Then, in his field of vision, a yellow icon appeared. This icon was emitted by the locator on the truck carrying the goods.

And above the yellow icon, the distance between Su Xiao and the truck is also displayed.

There's not a lot of information and no cluttered data, which is nice and easy to see at a glance.

The arms dealer waited for half a minute and asked, "How is it? Did you see it?"

Lidya Su nodded: "I saw it."

"Then please pay the deposit."

Since arms dealers do not trust electronic bank transfers, only cash and credit chips are accepted.

Therefore, their previous agreement was that Su Xiao would pay the deposit first, and then pay the balance after receiving the goods and confirming that they were correct.

Therefore, the arms dealer is now asking Su Xiao for a deposit.

However, Su Xiao had different ideas from the arms dealer.

"I brought the deposit, but when the deposit is paid, we should have completed the transaction in the town without these corpses and deaths."

"But now, not only did I save your life from the sniper's gun, but I also got the goods from the hands of the rebels."

"Then the question is, why should I pay for something that doesn't belong to you?"

arms dealer glare

Big eyes.

"Do you want to take advantage of others?"

"Wrong, this is not about taking advantage of others, but I am trying to reason with you."

"Be reasonable? Huh, what a reasonable person." The arms dealer was so angry that his chest heaved violently, "The goods you want were obtained by me from the Tsunami Company. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to buy it even if you had the money. "

Lidya Su smiled.

"You are right, but the problem now is not that I want to buy it from you. That thing is not in your hand now, but has been snatched away by the anti-government armed forces. If you want a normal transaction, So……"

"You can go and snatch the goods back now, and the goods will still be yours, and I will give you as much as you have to pay; or I can go and snatch the goods back, but the goods are not sold to me by you, but by you. I snatched it from the rebels."

Su Xiao is not afraid of offending this arms dealer, because this person is a profit-seeking guy at first glance.

When dealing with such people, it is useless to accumulate favors, only benefits are eternal.

Don't say anything else.

Just because Su Xiao had just saved his life, if it had been anyone else, he would have taken the initiative to give a discount without Su Xiao opening his mouth.

Even if you make little or no money, there is nothing you can do about it.

After all, the arms dealer was responsible for losing the goods.

Now if Su Xiao wants to get the goods, Su Xiao has to go to the rebels to get them back.

If you have to do it yourself, then you have to pay a shitty amount of money.

If this arms dealer offered to give Su Xiao a discount, then Su Xiao wouldn't be able to pay him a sum of money.

But she had just saved his life. He didn't have anything in his hand, and he had the nerve to ask for the balance. Then Su Xiao was not so easy to talk to.

The arms dealer was choked by Su Xiao and was speechless.

For a moment, the idea of ​​snatching the chip back came to his mind.

But this idea only stayed in his mind for a few seconds and then disappeared.

Because the other party is unwilling to pay, for me, I just lost a lot of money.

And this money can be earned back through other transactions in the future.

However, if he chooses to snatch the chip back, the other party will definitely not return the chip honestly.

The arms dealer is a dealer who spreads weapons and death. He has witnessed with his own eyes not only a thousand but also eight hundred deaths.

He would not be so naive as to think that he would benefit by taking action.

Therefore, after some hesitation and struggle, in the end, the arms dealers did not choose to grab the chips.

"Although I won't give you any money, you can follow us and let us protect you to a safe place. Of course, you don't have to pay the employment fee. What do you think?"

"Okay, that's it."

The arms dealer nodded.

His face looked better now.

His current situation is indeed not good.

And if you can get the protection of Su Xiao and others without paying employment fees, that's not bad, it's not too much of a disadvantage.

In fact, he has dealt with government forces, rebels, and the Shining Group.

He is an arms dealer and is neutral.

Theoretically speaking, there is no need for the three parties to embarrass him.

Not only did they not embarrass him, but they also treated him as a guest because they wanted to buy weapons from him.

This has always been the case.

But what the arms dealers didn't expect was that a fight broke out between the anti-government armed forces some time ago.

The second in command and the first in command got into a fight.

The last leader died, and the second leader took the first leader's place.

The second-in-command then contacted the arms dealers, hoping that the arms dealers would only sell weapons to the rebels.

Stop providing weapons to government forces and the Shining Group.

Of course, arms dealers will not agree to such conditions.

They say don't put your eggs in one basket.

If you stop providing weapons to the government forces and the Shining Group, you will be tied to the anti-government forces.

Arms dealers are not that stupid.

What he didn't expect was that, despite his disagreement, the rebels would regard him as a hostile target.

When he was in the town last night, he had already revealed his identity, but he was still attacked by the rebels.

Therefore, if he could get the protection of Su Xiao and his party and enter the sphere of influence of the government army, then he would not be particularly disadvantaged.

The discussion was settled and everyone set out together.

