"Not the farms in Night City, but the farms throughout the Badlands."

Facing River's confused eyes, Su Xiao continued to explain.

"It is impossible for Harris to lock Randy and other children in the city. This is not only because it takes a lot of money to run a farm in the city, but also because there are too many people in the city and it is not easy. Keep it confidential.”

"But in the bad land, the situation is different. The land price in the bad land is very cheap. Basically, you can buy a piece of land for not much money."

"Even if you don't have money, it's not impossible to find a remote place to occupy it. The NCPD won't go outside the city anyway."

"Moreover, you don't have to worry about anyone discovering these kidnapped children when you go outside the city. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

River suddenly felt like his head was pounding.

If it were a farm in the city, he could think of something else.

After all, although Night City is large, there are several urban areas where it is impossible to build farms, so the scope can be narrowed down.

But if it's outside the city...

"I went to find Jos and ask. As long as we can find the express box that Harris sent to Randy, we can know which farm it is from the shipping address of the express box."

Su Xiao stopped River: "Stop asking, it's useless."

River was stunned.

"Su, what did you say?"

"Joss didn't know anything about Harris at all, which means Randy took the express box and most likely disposed of it."

"Besides, even if you can find the express box in the trash, it's probably in vain, because I guess Harris won't be stupid enough to label the express box with his true information."

When you mail something in Siris, you have to fill in your sender's name, shipping address, and ID number, but you don't need to do this in Night City.

For example, the most famous logistics company - "Respectable Logistics" allows senders to not fill in any information, as long as the things they transport are not any contraband, and the sender pays twice the shipping fee.

Of course, if the money is enough, even if the goods to be transported are contraband, it is not impossible to accommodate.

Harris is a very sinister and cautious pervert.

It is impossible for him to leave his true information on the express box.

So River didn't even have to look for it.

Even if you find it, it's useless.

Lidya Su frowned and thought hard for a while.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind.

He figured out a way.

"Lucy, can you hack into this website?"

Lucy didn't even think about it: "Of course."

"After hacking in, seize the authority of the website administrator."

The authority of the website administrator is to view the IP addresses of all registered members.

This of course includes the webmasters themselves.

As long as you know the IP address of the website administrator, you can follow the network cable to find it.

Lucy's hacking skills are naturally not limited. After all, she is a survivor who has gone deep into the black wall several times and successfully returned alive.

It only took less than a few minutes for Lucy to successfully bypass the ICE that hides the web page, enter the subnet, and capture the website administrator.


Through the authority of the website administrator, the IP address of the administrator - Harris's home - was indeed found.

Lucy compared the IP address with the map around Night City and quickly discovered the target.

"We found a place, just southeast of Night City."

When Su Xiao heard this, he was the first to stride outside.

"Without further ado, we're leaving right now."

River, who followed Lidya Su and Lucy out, suddenly felt uneasy.

He was used to the NCPD's procrastinating, low-key, and mutually exclusive work efficiency. He was used to the fact that to do something, he needed to make repeated reports, applications, and layers of approvals. He was used to the edges being polished and polished.

Now that all these obstacles were gone, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Chapter 285 The death of the demon hunter on the steps is also the tears of the times (3K)

River couldn't believe it.

The case that the NCPD had not uncovered for so long was solved in just two hours.

At the same time, this also strengthened River's idea that he could no longer stay in the NCPD.

He looked at Lidya Su’s back.

The NCPD cannot realize its belief in upholding justice.

But if you follow this young man, maybe you can...

"Take my car there."

"No, it's too slow to drive there. I'll go find Rogge to borrow the float car. You two will wait for me at the bar."

When Su Xiao walked away quickly, River asked in surprise.

"Su, does he still know Rogge?"

Of course River knew who Roger was.

What made him feel incredible was that Su Xiao actually knew Rogge.

And judging from Lidya Su's tone, the two seemed to be very close partners.


At this time, Claire came over and leaned on the bar to say hello to Lucy.

"Hey Lucy, I haven't been here in a while. Want something to drink?"

Lucy held out three fingers: "Just three glasses of ice water. We have something to do later and it's not convenient to drink."

Claire gave River a quick look.

"Is this your new partner? He looks like he came from the NCPD."

"I'm River Ward."

"You can call me Claire."

