The middle-aged white man nodded and said: "We are an international humanitarian relief organization that specializes in providing medical care, food, water, shelter and other assistance to people affected by conflicts and armed violence."

It turned out to be an international humanitarian relief organization.

Lidya Su said that looking at their uniforms, they felt a little familiar.

Basically, those who are willing to work in this organization are worthy of admiration


They gave up the high-welfare and high-paying working environment in the country and voluntarily chose to come to conflict and war-torn areas to provide ordinary civilians with the help they could.

These people are the real Madonnas, not the Madonnas on the Internet who can only type on the keyboard.

After expressing his thanks, the middle-aged white man made a request.

"Mr. Su, please protect us and these civilians and go to La Paz. We can pay you."

Lidya Su waved her hand.

"No need for payment or anything like that. I don't charge you for it. It's free."

Although there are many civilians, only two trucks can load them all.

Originally, they were going to La Paz, and bringing these civilians was just equivalent to adding two more trucks to their team.

Of course, he himself is not the Virgin.

If these civilians were honest, it would be easy to talk about it.

But if they did something bad, he wouldn't let them go.

Without further ado, Su Xiao immediately asked people from the international humanitarian relief organization to take the civilians to the camp to search for supplies.

From here to La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, it will take several days to get there, even if you drive 24 hours a day.

Therefore, this material must be brought.

He himself went to check out the truck loaded with VR training equipment.

He scanned it with the tactical eyepiece. There was no problem with the car and there was no problem with the VR training equipment.

Those militiamen probably had no idea what this thing was for.

They just instinctively felt that the things in the car were valuable, so they took them back to the camp.

While everyone was busy working, V, Lucy, and the arms dealer drove over from the only path in the camp.

No one else said anything.

Only the arms dealer quietly pulled Su Xiao aside and walked aside.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Can't you see? Searching for supplies, we are still several days away from the capital La Paz. If we don't bring the supplies in the camp, how will we get to La Paz?"

"So that's it, then...where are those people?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Su Xiao's face, and he hooked the arms dealer's neck: "You said this is a coincidence? No, it just so happens that they are going to La Paz, and we just happened to be there."

"You want to take them with you?" The arms dealer's face turned ugly. "How much did they give you?"

Lidya Su shook her finger: "I don't want their money, I will help for free."

"Brother, are you confused? You bring so much burden without accepting any payment?"

Lidya Su shook her head.

"Hey, don't talk about yourself like that."

The arms dealer was stunned for a moment.

He soon realized that he was also one of the "burdens who didn't ask for money".

But my situation is different from these people.

It’s not like he didn’t pay. Isn’t that valuable set of VR training equipment equivalent to the protection fee he paid?

But he didn't mention this because he felt that mentioning this might arouse Lidya Su's resentment.

So he said it differently.

"Do you know how troublesome it is to take these people with you?"

"What's the trouble? They're not asked to walk. Isn't there a car that they can drive?"

If Liu Bei had had a large number of trucks at that time, he would not have been overtaken by Cao Cao's pursuers, and the subsequent Battle of Changban would have been impossible.

These civilians are indeed not as physically strong as them, but this does not require them to walk after all, as long as they follow them in a car.

"What if...what if they impose conditions?"

"This is not simple. Whoever makes conditions will be thrown away. I just want to take them away, and I am not their nanny."

Seeing that Su Xiao could not be persuaded no matter what, the arms dealer gritted his teeth and stretched out five fingers.

"I'll give you five million, just us, run away now and leave them alone."

But Lidya Su quickly said firmly: "No."

"Why? You won't do it for two million?"

The arms dealer asked himself, two million euros is not a small amount.

And this money is not employment fee, it is just money to let Su Xiao get rid of these burdens.

It is equivalent to saying that as long as Su Xiao agrees, the money will be his.

There is still reason not to eat the meat that reaches your mouth.

The arms dealer originally thought that Su Xiao was unwilling to leave behind those burdens and wanted to take the opportunity to raise the price.

Now it seems that is not the case?

"I've already promised them, and I can't break my promise. Besides, why are you in such a panic?" Su Xiao glanced at the arms dealer, "Didn't I say it before? These civilians walked by car, not on foot. In fact, you don’t have to worry about them slowing down our speed at all.”

The arms dealer raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Okay, I can't tell you what you want, but if something happens, I'll run away. Don't expect me to stay and help you protect those civilians."

"Okay, that makes sense."

Anyway, the VR training equipment Su Xiao wanted has been obtained.

If something happened and he parted ways with the arms dealer, there would be nothing to say.

After all, the arms dealer is not his subordinate, and he cannot force others to do anything.

