A bodyguard quickly stepped forward, trotted to the front of the business bulletproof sedan, and opened the door for Dante.

After Dante got into the car, the two bodyguards followed him.

Cicero started the car and drove away from the Cambi Tower.

Outside Arasaka Beach, there was a pink van parked. On the door behind the van, there was a clear and conspicuous logo of the Animal Gang - a ferocious beast with an open mouth and a roar.

There were two tall and thick men sitting in the car.

"I asked, will the target really come out from here? After so many days, will it be possible that he has already left on the float vehicle?"

"The boss told us to wait here, so just wait here honestly. Where did all the nonsense come from."

"Don't get angry, aren't I bored?"

"Are you bored? I think it's just right."


"You have nothing to do and you still have money to take. What's wrong with that?"

"But if nothing happens, doesn't it mean that we don't have a chance to perform? If we can't show off our skills, how will the boss see our abilities? How can we win the favor of the boss?"

"Young people are so naive."


"Forget it, I don't want to make a fuss. Anyway, whether you like it or not, you can only sit here with me now. It's a pity that I don't have a chance to show off your ambitions."

The atmosphere in the car fell silent.

At this time, a business car suddenly drove past.

One of the animal gang just glanced at it casually and didn't pay attention, but then he seemed to have thought of something, rubbed his eyes, and said in a daze.

"Hey, is that car that just drove by the target that the boss asked us to keep an eye on?"

Chapter 255: Come when you want, leave when you want, public restroom? (4K)

More than an hour later, Dante finally met the son he had longed for in a small town outside Night City.

Dante hugged his son tightly, and Su Xiao looked at the reunion of father and son with a smile.

"Dad, there is actually something I want to ask your permission for."

"Don't say just one, dad will promise you ten."

Apart from the incident of killing the only son of the boss of the Mexican Group, his son has never caused any other trouble.

Moreover, as the son of a nouveau riche, he was able to get into New York University, which made Dante very proud.

Therefore, when his son asked, Dante agreed with almost no hesitation.

"Dad, I want to go to President Su's company for training for a while."

"What? You want to be a mercenary? No! It's impossible!"

Although it was a mercenary who took his son home, Dante absolutely could not agree to his son becoming a mercenary.

This is too dangerous.

Mercenaries are a profession that licks blood on the edge of a knife. Others go to work in wind and rain, but mercenaries walk through battlefields filled with bullets.

Dante himself is not a mercenary, but don't forget, he was born in Heywood.

Most of the kids who grew up in Heywood joined the Valentino gang, like him and Jack.

Life in a gang is no better than that of a mercenary, and bloody conflicts are commonplace.

Dante couldn't stand this kind of life, and what made him even more unbearable was that he would live like this from now on, with no tomorrow or hope.

But fortunately, he was given an opportunity that other Haywood sons had not had, and he seized it, allowing him to struggle out of this quagmire.

But now

, but his son wants to plunge into this quagmire? How does he accept this?

Seeing the disappointed expression on his father's face, Jose was a smart young man after all, and he quickly understood that his father had misunderstood him.

So he hurriedly explained.

"You misunderstood, Dad. I don't want to be a mercenary. I just want to learn some skills in President Su's company so that I won't be able to protect myself in the future."

Su Xiao also stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Gonzalez, Jose is not going to be a mercenary when his brain gets hot. In fact, this young man is very smart and calm. You have trained him very well." , he is a very good successor, so you don’t have to worry that I will steal your son from you.”

Dante froze in place for several seconds before his brain finally accepted the fact that his ears heard.

After realizing that it was indeed his problem, Dante breathed a sigh of relief and said with guilt: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

"Dad, then..."

"Well, young man, it's good to learn some skills. Besides..."

Besides, after experiencing this kidnapping incident, some of Dante's thoughts were slowly changing.

His previous thought was that it didn't matter even if he didn't receive any combat training, and there was no need to implant any combat prosthetics.

Anyway, as long as you have money, you can hire bodyguards and let them protect you.

Since you have paid for bodyguards, there is no need to touch the gun yourself.

But now that his son has experienced this kind of thing, it makes him feel that even if he has money to hire bodyguards, he can't be completely ignorant.

The two are not in conflict.

So of course Dante was fine with it.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and there was nothing left to say.

Dante invited Su Xiao and others to get in the high-end business bulletproof car that Dante brought. As for the SUV that Su Xiao, V and Lucy drove, they rented it from a car rental company, so don't worry about it.

As long as you click on return on the car rental company's website and pay the fee, the car rental company will naturally send someone to pick it up.

Of course, for someone like Su Xiao, who drives the car far away before returning it, the fees charged will be much higher than normal behavior.

But even if it is much more expensive, in Lidya Su's eyes, these fees are still just a small amount of money.

