In fact, what David wants to ask more is, "Can you help me sell it? I can give you a commission."

But he felt that it was not good to ask directly like this, so he changed to a tactful way.

As a result, the price quoted by the other party was completely unacceptable to him: "Five thousand euros."

David was so angry that he stood up.

"Impossible! The price will never be that low!"

Chapter 267 What would happen if a person could win five million (4K)

His grandma’s, five thousand euros?

Just replace it with a very ordinary prosthetic body, which will cost thousands of euros.

Not to mention such high-end goods.

Even though David was an inexperienced boy, he knew that this unknown model of "Sian Westan" would never be as cheap as the prosthetist said.

He conservatively estimated that the price of this thing would be at least tens of thousands of euros, maybe even more.

After all, a good gun costs tens of thousands of euros these days, and a high-end prosthesis cannot be cheaper than a good gun.

(PS: In the animation, Heavy Hammer said that the Sianwestan installed by David is the basic type, which means that it is the basic model in the category of Sianwestan. And among all the prosthetics, the Sianwestan type of prosthetic body, Of course it can be considered a high-end product)

David's favorability towards the doctor instantly dropped to freezing point.

This quack doctor caused him to pay so much money to the college, not to mention that he still kept the price down so hard.

Fortunately, I was still in the academy and helped him promote a lot of Black Mewtwo, making this quack a fortune.

His grandma is really turning her back on her.

"David, if this thing of yours has a clean origin, of course it can be sold at a high price, but let me ask you, hey hey hey -"

"How can a poor kid who can't even afford the latest Mewtwo Ring and can only turn to me, a useless doctor, to help you create pirated programs, have a clean "Sian Westan" in his hands? "

David was speechless.

"You have nothing to say, right? So, do you know how much risk I have to take to help you sell this?"

David also tried to fight for it again: "But no matter what, the price of five thousand euros is still too low."

"Then there is no other way. If it really doesn't work, you can also find a way to sell it yourself. If you can sell it, and no one will come to your door, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha."

Facing the other party's weird laughter, David hung up the phone angrily.

"Treat me for a fool!"

David took the sofa as the doctor's bad face and kicked him hard

The result was that the sofa was fine, but his own feet hurt terribly.

David was rolling on the ground holding his feet. For a moment, he had the idea of ​​"just put this prosthetic body on his body and become a cyber mercenary."

But soon, this idea was squashed.

Because if he really did this, it would be equivalent to not going to school at all.

And my mother, who is still lying in the hospital bed, will definitely be sad if she knows that she will not go to school.

However, that quack doctor was only willing to buy "Sianwistan" at such a low price, so he definitely couldn't sell it to him.

And since I look like a young man who has never seen the world, I don't even dare to approach the middleman.

David shook his legs irritably.

Finally, a vague appearance of a person emerged in his mind.

David was stunned for a moment.

before completely passing out

, David was briefly sober for a very brief period of time.

After the car accident, he could feel someone coming to them and asking the trauma team to take them away.

While still at the hospital headquarters of the trauma team, David learned from the medical staff that it was that person who helped them advance the medical bills.

Although he didn't know why that person would do this for them, if he had to find a suitable buyer, David felt that that person was the least likely to deceive him.

Since returning to Shiji Mountain, Su Xiao has started a peaceful life day after day.

The company's facilities haven't been built yet, so he, V, and Lucy all seem a little idle.

During this period, he talked with Mitch and Scorpion, and appointed the two as instructors. The daily salary was increased from one thousand euros to three thousand euros, so that the two of them would have a salary of close to one hundred thousand euros a month.

Naturally, the two of them had no objections, so after Jose came over, even though the shooting range and VR training room had not yet been built, the two of them had carefully crafted a tailor-made training plan for Jose.

It is guaranteed that Jose, a young man, can be trained into a qualified warrior.

Therefore, these days, on the flat ground outside the Shijishan Company's construction site, you can see two old guys driving off-road vehicles, chasing a young man who is sweating profusely and running wildly.

There was no way, the various training facilities hadn't been built yet, so Mitch and Scorpion decided to let Jose start practicing with the most basic running.

After all, no matter how the times change, physical training is a top priority that cannot be ignored.

Su Xiao has been away from Shijishan for the past few days, and has been waiting for Rogge's call.

What he didn't expect was that before Rogge's call came, an unexpected person came to his door.

"Would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee? I won't let you drink any wine. You're not old enough to drink yet, and it's not good to drink early in the morning."

