A mere 30,000 euros, this amount of money is just drizzle to him.

But for the now down-and-out Zhucun, this is a timely help.

Takemura Goro's expression became a little more relaxed and moved: "Thank you, Su-san."

Su Xiao did not say "you're welcome", but nodded slightly as a response.

Suddenly, he pulled over and stopped.

Before Zhucun, who was full of questions, could ask, Su Xiao got out of the car first.

"Wait for me in the car, I'll be right back."

Zhucun watched Lidya Su walk into a supermarket on the roadside.

Ten minutes later, Su Xiao came out again, holding several plastic bags in each hand.

Zhucun hurriedly got out of the car and helped Lidya Su open the trunk.

Watching Lidya Su put large and small bags into the trunk.

"These things are..."

"Toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, bath towels, sheets and other daily necessities. Although you are poor now, you should still take care of yourself. As a man, you should be kind to yourself."

These little things are not worth much at all. But the effect of buying people's hearts is more effective than giving money of the same value.

Chapter 266 I have no dreams, but I can protect other people’s dreams (3K)

"Here we are, right here."

Su Xiao parked the car in front of a row of two-story houses.

This is the industrial area in the north of the city and close to the Kabuki District in the south. It is relatively less desolate than the north.

But the rows of low, faded buildings still have deep traces left by time. The life and prosperity of the past have disappeared without a trace in this dilapidated city.

It is in sharp contrast to the feasting and entertainment of the adjacent Little Chinatown and Kabuki District.

However, although it is now in great decline, there is at least one benefit.

Those guys in suits would not come to a place like this in person to look for traces of Takemura.

At least Takemura had one less thing to worry about.

Su Xiao and Zhucun got out of the car, took out the things they bought in the supermarket from the trunk, and searched for them one by one.

The two of them didn't spend too much time to find the apartment that Su Xiao rented for Zhucun on "Simple Real Estate".

After the identity information was confirmed, the automatic door slid open and retracted into the wall.

For a house in the city that only costs 2,000 euros to rent, you can imagine how dirty and messy the environment inside is.

Just taking a quick glance, all I saw was the floor covered with thick dust, the walls covered with dirt, the faded and worn furniture, and the garbage thrown casually on the ground.

Many of them stink and attract flies.

So the two of them had to do some simple cleaning before checking in.

The dirt on the walls can be cleaned tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but the garbage on the floor needs to be dealt with first.

Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable to sleep at night.

It took a lot of effort, but at least the floor was cleaned.

Goro Takemura said with embarrassment and guilt.

"Sorry, Su Sang, I have to trouble you again."

"It's not too troublesome anyway, it's okay, but you can handle the rest of the cleaning work yourself."

After saying goodbye to Zhucun, Su Xiao drove away in the armored SUV.

From the dilapidated industrial area in the northern part of the city, through the Kabuki District, to the Company Square, it feels like you are in a different city.

In fact, it was not that Su Xiao was reluctant to give up money and rent a better apartment to Zhucun.

But doing so is his purpose.

For example, let’s compare raising a cat.

If Panan and Adecado are like kittens, we can treat them better from the beginning and offer better conditions and higher treatment than other bosses can offer.

In this way they not only

You won't be poached easily, and you can make them think about your good qualities.

But Zhucun is equivalent to an adult cat, and has become wary of other humans. If Zhucun is treated too well, not only will Zhucun not be grateful, but it will be counterproductive, and he will wonder if Su Xiao has another purpose.

So, the way it is now is the best.

It will not arouse Zhucun's vigilance, but it can also help Zhucun appropriately and let him remember his good deeds.

Su Xiao doesn't expect to get any return from Zhucun. If anything, it can be regarded as an investment.

It’s not a lot of money anyway, so if there’s no return, I won’t feel bad if it’s down the drain.

But if it pays off, it would be an unexpected surprise.

David Martinez is really not having a good life these days.

Before he passed out, he remembered that he and his mother were involved in a shootout and a car accident on a viaduct, and then he passed out.

When he woke up, he found himself lying in a private room at the trauma team's hospital headquarters.

His injuries were not serious, and with careful treatment, he was able to get out of bed and move around freely the same day he woke up.

But although his mother is out of danger, she cannot leave the hospital yet.

But what made David feel relieved was that at least the medical bills had been paid on his behalf, and they did not need to worry about what they considered to be an almost sky-high medical bill.

In the hospital, David, who stayed with his mother for a day, was hungry.

He wanted to buy something to eat in the hospital restaurant, but the price was ridiculously expensive and he simply couldn't afford it.

