Are you really not afraid of human traffickers at all?

Even if you don't love your child and the relationship between father and son is weak, he is still your son after all.

No wonder River said that Joss hoped that her husband would stop living at home. For such a husband, it would be okay if he didn't care about the family, but he was afraid that he would become busier and busier.

"What happened next? How did you deal with it? Waiting for Jos's husband at the bar with the kid? Or did you just call him and scold him?"

"No, I took Dorian back home and handed him over to Joss. The environment in the bar was not suitable for children, and I couldn't let Dorian suffer there. Later I heard that Joss had a big fight with her husband. One fight, and her husband blamed Joss for not calling the police.”

"Wait, it's Jos who called

Did you go find them? "

"No, it was just a coincidence, but Jos's husband thought it was Jos who asked me to go."

Lidya Su was even more speechless.

What a "good" husband in this century.

His eldest uncle helped him find his son, and he blamed his wife for not calling the police.

Lidya Su didn't know for a moment whether she should say that Jos's husband was stupid or bad.

Didn't he realize at all how serious it was that his son was thrown into the bar by him?

Some people may say that maybe they encounter something temporarily, and if the bar owner knows them, it is reasonable to ask for help to take care of them, right?

But Lidya Su doesn’t think so.

First of all, if José’s husband encounters something, he shouldn’t take his son out;

Secondly, according to River, Jos’ husband was drunk when he returned home.

He came home very drunk, which means something must have happened.

Finally, even if you know the bar owner, let the bar owner take care of it...

Still the same.

José’s husband left the child to be taken care of by someone he knew and went away to get drunk. This also shows that José’s husband is a rotten person who does not know what responsibility is.

Not to mention that he actually had the nerve to blame his wife afterward.

How could he be embarrassed?

"Although it is not polite to comment on other people's family affairs, I still want to ask, why did your sister marry her husband when she knew he was like this?"

"Of course, if there is anything that is inconvenient to mention, don't mention it."

In fact, people like Jos's husband should not get married.

Didn't River say he likes motorcycles and badlands?

Then don't get married. It's great to be free alone.

Americans don’t push for marriage, and there are a lot of people who don’t get married, and they won’t be criticized and criticized behind their backs.

That being the case, why did José’s husband get married?

If you clearly don’t want to take on the responsibilities of the family, why do you drag others down? Find someone to torture each other?

"It's not inconvenient. The reason why they got married was because one day Jos's husband found out that Jos already had Randy."

Lidya Su understands this.

If you get pregnant before marriage, you will get married with your son.

Although she was alone, the old beauty wouldn't say anything.

But the United States is very strict about abortion.

Many Americans with more traditional ideas and lifestyles believe that abortion is absolutely prohibited.

River opened up his chatterbox and continued to talk.

"Although Jos's husband is terrible and is simply a piece of white trash, at least he is someone to rely on, although this support is not very reliable."

"Joss cried every night for the first few weeks, and that's when Randy started to learn bad habits."

"It's not that Joss doesn't want to take care of Randy, but as you can see, there is no man at home, so she can only go to work and have to drag the other two little ones..."

"Actually, whether Jos's husband is still alive or not, life is very difficult. After all, he still has no money. Sue, do you believe that "there is only one disease in the world, and that is the disease of poverty"? "

After speaking, River turned to look at Lidya Su, who shook his head.

"Me? I don't agree or object to this statement. You are poor, but it's not your fault. Life is already very difficult. There is no need to torture yourself because of what some people say on the Internet."

"You're a good man, Sue."

"What a coincidence, I happen to think so too."

Chapter 282 Oh! good! I hit! (4K)

River drove the car to the entrance of "Afterlife". Su Xiao didn't get out of the car in a hurry, but asked first.

"Have you been to the "afterlife" before? "

"Been here, but never been in."

River, a native of Night City, knows what the "afterlife" is about.

Rogge, the queen of the "afterlife", has far more energy and background than Jerry Ford. Therefore, under normal circumstances, Ford does not allow the NCPD to go to the "afterlife" to find things.

Although Director Forte represents the White Road, and Rogge is a figure in the underworld, it stands to reason that the underworld should be afraid of the White Road.

But in Night City, the distinction between black and white is sometimes not so obvious.

What's more, Director Forte himself is not clean, and sometimes he even needs to ask Roger for help.

Naturally, he didn't want to turn against Rogge.

Of course, as a courtesy, Rogge would not generally make things difficult for Director Forte, and he also had respect for the NCPD, a department that worked hard to maintain law and order in Night City.

