At the same time, there were two other teams, coming from two directions to hide in Panan.

The hillsides surrounded it.

Although the signal jammer also interfered with their communication, making them unable to communicate smoothly.

But she had agreed before that if she saw the lights in the mansion turned off, she would shoot at the security outside the mansion. If she found the security at the mansion chasing her, she would run away.

Because the hillside where Panan was hiding was five hundred meters away from Tanaka's residence.

As long as she escapes before the enemy arrives, she will definitely be able to escape.

No longer paying attention to Panan, Su Xiao focused her attention on the four-person security team running towards the mansion.

His tactical goggles and Lucy's Qilusi prosthetic eyes both have the function of seeing in the dark, so turning off the lights has no effect on them either.

Su Xiao made a gesture to Lucy, and then waited quietly for the four security guards to pass through the door of the hall.

These security guards did not have such good Qilushi prosthetic eyes, but they also wore night vision goggles, so they saw the bodies of Tanaka and Marcus lying dead on the floor of the hall.

Just when they were shocked, Lidya Su and Lucy took action.

Su Xiao pulled out Murasame and chopped off the head of the man standing at the back with one knife.

Then he stepped forward, swung Murasame, and stabbed the second man through the heart from behind.

Lucy raised her pistol and shot several times, blowing off the heads of the remaining two people.

Soon, V came down from upstairs.

"It's all taken care of. I shot two more shots in Tanaka Katsuo's head."

Su Xiao nodded and assigned tasks again.

"V, go and lure back the security team chasing Panan. Lucy, let's set up the laser trip mines and give them a big surprise later."

The two women nodded and moved separately.

Su Xiao took out a laser trip mine, handed it to Lucy, watched her run to the entrance of the hall, and placed it in the blind spot of the entrance.

That location cannot be seen from the outside, but it is triggered when entering the lobby.

Su Xiao himself placed the other, the last laser trip mine he carried under Tanaka's body, and used Tanaka's body as a cover.

As long as they go to check on Tanaka's body, this laser trip mine will be triggered.

While Su Xiao and Lucy were busy, V jogged all the way to the balcony outside the mansion and took off the "Achilles" technical precision rifle that he had been carrying on his back.

"Achilles" is not a sniper rifle, nor can it replace it.

However, for this short distance of a few hundred meters, it is not impossible to use the "Achilles" technology precision rifle.

V charged the rifle to its peak, then put the back of an Arasaka security guard into the scope and released the trigger.

The violent bullets were sent out of the gun barrel with huge energy, hitting the target's back almost instantly, sending him flying directly into the air, and his body fell heavily in front of his companions.

The security team that was chasing Panan was stunned.

They didn't expect that the attack would come from behind.

This not only means that they are attacked from both sides, but also that the people they want to protect are in danger.

So the security team that was chasing Panan quickly gave up chasing Panan and returned to the mansion to help.

While V knocked down another Arasaka security guard, he shouted into the mansion: "They are back."

Su Xiao and Lucy ran out of the mansion quickly: "Everything that needs to be done is done, let's retreat."

The three of them ran wildly back to where they climbed up using their grappling hook guns.

Su Xiao was on alert, V and Lucy used grapple guns to quickly descend, followed by Su Xiao.

There is a huge hillside at this location, which is enough to block the view of the security guards who rush back. They will not know that they are coming down from here.

However, the danger is not out yet. Several minutes have passed since the start of the signal jammer, and the signal jammer has failed.

When the two security teams return to the mansion and find the bodies of Tanaka and his son, they will definitely call the special assault force.

At that time, the entire North Oak area will be under martial law and locked down.

Therefore, they need to escape before North Oak is sealed off.

But this is not a big problem.

Su Xiao recovered the signal jammer, took V and Lucy, and ran for several hundred meters in the darkness. There was a loud explosion in the distant Tanaka mansion behind her.

He knew that the laser trip mine deployed was triggered.

But no one looked back, and the three of them continued to run forward.

Then came the first explosion.

This should have been caused by them turning over Tanaka's body.

When they left the forest and came to the main road, a Delamain limousine parked on the side of the road.

When they came out of the woods, Delamain's car door was opened by Panan: "Come up quickly!"

When they got out of the car and started taking action, the Draman taxi was parked far behind Panang. When Panan was evacuating, they ran down the small slope, got on the Draman, made a circle, and stopped here. .

The three people rushed into the car, and the Delamain taxi quickly started and took them out of North Oak in the other direction.

Chapter 274 Dark Fairy Tale (3K)

Looking at the scenery quickly retreating behind the car window, Su Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

For a long time to come, it can be expected that Arasaka will not give up. They will suspect other companies, which led to the murder of Tanaka and his son.

It is also to guide

They deliberately thought about this aspect, so Su Xiao would change all the weapons using military technology in tonight's operation.

As for David, this little man will only be forgotten by them.

