He did not dare to resist his father. His mother died young. In this family, his father is God.

Without looking at his son who was walking upstairs, Tanaka called Marcus in who was waiting outside via video call.

"Mr. Tanaka."

"The principal should have told you everything. Let's talk about it. What's going on?"

"It was two thugs who attacked Master Katsuo. One of them was once a student of Arasaka Academy, called Dai.

David Martinez. "

Tanaka frowned: "Thugs? How could Arasaka Academy let thugs in?"

"The female thug who hurt Master Shengnan was brought in by David in the name of a relative."

"Did any surveillance footage capture the scene of the attack?"

Marcus replied respectfully.

"No, the attack occurred in the faculty passage. There were originally several surveillance cameras installed there, but everyone preferred to take the elevator and didn't want to waste time taking the stairs."

"So over time, not many people walked through that passage. Later, the surveillance camera broke, and the school did not pay for repairs."

After Marcus finished speaking, seeing Tanaka fall into silence, he said tentatively.

"Mr. Tanaka, do you need me to go to the principal and ask for a copy of the registration information about David Martinez?"

Marcus has played for Tanaka for several years.

Because they have been in contact for a long time, Marcus also knows that the relationship between father and son is strange and abnormal.

But generally, Marcus tried to avoid getting involved.

However, the situation this time is a little different.

After all, it was Tanaka's only son who had his knees penetrated and was in such a mess.

Marcus felt that he could properly perform what a loser should do.

This should not be harmful to me in the end.

In fact, when he went to pick up Tanaka Katsuo, the principal, who kept wiping his hands with cold sweat, kept cursing the student named David... Oh, he should be considered a former student now.

Because David has been fired.

From the words of the principal and Tanaka Katsuo, Marcus actually already knew that David was just a child from a poor family and had no background or background at all.

The people who entered Arasaka Academy with him were probably just street gangsters somewhere.

That's why he blindly injured Mr. Katsuo.

Chapter 273: A family must be neat and tidy (4K)

Marcus was thinking, even if Arasaka's special assault force is not dispatched, a few Tiger Claw gang men can take care of such garbage.

"Okay," Tanaka nodded and said solemnly, "Tomorrow you go to Arasaka College and get the registration information of the man named David from the principal, and then tell the address to the special assault force and let them do it clean. point."

Marcus was stunned.

Then he nodded silently.

I thought to myself that the father still loved his son.

If Tanaka knew what Marcus was thinking, he would probably sneer at it.

What he did was not because of his son, but for his own face.

If his Tanaka son made such a big fool of himself at Arasaka Academy, especially if he was made like this by a child from a poor family.

If he doesn't express anything at all, how will the other directors of Arasaka College view him? How would the other senior executives of Arasaka Tower, and even the subordinates in the R\u0026D department, view themselves?

Tanaka doesn't care about his son's life or death, but he cares about his face.

In fact, if it weren't for the fear of being stabbed in the back, Tanaka would not have wanted a son.

Although he had no choice but to have a child, Tanaka only regarded his son as a tool to earn his face, nothing more.

Since it is a tool to earn face, it should continue to play its role as it should, instead of embarrassing itself like it is now.

"You go down first, Marcus."


Marcus nodded and prepared to go out.

But at this moment, the lights in the entire mansion suddenly went out, and the room became dark.

And along with a gunshot, security guards screamed outside the mansion.

"Enemy attack!"

"Where is the enemy? I can't see it!"

Then there was another gunshot, and then the responsive security guard shouted, "It's a sniper!"

Marcus took out a "Jade Ring" kinetic energy pistol from the holster on his thigh, and instinctively guarded Tanaka.

He and Tanaka's Qiluji prosthetic eyes both have night vision capabilities, so they can see indoors clearly even in the dark.

"Mr. Tanaka, the enemy has destroyed our power supply, but the backup engine should be started."

"It's not destruction, it's the main gate being pulled down. The enemy has already invaded the inside of the mansion."

As if to confirm what Tanaka said, three figures with guns suddenly turned in from the room outside.

Marcus raised his gun and fired, but his speed was a beat slower.

Before his finger could even pull the trigger, the opponent's bullet had already kissed his chest.

Da da da, da da da da da——

The muzzle of the "Ajax" kinetic assault rifle held by one of the attackers spit out bright flames.

A round of bullets directly beat Marcus into a sieve.

But as soon as Tanaka discovered the attacker, he hid behind Marcus and used Marcus' body as a human shield to protect himself.

Then he pulled two laser cutting grenades from Marcus's belt and threw them towards the opposite side.

As expected, the three attackers on the opposite side did not dare to stand where they were and looked for places to hide.

The laser cutting grenade floats in mid-air and shoots countless laser beams, easily cutting deep cuts on the floor and walls.


