However, when Hector used a drone to look down from high altitude, he was surprised not to find a suspicious figure.

This made him feel incredible, and at the same time, he felt a surge of humiliation and anger in his heart.

The humiliation was naturally because he was actually fooled!

And the anger was also because he was actually fooled!

But anger solves nothing.

So Hector gradually calmed down.

Do you think it’s just a single

Simply late?

So Hector decided to be patient and wait a little longer.

Then, Hector waited in the cold and darkness for two full hours.

Seeing that more than an hour had passed since the appointed time, no matter how late I was, I couldn't be late for this long. And there was neither a typhoon nor a heavy rain tonight, so there was no reason to be late.

Hector finally couldn't bear it and called Lidya Su.

He originally thought that the liar would be too guilty to answer his call, but the call was quickly answered.

"I'm already here, you liar! When are you coming here? Or are you afraid to face me face to face?"

"No, Mr. Hector, I'm already here."

Hector's first reaction was to break out in a cold sweat.

Then came disbelief.

We have just used a reconnaissance drone to scan the inside and outside, and there is no hiding person at all.

Unless Su Xiao and the others dug a hole in the cemetery and hid in it like the Japanese army did on the Pacific battlefield.

But if that's the case, it would be easier to handle. They have already surrounded the cemetery, which is tantamount to catching a turtle in a jar, and the outcome will not change.

"If you are not a liar, then prove yourself. I have brought the money. We will hand over the money in one hand and the ashes in the other."

"I think this is unnecessary."

"You are indeed a liar, you are not here at all!"

"No, Mr. Hector, you misunderstood me. What I meant is that I will send you to meet your son in heaven."

When Su Xiao's words fell, somewhere in the empty night sky above, an armed drone that was far larger than an ordinary reconnaissance drone suddenly appeared.

The pitch-black fuselage was covered with rockets and aircraft cannons. The first round of rockets fired was for the elite gunners who were armed with technical weapons that might threaten their own existence.

In the absence of anti-aircraft missiles, technical weapons with strong penetrating power are the only things that can threaten drones at high altitudes.

But now, before the gunmen with technical weapons could realize what was happening, they were blown to pieces in the explosion of rockets, along with the firearms in their hands.

The firelight of the explosion reflected Hector's stunned face. He never expected that this would be the result.

On the contrary, the gunman who was protecting him personally, because he was always fighting on the front line, reacted quickly and threw him to the ground. The other gunmen also began to raise their weapons to fight back.

There was constant gunfire and bullets.

But it didn't work.

Using ordinary kinetic energy weapons to attack armed drones is like using ordinary firearms to attack main battle tanks. It cannot even break through the defense.

However, drones can fight infantry more easily and efficiently than harvesting leeks.

Even if it is dark, it has no effect on the drone.

The armed drones that had been marked on the people Hector had brought earlier were not aimless, but accurately covered the heads of the crowd with firepower.

Gunners who are hit by large-caliber aviation cannons often cannot even scream.

Because the moment they were hit by machine gun bullets, their bodies had been torn into pieces.

He died before he could feel the pain.

If the two aircraft cannons sweep across the ground, there will basically be no casualties, only twenty or thirty more dead people.

Then the rockets exploded on the ground with a bang bang bang, and after several rounds of firepower, three hundred people died neatly.

Even if someone realizes something is wrong and wants to escape in a car, Su Xiao will find him and hit him with a barrage of machine gun bullets, destroying both the person and the car. (Monthly fee group 694936135)

The time of the firefight was much shorter than Su Xiao expected. Even before the ammunition carried on the drone was finished, the people underneath were already dead.

Chapter 254: Leader, the car is ready (3K)

A few days later, in a restaurant in a small town outside Night City.

After killing Hector, Su Xiao and others immediately drove away from Tijuana.

It took a few days to successfully meet up with Jack who was staying in this small town outside Night City.

After the meeting, the few people were not in a hurry to drive back to the city, but planned to have a good meal and drink at a restaurant in the town first.

"Tell me, how did you kill that old guy Hector?"

Although Jack could understand and had no complaints about not being able to follow Su Xiao and the others back to Tijuana, it still made Jack feel very regretful.

"Jack, you must not have imagined what happened. Even hell is not an exaggeration to describe it."

Then V told everything about how they found out where Hector lived after they returned to Tijuana, how they lured Hector out, and finally how they killed Hector and his group.

And Jack's eyes widened.

"Armed drone, Su, it turns out that you went to Rogge to buy this?"

After accepting Dante Gonzalez's commission at the Cambi Building, Su Xiao asked others to go to the airport first, while she parted ways with them, only to rejoin them a few hours later.

At that time, Su Xiao came over with a box, but Jack, V, and Lucy didn't know what was inside.

What is it.

This made Jack curiously ask: "How did you know that we need to use armed drones for this mission?"

"I don't know, but I think we should prepare a back-up, a big killer, so we went to Rogge to rent such a big guy."

Jack clicked his tongue and said in wonder: "No wonder armed drones are contraband. This firepower is too strong. It can't kill many people."

Lidya Su waved her hand modestly.

"It can only be said that they were calculated mentally and unprepared. If some of the three hundred people had brought anti-aircraft missiles, the result would have been different."

This is why, when Hector was hiding in the manor, Su Xiao did not directly send armed drones to attack the manor.

