Of course, Su Xiao himself is a natural person. Even if 10,000 hackers use "electromagnetic short circuit", "prosthetic overheating", "self-kill" and the like on him at the same time, it will be useless.

As for the anti-hacker prosthetics of V, Lucy and Jack, Su Xiao specially asked Rogge to buy the best fourth-generation prosthetics (legendary), which can guarantee that they will not be like Evelin, and they can be used in one go.

But what about everyone else?

Wei, Misty, Mrs. Wells, Pepi, Kakyoin Chika and her daughter Ryoko...

What if those bastards from the Voodoo Gang also sent them threatening emails, and what if one day the Voodoo Gang didn't just talk about it, but actually wanted to use them to scare the monkeys?

Since Rogge also wanted to get rid of them, he might as well take advantage of this moment and kill them all in one go.

At this moment, Rogge's eyeball implant suddenly glowed with blue light.

It's like communicating remotely with someone.

Lidya Su didn't speak, and waited until she finished talking before speaking.

"Someone looking for you?"

"No, just watch it yourself," Rogge shook his head and said loudly, "Turn on the TV and tune it to WNS."

The smart TV in the private room turned on and automatically tuned to WNS news.

On the TV screen, the host with obvious traces of implants on his face looked serious and sad.

"Hi everyone, this is Arif Iqbal and this is WNS News. Today is the saddest day in the history of our city. Mayor Lucius Lane has left you."

As the host spoke, a photo of Mayor Ryan also appeared on the background wall behind him.

Of course, the photo is in black and white.

"We learned of Mayor Lane's death from his family. He passed away peacefully in his sleep. The specific cause of his death has not yet been announced, but preliminary reports indicate that it may have been a malfunction of the cardiovascular implant."

"After his tragic passing, the remainder of Mayor Lane's term will be served by his closest aide, Deputy Mayor Wilton Holt, who has also announced plans to run for mayor in the upcoming election."

The scene changed and turned into a press conference at the city hall.

Wilton Holt, wearing sunglasses, was talking in front of the flashing camera lights.

"Today we are here to mourn the loss of our great mayor and dear friend Lucius Lane."

Rogge picked up the tequila on the table and took a big sip: "In mourning? I'm afraid you're too happy, right?"

Su Xiao deeply agreed: "No one wants to be a deputy for a lifetime, just like there is no prince in the world who has been there for sixty years."

Of course, it was impossible for Holt to hear the two voices at the press conference, and

This is a recording, not a live broadcast.

Just listen to him continue: "But after wiping away the tears, we must look to the future, which is the future planned by Lucius for our beautiful city. I promise that I will make every effort to ensure that the work he has presided over, Able to carry on. Rest in peace, my friend."

The scene returned to WNS News from the press conference, and the host said: "Lyan's political opponent, former District Attorney Jefferson Peralez, also expressed his deep condolences for Ryan's death."

The scene turned again, and the camera showed Jefferson's public relations team. After learning that Mayor Lane had passed away, they immediately asked Jefferson to record a short video.

"You see, Mayor Ryan and I often disagree on political issues, and sometimes the words on both sides are harsh, but no matter how heated the debate, we shake hands and salute each other afterwards."

"Today I say goodbye to him for the last time, thank you Lucius, thank you for everything you have done for our city."

The screen finally returned to the host of WNS, "Who will take over Ryan's mayoral throne? I believe it will be announced soon. According to the first poll results after Ryan's death, Holt and Peralez are currently evenly matched. .”

"That guy Ryan is actually dead?"

Su Xiao still remembered that when he came to Night City more than half a year ago, he knew that Ryan was already canvassing for the mayoral election.

Who could have imagined that he would pass away before the end of his term.

This was too sudden.

Roger turned off the smart TV: "Did he die at home? It seems that he was lucky, at least much better than Richard Knight."

The Richard Knight that Rogge was talking about was the founder of Night City and the first mayor of Night City.

He was born in the early twentieth century and witnessed World War I and World War II.

and the Cold War between the two poles of a world rife with nuclear threats.

and the end of the Cold War with the collapse of the United States at the end of the twentieth century.

It was because he had witnessed so many wars that Richard Knight was determined to build an ideal city.

He first opened a construction company with two other partners, and then established his own company "Knight International".

After that, he finally began to build the utopian city in his mind.

He bought the entire town of Morro Bay, a neglected town in southern California near the border with northern Baja California.

Two years ago, it was nearly razed to the ground by a gang of gangsters.

Fortunately, timely intervention by the military saved the town from complete destruction.

As a result, this ravaged and sparsely populated land became the perfect place to develop and build: safe, clean, free from crime, poverty and chaos - the city of Coronado.

Richard attracted investment from many large businesses through generous tax incentives, thereby boosting economic development and laying a solid foundation for future citizens (company employees).

The project was a resounding success, and the nascent city of Coronado was truly a spectacle.

Thanks to careful planning, the city is wonderfully built, loving, and safe (compared to other cities in post-collapse America).

But just four years after the city's initial construction was completed, tragedy struck: Richard Knight was murdered by unknown assailants.

In honor of this builder, the city was renamed Night City.