In fact, if there is really an irresistible situation, let alone the arms dealer, Su Xiao himself will take V and Lucy to the


He helped them to the best of his ability. If it would harm his own interests or even his life, he would still put himself first.

It took a lot of time to move the food, but it was worth the time wasted.

The middle-aged white man from the International Humanitarian Relief Organization went to do some statistics and came over to tell Su Xiao that the food was enough to last them to La Paz.

This means that they can move towards La Paz at full speed.

No need to waste time looking for food.

We ran wildly towards La Paz for several hours.

During these hours, no one dared to stop or slow down.

After all, the sooner you can enter the sphere of influence of the government forces, the safer you will be and the sooner you can relax.

Su Xiao and the others understand this truth, and others, including civilians, also understand this truth.

Therefore, even if they felt uncomfortable, everyone stayed in the car and no one asked to stop and rest.

It wasn't until night fell that the motorcade slowly began to slow down.

The arms dealer asked in confusion: "Why do we need to slow down? There are so many of us, we can take turns driving."

Su Xiao pointed at the staggering civilians climbing down from the car: "Look at them. If we continue driving all night, I don't know how many people will die from exhaustion tomorrow."

The arms dealer couldn't help but complain: "I just said leave them behind, we can walk much faster on our own."

Lidya Su glanced at him.

"Don't be so stubborn. Even if we leave them behind, we still have to find a place to rest at night. This is the territory of the rebels. It's still several days away from La Paz. You can't be so naive as to think that, You won’t encounter any rebels in the next few days, right?”

"Have a good rest at night so that you can be energetic during the day and not rush into the rebels without knowing it."

The arms dealer did not refute again this time because he knew that what Su Xiao said was right.

When they go to La Paz now, they don't just have to drive there, they also have to maintain a high degree of vigilance.

To maintain such vigilance, you must have a good rest at night.

Chapter 309: Defeatist Counselor (4K)

The group parked the car in the wilderness.

Then international relief organizations began distributing food.

They didn't light a fire.

Because making a fire in this wild place is still too conspicuous.

Su Xiao took many weapons from his car and distributed them to the people from the International Rescue Organization, so that he did not have to rely only on the arms dealer and his three bodyguards.

He divided all those armed into three squads.

The first class is responsible for guarding now, the second class is responsible for the first half of the night, and the third class is responsible for the second half of the night.

In each squad he was joined by his own people, people from the International Rescue Organization, and bodyguards from the arms dealers.

International Rescue Organization Su Xiao can rest assured, but Su Xiao is not so assured about the arms dealer and his bodyguards.

When you go out, you should not have the intention to harm others, but you can have the intention to guard against others.

None of the people from the International Rescue Organization had any objections to this arrangement.

The arms dealer and his three bodyguards had nothing to say.

Although several of them were separated, they could completely understand Su Xiao's approach.

And except for civilians, everyone has been assigned tasks to stand guard, and no one can be lazy. This is fair.

At this time, the middle-aged white man took food and water and walked next to Su Xiao.

"I saw that you were busy and didn't get the food, so I brought it for you."

Su Xiao took the food and water from the middle-aged white man and thanked them.

"No, we are the ones who should express our gratitude," the middle-aged white man sat down next to Su Xiao and said hesitantly, "Mr. Su, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"What do you want to ask?"

"During the day, you said you were from Shuguang Military Company, so why are you here?"

Su Xiao didn't hide it, because he felt there was nothing to hide: "The rebels who kidnapped you and robbed us of our things are as simple as that."

"Are you and those two ladies the only ones in your company?"

"Of course not, we..." Su Xiao originally wanted to say that there were dozens of people in his company, but when he looked into the eyes of the middle-aged white man, he immediately realized that the other party must have a purpose for asking this.

After thinking about it, he changed his words and said, "I just came here to pick up something. There is no need to send so many people."

The middle-aged white man didn't notice Su Xiao's ambiguity. He nodded, and then asked: "Then do you accept a long-term protected employment contract?"

Su Xiao reacted quickly and understood why the middle-aged white man asked that question just now.

"Long-term protection? You mean you guys?"

The middle-aged white man touched his somewhat bald head.

"Yes, we operate in various provinces of Bolivia. I am ashamed to say that in the past we were very resistant to private military companies because we felt that we were healers and were neutral. No party in the war would regard us as enemies. , so there is no need to bring weapons and hire private military companies to protect us."

"But after experiencing what happened today, I realized that our previous ideas were wrong, so if

If you are willing to accept it, I would like to hire you to protect us for the long term. "

Lidya Su did not agree immediately, but pondered.

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