They had no choice but to use the SkyTrain Card, which still had some remaining balance, to take the SkyTrain back to their super skyscraper in Santo Domingo.

As a result, as soon as he returned downstairs and before taking the elevator up, he received a cold call from Arasaka Academy.

The other end of the phone told him that because his mother had promised to pay for the repair costs of the college's online education system.

But in the past few days, Arasaka College has not received a penny from them, so the college had to expel David from school in accordance with regulations.

David tried to argue, but the person on the other end of the phone didn't listen to his argument at all.

After informing David of Arasaka Academy's decision to expel him, he hung up the phone.

David didn't know how he got upstairs or how he got home.

At that time, all he could think about was how to explain to his mother.

Gloria was more concerned about David's studies than her own career. Especially the heart-to-heart talk between mother and son before the car accident made David understand her mother's good intentions.

However, if he told his mother now that he had been expelled from Arasaka Academy, all his hard work would be in vain.

David didn't know if his mother would accept it.

David, who was full of thoughts, didn't come back to his senses until he bumped into his door.

At first he didn't understand what was wrong.

It wasn't until he reached out to push the door open, but his door didn't move at all, that he calmed down a little.

It was only then that he noticed a message displayed on the door - "Entry denied, rent overdue."

David kicked the door angrily, and then he quickly had an idea.

Climb into your home through the ventilation duct.

While sitting on the sofa to rest, David had time to check his mother's things brought out from the hospital.

A coat from a medical center, and a prosthetic body like a spine wrapped in the coat.

David knew almost nothing about prosthetic bodies, but he was not stupid. It didn't matter if he didn't know, as long as he knew how to check and where to look.

David first took pictures of this prosthetic body that looked like a spine.

Then upload it to your computer, open a web search, and quickly get a lot of results.

David clicked on a few pictures and after looking at them, he knew the name of this prosthetic body, which was called "Sian Westan".

It is a type of military-grade prosthetic body and is generally prohibited from circulation in the market. If you want to purchase it through formal channels, you need to have a certain status, wealth and power.

Either you have to find a middleman, and it also depends on luck, because this thing is a high-end product among prosthetics, and it basically has a price but no market.

David identified it according to the method taught online.

But can't identify it.

He really couldn't tell which company produced this model.

However, knowing that this thing could fetch a high price made David feel much better.

He didn't dare to call the middleman because he didn't know the middleman at all.

Although David was not a genius, he still had some self-awareness.

He knew that he was just a student, and which of those middlemen had not seen the world and experienced the storms?

If he really made a deal with a middleman, he was afraid that he would be eaten to pieces.

Sitting in the dark living room because he had no money to pay the rent and the water and electricity were cut off, David covered his head and pondered for a long time.

After much thought, he finally thought of a possible trade partner.

He sent a photo of this "Sian Westan" to the prosthetic doctor who helped him do the pirated program for the Mewtwo Ring.

A few minutes later, the other party called.

"Doctor, have you seen the photo I sent? But I have to say first, I

I was really hurt by the version upgrade you gave me! "

"What kind of cruel method?"

"This thing of yours is useless at all. After I used it, I burned down the online education system of Arasaka Academy."

It is said that people's joys and sorrows are not the same, and this sentence is most suitable here.

After hearing that David had caused such a huge disaster, the doctor on the other end of the phone did not sympathize with David. Instead, he laughed so hard: "Pfft, hahahaha, is it true? Then you are a legend, kid."

"Don't talk to me about these useless things. Now I have to pay the college money, otherwise the college will expel me."

"Bah! So that's what you had in mind? Don't even think about it! I won't give you a penny!"

"Wait a minute, don't hang up the phone just yet. Forget it, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about the photo I sent you. Did you see it? Is this a military-grade prosthetic body?"


"What did you say? Yes? Or no?"

The person on the other side said vaguely: "That's right."

"That's it."

If not, the other party will clearly say no.

Since I said "maybe", it means that this thing is indeed a military-grade prosthetic body.

David was delighted.

As long as this thing is real, as long as it can be sold, they will have money.

Although the college has expelled him, if he can make up the money and talk to the principal carefully, maybe the principal can be lenient.

Agree to let him go back to school.

David actually does not miss his days at Arasaka Academy, nor does he think that even if he graduates from the academy, he will be able to enter Arasaka Company and find a good job.

But this is Gloria's dream.

He has no dreams, but he can protect his mother's dreams.

He can work hard to do things he doesn't like for others, and even work hard to achieve them.

"Suppose I want to sell, how much do you think I can sell it for? Just a hypothetical."

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