As for the car Jack drove when he brought Jose to this town, let alone the car.

That was the ordinary pickup truck driven by the Salamanca Group who were chasing them. It was dumped directly in the town and anyone who wanted to pick it up could just let them pick it up.

On the streets of Santo Domingo, a van with a pink exterior was parked.

The car was filled with big men from the Animal Gang.

"Damn, I completely lost track of him."

"It's over. It's over now. If the boss finds out, he will definitely skin us."

Their boss attached great importance to this commission, so the famous Hector Salamanca personally called for this commission.

The Salamanca Group is one of the many groups in Mexico. If you can establish a relationship with the Salamanca Group, it is equivalent to having a thick leg.

A lot of cooperation will be possible in the future.

Therefore, the boss was very concerned and asked them to squat outside Arasaka Beach, wondering when the target would come out of Arasaka Beach to complete the commission.

It's not that they don't want to squat outside the Kanbi Building, but guys like them with obvious gang branding are not allowed to enter Arasaka Beach.

Anyone who dares to enter will be discovered and warned. If they dare to ignore the warning, they will be beaten into a sieve.

So I can only stay outside the Kanbi Building.

"What happened to you two? You even lost track of your target?"

The new muscular men complained to the two animal gangs who were in the car before.

One of the animal gang who had been in the car before was not convinced.

"It's not all your fault. The boss wanted us to stay in the car while we ate, drank, and had sex. If you hadn't gotten off the car to have fun, we could have caught up right then. Why would we waste time waiting for you?"

"What did you say? Why are you so arrogant as a newcomer? Do you dare to say another word? Do you believe I will tear your stinking mouth apart?"

Another member of the Animal Gang, who was also in the car before, pulled his companion and signaled him to stop talking.

Neither of them were members of this organization before. No matter where they are, it is an unwritten rule for old people to bully newcomers.

There is nothing you can do about it if you feel it is unfair. The only thing you can do at this time is to shut up and stop talking. Others will stop talking when they get tired of it.


He suddenly let out a scream.

"Aren't you still convinced? I'm going to fucking..."

"No, look, isn't that the target that the boss wants us to kill?"

The other people in the car were stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction he pointed, and saw the familiar high-end business bulletproof car driving past.

Everyone in the car was immediately overjoyed.

"Quick, quick, catch up!"

The viaduct in Santo Domingo was unusually deserted today. Apart from the business bulletproof car that Su Xiao and his party were riding in, and the pink van from the Animal Gang, there was only one yellow Tingwei Galina G240 (2031 ).

In the past, people only wanted to have enough food and have some fun.

But in the 21st century, people still want cars.

Without a car, you can't go to work, take your kids to kindergarten, or escape when gangs are fighting over territory.

The Tingwei Galena first hit the road in 2031. At that time, in order to stimulate consumption, the government launched reasonably priced cars and wanted to boost the declining economy.

Since Tingwei did not have much experience in producing small cars at the time, the company equipped the Galena with engines purchased from Maher Automobiles in India.

However, this cooperation was not successful. The Galena's performance was not outstanding and its sales were not good.

Still, it's running on the road, and that's all that matters.

The small car produced in 2031 has been discontinued long ago, but there are still people using it in 2077, not because the owners hate the new, but because Gloria really has no money.

"Didn't I ask you to upgrade?"

David was not going to argue with his mother. He had indeed done something wrong.

Regardless of the starting point, it is an indisputable fact that it almost caused him to be expelled from school, and also caused them to pay a large amount of compensation to Arasaka Academy.

Therefore, he did not dare to look at Gloria, but looked out the window with a guilty conscience.

"It's my fault I went to the prosthetist."

"You made your own decision, and now we have to pay ten times the amount."


"If you're going to apologize, you might as well not do it in the first place."

Facing his mother's reluctance, David couldn't help but talk back.

"When I asked for the first time, you said you had no money..."

"That's because it's not the day to pay wages yet! Of course we don't have a lot of cash lying around at home." Gloria glanced downward, "Also, stop shaking your legs!"

David sighed.

Although his grades in Arasaka Academy have always been very good, except for him, the leader of Guizhou, everyone in Arasaka Academy is a powerful person.

Because of this, he and those guys couldn't pee in the same pot.

But he couldn't be like a dog, wagging his tail at them and begging for mercy, so David's days at Arasaka Academy were not to say that he had both sides, but at least he was alone.

When David thinks about the fact that this kind of life will not only end at Arasaka Academy, but will extend to Arasaka Company (if he can really enter Arasaka Company in the future), David will feel that the future is extremely gloomy.

Therefore, during this period, whenever he was free, he was thinking about another thing.

He knew that his mother might not agree, so he never mentioned it before.

And he believes that now is a more appropriate time.

"Actually, I've been thinking about it recently..."


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