Do you know anything about her? I need her information, any information will do."

Rogge's Qilu Siyi's eyes seemed to be filled with memories.

"Ot Cunningham, she is the best cyber hacker in the city and the soul killer she helped Arasaka create."

"She was kidnapped by Arasaka, and then Johnny came to "Atlantis" to find me... You may not know "Atlantis", let me just say this, "Atlantis" fifty years ago "This" is equivalent to the current "afterlife". "

Lidya Su nodded: "I understand."

"It's good to understand. Where did I just say it? Yes.

Now, I mentioned that Johnny came to me and needed my help to get his girlfriend back. "

Lidya Su didn't speak, just listened quietly.

"I don't know what I was thinking at the time. No woman in this world would save another woman who is trying to steal a man from her."

Su Xiao put her hands on her knees and looked at Rogge: "But you still went?"

Roger nodded.

"Yes, I owe Johnny a favor, and he agreed to pay me. At that time, I was not the queen of middlemen, and I was just a cyber mercenary. I have to make money, and no one can live with it."

"Also, another reason is that Arasaka's tail followed Johnny, and they provoked me. Maybe it was for these reasons that I agreed to join Johnny's plan."

"But when we arrived at the Arasaka Complex, we were still late. Ultra was dead and no longer around. It was because of the loss of Ultra that Johnny joined the military technology raid team not long after that. Arasaka Tower installed a tactical nuclear bomb and ended up losing his life.”

The atmosphere was silent.

Roger stopped talking.

Lidya Su lowered her head and looked at the transparent glass table in front of her.

His mind was thinking rapidly.

Ott Cunningham, this woman has been developing soul killers for Arasaka.

She was attacked on the way back with Johnny Silverhand and abducted by unknown persons.

But she appeared in the Arasaka complex, which means that the person who abducted her was sent by Arasaka.

But from Rogge's description, it seemed that Arasaka's people abducted Ultra to threaten Johnny, and the Soul Killer had already been completed at that time.

In that case...

Su Xiao said with a serious expression: "Roger, when you broke into the Arasaka Complex and found Ultra, can you describe the situation in detail?"

"What was the situation at that time?" Rogge tried hard to recall. "At that time, Ott was wearing a white cooling suit specially designed for Network Walkers and was lying on the hacker chair. There were many wires plugged into her body and connected to the equipment."

"anything else?"

"There was a dog in a suit in the room at that time, and he said, 'I suggest you not to disturb her now. I gave her a project that will last her a lifetime.'"

"Then what?"

"Then Johnny shot the guy's head off."

Seeing Su Xiao's thinking expression, Rogge asked.

"Su, did you think of something?"

Su Xiao said slowly: "Maybe Ultra was not dead at that time."

Rogge showed a rare expression of surprise: "Not dead? How is this possible? We all checked at the time. Although her body was still warm, she was no longer breathing and had no heartbeat."

"That's because Ultra's consciousness is in the shrine, which is Arasaka's data fortress."

"Are you trying to say that she entered cyberspace? It's not like I've never seen a hacker sneak into cyberspace."

"No, it's not sneaking, it's stripping. Separating one's consciousness from the body, using the soul killer developed by Ultra himself."

A confused look appeared on Roger's face: "You confused me, Sue."

"Let me tell you my judgment, it may not be correct," Su Xiao pointed to a cup on the table, "Has anyone touched this water?"

"No, it's clean."

Su Xiao picked up the cup and took a sip, moistening her throat: "You know that since the collapse of the old network, there are countless treasures buried in the old network. Every company is salivating over the vast amount of knowledge in the old network, and Arasaka also No exception."

"In the past few years, Arasaka has continuously dispatched hackers to the old network, but most of them have died, and the success rate is extremely low. Even the most skilled hackers are struggling in the old network and cannot go very far at all."

"Maybe... I mean maybe, they thought of a way to turn Ott Cunningham into an AI, or something similar to an AI, so that she can explore the old network more deeply."

"The soul killer she created can separate people's consciousness. This is completely different from hackers entering cyberspace. That's why Ultra has no breathing and no heartbeat."

"In other words, Ultra was not dead at that time?" Rogge still said in disbelief, "But these are just your guesses."

"Yes, this is indeed my guess, but I think this guess is still close to ten. She was most likely still alive at that time, but when Johnny pulled out the line inserted in her body and took away her body From now on, she will never be able to come back.”

Rogge pondered for a moment and said.

"Su, don't tell Johnny about this, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it."

Lidya Su nodded, knowing why Rogge said this.

"Don't worry, I still understand this." He looked around, "Where are the others?"

"Not here, he just went out."


"Don't show that expression. I know what you are thinking. Don't worry. I asked Crispin to bring a few people with him to go out with him," Rogge said helplessly, "I can't lock him up all day. ?”

Although in 2077, all kinds of Mewtwo have become very developed, especially in order to corrode the resistance of the lower class, the company and the upper management have given the green light to all kinds of Mewtwo who entertain themselves to death, just for fear that the lower class will not be addicted.

But even so, it is impossible to be there 24 hours a day

If you stay in Mewtwo (that means you are a loser), you have to go out and get some fresh air.

Especially for someone like Johnny Silverhand.

That's all in the past. I stayed in the shrine in a daze, my mind wasn't clear, and time passed quickly.

Now that they have left the gods and returned to the real world, if they still indulge in Mewtwo, Su Xiao estimates that Johnny will not agree.

But since Rogge sent someone, he had nothing to worry about. Rogge definitely didn't want anything to happen to Johnny more than he did.

On the way here, Lidya Su kept thinking.

If Ultra had died a long time ago, how could the Voodoo Gang go to see Ultra through Johnny.

The Voodoo Gang is a hacker gang, not a psychic gang.

Moreover, even if magic is used, necromantic magic in general settings requires bones to summon the soul of the deceased.

Therefore, Su Xiao thought of another possibility.

That is to say, Ultra is very likely not dead, but still alive, just living in cyberspace.

That's why the Voodoo Gang wants to find her.

At this time, Lidya Su suddenly remembered something.

Rogge called him over, but until now, he has not told himself the reason.

"Roger, you asked me to come over. What's the matter?"

"Yes, I have a commission here," Rogge tapped his fingers lightly on the glass table, as if he was thinking about something, "Of course, if you don't want to, I can accept it."

"What commission? Let's talk about it first."

"I want you to figure out what the Voodoo Gang is planning."

Chapter 210 The Death of Lucius Lane (4K)

Lidya Su was stunned for a moment, then thoughtful.

"This commission came to you after I told you that the Voodoo Gang wanted to find Ultra through Silver Hand, right?"

Rogge didn't hide it either: "That's right."

"Okay." Lidya Su didn't even think about it.

Su Xiao has no objection to dealing with the Voodoo Gang.

Not only did this group of scum cause Evelin misery, but it also included Su Xiao's own personal grudges.

When these pigs are not doing anything, they send threatening emails all day long (the kind that will burn out your brain if you don't pay them). Su Xiao, V, Lucy, and Jack have all received several emails.

Before Evelin's accident, Su Xiao only treated such threatening emails as rubbish.

Directly block and delete one-stop services.

But after Evelin's accident, Su Xiao no longer just regarded it as spam.

You must know that Genting is the territory of the Tiger Claw Gang, and the level of network security protection is not ordinary.

The Voodoo Gang can still bypass Genting's ICE and burn out Evelin's chip, but what if it were an ordinary person?

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