Taking advantage of the gap in firepower as the opponent avoided laser cutting grenades, Tanaka hurriedly hid behind a load-bearing pillar.

This load-bearing pillar is much thicker than an ordinary wall, and even technical weapons cannot penetrate it in one go.

Tanaka, who felt safe for the time being, breathed a sigh of relief and made a phone call.

It was a direct call to the special assault force at Arasaka Tower.

As the senior executive of Arasaka's R\u0026D department, he has the authority to directly call for support from the special assault force.

Arasaka Tower is the corporate building of Arasaka Corporation in Night City, just south of Watson District and north of Heywood on the Corporate Plaza of the Civic Center.

In Arasaka Tower, there is a special assault force at any time, waiting for emergency response.

It only takes them about five minutes to arrive from Arasaka Tower in the company plaza.

But what happened next made Tanaka temporarily stunned.

Because the outgoing call only lasted for one second and was interrupted.

After all, Tanaka is a senior member of Arasaka, although now that he is in a high position, he rarely goes out to work.

But when he came up, he had spent time in the field department and had a very impressive resume.

Therefore, Tanaka reacted almost instantly.

This is the effect of a signal jammer.

The enemy is prepared.

Then thinking about the "Ajax" kinetic assault rifle in the hand of the attacker who killed Marcus, Tanaka quickly attributed the attacker's identity to "military technology."

He didn't know why military technology suddenly sent a killer to kill him.

Could it be because of the military technology prototype "Sianwistan"?

The so-called trial model "Sianwistan" is the prosthetic body that has now fallen into Su Xiao's hands. The secret door has been erased and it has become clean.

But Tanaka didn't know that the prosthetic body was now in Su Xiao's hands, but what he knew was that the prosthetic body was a prototype of military technology "Sianwistan".

They treated the soldiers in their security forces as guinea pigs and implanted this trial prosthetic body into them without informing them in advance.

The purpose is to collect experimental data.

Tanaka has no insiders in military technology, but this does not prevent him from drawing such a conclusion.

the reason is simple.

Because Arasaka did the same thing.

Suitable "samples" are carefully selected from among the soldiers of the special assault force, and then used as "containers" for trial-type prosthetics.

When the experimental subjects are completely worn out and have no value anymore, they will be silenced and then declared to the outside world as an accident.

The gunshots one after another coming from outside the mansion, as well as the curses, shouts, and screams of the security guards protecting the mansion, brought Tanaka back to reality from his thoughts.

And it made him realize that the three attackers were not the only ones who invaded the mansion.

Tanaka's brain was quickly thinking of ways to escape.

But one idea after another popped up, and then he rejected them one by one.

There were originally defense devices inside the mansion, but because the main gate installed on the wall outside the mansion was closed by the other party, all the defense devices lost power along with the lights, and there was no way to stop the intruders.

Then the only option is to kill these three intruders.

Tanaka took out a shock bomb, which was also the last grenade on Tanaka's body.

He threw out the shock bomb, and at the same time as the shock bomb exploded, he stepped hard on the ground with his right foot.

The whole person was like an arrow from the string, shot out fiercely, and pounced on Su Xiao, who looked like a leader.

He could see that the opponents were elites, and he would definitely be at a disadvantage if there was a long-distance firefight.

Then get into close combat.

He is not bragging about his fighting skills, nor are the soldiers of the special assault force his opponents.


The fist that was waved and the collision of Su Xiao's crossed and blocking arms sent out a circle of bright white air waves in the air.

Su Xiao was knocked back by Tanaka and slid on the ground for several meters.

Tanaka knew that he couldn't keep the distance, otherwise he would be attacked by the other two, so he continued to bully him.

But at this moment, Su Xiao in front of him disappeared from Tanaka's eyes.

"too slow."

Su Xiao, who appeared next to Tan Zhong in an instant, walked past Tan Zhong, swung the red blade and cut off Tan Zhong's head.

Looking at the fallen body of Tanaka, Su Xiao shook off the blood on the blade and put Murasame back into the scabbard.

"There's another one upstairs."

At this time, a security guard suddenly shouted outside the mansion.

"Mr. Tanaka? Mr. Tanaka!"

Apparently, it was the sound of fighting that finally attracted the attention of security outside.

"V, go up and get rid of Tanaka Katsuki, Lucy, let's hold on here."

Neither woman had any objections.

V put on a new rifle magazine and walked quickly up the stairs in the hall.

Su Xiao and Lucy, on the other hand, were hiding on either side of the entrance to the hall. These two positions happened to be invisible from the outside.

Through the tactical eyepiece, Su Xiao noticed that there was a security team of four people approaching the mansion quickly.

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