Through a series of previous events, Hector had long seen that Su Xiao and others who were against him were definitely not ordinary people.

If we push them to the point of death, there's no telling what will happen.

But even so, Hector, as the patriarch of the Salamanca Group, would never show any weakness.

"Begging for mercy? Of course not. One of the reasons is to confirm your appearance first. Although Mr. Gonzales has given you a photo, if it is wrong, it will be troublesome."

Hector snorted: "It's already this time, do you still think you can kill me?"


Hector sneered.

"What a joke. However, even though you are ignorant, you can still be considered brave. I know there are many rumors about me from the outside world, but in fact they are all false rumors."

"I am actually a very reasonable person. There is no enmity between us, but we have different positions. You took Gonzalez's money and wanted to save his son, so you became hostile to me. Rather than having irreconcilable contradictions in itself.”

After Hector finished speaking, Lidya Su said lightly.

"There are rumors that Mr. Hector is a cruel man who will feed people to lions at every turn, but you can talk to me so much. It seems that the rumors are not credible. It's just that I heard Mr. Hector say this. You mean, do you think we still have room for reconciliation?"

"Why not? As I just said, we just have different positions. As long as you do one thing for me, then I will not only let you leave Tijuana alive, but also give you money. Gonzalez gave Whatever your reward is, I will pay you double.”

"Sounds great, but at what cost?"

Hector said with a smile.

"It's very simple. Bring Gonzalez and his son to me, preferably alive. Of course, if there is no other way, corpses will do."

Although the words are nice, if Su Xiao and others really bring Gonzalez and his son here, Hector will really

Will it fulfill its promise?

The answer is naturally no.

Hector even killed his own people, how could he let go of the guy who repeatedly blocked his revenge?

Hector didn't know if Lidya Su would believe what he said, but to put it bluntly, it was just a sentence. Even if he didn't believe it, he would have nothing to lose, but if he believed it, wouldn't he make a lot of money?

"Mr. Hector, you don't look very good, but you think you are quite beautiful."

"Do you mean to refuse when you say this? It's such a pity. It seems that I have no choice but to kill you first and then deal with Gonzalez and his son with my own hands. No one can return the favor after offending the Salamanca Group. You are not the first, and you will not be the last, to continue to live with impunity in this world.”

After saying the cruel words, Hector was about to hang up the phone.

He had nothing more to say to the other party.

"Don't hang up the phone in a hurry, Mr. Hector, you might as well take a look at what this is."

Hector paused for a moment, and then saw Lidya Su in the screen, taking something from the side and placing it on the table.

And when Hector saw that thing, his expression changed instantly.

He couldn't fail to recognize that thing, because it contained his son's ashes.

"You bunch of abominable monsters! Despicable! Shameless! Insidious and cunning devils!"

Su Xiao spread her hands and looked helpless.

"Don't put it so harshly, Mr. Hector, I admit that this approach is indeed immoral, but no matter how you say it, it is still cleaner than your Salamanca Group."

"After all, no matter how hard I try, it won't affect your son who is already in heaven, but your Salamanca Group is driving one family after another into despair."

Why was the Salamanca Group able to find so many dead men?

It's because those people are burdened with huge debts.

Then who lent them usury?

If you have a skilled hacker friend, after she has cracked numerous network firewalls, she will tell you the truth:

It's the Salamanca Group.

In fact, even if you don’t have hacker friends, you can still guess some.

The Salamanca Group controls the city of Tijuana. From birth to death, it is not easy to play with people's fate.

The Salamanca Group is like a blood-sucking maggot lying on the backs of countless people. As people endure more and more suffering, the maggot becomes more and more swollen.

Hector was a boss after all. He knew that just swearing could not solve any problem. He took a deep breath.

"What do you want to do? What do you want? If you just want you to leave Tijuana alive and blackmail me for some money? I can agree, but that must be after you hand over my son's ashes to me. after."

"After? I'm afraid that when I really do that, what I get is not your money, but the killers you sent, right? Mr. Hector, you said you are not as cruel as the outside world, I believe this. "

Su Xiao stretched out a finger and shook it twice: "But you are definitely not a kind gentleman."

Hector's face turned red and he said emotionally.

"I can't transfer the money to you first. I can't trust a guy who disturbs the purity of the deceased."

Lidya Su sighed, with an expression of deep regret.

"That's it. It seems we've reached a deadlock. It's really a pity."

Hector's veins bulged.

In my heart, I have cursed Lidya Su a thousand times, ten thousand times.

But he just couldn't do anything with Lidya Su.

Maybe Liu Bang could say something like "We are brothers. My father is your father. Don't forget to share my share of the pie when my father cooks."

But it is absolutely impossible for Hector to say such a thing.

Chapter 253 Justice falls from the sky (3K)

Because Liu Bang knew that Xiang Yu valued love and righteousness, he really couldn't do that kind of thing. He was just trying to scare Liu Bang.

But Hector didn't understand Lidya Su, and he didn't dare to bet on whether Su Xiao would really use his son's ashes for something.