River was not surprised that Su Xiao was qualified to enter the "afterlife".

After all, Su Xiaodu is already the head of a society.

"Afterlife" is originally a place to discuss business, and the threshold it sets is just to block people who are too low-level.

The gangster squatting at the door of "Afterlife" looked at the two people walking down the stairs in surprise.

Needless to say, Su Xiao's reputation in the next life is no worse than that of a legend.

As for River, although he is not as famous as Su Xiao, he is different from other NCPDs who do not do practical things.

He is very down-to-earth and has sent many people to jail.


Therefore, although River is no longer involved in the arena, his legend still remains in the arena.

Su Xiao and River both ignored the gangsters at the door of "Afterlife" and walked straight to the door of "Afterlife".

As usual, the gate of "Afterlife" blocked the noise, wealth and fame inside, and in front of this gate stood a burly figure.

"Hey, Emerick."

Emerick, who had always had a straight face, grinned after seeing Lidya Su.

The gangsters who were some distance away from the door were shocked again.

Some of the gangsters who had been here for a long time were okay, but the new gangsters had never seen Emerick smile at anyone else.

"Su, you haven't been here for a while."

"Where, didn't I just come here not long ago?"

"Maybe it just happened to be staggered. I was on vacation that day," Emerick crossed his hands and placed them in front of him. He nodded kindly at Su Xiao, "Roger will help you prepare the room, and Claire will take you." Past.”

"Okay, thanks. What would you like to drink? I'll ask Claire to bring it to you later. It's my treat."

Although Emerick is Rogge's subordinate, and Su Xiao does not mean to poach Rogge, this man is very suitable for Su Xiao, and the two of them have also pulled the gun together, which can be said to be a life-and-death experience. Brothers.

It's not too much to pour a cappuccino for your brother.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I never drink during working hours. This is not what Roger asked me to do, but what I ask of myself. Alcohol can numb people's nerves, and my job requires me to stay focused during working hours."

Seeing this, Su Xiao stopped talking, but raised his hands and gave Emerick a thumbs up.

The hacking device room inside "Afterlife".

The dark room is filled with various equipment used by hackers.

Lucy, who was sitting in the hacker chair, heard the sound of the door opening and said to Su Xiao, "You're here."

"It's so dark, why don't you turn on the lights?"

Lidya Su pointed to the light in the room.

I don’t know if it’s due to the hacker industry, some unwritten rules, or some other reason.

Wherever hackers work, the workroom is either lit with red light or extremely dark.


Let’s just say that even if the name of the profession has the word “black” in it, there is no need to make the place where you work as dark as the underworld, right?

Lucy smiled.

"This can be regarded as a superstitious idea, because most hackers are very vulnerable when working, so many people think that darkness or dazzling red light can protect us."

"Although I don't particularly believe in this, I'm used to it."

Lucy blinked: "Okay, don't talk about this anymore, the guests are all impatient. Su, let's introduce this friend you brought."

Lidya Su nodded and introduced them to the two of them respectively.

"Lucy, this is River. River, this is the electronic warfare expert I'm telling you about, and one of my best friends, Lucy."

"Hello," River greeted Lucy politely, "Su must have told you everything, right?"

Lucy nodded and pushed her hair behind her ears.

"Yes, he did."

River knew that whether he could find Randy, or even get some clues, he could only rely on the silver-haired girl in front of him.

Therefore, his attitude has never been better.

Su Xiao has not been in contact with River for a long time, but he has never seen River being so polite to others.

"Then it's up to you."


Lucy's response was equally polite.

Because this is not only the purpose of her coming here, but Su Xiao has also told Lucy on the phone that River will be their companion in the future.

Lucy didn't know River, but since he was the one chosen by Su Xiao, it was natural that he couldn't be wrong.

River took out his computer and placed it on the table at Lucy's signal.

"This is Randy's laptop, but we can't get in without the password."

"Well, let me take a look."

Lucy sat in front of the laptop, pulled out the black personal cable from her wrist, and plugged it directly into the laptop.

Su Xiao and River stood behind Lucy. River was so nervous that he held his breath involuntarily.

He saw Lucy's eyes shining with a dangerous red light, and knew that the other party was cracking the firewall set up on the computer.

He didn't dare to make a sound or even take a breath for fear of disturbing Lucy.

And just when he had such an idea, he saw that the interface that originally required entering a password suddenly changed and entered the computer desktop.

"Hey! Okay! We're in!"

River's sudden excited voice caused Lidya Su and Lucy to turn their heads and look at him.

"Please forgive me, I was too excited."

"Let's start with the mail."

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