"It may seem to outsiders that our defeat of the rebels occupying eastern Bolivia was easy and took almost no effort."

"But only we know how much effort has gone into it."

"It is not easy to gain the trust of civilians, and it is even more difficult to get them to side with us."

"You have worked so hard, but in the end you have to hand over the fruits of victory to others..."

Lidya Su nodded.

"I understand this feeling. It's very unwilling, right?"

Takemura shook his head.

"No, I'm not just unwilling. I also have to be careful about government troops crossing the river and demolishing the bridge."

"With all due respect, boss, even though the President of Bolivia seems to be asking for everything from you, once all domestic opposition forces are wiped out, it's hard to say whether the President will still be as enthusiastic as he is now."

"After all, it is impossible for any ruler to allow such interests to be occupied by others in his own country."

“The reason why the presidents of Latin America in the 20th century allowed foreign companies to encroach on their country’s interests was because their rule needed foreign countries to maintain it.”

"This is no longer the twentieth century, and our Dawn Military Company is not the United States. It is not as powerful as the United States before."

"So, we have to be careful about this."

Takemura is very considerate and can be said to be a close attendant of Saburo Arasaka.

Even though Arasaka Saburo never let him come into contact with these things, as Arasaka's senior guard captain, he was influenced by what he heard and saw. After all, his vision and knowledge were different from ordinary people.

Indeed, as Takemura said, if domestic

If all the opposition forces are wiped out, will the president still be as enthusiastic about Dawn Military Company as he is now?

The reason why many African and Latin American rulers in the 20th century allowed foreign companies to do great things in their countries was because they were sent there by foreign powers.

This alone is fundamentally different from the current Bolivian president.

Therefore, it is definitely not possible to expect to replicate the practices of foreign companies in the last century.

In addition, Su Xiao cannot agree with the practices of those foreign companies.

Because those companies violated the interests of their own people and forcibly plundered their country's wealth and resources.

This was not Su Xiao's original intention, and he didn't want to do this either.

He doesn't want to rob anyone, what he wants is the country's heartfelt surrender.

"Then what do you think we should do? Just refuse?"

"It is not good to refuse directly. It may anger the other party. No matter how unbearable the government forces are, they are still our allies. Moreover, the president and his elite are the legitimate rulers. If they declare an agreement with us If we break up, our situation will become passive."

Goro Takemura thought about it carefully and said: "You can agree, but agreeing is one thing, and whether you can do it or not is another thing."

"As mentioned before, the president turned against us only after we completely eliminated the domestic opposition forces. Therefore, as long as we have not completely eliminated the anti-government forces and the Shining Group, we can continue to cooperate with the president. relation."

Su Xiao put her hand on her chin and said in deep thought: "You mean, raise the bandits to respect themselves?"

"Yes, it means raising the bandits to respect themselves, just like Li Chengliang did."

"But many people feel that the cause of the Ming Dynasty's demise was that Li Chengliang raised the bandits with self-respect. If Li Chengliang had killed Nurhachi, the Ming Dynasty would not have perished."

"Excuse me, boss, the Ming Dynasty did not fall to the Qing Dynasty, but was overthrown by Li Zicheng. Moreover, even if there is no Nurhachi, there will still be Nurha Green, Nurha Black, and Nurha Bai."

Zhucun's view is almost the same as Su Xiao's.

It would not be appropriate to reject the president directly.

The alliance between Dawn Military Company and the government forces is now in a hostile state with the anti-government armed forces and the Shining Group.

If it angers the government forces, Dawn Military Company will not have any allies in this country.

This is not conducive to the development of the situation.

However, on the other hand, if you try your best to help others, this is of course impossible. The president promised to Dawn Military Company only eastern Bolivia.

Helping the president eliminate the anti-government armed forces and the Shining Group, and the territories captured belong to others, so this is naturally not an option.

Moreover, as Takemura said, if all the domestic opposition forces are destroyed, then the next person the president is thinking about dealing with will definitely be Dawn Military Company.

The history of mankind is like this. The lesson that mankind has learned from history is that mankind cannot learn any lessons.

Therefore, the best thing to do is to agree, but slowly fight, push slowly, and work hard.

Chapter 326 Shocking Change (3K)

"But won't it be obvious if you do this?"

"You will see it, but no matter what others say, this is what we do. If it's too slow, you can fight it yourself. Besides..."

Takemura Goro paused and said, "Boss, if you have other ideas, you can also take the opportunity to strengthen our company. We can advance in a hurry, but every time we advance an inch of land, we must stay to consolidate the results and accumulate our strength. .”

