Perhaps fearing that Randy would regret it, Harris sent another email to Randy.

The content of this email is very long, comparable to a short essay.

Mainly to tell Randy about the situation at home.

While making Randy feel sympathy for him, he is also telling Randy that he is the same as him.

Moreover, Harris also explained to Randy at the end of the article why Randy was asked to delete the first email and why Randy was asked to keep it a secret.

Harris claimed that his family was brought down by corporations and dirty business.

If the company finds out, they will immediately go after him.

That's why Harris hopes Randy can keep his secret.

Harris's move is brilliant.

He seems to be taking the initiative to expose his weaknesses, but in fact he is retreating in order to advance.

Because at this time, Randy, like those victims who were deceived by the Cult, had completely believed Harris's words.

Therefore, no matter what Harris says, Randy will believe it, and Harris is also using this to make Randy believe that he can be trusted.

In the last few emails, in addition to keeping in touch with Harris, Randy also contacted someone named "Natalie."

In fact, there were records of Randy contacting this person before.

However, the emails exchanged between the two were obviously not as many as those between Randy and Harris.

This girl named Natalie also seems to have a very painful family of origin. So she learned to live independently at a very young age.

Su Xiao asked River: "Natalie, is this Randy's girlfriend?"

River nodded: "This little girl is a good girl. She has a good relationship with Randy. Even Joss likes that kid. He even told me that if Natalie were Randy's wife, she would You can rest assured.”

Before he disappeared, Randy sent Natalie a website, which was the website run by Harris.

Randy didn't say anything about Harris, but just asked Natalie to click in and take a look.

Natalie did as she was told, but instead of being fooled like Randy, she asked Randy if this thing was religious.

Maybe it was Natalie's reaction that disappointed Randy. He had previously said that this website was a good thing...

As a result, when Natalie asked if this thing was from Danjiao, she replied that it was found while browsing on the Internet and it was not important.

Seeing River here, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Randy got himself into trouble, this silly boy finally didn't harm anyone else.

Otherwise, River wouldn't even know whether to save Randy.

When I saw this, there was only the last email left in the mailbox.

It wasn't Harris, but a guy named Gail, who sent it to Randy.

The man called Randy again and sent messages, but Randy ignored him.

He sent Randy an email because he left something for Randy. In his words, "Haywood is a man who would rather sell both of his kidneys for this thing."

Combined with what Randy said to Harris before about relapse, Su Xiao estimated that this guy named Gale should be a small gangster who sells flash.

Su Xiao pointed to the email sent by Gale to Randy.

"River, Randy's computer is here. Use it to contact this little gangster named Gale and find him and the guys behind him. I don't need to explain to you how to do it."

River nodded immediately and replied.

"Of course, I can contact my partner right away... Damn! I've been suspended. I forgot about this."

But then he picked himself up again.

"But, it's okay. We can do this kind of thing later. Although I am no longer the NCPD, it doesn't mean that I can't uphold justice."

Lidya Su admires River's attitude very much.

"We will do it together later, but now, let us refocus our attention on retrieving Randy."

Gail emails Randy and complains that Randy doesn't answer the phone or respond to messages. There are two possibilities:

One is that Randy decided to change his mind and no longer touch Winky; the other is that Randy has been kidnapped by Harris.

Lidya Su thinks there may be both.

"Okay, now we know how that bastard Harris abducted Randy," River said regretfully. "Unfortunately, we still don't know where Harris hid Randy."

Su Xiao pondered: "No, maybe we shouldn't give up just now."

River's eyes lit up.

"Su, have you thought of anything?"

"Let's first go to the website that Randy sent to Natalie, "The Dangers of Drugs," which is the name of the website that Harris runs. Let's try it on the search engine and see if we can find anything. "

Lucy moved her fingers across the screen, exited the mailbox, entered the search engine first, and then entered the name of the website in the search box.

A lot of search results appear like a waterfall.

Lucy clicked on the first one at the top. After entering, there was a black

web page.

At the top, in red capital letters, it clearly says: DRUGS ARE BAD.

"Addiction can be overcome"

"Yes, overcoming addiction is a lifelong battle, but as long as we unite as one and hold hands, victory will be ours."

"We know who the enemy is and how to defeat him and thwart his machinations."

"We know where he will strike, how powerful he will be; we know his weaknesses, and how to repel him."

"For years, we've been researching the best strategies to combat addiction. Now, we're putting the results into practice."

“Did you enter the wrong website?”

River had a question mark on his forehead.

No matter how you look at this website, it looks like a very serious Jie Ai website.

Su Xiao said with certainty: "No, this Jie Ai website is just a deception. The real content is hidden in this website. That is Anthony Harris's real website, and it is also his "Neverland" ”. "

Chapter 284 Free is the most expensive (3K)

Next to those sworn articles, there is a picture of two people holding their heads and looking very distressed.

