Lucy opened Randy's email, and Su Xiao and River stepped forward to take a closer look.

Next, as Lucy began to read the emails exchanged between Randy and Harris one by one, the three of them became more and more frightened.

Especially River.

When watching the TV news, I was only concerned about Randy's whereabouts.

River had no other emotions than confusion, worry, and hostility to Anthony Harris for kidnapping his nephew.

But after seeing the conversation record between Randy and Harris, River realized what kind of person Harris really was.

Harris came across in the email not as a pervert who abducted children, but as a gentle, compassionate and good person.

He used sweet words to weave a big web full of poison called lies, which slowly entangled Randy, making Randy gradually believe Harris's lies.

What's even more frightening is that this guy Harris knows exactly what children like Randy, who come from a single-parent family with a poor background and lack of love, long for.

For example, in one of the emails, Randy asked Harris why he wanted to help him.

Harris responded this way:

——"I used to be just like you, just like all of you. I have experienced many cruel twists and turns in life. The worst one was when my friend died..."

Then he began to explain what disease his friend had and how he felt. Finally, with the guilt of not being able to help his friend, he wanted to help other people in the world.

This kind of nonsense can be identified as false at a glance for Su Xiao, Lucy and River, who are adults and have experienced repeated blows from society.

Even if Randy wants to hear it, Su Xiao can tell him better words than Harris.

Unfortunately, kids like Randy are the least resistant to this kind of talk.

They will really believe that sitting on the other side of the network is a kind person with holy light radiating from the back of his head.

"It turns out that the whole time Randy locked himself in the house, he was talking to Harris."

River felt very regretful, very regretful.

They say that it takes less than a day to freeze three feet.

River originally thought Randy was kidnapped by Harris.

But now it seems that this is clearly abduction.

It was Randy himself who was deceived and fell into Harris' trap.

I believe that the other missing children are in a similar situation to Randy.

"Damn it!"

River couldn't help but feel guilty and remorseful.

If Joss could take more time to care about Randy during the period when her husband was away, maybe Randy would not go to the virtual network to seek spiritual sustenance and spiritual comfort.

Su Xiao glanced at River and did not choose to comfort him, but said: "Continue reading."

At this time, the more you comfort River, the more he will blame himself.

The best comfort for River is to find clues from this laptop as soon as possible and rescue Randy.

Continue to browse other emails.

What can be seen is that as Randy and Harris chatted longer and longer, the relationship between the two became closer and closer...

Or it should be said that Harris succeeded in making Randy think that his relationship with him was getting closer and closer.

Then, the important node of "testing friendship" comes.

In a subsequent email, Harris mentioned that he used the authority of the website administrator to find Randy's IP address, and then he found someone to send Randy a game.

It was the one Su Xiao and River found on the bedside table, the AR game "Battle of Heywood".

Why is this an important node?

Because generally speaking, foreigners have a relatively strong sense of boundaries.

The so-called sense of boundary means that your things belong to you and my things belong to me.

For example, for children, everyone can decide whether they are willing to lend their toys, clothes, books, food, etc. This is a material boundary.

Everyone's protection of their own personal space, such as the protection of the body or some private spaces, is the boundary of personal space.

Take Randy's IP address as an example. This thing was originally hidden.

Why hide it instead of putting it out there for everyone to see? Because this is related to personal privacy.

True information should never be known to others.

If you ask someone about some situation and they are unwilling to answer, OK, the matter should be stopped here, and no one should continue to delve into this topic.

But what did Harris do?

He didn't even ask where Randy lived, but directly used the website administrator's authority to find Randy's IP address.

And after he found the IP address, he didn't tell Randy. Instead, he sent Randy a box of games and then told Randy in an email that he did it.

At first glance, you may think that it’s just a courier delivery? What's the big deal?

But actually, if you think about it carefully, this thing is quite bad.

Because if Harris had done something malicious, Randy and his family would have died miserably.

And judging from the current results, this is indeed the case.

A family that was not wealthy to begin with was devastated by Randy's disappearance.

In fact, if Randy was alert enough and smart enough, he should choose to call the police.

Or block Harris and never contact Harris again.

Unfortunately, Randy didn't do this.

Su Xiao didn't know why Randy still kept in touch with Harris.

