Su Xiao nodded and said: "How did you end up like this?"

Then, as if he had thought of something, he said, "Is it because of the matter investigated by Mayor Ryan that you were put in a bad position? But I remember, aren't you going to bring that matter up?"

Lucius Lane, who fought for the independence of Night City, died some time ago.

Although the TV news said that he died at home because of the implant, in fact, someone deliberately wanted to kill him and tampered with his Mewtwo headband.

Because there are many people behind the scenes, it is far beyond the reach of River, a young police detective.

At that time, Su Xiao suggested to River not to disclose the results of their investigation to the public, otherwise it would only harm himself.

Although River felt very painful - because it went against his original intention of joining the NCPD - he finally followed Su Xiao's advice.

After that, the two had no contact with each other.

Therefore, Lidya Su felt very strange.

If River did let him go, as they had agreed to do, his superiors would be less likely to give him little shoes to fill.

So what's going on with River like this now?

"It has nothing to do with that matter. It's something else. Let me show you something."

With that said, River sent a video to Lidya Su.

This is WNS news.

"Hi, I'm Arif Iqbal and this is WNS News."

"Today's news: NCPD inadvertently captured a dangerous kidnapper and murderer while performing a routine inspection."

"The incident occurred at the intersection of 7th Avenue and 15th Avenue. The following is video taken by police at the scene."

The screen suddenly switched to the screen of the law enforcement recorder on the NCPD police car.

From the footage recorded by the law enforcement recorder on the police car, it can be clearly seen that two NCPD officers, holding pistols, approached a car parked in front of the police car from both sides.

"Get out of the car! Put your hands up!"

The person in the car may have been drunk, so he sounded a bit drunk when he spoke: "It's okay, officer, don't be nervous..."

"shut up!"

One officer nervously walked to the left window of the car, while another officer came to the right side of the car.

When he saw clearly the tragic situation inside the car, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Then he reported to the above: "We have 10-53 together and 10-54 together here. Repeat, 10-53 together, 10-54 together."

These two are criminal content code names, the purpose is to avoid causing panic or leaking secrets.

10-53 means someone is unconscious, while 10-54 means there may be a dead body.

At this moment, the car owner opened the door and ran away.

However, he was not able to run very far. The police officer standing on the left side of the car subconsciously shot him down.

The police officer who fired the shot looked at his colleague. It was not until the downed car owner lay on the ground and stopped moving that the two police officers slowly stepped forward.

The video from the NCPD's body camera ends here, and the screen returns to WNS News Channel.

"The boy in the video is LeVar Martinez, now 17 years old. His parents reported him missing more than a month ago."

"NCPD has been searching for his whereabouts but has found nothing."

"It wasn't until an employee at the gas station called the police that a person who went to the gas station to refuel seemed to have something wrong with the car he was driving. After hearing the news, the nearby police officers arrived, and then the things in the video happened."

"Unfortunately, by the time NCPD rushed LeVar to the hospital, his life was irreversible. He was in severe septic shock and his body was unable to hold on."

"Forensic reports indicate that the minor was injected with large amounts of hormones, anabolic steroids and stimulants."

"At the same time, NCPD also found the belongings and genetic material of seven other missing boys in this car."

"Unfortunately, no further clues were found beyond this."

"The owner's name is Anthony Harris, but compared to this name, he has another nickname, and he prefers the nickname that others call him - Peter Pan."

Chapter 275 What Neverland? Dead memories are starting to attack me (3K)

Peter Pan, from the Scottish novelist and playwright James Matthew Barley, is the protagonist of the novel "Peter Pan".

He is a cute little boy with a mouth full of pearly baby teeth and a suit made of leaves and tree pulp. He does not want to grow up and will never grow up.

In the book, Peter Pan takes the runaway children to the magical "Neverland", experiences various adventure stories with them, and enjoys a free and unfettered childhood life.

Sounds like a pretty fairy tale, right?

But in the original version, the story was not so beautiful.

In other words, it is very cruel and completely dark.

fairy tale.

In the original version, Peter Pan still brought children to Neverland, but he couldn't tolerate his friends growing up.

Because this is against the rules.

Therefore, the number of children on Neverland is different every once in a while. It is not that they have returned home, but that Peter Pan has killed them in a vicious way.

What makes people even more uncomfortable is that when Peter Pan did these things in the original version, he did not realize that he was killing someone, nor did he feel that this was a cruel act that should never be done.

And this is the early setting of Peter Pan.

And the criminal who abducted the missing child actually gave himself the nickname "Peter Pan".

It's hard not to worry about the remaining missing children who have not been found.

"Although the criminal, nicknamed Peter Pan, was not killed in the shooting, he was also in a coma and has not yet awakened from the coma, so he is currently unable to be interrogated."

"For further developments of the incident, please continue to pay attention to WNS news."