If you didn’t know the inside story, you would think that this pattern is just like the pattern on cigarette packages in Singapore. It uses disgusting and scary patterns to deter others and resist temptation.

But Su Xiao, who had read the chat records between Randy and Harris and still remembered it clearly, knew that this pattern was actually a deception. After clicking on it, it would jump to a hidden webpage carefully set up by Harris.

Sure enough, after Lucy clicked on the red pattern, she jumped to another web page——

TONY’S SHELTER (Tony’s Shelter)

"Welcome, lost stranger"

"Nice to meet you, friend!"

"Welcome to Tony's Soul Harbor! This is the place you have been looking for. Here, Tony can help you become the best version of yourself."

"I live with friends who don't want to let their lives go to waste anymore, just like you! You can think of me as a farmer taking care of cattle and sheep."

"Get familiar with the place and stay. Let's show the previous farms what we can do!"

"Don't know what I mean? It doesn't matter, I will explain it slowly."

"But now it's up to you to make a decision. Should you continue to feel sorry for yourself, or should you become what you dream of?"

"come quickly"

The three of them looked at each other.

"No wonder Randy's girlfriend, Natalie, thinks this is the Cult. At first glance, this thing looks no different from the Cult."

If the Jie Ai website outside seems to have no problems, then this hidden web page is really worth three hundred taels of silver.

Assuming that it is a website that helps others get over trauma and treat mental illness, it is impossible not to charge, and the therapists still charge by the hour.

It's possible that after watching it for a few hours, there is no significant improvement.

But for a website like this, which doesn’t mention any charges and looks like it’s completely free, there’s no doubt that there’s definitely something wrong with it.

Some people may ask, doesn’t the International Red Cross often go to war-torn areas to provide free medical services and relief to victims?

You certainly cannot compare it with the International Red Cross.

Because the funding of the International Red Cross comes from national governments, supranational organizations (such as the European Union), as well as public and private donations, etc...

Where does Anthony Harris get the funding?

Not to mention that the official website of the International Red Cross is not as hidden as this so-called "Tony's Soul Harbor".

If a website needs to be hidden to exist, it means that the website cannot see the light, and it will die if it does.

River pointed to the hidden web page on the screen and said, "I have a question. If anyone can click on the red pattern on the external web page to enter, then why hasn't this website been blocked?"

"It's probably an invitation-only system, that is, only authorized people can access this website, and there will be no response when others click on the red pattern."

In order to verify her idea, Su Xiao walked to a computer in the room and directly entered the URL of this website.

The result shows that it cannot be accessed.

Then, just like Lucy had just done, he first entered the normal-looking Jie Ai website, and then clicked on the red pattern.

The result was just as he expected.

No matter how he clicked, he never jumped to the hidden web page.

This confirms the "invitation system" conjecture he just mentioned.

Only computers authorized by IP can enter the hidden page.

Coupled with Harris' continued caution, it's no wonder he wasn't caught until now.

Su Xiao said thoughtfully: "No wonder Anthony Harris named himself Peter Pan."

"Peter Pan takes those children to the 'carefree' Neverland, and he takes those children who come from bad backgrounds, live a bad life, and have a history of touching Twinkle, to come to him. go."

"In other words, he thinks he is doing the same thing as Peter Pan."


Fu had a new question: "But why does he emphasize that he is a farmer who takes care of cattle and sheep?"

Lucy thought for a while and said, "Is this just a metaphor? In fact, it doesn't have such a deep meaning?"

"No, this is not a simple metaphor." Su Xiao shook her head and said, "Lucy, pull out the email that Harris sent to Randy. It is the one that Harris sent to Randy after Randy agreed to meet. It’s also the last letter in their records.”

The records were quickly retrieved.

The three of them concentrated and looked at the screen.

On the screen, it was Randy who was going to find Harris, the last email Harris sent to Randy.

"I can understand, the family I come from is not normal either."

"My mother died very early, and my father...he just wanted to give me a future, but once rinderpest broke out, life on the farm would not be so easy."

"In the end, he saw all the livestock and business were destroyed...My dad fell into deep despair."

There is actually some content later, but those are not important.

These are the only paragraphs that matter.

River stared at the screen, looked at it several times, and said uncertainly: "Didn't Harris make this up to win Randy's sympathy?"

Su Xiao and River hold opposite views.

"No, River, you don't understand. You can't make it up so well."

"There is a saying that if you don't let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf. In the same way, Harris will not use a made-up story to deceive Randy. Even if Randy has been brainwashed by Harris at that time, Harris will not Take that risk.”

"Moreover, even if he tells the truth, there is actually no loss. The important thing is that as long as he can deceive others, he will make something."

"Harris said in the hidden website that he was a farmer who took care of cattle and sheep, and in the email to Randy, he also mentioned his family farm. So there is a high probability that he is referring to Randy and other people who were arrested. The children he cheated on are all locked up on the farm.”

River frowned, and suddenly felt a huge workload: "Farms? There are quite a few farms in Night City, Su."

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