A loud shout!

River couldn't see Lidya Su's movements clearly at all, he only felt a blur in front of his eyes.

Then when Su Xiao put the knife back into the scabbard, an entrance had been cut into the rolling shutter door at the barn door for one person to enter.

Although he was worried about Randy's safety, River was also shocked by Su Xiao's sword skills.

This shooting speed is even faster than that of a gambling madman.

River now somewhat understands why Su Xiao can know Rogge and can chat and laugh with Rogge.

Awesome people and awesome people can play together.

"these are……"

From this cut entrance, the three people who walked in saw the scene inside the barn clearly. Except for Su Xiao, who had already known what was going on inside, the other two froze on the spot.

Two rows of green-lighting mechanical hotbeds were neatly lined up on both sides of the three people. Huge pipes were inserted into these hotbeds, connected to the machinery and equipment, and they were also glowing with green lights.

These are fully automated operations. Even if people are not here, as long as they are set up in advance and sufficient food and drinking water are provided, they can be automatically supplied.

But the problem is that the seedlings in these hotbeds are not vegetables or flowers.

But people.

To be more precise, the missing children.

On each mechanical hotbed, there is a child lying on the bed. They are wearing only a pair of shorts, with a cover on their head connected to a feeding tube for sick cattle and sheep.

At this moment, Su Xiao suddenly understood what Harris meant when he called himself a farmer who took care of cattle and sheep in the email he sent to Randy.

Co-authoring is literal.

He really regarded the children he abducted as cattle and sheep.


Standing in the middle of the dark and empty aisle, River shouted.

But no one responded.

It’s weird if someone responds.

These children have fallen into comas, and those who are not in coma are also dead.

How could one possibly respond to River?

In the end, Lucy used the Qilusi prosthetic eye to scan the surrounding environment and finally found Randy's location.

"Where is he."

Randy, like the other children, was fixed on a heavy iron frame and had a huge tube on his face.

Fortunately, although he fell into a coma, he was still alive.

Su Xiao quickly made a judgment and gave instructions to the other two people.

"Lucy, the room inside should be the control room. Go turn off the machine."

"River, call the NCPD. Not only Randy, but also other children are here. Ask their parents to take them...and their bodies away."

The NCPD has done nothing, so at least they must be responsible for the aftermath, otherwise what are they doing with taxpayers' money?

Lucy hurried into the control room, while River contacted the control center through the implanted communicator.

"10-52, repeat, 10-52 situation was found on a farm in the south of the city."

10-52, in the NCPD police communication code, means that support including an ambulance is needed.

"Sending coordinates...Send a team quickly, no, at least send a few more, hurry up!"

After River's words fell, the machinery and equipment in the mechanical hotbed

, all screens turned black.

At the same time, Lucy's voice came from inside: "My side is disconnected."

"I saw it, River, come on, let's lift this shelf up together."

Su Xiao and River grabbed the two ends of the iron frame respectively, "I count to three, let's work together, one! Two! Three!"

The heavy iron frame was lifted. Su Xiao took a look. After the iron frame was lifted, it would be stuck and no one needed to keep pulling it.

But think about it, if this thing had to be pulled all the time, then how could Harris put the child on the hotbed while keeping pulling on the iron frame?

Chapter 286 Good people shouldn’t be pointed at guns (4K)

River pulled off the huge tube covering Randy's head, took off his hood, opened his eyelids and took a look to make sure there was nothing serious, and then he finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, Randy, it's okay."

When Su Xiao saw Lucy coming out, she said to her: "Lucy, let's go see the other children."

River saw this and said hurriedly: "Then I also..."

Lidya Su waved her hand towards River.

"No, River, you stay with Randy, Lucy and I are enough."

There are two rows of mechanical hotbeds, with Su Xiao and Lucy each responsible for one row.

Just like Randy, help them take off the giant tube and hood.

Some children were saved, but not all children had a good ending.

"Hey, this child is hopeless."

"I'm not angry anymore."

Finally, Su Xiao and Lucy completed the inspection and found that of the seven children kidnapped by Harris, including Randy, two were dead and only five were still alive.

Lidya Su didn't feel any self-blame or guilt.

It's not that he thinks these children are to blame for themselves, but he feels that it is unnecessary to have any negative emotions at this time and then destroy his own mentality.

It wasn't his, Lucy's, or River's fault that they couldn't save everyone.

The perpetrator of the evil was Anthony Harris, and he must be the one who should suffer from the torture of conscience.