David, who was wearing his mother's medical center coat, waved his hands in a somewhat reserved manner.

"No... no need."

"Coffee then."

After thinking for a while, such a young child might not be used to drinking coffee without sugar or milk, so he added a little sugar to David first.

"Drink it and see if it tastes bitter. You can add more sugar."

Su Xiao placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of David.

"Thank you... thank you..."

David hurriedly picked up the coffee cup with both hands and took a sip.

He had never had coffee before and this was his first time.

The taste is a bit strange.

But David didn't think it was the coffee's problem. He thought it was his own problem, because he couldn't get used to it.

"Is your mother still in hospital?"

"Yes, it is."

Lidya Su smiled: "Don't be so nervous, relax, I won't eat people."

David nodded, but his reserved look remained unchanged.

"Are you here for medical expenses?"

David shook his head, "No."

"No? That's..."

"Please take a look at this first."

David handed over a large black plastic bag.

He had been holding this plastic bag tightly in his arms before, as if it was a very important thing.

Lidya Su glanced at him doubtfully, took it, and opened it.

Then, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Because inside this black plastic bag, there is actually a Sianwistan.

And after he scanned it with the tactical eyepiece, he found that it was not any known model on the market, and he couldn't even find out which company produced it.

"Where did this thing of yours come from?"

David was startled, then lowered his head and did not answer.

Seeing David like this, Su Xiao was able to make a pretty good guess, so she stopped asking about the origin of this prosthetic body and asked another question.

"Do you want to sell this prosthetic body to me?"

Only then did David raise his head again.

"I checked on the Internet. This prosthetic body is called "Sianwistan". Although I can't find the model and manufacturer, it is also a high-end prosthetic product. "

"I think you are a good person and would not cheat me. I need some money, very much, so I came to you."

David's words further confirmed Lidya Su's thoughts just now.

However, David is just a student and has no chance of coming into contact with this thing.

The only possibility is his mother Gloria.

Su Xiao still remembered David's mother Gloria, wearing the uniform jacket of the cadaver department of the medical center.

What was a very coincidental thing was that the "Sianwistan" prosthetic body of the cybermaniac who was killed by the violent terrorist mobile team the night before disappeared.

From this point of view, the "Sianwistan" he is holding now has a high probability of belonging to the cyber madman who was killed.

It was precisely because the origin of this thing was unknown that David came to find him.

However, this young man looks young, but his brain is not stupid. He knows to come to him instead of looking for a prosthetic doctor or a middleman.

"What do you need money for? If it's medical expenses, I've already paid for them in advance. There should be no urgent need for money."

Su Xiao estimated that it would be no problem to find a middleman to sell this prosthetic body for hundreds of thousands.

Although David is not an industry insider, this kid knows how to come to him, which shows that he is smarter than his peers and can more or less guess the price of this prosthetic body.

But in this case, a problem arises.

What does a minor need so many euros for?

Regarding his mother's injuries, the trauma team actually kept in contact with him and reported to him in a timely manner.

Gloria was seriously injured, but fortunately the trauma team's medical technology was very advanced, and Gloria was quickly out of danger.

The reason why she was in coma for several days and still didn't wake up was just because Gloria's body was too weak and she was too tired.

As long as she gets enough rest, she can wake up from her coma.

The customer service staff at the trauma team also assured Su Xiao that Gloria would be able to recover in no more than a month.

Moreover, the hidden diseases caused by malnutrition and hard work in the past can also be cured.

So what does David want the money for?

Judging from David's appearance, he was quite anxious.

Su Xiao didn't want to hack David's prosthetic body, but he was worried that David had been deceived.

Even though it is already 2077, telecommunications fraud still exists and has never disappeared.

What has changed is only the method, but the essence of deceiving others for profit has never changed.

He didn't take the hundreds of thousands of euros seriously, but this amount of money was nothing to him, but to David, it was not a small amount of money.

He didn't want David to be deceived.

David said hesitantly: "It's a long story. If I want to explain it to you in detail, it will take a long time."

Lidya Su picked up her coffee cup and took a sip of coffee.

"I don't mind the trouble. We have plenty of time anyway, don't we?"

"All right."

Next, David told Su Xiao what happened to him at Arasaka College.

"So, you are anxious to sell this prosthetic body in order to compensate the college?"


"But, according to what you just said, haven't you been expelled from the college?"

"Yes, but I think if I can explain it well, the principal may allow me to go back to school..."

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