An hour later, we arrived in a jungle.

Everyone got off the car and walked deep into the jungle for about twenty minutes, and finally found a camp in the jungle.

Su Xiaobi looked at the distance displayed on the chip, which was on one of the trucks in the camp.

That's right, it's there.

"Get ready for action and follow my orders."

The arms dealer immediately raised an objection: "Wait, why should we obey your orders?"

"Just because I have command experience, okay, stop talking nonsense and get back to your positions quickly."

Su Xiao distributed to everyone where they should go. The three bodyguards under the arms dealer did not act immediately, but just looked at the arms dealer.

The arms dealer gritted his teeth, knowing that now was not the time to argue.

He nodded silently.

When they were in position and ready to attack, Su Xiao noticed several more trucks coming from the path outside the camp.

Drive over here.

Su Xiao then asked others not to move and paused the attack.

Then I saw a few trucks driving into the camp and stopping. A large number of militiamen from the camp rushed up and drove a group of civilians off the trucks.

"What should I do if there are civilians, Su?"

"V, you and Lucy aim at the heavy machine gunners in the camp. Everyone else marks the target, waits for my instructions, and fires together."

Among the civilians who were captured from the truck, there were both Latinos and whites, men and women, children and the elderly.

However, the most conspicuous among them was a group of white men in uniforms. Judging from their appearance, it was obvious that they were not locals from Bolivia.

These white men consciously wanted to protect women, but as expected, they were beaten for a while by the militiamen.

Whether they wanted to or not, these civilians were forcibly pulled from their vehicles and then lined up in a single file, driven by anti-government armed militiamen, who also lined up behind them.

One of the militiamen pulled out a pistol and fired a shot into the air.

The civilians were frightened by the gunfire. Some squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, and some fell directly to the ground, screaming and crying.

The reaction of the civilians made the militiamen very dissatisfied. They hit the civilians with their rifle butts and shouted and cursed loudly.

Finally, a few civilians couldn't stand the beating any longer, so they got up and ran away quickly.

When the first person does this, others follow suit.

Seeing these civilians starting to run away, the militiamen did not look panicked or angry. Instead, they seemed to be going hunting, with happy expressions on their faces.

After the civilians ran some distance away, the militiaman who first fired into the air shouted, and the militiamen who lined up in a row raised their guns and aimed at the fleeing civilians.

It turns out that what they did just now was not to let the civilians escape, but to hunt them down like ducks.

Just when they were about to pull the trigger, two huge sniper shots broke the calm.

In the camp, two militiamen manning heavy machine guns suddenly spurted out a large amount of blood from their heads. They fell heavily to the ground as if they had been hit hard head-on.

Then, a large stream of bullets was fired from the jungle, hitting the militiamen standing in a row, knocking them down easily.

The remaining people in the camp realized that they were under attack.

At this time, the difference between the militia and the regular army becomes apparent.

Chapter 308 Rescue (3K)

If you are a regular army, you must first find a bunker to hide yourself at this time.

Then, the enemy's position can be identified through the muzzle flash and bullet holes in the camp.

Finally, fight back.

As a result, after this group of militiamen were attacked, they pressed the trigger with their fingers and shot randomly in all directions.

Not to mention hitting the enemy, even their own people were accidentally injured.

Compared with the enemy who was obviously panicking, the situation on Su Xiao's side was obviously different.

He calmly killed the enemies caught in the scope one after another.

V and Lucy's fighting positions are further apart. They both use sniper rifles, which has an advantage in range.

The arms dealer and his three bodyguards formed a crossfire to ensure that no enemy could be in the blind spot of the fire.

In this way, in just a few minutes of fighting, all the anti-government militants in the camp were wiped out.

On Su Xiao's side, he was just a bodyguard, and his arm was scratched by a stray bullet.

It's just that the arm was scratched by a stray bullet, so it's not a big problem.

Put on a bandage, give yourself a pneumatic syringe, and you'll be fine.

Su Xiao asked the others to return the same way, while he walked out of the jungle and came to the group of civilians who were like frightened birds.

"It's okay, you're safe."

After he repeated this sentence several times, the civilians who were almost fainted from the splatter of blood and brains slowly calmed down.

But the way they looked at Lidya Su was still more fearful.

One of the white men in uniform walked out from among the civilians and came to Su Xiao: "Are you the reinforcement we called for?"

This white man was probably in his forties, with a light stubble on his face.

Su Xiao shook his head: "No, whose reinforcements did you call?"

"The Bolivian government troops, the president promised that the government troops would protect us, but when these militiamen came over, the government troops responsible for protecting us abandoned us and ran away. I thought they were going to move reinforcements."

"I'm not from the government army. I'm the president of Shuguang Military Company. You can call me Su." Su Xiao's eyes stayed on the white man's uniform for a few seconds, "You don't look like ordinary civilians either. "

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