Three glasses of ice water were served quickly, Lucy paid, and then saw Su Xiao coming back.

"His grandma's, Rogge said that all her aerostats have been loaned out, and only an old helicopter can be lent to us."

Lucy told a cold joke without expression: "Strictly speaking, Rogge is indeed old enough to be your grandma."

Lidya Su: “…”

The three of them took the elevator and arrived on the roof of the house above the "afterlife".

They waited for about a few minutes before they saw a helicopter flying from a distance and landing on the roof.

The person driving the helicopter was neither Crispin Welland nor Emerick, but another Eastern European that Su Xiao didn't know.

"Mr. Su, please come up and tell me the coordinates."

The three people boarded the helicopter and fastened their seat belts. The helicopter slowly took off and headed towards the target location.

Flying in the sky is much faster than running on the ground. It took almost no time for them to reach the place marked by the IP address.

The pilot hovered the helicopter in mid-air, turned back to the passengers and said, "There is a farm below us."

Hearing this, Su Xiao looked down through the glass of the helicopter.

There is a fence surrounding a farm with several standing water towers, a barn and several other houses.

River also saw the farm below, and he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Quick! Let us down quickly!"

"Don't worry yet, wait."

Lidya Su pointed downward.

In the scanning of the tactical eyepiece, it can be clearly seen that the open space is densely covered with laser trip mines.

At the same time, there are two activated automatic turrets on the front of the house in the middle.

These two automatic turrets are activated 24 hours a day, which means that if someone breaks in by mistake or passes outside the farm fence, they may be attacked by the automatic turrets.

The height of the helicopter is now outside the range of the automatic turret, but if it lowers its altitude and enters the range of the automatic turret...

This 2023 helicopter cannot withstand the strafing fire of two automatic turrets.

Not to mention that there are laser trip mines underneath, which will kill you if you step on them.

Although Su Xiao knew that River was in a hurry, she still didn't want to worry.

He looked at Lucy.

"Lucy, from this height, can you turn off those two automatic turrets?"

Lucy didn't speak, but nodded.

Her eyes flashed red.

A few seconds later, the two automatic turrets lowered their heads, and the infrared laser rays used for aiming disappeared.

Seeing that the automatic turret had been turned off by Lucy, Su Xiao said to the helicopter pilot: "Drive the helicopter above the barn, facing the open space with its side, and I will shoot them all down with the machine gun."

Laser trip mines can be hacked using hacking techniques and then disarmed remotely.

But there were too many laser trip mines in the open space in the yard.

It takes too much time to remove them all, so it is better to remove them physically.

Su Xiao signaled Lucy and River to sit still, while he walked to the machine gun position, sat down, and turned on the machine gun's safety.

At the same time, the helicopter also flew above the barn, using the side of the helicopter where the machine gun was located, facing the open space where laser trip mines were deployed.

This ensures that the machine gun will not accidentally hit the barn where the missing children are kept.

Su Xiao pulled the trigger, and the machine gun bullet was thrown out like a golden whip, causing bursts of explosions in the open space.

The explosion lasted for almost half a minute before finally stopping.

All the mines below were finally cleared.

Su Xiao used the tactical eyepiece to scan again to confirm that there were no laser trip mines and automatic turrets before letting the helicopter send them down.

However, due to the detonation of the mines, the ground below was uneven.

Therefore, the helicopter did not land directly on the open ground, but hovered about two meters above the ground.

It's only two meters long. Even Geralt in the latest game with Chinese voice can't fall to his death.

Let alone the three of them.

The three people jumped out of the helicopter respectively. Su Xiao gave a thumbs up to the pilot through the glass. The latter also gave a thumbs up, and then slowly drove the helicopter into the air.

Instead of leaving, find a place to land outside the farm.

"Follow me, this way."

Su Xiao took Lucy and River outside the barn. Just through the tactical goggles, Su Xiao could confirm that the kidnapped children were inside the barn.

"Everyone is inside."

River stepped forward and pushed the closed rolling shutter door, then looked around and found that there was no other entrance.

"I'll go look behind the barn and maybe I can find a way in."

"Don't bother me. Leave it to me. You guys stay back."

After asking Lucy and River to retreat, Su Xiao pulled out Murasame from her waist and raised his hands above his head.


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