Good people shouldn't have guns pointed at them.

Moreover, Benjamin Franklin, the drafter of the Declaration of Independence and one of the founding fathers of the United States, once said this:

——Don’t just see a glass with half a glass of water left, but see that there is still half a glass of water in the glass.

By the same token, don't just see that everyone was not saved, but that five survivors were rescued.

after an hour.

Su Xiao and Lucy leaned on the railing, watching the NCPD who arrived later, running around the farm and busy.

The NCPD's operation was very efficient this time, and it only took an hour to arrive.

Then the trauma team came, called by the NCPD.

Two trauma team float vehicles, carrying the five living children, including Randy, took off one after another and left the farm.

As for the remaining two children who unfortunately passed away, they will leave with the corpse truck of the medical center.

After a while, two news vehicles also rushed to the scene.

Lucy recognized the sign on the car: "WNS News and News 54 are here too."

Lidya Su didn’t feel the slightest surprise.

"Of course. The purpose of being a journalist is to reveal facts and report the truth. Although our counterparts in Night City may not do that well, they will not lose to anyone in terms of news sensitivity."

"NCPD doesn't care about them?"

Lidya Su said with a smile.

"Why bother? This is a great opportunity for the NCPD to use the opportunity to build momentum. Think about it, who caught Anthony Harris? It was the NCPD, right? Who rescued those missing children? Or the NCPD Right?"

"As long as Jerry Ford is not a fool, he will not miss this opportunity, not to mention the endless reports from these media for him, without him spending a penny. I can just imagine him sitting in the office Such a proud expression."

Lucy looked at River in the distance, who was taking notes with his colleagues.

"So, River's suspension will also be revoked, right? Even if Jerry Ford doesn't like River anymore, he won't make it difficult for this great hero on the cusp of this storm."

Lidya Su nodded and said.

"Of course, we not only need to withdraw River's suspension, but also give him a promotion. Now our Director Forte and River are on the same boat. One will be prosperous and the other will suffer."

"Only by stabilizing River and sealing his mouth can we prevent him from talking nonsense everywhere, lest reporters with noses sharper than dogs smell something wrong."

Lucy hesitated for a moment and said, "But if that's the case, will River still follow us to Stoneridge Mountain?"

What can be expected is that NCPD Chief Forte will not be stingy with commending River this time. If River works harder, it will only be a matter of time before he is promoted to police superintendent in the next few years.

And although the treatment he gave River was good, it was not a job within the system.

Su Xiao was silent for a while and said: "No matter what choice River makes, I respect his choice."

River was taking notes from his colleagues,

Perhaps as if he sensed it, he turned around and nodded towards Lidya Su.

Almost half an hour later, his work was finally completed.

"Thank you very much this time, Sue."

"It's okay, you're welcome," Su Xiao paused, and then asked straight to the point: "River, the NCPD has made a promise to you, right? How are they going to reward you?"

River may have guessed that Lidya Su would ask this question.

So he didn't hesitate or avoid, but answered directly.

"They agreed to let me return to the police force, and the suspension would be directly erased. It's not a take back, it's an erasure, and it won't leave any files."

"And Director Folt also promised me to upgrade me to another level."

Lidya Su nodded.

It's a bit stingy, but it's still appropriate and not too bad.

However, if Su Xiao sat in Forte's position, he would give more favorable conditions.

After all, this time the entire NCPD is taking advantage of River's glory. In this era of poor performance, it is very important to still be able to show shining talents.

If you don’t offer a higher price, why should the talent stay with you?

Just based on feelings?

"Congratulations then."

It’s not sourness, nor is it yin and yang, but Lidya Su’s heartfelt congratulations.

In addition to one's own efforts, a person's promotion also depends on luck, opportunity and the external environment.

Now is River's chance.

When an opportunity comes, if you seize it, and with personal efforts, you will be able to advance.

But if you miss it, you may have such a good opportunity next time, and you don’t know when.

It’s also possible that a good opportunity will never come your way again.

However, River's answer was unexpected.

"And I said no."

Lidya Su joked: "You think it's too little?"

"No, but this is indeed one of the reasons. Even if I move up a level, it will still be less than half of the salary you paid me."

"When you work within the system, it's not all about salary, but stability and other things."

River spread his hands.

"Director Forte said the same thing, but I am very short of money, Su, do you know? Children today are different from before."

"In the past, we also came from poverty. Even if we had no money, we could learn well. But it is different now. Without money, children will become bad and associate with sin and glitter."

What River said makes sense in the United States.

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