Because there are anti-aircraft missiles and detectors in the manor, even if the optical camouflage is turned on, it is only invisible to the naked eye and will still be scanned by the detectors.

And if the opponent possesses anti-aircraft missiles, it will no longer be a unilateral massacre, but an evenly matched confrontation.

Although there are jamming bombs on the armed drones, there must be more than one anti-aircraft missile in the manor. In this case, the success rate of assassinating Hector is not high, so Su Xiao will try his best to kill Hector. Entrusted to be lured out.

Jack thought for a moment and said, "Since this thing is so easy to use, by the way, brother, what was the price when you rented it with Rogge? Can you discuss with her and sell it to me cheaper?"

The priest has no way to get armed drones. Ordinary reconnaissance drones are okay, but even the priest can't do anything about armed drones.

This thing is not on the same level as the walking mechas sold to the NCPD by military technology. The walking mechas are big, have conspicuous targets, and most importantly, they can't fly, so they have more countermeasures.

The armed drone has a small target (compared to a walking mecha), can fly, is not slow in flying, and has optical camouflage. In addition to anti-aircraft missiles, only another armed drone can counterattack it. system.

This is the "unreasonable" part of modern warfare. When one side has an overwhelming technological advantage, if the other side does not have an equivalent technological advantage, it will only be defeated, without exception.

Su Xiao spread her hands and said.

"Don't you know Rogge's phone number? Just ask her directly later. The priest is so rich, he can't afford even this little money."

"However, there is one thing you may not know. I have to remind you that this thing cannot be used indiscriminately, especially in the city. It can only be used as a last resort at most. Night City is not Tijuana."

The use of armed drones in the city is too conspicuous. Once used, they will definitely be traced to the end. It is only a matter of time before the carrots are pulled out.

However, if you need to use it outside the city, that's no problem.

While everyone was talking, the door of the restaurant was suddenly pushed open, and a man wearing a cowboy hat, a gun on his waist, and sunglasses walked in from outside.

The man's nose was a little crooked, as if he had been hit by something.

He first glanced at Su Xiao and others sitting around a table with vigilant eyes. After seeing clearly how Su Xiao and others were dressed, the vigilance in his eyes dissipated a lot.

The man walked to the counter and ordered a glass of wine, then sat on the chair in front of the counter and drank by himself.

This man is the sheriff of this town. Others don't know him, but Su Xiao and Jack know him.

After all, when they first met, the agreed meeting place should be in this town.

But in just over half a year, the Sheriff could no longer recognize them.

After all, Su Xiao and Jack have changed so much. They are completely different from the former wanderers and smugglers. It is normal for the Sheriff not to recognize them.

"Would you like to go over and say hello?" Jack joked.

"forget it."

Although she knew that Jack was probably joking, Lidya Su still shook her head.

It's all in the past, why bring it up?

It's not necessary, you know.

At this time, Jose, who had been silent all this time, suddenly rubbed his hands and said, "Um...President Su, regarding what we agreed before, let me come to your company for training..."

Of course Lidya Su has not forgotten this matter.

However, his company only started construction before he left Night City, and he doesn't know how it is doing now.

In addition, there are no training facilities, so you have to find a middleman to see if the middleman has channels to help get it.

Of course, these are not problems.

Su Xiao smiled and said to Jose: "I remember, but you suffered so much in Tijuana. After you see Mr. Gonzalez, you should have a good rest for a few days to recover physically and mentally." After reaching the best condition, it won’t be too late for us to talk about training.”

Jose nodded and said nothing more.

"You guys sit here while I go out and make a phone call."

Putting down these words, Su Xiao walked out of the restaurant, went outside, and called Dante.

Dante's voice came from the other end of the phone: "President Su, if you called me, does it mean that the problem has been solved?"

"You are right, Mr. Gonzalez. From now on, you and Jose will no longer have to worry about the Salamanca Group."

Su Xiao did not

Once the Salamanca Group was uprooted, he knew that there would definitely be remaining middle- and high-level people alive.

The Salamanca Cartel is not the Clementi family, and with any luck, they can continue to exist as the kings of Tijuana.


Even if the Salamanca group continues to exist and a new group boss is elected, there will be no revenge against them.

The brutal battlefield near the cemetery was enough to dispel any thoughts of revenge.

If Hector was killed by a cold shot, that would be fine.

But this is an armed drone, and not even a single one of the three hundred elite gunners is left alive. Who would fight against such an opponent?

The newly-taken group boss cannot be a fool, and there is no need to give a dead man to provoke a powerful enemy that they cannot afford to offend at all.

"Thank you so much, I don't know what to say."

"It goes without saying, just take money to express your gratitude. Are you still living in Cambi Building now? We are eating at a restaurant in a town outside the city. We will send Jose to you later. .”

"No, no, no, why bother you anymore? Let's do this. I'll pick you up and treat you to a good meal at the Chambi Building. In the words of the Seris people, I'll help you clean up your dust."

Dante hung up the phone, and the worries and fatigue of the past few days were gone. Now he seemed to be twenty years younger all of a sudden.


A young man walked in from outside immediately: "Boss, did you call me?"

"Go and get the car ready. Let's go outside the city."

"Yes." Cicero bowed.

A few minutes later, Dante was protected by two bodyguards and bowed by the guard at the entrance of the Cambi Building, and walked out of the door.

A black business bulletproof car was parked outside the door.

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