After all, who would believe the statement that "a student who was expelled from Arasaka College and injured Tanaka Katsuro found a group of people to kill Tanaka Katsurao and his father that night?"

Back at Stone Ridge Mountain, the four of them went back to their own residences to sleep.

Nothing happened that night.

When she got up the next day, Su Xiao didn't sit anywhere, but stayed in front of the TV and watched TV all day.

As expected, major news stations reported the news that Tanaka, a senior executive of the Arasaka R\u0026D department, and his son were found dead at home.

What Su Xiao also expected was that Arasaka's special assault force blocked the North Oak area, and at the same time, Arasaka also began a round of internal investigation.

Lidya Su is not worried that they will be found out.

First of all, there are very few surveillance cameras on the streets of Night City, not as dense as Siris at all.

As the residence of high-rise and wealthy people, North Oak would not agree to install large-scale surveillance cameras.

This is not just an excuse based on the so-called human rights, privacy and so on.

It's because their butts are not clean.

If surveillance is installed, it would be bad if pictures that shouldn't be taken are taken, right?

As for what pictures should not be taken... It is not convenient to go into details. I can only say DDDD.

Secondly, Su Xiao did not drive an armored SUV, but specially called a Delama taxi.

Although Delamain offers premium services, there are still many people using Delamain taxis in the city.

The most important thing is that Lao De is extremely confidential about his clients' privacy. Even if you have a good relationship with him, he will not disclose his clients' information to you.

And it’s also because it is an AI. It doesn’t know what it means to use power to suppress others.

Don't be afraid at all, okay?

Finally, the weapons and ammunition they used throughout the process were all standard weapons of military technology. Even if Arasaka suspected military technology, he would not doubt them.

And this is indeed the case.

Su Xiao stayed at Shiji Mountain for a week, and nothing happened at all.

In fact, the blockade of the North Oak District only lasted for three days before Arasaka's special assault force withdrew.

The internal investigation went nowhere.

Lidya Su also guessed this.

There are not only Arasaka senior executives in North Oak, but also dignitaries from other companies.

You Arasaka, a high-level executive died, and everyone gave you a favor by locking you down for three days. It’s your ability to find out things, and you can’t blame everyone if you can’t.

After all, North Oak is not Arasaka Beach. Everyone who lives in North Oak is either rich or noble, and no one is shorter than anyone else.

Secondly, Tanaka was a senior member of the R\u0026D department. After his death, countless people in the R\u0026D department were eyeing this position.

Rather than investigating the truth, these guys are more concerned about who will succeed Tanaka.

Although they couldn't say it directly, in their hearts they wanted to thank the assassin who killed Tanaka.

Otherwise, when Tanaka retires from this position, we still don’t know that we will have to wait until the end of the Year of the Monkey.

This can be regarded as the disadvantage of raising Gu in Arasaka.

Seeing that the investigation storm over Arasaka was gradually subsided, Su Xiao asked Mitch and Scorpion, the people they found from Adecado, to go back.

Of course, Su Xiao paid all of the five hundred euros daily salary for one person that was agreed in advance.

Although they were originally only planned to stay at Stone Ridge Mountain for two days, they ended up staying there for almost a week.

But Su Xiao kept his promise and paid the daily salary for the number of days he was supposed to, and would never deduct the salary.

In this way, not only the Adecados who received their salaries were grateful to Su Xiao, but even Panan, Mitch and Scorpion, the regular employees who had signed long-term contracts, also felt that their faces were bright.

They all feel that they are following the right person.

Lidya Su helped him solve David's trouble.

Just when he was about to take David to the trauma team hospital to see Gloria's condition, his phone suddenly rang.

It's River calling.

"Hey Sue, I need your help."

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows: "I wanted to help you from the very beginning. I thought you were going to treat me to dinner because of what happened last time."

He was joking, but River on the video call didn't laugh along with him.

So Lidya Su also put away her smile and said seriously: "What's wrong? Something happened?"

"It's not convenient for me to tell you this on the phone. Let's meet offline."

"Okay, then let's meet at "Fat Fat Chicken Wings"? "

Fatty Chicken Wings is where they last met and where they first met.

But River had a different proposal.

"No, come to the valley area. I'll send you the specific address."

"Okay, see you later."

In the evening, Su Xiao went to the agreed meeting place.

When he was still far away, he saw River's iconic pickup truck parked on the side of the road.

Lidya Su walked over and knocked on the car window.

River, who was sitting in the driver's seat as if thinking about something, was awakened by a sudden knocking sound.

He turned around and saw that it was Lidya Su, so he helped Lidya Su open the car door.

"Come up."

Su Xiao sat on the passenger seat, said nothing, and took a look at River first.

The latter was still wearing the same coat as before, so he was well dressed, but he obviously looked less energetic.

It was as if something had happened that made him feel tired and haggard.

River tiredly said hello to Lidya Su.

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