The video ended here. Su Xiao finished watching the video and said to River.

"So, you are troubled by this case? Hasn't the criminal who abducted the child been arrested? What else do you have to worry about? Are you afraid that he has an accomplice?"

But River's answer made Lidya Su even more confused.

"No, actually before this video, I didn't know he existed at all, and I had never been in contact with him."

Lidya Su frowned.

If River wasn't exhausted by the case, then why was he?

Also, why did he show himself the video of this case?

River's current terrible state is not like he is pretending.

He didn't go home and have a good sleep, but instead called himself out. There must be a reason for this.

River is not a random person.

So Su Xiao is waiting for River's explanation.

"My nephew, Randy, he disappeared not long ago."

Hearing River's heavy tone, Su Xiao quickly realized something.

"Your nephew's disappearance? Is it related to this criminal named Harris?"

"Yeah, I didn't know it at first, until in this video, I saw the kid in the same car with Harris, and the shoes he was wearing were my nephew Randy's."

The news mentioned that in addition to LeVar Martinez, who has unfortunately passed away, there are seven children who are still missing.

River's nephew is among the seven missing children?

No wonder River was in such a distressed state, now Su Xiao could understand.

Anyone would be very anxious if something happened to a loved one.

"The case has been handed over to Gonargar - this guy is too lazy to catch maggots, and he hasn't found anything yet."

Gonagal... Su Xiao had never heard of this name, but since River didn't like this guy, it was probably true.

However, what Su Xiao found strange was...

"They didn't give you the case? Why? Are you afraid that you can't control your emotions?"

River tapped the steering wheel impatiently: "It's more like a restraining order - I won't be allowed to touch anything."

Lidya Su understood.

Because the superiors did not allow River to investigate Harris's case, he asked Su Xiao to come over.

Think about it, even a case like the death of the mayor, which has nothing to do with him, he wants to get to the bottom of it.

Now Harris's matter is related to his nephew, and even though Harris has been arrested, his nephew's life and death are still unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown.

How could he not be anxious?

That’s why I hope Lidya Su can help him, just like last time.

Su Xiao was willing to help River without any hesitation.

River is one of the few good police detectives in the city, and Su Xiao is happy to help him, even if there is no reward.

It’s just that Su Xiao didn’t know how River planned to help him.

Harris, who was suspected of abducting River's nephew, has been arrested by NCPD.

Now he is lying in a hospital guarded by police officers.

As mentioned in the news just now, Harris has not yet woken up from his coma.

Could it be that River's purpose in calling him here was to sneak into the hospital with him and dig out information about the missing children from Harris' electronic brain?

"No, that's not the case. In fact, they have already seen Harris's brain. They don't know why. Harris's electronic brain is no different from a computer that is about to be scrapped. The data is complicated and the information is confusing."

"Even the hackers in the bureau don't dare to go deep into his electronic brain. For example, his electronic brain is like a shaky and dangerous house. If it is touched casually, it may collapse completely."

"So, I have another way, maybe I can find clues, which is to check his dreams."

Su Xiao suspected that River was wrong.

"What, a dream?"

"Let's go, I'll explain it to you in detail on the way."

River got out of the car and walked on the sidewalk with Su Xiao.

In the evening, there were not many pedestrians on the streets, and the vehicles on the road began to turn on their lights. The light signs that flashed 24 hours a day cast a colorful psychedelic light on the passers-by.

"This technology is still in the experimental stage, but it has already achieved initial results. They will record dreams.

environment, and then use Mewtwo to replay it. "

Lidya Su understood it as soon as she heard it.

This method is quite good. Compared with directly entering the target's electronic brain, recording dreams is much gentler.

The only problem is that I don’t know if this technology can induce dreams in the target.

If not, that's a bit troublesome.

After all, not everyone dreams when they sleep.

Glancing at River who was walking forward unswervingly, Su Xiao said thoughtfully: "So, are we going to get these dreams now?"

"Yes, they are all placed in the laboratory we are going to now."

River led the way, and Su Xiao followed him, walking across the zebra crossing and only walking less than two hundred meters before arriving in front of an NCPD building facing the street.

After taking a look at the NCPD laboratory written on it, Su Xiao knew this was the destination.

No wonder River asked him to meet nearby, eliminating the need to rush over.

Standing outside the gate, Su Xiao waited for River to open the door.

As a result, River unexpectedly said.

“It’s impossible to enter through the gate.”

Su Xiao said in surprise: "What? Aren't you also a detective of the NCPD? Just swipe your work badge and you can go in?"

River said matter-of-factly: "As I said before, I won't be allowed to touch the border, so my work badge is useless... Su, what's your expression?"

Lidya Su’s eyelids twitched.

"If we can't get in through the front door, and your badge doesn't work...River, do you know you're doing something illegal?"

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