"That's it, okay, that's it! We'll hand over the money with one hand and the ashes with the other. You can choose the place and time!"

What Hector never expected was that the method he thought of was exactly what Su Xiao deliberately led him to think like this.

If Su Xiao takes the initiative to propose this method, it will make Hector suspicious. After all, Su Xiao is an enemy, and any plan proposed by the enemy, whether good or bad, will be refuted.

But if you “think of it” yourself, then it’s no problem.

After all, it is impossible for people to doubt themselves.

"We will meet at the Salamanca Group Cemetery at two o'clock tomorrow morning."

Hector almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

If we meet at a place where dead people are buried in the middle of the night, we really aren't afraid of being haunted, right?

I bet you can figure it out.

However, although Hector does all kinds of evil, he is an atheist. He firmly believes that there are no ghosts in this world.

Even if there is a ghost, it is just an out-of-control AI or something.

He had no problem with time or place.

But then, the next request made by Su Xiao made Hector unable to calm down.

"You come alone."

Hector flatly refused without thinking.


Although he is right

His body has also been modified to a certain extent by prosthetics, he knows a little about fighting, he can shoot a gun, and he has killed many people himself.

But it was absolutely impossible for him to go alone.

He is not the protagonist of a Hollywood popcorn movie. What if the other party shoots him without saying a word when he shows up?

If he brought a bodyguard, at least there would still be bodyguards who could take bullets for him.

"If it were you, would you go alone?"

"Okay, you can bring people here, but you can only bring three subordinates at most. If more than three people come then, then you can go to the septic tank to find your son's ashes."

After saying this, the phone call was hung up unilaterally.


Hector's eyes were red, and he could no longer suppress his inner anger, and overturned the table in one fell swoop.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to tear you into pieces!"

When Su Xiao's call ended, V, who had listened from beginning to end, asked: "Will he really bring only three people?"

To V's expectation, Lidya Su shook her head firmly: "Believe me, absolutely not."

"No?" V suddenly widened his beautiful eyes, "Then what he looked like on the video call just now was all disguised?"

Lidya Su shook her head again.

"That's not true. It's true that he loves his son. It's just that his hatred for us exceeds his love for his son."

"What's more, he will definitely take this opportunity to try to catch us. Even if he catches just one of us, he will be qualified to negotiate with us."

V grinned, feeling that this person was really a collection of contradictions.

"It turns out that this was his plan... Then should we ambush him a few hundred meters away, and then when he appears, I will shoot him to reunite with his son?"

She said, making a sniper gesture.

"I believe you have such excellent sniping ability, but the cemetery is on a bare hill. Not to mention high-rise buildings nearby, there are only a few trees. There is no place to hide people."

"Moreover, it is impossible for a group as big as the Salamanca Group to not even have a reconnaissance drone. Before they arrive, they will definitely send a drone to search from high altitude."

"As I said just now, the ground is bare and there is no shelter at all. If there are three living people lying on the ground preparing to snipe, they will be discovered by drones in the sky immediately."

After listening, Lucy on the side looked thoughtful.

"In this case, it seems that the only option is to lay laser trip mines in the cemetery."

But before Su Xiao could refute, V raised an objection first.

"That won't work either. Laser trip mines are triggering landmines. Even if there is no ambush, Hector will not be the first to walk into the cemetery. Instead, he will definitely let his men go in first to explore the way."

"Moreover, the laser rays of laser trip mines are very conspicuous, and it is impossible to hide them whether it is a human prosthetic eye or a drone in the sky."

"And even if we use old-fashioned landmines or booby traps made with grenades, because they are trigger-type, it is impossible to really hurt Hector. Even time bombs will not work. If we are not at the scene, there is no way to accurately Control your timing.”

Lucy was not angry at V's objection, but she suddenly stared at Lidya Su and said.

"Since he proposed to meet in the cemetery and you have no objection, it means you have a solution, right? Stop being so pretentious and tell me your solution."

"Actually, it's not such a clever method. Do you remember when we were in Night City, I asked you to leave first, and I went to the afterlife to buy a weapon from Rogge?"

Su Xiao smiled, brought the box that she had brought along but never opened, pulled it over and placed it in front of the two women, and then opened it in front of them.

The eyes of the two women suddenly widened.

Immediately I understood the reason why Su Xiao agreed to trade in the cemetery.

Late at night, over the cemetery.

There was a vague transparent outline in the dark night sky.

It was a reconnaissance drone with optical camouflage turned on.

As the electronic eye of the drone rotated, Hector, who was personally controlling the drone thousands of meters away, gradually showed a solemn expression.

"No one? How is this possible?"

Hector doesn't trust others, so he operates the drone himself.

But no matter how many times he scanned, there were only three hundred humans near the cemetery.


In order to catch Xiao Xiao who dared to touch his son's ashes, Hector pulled out all the elite gunmen who were protecting him.

They have already set up an ambush all around, completely surrounding this area.

As long as the other party is already inside, the other party can't even think about leaving.

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