This kid is so lonely and lonely that he would just grab a handful of straws and regard them as his close friends and soul mates...

Or is Randy's sense of boundaries so weak that he doesn't realize that the other party is already violating his boundaries...

Or maybe this kid was not alert at all when receiving the game, but maybe he was very happy to receive the gift.

Keep scrolling through your email.

The relationship between the two really got further.

Harris pushed further and continued to send some things to Randy.

Sometimes it's a model in a bikini, sometimes it's something else.

All in all, it is of interest to teenagers.

Randy also accepted everything, as if he had regarded Harris as his best friend.

Later, Randy touched Winky again.

In an email, he told Harris about it.

Not surprisingly, Harris once again comforted Randy with clumsy lies.


In fact, what Harris said was not clever.

Anyone who has been around society for a while will not be fooled by a few bullshit words from Harris.

But Randy had never been in society, and he thought that what he was experiencing now was already the worst.

That's why he was kept in the dark by Harris time and time again.

Chapter 283 The Internet is virtual, you can’t control it (3K)

When River looked at these emails, he felt both distressed and anxious.

Now he is no longer worried about Randy, but also wants to beat this brat to vent his anger.

If you have something to say, even if you can't tell your mother, why can't you come to me?

Although I can't replace the role of Randy's father, I am better than Harris, an outsider who I have never met, right?

He is Randy’s uncle!

Why is the network virtual?

It is because abductors like Harris can pretend to be good people online and lure children who come from families lacking love, have never received praise and encouragement, and are in desperate need of attention.

The Internet has indeed shortened the distance between people and turned the world into a global village.

But at the same time, it also gives these criminals, scum, and garbage a layer of protection and disguise.

"Randy, Randy, let me tell you something good about you, hey."

River sighed heavily in a tone of hatred.

There are a lot of records at the back.

It can be seen that Randy has completely fallen into Harris' trap.

At this time, he regarded Harris as his best and possibly only friend.

If River knew about this at this time and questioned Randy, Randy might be so impatient that he would start a quarrel with River.

Lucy glanced at the records quickly, no longer looking so carefully as before.

Instead, go through it roughly and only stop and read it carefully when you see sensitive words.

There are a lot of chat records between Randy and Harris, but the amount of information is very small.

This is not okay.

If I keep reading like this, I might not be able to read all the emails in my email box even at dawn.

Su Xiao thought for a while and said: "I don't have time to look for them one by one, so I just skip to the last few emails and read them."

The last chat record with Harris before Randy disappeared must contain important information.

Judging from the emails he's seen, Randy already has a lot of faith in Harris.

Therefore, Randy's disappearance should not be caused by Harris running to Randy's house to take him away.

After all, although the trailer park is a very poor community, there are still many people living there.

If Harris drove up there himself, someone would notice him, causing alarm.

Therefore, as long as Harris is not a fool (his ability to target Randy's pain points accurately also clearly shows that he is not a fool), he will not come here in person, but will ask Randy to go somewhere outside and follow him Convergence.

If this is the case, it will go a long way in helping them find Randy.

Lucy nodded upon hearing this, then scrolled down to the bottom and started reading from the last few letters.

Sure enough, the last few emails Randy sent before his disappearance contained much more information.

Randy and Harris chatted for so long, and finally Randy may have found online chatting boring and wanted to meet Harris offline.

Harris made a request that Randy delete the first email he sent, just in case. Harris didn't want anyone to meddle in his business.

If you are a normal person, you should actually be alert when you see Harris's words.

If it is an honest friendship, then what is the need to "just in case" when meeting offline? How can you be afraid of "someone meddling in your own business"?

It's a pity that although Randy is not a fool, he who took the initiative to meet him must have been knocked unconscious by Harris with the ecstasy soup by then.

Even if I realize that something is a little bit wrong, I will just think that I am overthinking it.

"River, did you... did you see what was written on this?"

"No...Randy, this stupid kid not only agreed to meet, he was as happy as going to the amusement park."

Seeing this, Su Xiao suddenly and inexplicably thought of

Something I heard someone say before:

——There was a person who was having a great time chatting with others online, and decided to meet the netizen offline. As a result, the netizen cut his waist.

Randy's situation is quite similar to others.

The only difference is that while others lost their waist, he lost his body directly.

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