After chatting with Rogge for a while, Su Xiao came out of the next life.

Although he has decided to deal with the Voodoo Gang, because the Voodoo Gang is different from other gangs, even Rogge needs to make some preparations.

She asked Lidya Su to go back first, and she could do anything during this period.

When there is news from her side, she will notify Lidya Su.

After coming out of the afterlife, Su Xiao just wanted to ride on Fenrir when a call came in.

"Hello Sue, I'm Elizabeth Peralez."


Lidya Su felt confused in her heart.

Elizabeth, isn't that Jefferson's wife?

Mayor Lane has just died, and the next mayoral election is just around the corner. Shouldn't she be busy organizing for her husband's election?

How come you have time to call yourself?

Did something happen?

"My husband and I have encountered a difficult problem and want to ask someone to solve it. We think you can help."

Sure enough, something happened.

"what is the problem?"

Elizabeth paused.

"It's best not to talk about this on the phone. Please come over here. We will meet offline and we will explain it clearly. Like I said, this matter is very difficult."

Lidya Su frowned.

The mayoral candidate's wife came to see him, but he couldn't talk on the phone yet.

This gave him a vague feeling that this matter was probably unusual.

But considering that the two had cooperated happily before, if they refused, they might lose such an important collaborator in the future.

"Okay, tell me the time and place, and I'll come over."

In an unnoticed dark alley in the valley area, a luxury car was parked.

The bodyguard and driver looked politely but at the same time warily looking at the people riding a motorcycle outside.

Su Xiao drove in.

"Are you Su? Please get in the car."

After confirming his identity, he opened the car door for Su Xiao. As soon as Su Xiao sat in, Jefferson on the side extended his hand enthusiastically.

The real people you meet offline look similar to the ones you see on TV.

His wife, Elizabeth, who was sitting in the passenger seat, also cast her gaze at this moment.

"Hello Sue, thanks for coming."

"You are too polite, Mr. Jefferson." Su Xiao shook hands with Jefferson, and nodded slightly to Elizabeth, "Please forgive me for being frank, what kind of commission is it?"

Jefferson and his wife exchanged glances.

Elizabeth urged the bodyguard and chauffeur to drive.

After the limousine started and drove into the streets of Heywood outside, Elizabeth said slowly.

"That's right, you may also know that Mayor Lucius Lane passed away recently."

"I just saw the news. It said that he died at home. He died of natural causes. It was caused by a malfunction of the cardiovascular implant."

Elizabeth and Jefferson looked at each other, and then Elizabeth spoke.

"Well, this is indeed the version that the public should hear."

"Public version?" Su Xiao discerned the hidden meaning from Elizabeth's tone, "Is there a huge conspiracy hidden in it?"

Elizabeth nodded and said: "We are not sure, that's why we asked you to come over. Su, you are the most trustworthy and most capable cyber mercenary among the people we know."

Jefferson took over and continued: "So we want to know how Ryan died, and why, and all the relevant details."

Su Xiao knew that when Elizabeth called him, it would definitely not be an ordinary commission.

But he never imagined that not only was it not an ordinary commission, it was actually related to Ryan's death.

Ironically, when he just saw the news of Lane's death, Rogge also commented that Lane had better luck than Richard Knight and could at least have a good death.

As a result, Elizabeth and her husband came to the door, indicating that Lane's death was not that simple.

Lidya Su did not agree immediately.

On the one hand, it is for convenience to raise the price, indicating that this commission is not that easy;

On the other hand, he was also curious as to why he was looking for him instead of looking for someone more professional, such as a private detective.

"I'm just a mercenary, not a private detective. I'm not professional."

Elizabeth gave an explanation: "We can't trust the private detectives in the city. Those who are famous private detectives have corporate backgrounds, and those who are not related to the company are not relevant. The only one we can count on is you."

Jefferson seemed to sense Su Xiao's concerns and struck a chord while the iron was hot.

"We know that this matter is unusual, so you can rest assured that the reward will definitely satisfy you."

Facing the eager eyes of the two people, Su Xiao finally agreed.

"Okay, do you have any clues here? It's impossible for me to help you investigate without knowing anything."

"Yes, a few days before Ryan's death, a cybermaniac attacked the city hall. In order to avoid the spread of negative influence, Ryan blocked the news and did not let the news report. But we speculate that Ryan's death may be related to this Something related."

Elizabeth added with a slightly sarcastic tone: "Of course, NCPD said these two things are completely unrelated."

Elizabeth's sarcasm was not without reason.

In fact, no one in the upper class can look down upon the NCPD's slow work efficiency and low execution ability.

This is why the upper class prefers private security provided by companies.

"Wait a minute, let me find out. Are your suspicions related to the upcoming election?"

"Of course it has something to do with it," Jefferson didn't hide it or ignore him, but admitted it openly. "If Lucius Lane was murdered, we want to know what happened, and we must Know."

Lidya Su can understand.

If Lane was indeed murdered, the person behind it might also target Jefferson.

In European and American countries, it is a common practice to make political donations and transfer other benefits if you want some members of Congress to favor you.

It is also considered by these upper-class people as the way of civilized people.

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