"It's all my fault. The influence of the Mexican group is very huge. I should have thought that they can even corrupt the army."

Lidya Su comforted.

"This is not your responsibility, you don't have to feel guilty. In this way, we can find a place to meet first and then discuss the subsequent plans."

Su Xiao drove away from the Salamanca Group's estate.

Twenty minutes later, he drove to the agreed place, honked the horn, and Lucy ran over from the side of the road and got into the car.

"How is the situation in the manor?"

she asked after sitting in the back seat.

V replied: "As you said, the Salamanca Group has already mobilized the army, so the defense force in the manor has not weakened at all."

Lucy was a little discouraged.

"Then what do we do now?"

V stopped talking.

Even if the combat effectiveness of the Mexican army is not as good as the security forces of New America and Super Corporation, it is still an army after all, and it is not on the same level as ordinary gangsters.

And, more importantly, there was no need for them to fight the Mexican army at all.

At this moment, a communication request came in.

Su Xiao glanced at the name, it was Jack calling.

"Su, I have taken Jose back to the hotel in the town outside Night City. After the priest heard about our situation, he sent ten people over to protect our safety, so you don't have to worry. "

"I didn't expect that this matter would bother the priest. Say thank you to the priest for me, and give him a share of the money when we get back."

"That's fine." Jack didn't refuse.

Even if the priest doesn't want it, he can still give it to the ten brothers who come to help.

After all, if you do something good for you, the other person will help you again next time.

The safety on his side was guaranteed, which made Jack feel a lot less stressed. He was in a good mood and said at the same time: "So how are you doing over there? Have you arrived in Tijuana?"

"We have arrived, but the situation is not very good now. Hector is hiding in a manor on the outskirts of the city and has found three hundred gunmen to protect him. He doesn't know what method he used to get the Mexican army to enter Tijuana to protect him. industry.”

"Even the army was dispatched?"

Jack was dumbfounded.

When he heard Su Xiao say that he wanted to solve the problem of the Salamanca Group, he vaguely guessed that Su Xiao might be preparing to replicate the same tactics as he used to deal with the Zhengfa Group before.

But the Zhengfa Group is not the Salamanca Group, and they cannot afford to let Arasaka's special assault force support them.

Therefore, this also resulted in the same tactics being ineffective.

Jack thought for a moment, and then he came up with a solution.

"How about I tell the priest and ask him to send someone to help you?"

The priest had one or two hundred people, and although it was impossible to pull everyone there, he would send dozens of people to Tijuana. Jack felt that based on his understanding of the priest, the priest would not refuse.

On the one hand, Su Xiao could not afford the expenses and employment fees of these dozens of people. On the other hand, Su Xiao had been kind to the priest.

Not only did he step forward and help stabilize his men when he was assassinated by the Clementi family of the Sixth Street Gang, but he also eliminated the Clementi family and avenged the priest.

If it were Su Xiao's matter, Jack believed that the priest would not stand idly by.

But to Jack's surprise, Su Xiao opposed him.

"No, don't do that."

Chapter 252: Let’s put an electronic wooden fish here first (4K)

Lidya Su refused.

the reason is simple.

Although under his control, the priest's power had occupied the Juan family's territory and its strength had greatly increased, it was still not on the same level as the Salamanca Group.

Not to mention anything else, all the priest's men combined are not as many gunmen as they are to protect the manor, not to mention that this is the territory of the Salamanca Group and they can still get support from the army.

Moreover, the three of them had small goals and were very easy to move no matter what they did. But if the priest's men came over, dozens of them would still be very conspicuous.

If someone from the Salamanca Group targets them...

If the dozens of people sent by the priest to help her end up in Tijuana, Su Xiao will feel bad.

Therefore, it is better not to come at all, just the three of them.

"Su, I can probably guess your concerns, but you don't have to use the priest for this. If that doesn't work, we can also recruit mercenaries. Don't forget, after all, the priest is Heywood's middleman."

Looking for mercenaries?

Lidya Su thought for a while.

I feel like this plan still doesn’t work.

The reason was the same as the previous plan. Dozens of people came to Tijuana. The target was too big. The city was full of informants of the Salamanca Group. They would be targeted as soon as they entered the city. It was impossible to work.

Another point is that even if dozens or hundreds of mercenaries can be hired to come over and confront the Mexican army head-on...

But the Mexican army is just corrupt, not a scum without fighting ability. No matter how bad it is, it is still an army.

On the contrary, the mercenaries, because they are paid to do things, are more likely to collapse at the first touch.

This is why, during previous corporate wars, the main force that determined the outcome of the war was the company's security forces.

Mercenaries can only fight on less important local battlefields. On important front lines, each company sends its own security forces.

Su Xiao knew that Jack was doing it for his own good. Although the two plans proposed by Jack were not very feasible, it was enough for him to have this heart.

"Jack, you don't have to worry about my situation here. Just protect Jose. In fact, I have already thought of a way to lure Hector out."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come over at the hotel."

After hanging up the phone, V and Lucy both looked over.

"Su, do you really have an idea?"

Lidya Su nodded.

"I just thought of it. Just use this method to lure Hector out."

The two women looked at each other with a hint of worry on their faces.

"Is it really that easy? I don't think Hector would leave his manor easily."

It's not that they don't believe Su Xiao, but the Salamanca Group's various means, measures, and signs indicate that Hector is already aware of their arrival and knows their purpose.

Staying in the impregnable manor, there are gunmen with live ammunition everywhere.

There was no way he would give up the advantageous terrain of the estate and leave, no matter what the reason.

Lidya Su smiled, but did not explain more.

He opened the car door and got out of the car: "You guys wait here for me to come back."

"Can't you even tell us what you're going to do?"

"You will know soon. I will be back soon."

V and Lucy, who stayed in the car, watched helplessly as Su Xiao left.

"V, what do you think Su will do?"

V shook his head.

She really couldn't think of any other way to force Hector out of the manor that was as heavily guarded as a tortoise shell.

After that, the two women were not in the mood to chat, but waited for Lidya Su in the car as if they were suffering.

After waiting for almost three hours, Su Xiao's flying figure appeared in the field of vision.

Moreover, he was holding something wrapped in cloth in his arms.

Seeing Su Xiao running towards him, V hurriedly sat in the driver's seat, while Lucy opened the door for Su Xiao in advance.

Su Xiao threw the things in her arms onto the back seat, and then got into the car. She didn't even have time to close the door, so she said urgently.

"Go, go quickly, get out of here first."

V immediately started the car and drove towards the distance.

"What's this?"

"Ashes, Hector

Son’s ashes. "

Lucy was startled.

"Then you just were..."

Lidya Su smiled.

"The Salamanca Group's cemetery is sparsely sparse. Hector has deployed manpower in his own manor and in the Salamanca Group's industrial territory, but there are only a few people in the cemetery. guard."

"Maybe he didn't expect that his son could become his weakness after he died."

Hector really couldn't think of it.

First of all, the Salamanca Group’s cemetery is in an inaccessible suburb of the city, where few people would go.

Secondly, the locals in Tijuana are all aware of the cruelty of the Salamanca Group. Unless they are brave enough, even if they know where the cemetery is, they will definitely avoid it.

It was impossible for anyone to take the initiative to enter the cemetery, let alone dig up the ashes of Hector's relatives.

Because, if he really does that, his whole family will suffer crazy revenge from the Salamanca Group.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Hector was so careless.

Of course, another reason is, even if you can get the ashes, what's the use? This is not the Ring of Elden, which can summon the souls of assembled ashes to fight for itself.

"Of course this thing cannot contain any soul, but with this, you can seduce Hector."

Lucy instantly understood what Lidya Su meant, and when she looked at Lidya Su, she immediately became frightened.

But V, who was sitting in front and concentrating on driving, didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two and didn't understand it yet.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"If I understand Sue correctly, she plans to use the ashes of Hector's son to lure Hector out of the manor."

Hector loved his son so much that he did not hesitate to offend the western states in order to avenge his son.

If he were to know that his son's ashes fell into the hands of others...

Even if he knew it was a trap, there was absolutely no way he could still sit still.

Lidya Su also knows this.

Not only did he know this, but he also knew that disturbing the purity of the deceased was a very unethical act.

Therefore, Su Xiao decided to wait until the commission was over and after returning to Night City, download an electronic wooden fish and tap it a few more times to make up for the lost merit.

"Who are you?"

In the Salamanca Group's manor, Hector frowned and looked at the pop-up window of the video call, a young man with his hands crossed and placed under his nostrils, and his glasses glowed.

"Mr. Hector should be able to guess my identity, so why ask knowingly?"

Hector raised his eyebrows: "Are you the ones who protected my son's murderer from escaping from Tijuana?"

"Smart, worthy of being the boss of the Salamanca Group."

Hector snorted.

"It's useless to compliment me. What's the point of calling me at this time?" Hector's eyes flashed coldly, "Could he be calling me specifically to beg for mercy?"

He continued without waiting for Su Xiao to speak: "I didn't want to ask for mercy until now. Don't you think it's too late? Or are you sure that you will be able to get my forgiveness?"

Although these words were very tough, Hector's heart was not as tough as he appeared on the surface.

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