"We do not have to hand over the captured villages and land to the president. We can completely take it into our own hands. Of course, it depends on what you think."

The two communicated for a while, and Takemura finally said.

"Boss, I suggest that tonight, it is best for us to sleep in the same room and I will keep watch."

"Although the president will most likely not harm you, this is someone else's territory after all, so there is nothing wrong with being careful."

Su Xiao did not reject Zhucun's loyalty.

He knew that he had given enough trust to Takemura, and Takemura wanted to repay this trust.

He is different from others. He only joined Shuguang Military Company halfway, so he wants to prove himself well.

Lidya Su naturally had no reason to refuse.

So, Su Xiao went to rest, while Zhucun stayed on the sofa in the living room, staring in the direction of the door.

It was almost midnight when suddenly...


A huge explosion came from far away.

Even in such a well-soundproofed room, the sound of the explosion could still be clearly heard, so you can imagine how violent the explosion was.

Not only the sound, but also the bed and the ground were shaken by the earthquake.

Lidya Su turned over from the bed.

Zhucun, who was keeping watch in the living room outside, also rushed in anxiously at this time.

"Boss, you're okay, that's great."

Su Xiao and Takemura Goro looked at each other.

Then, the two walked out of the bedroom and came to the living room outside.

Goro Takemura quickly rushed to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, opened the curtains, and looked outside.

But I saw thick black smoke rising from several places at the end of the wealthy area, on the outskirts of the city.

The first thing Lidya Su thought of was a fire.

But soon, he felt it was impossible.

He scanned with the tactical eyepiece and found that everyone in the presidential palace was also in chaos.

Takemura Goro opened the door and saw many people running past in a panic in the corridor outside.

He grabbed a person and wanted to ask about the situation.

Coincidentally, the person Takemura Goro pulled over happened to be the Minister of Defense introduced by the president to Su Xiao at the dinner.

The other party instinctively wanted to break free, but Takemura's right hand reached out like lightning, grabbed the other party's collar, lifted him up, and pressed him against the wall.

The other party struggled hard, but found that he couldn't break free, and his face quickly turned gray.

"Let...let me go."

"Answer my questions, and I'll let you go once you've made it clear."

"Are you stupid? The rebels have entered the city. If we don't run away, we will all die."

"Rebels?" Su Xiao heard this, stepped forward and came to Takemura Goro, "What do you mean by rebels entering the city? Aren't the government troops still fighting back and forth with the rebels on the front line? "

"Whatever comes and goes, the government troops on the front line have long been defeated."

Lidya Su and Goro Takemura looked at each other, both feeling shocked.

Zhucun shouted: "Tell me clearly, what's going on?"

The Minister of Defense understood that Su Xiao and the others would not let him leave unless he spoke clearly.

He struggled again and found that he couldn't escape, so he had to give up the struggle and said with a wry smile.

"Mr. Su, the reason why the president asked you to ask Shuguang Military Company to help us fight the war is not because of the low efficiency and poor execution of the government forces, but out of necessity."

"Because the government troops on the front line mutinied, many lower-level soldiers were persuaded by the rebels and killed their officers. The front line was riddled with holes. The rebels could easily pass through the front line and approach the capital."

"Originally, we expected that it would take at least a month for the rebels to gather the surrendered government soldiers and territory. We did not expect that they would reach the capital city so quickly."

After hearing what the Minister of Defense said, both Su Xiao and Goro Takemura were shocked.

Unexpectedly, the president hired Shuguang Military Company to help them fight the war. It was not that the government troops did not fight well, but that the government troops were finished.

No, isn't this a bit outrageous?

The government troops received a year of training from Shuguang Military Company and purchased a large amount of weapons and equipment from Shuguang Military Company...

Why was it that the government forces were still able to fight with the anti-government forces for several years before Dawn Military Company arrived? Why was it that after Dawn Military Company arrived, the government forces were retreating steadily?

Su Xiao gave Goro Takemura a look, and Takemura immediately put the Minister of Defense down.

But just when the Minister of Defense thought that Su Xiao and Zhucun were going to let him go, Zhucun grabbed the back of his neck and led him to the elevator at the other end of the aisle.

When the Minister of Defense saw Su Xiao and Goro Takemura, they had no intention of letting him go, and said in horror:

"Mr. Su? Mr. Su! What...what are you going to do? I've said everything that needs to be said, can you let me go? If we wait for the rebels to get here, none of us will survive."

"Don't worry, you have to leave here, and we have to leave here too. Let's go to the elevator together now. But before we part ways, I have a few questions to ask you."

The Minister of Defense looked up and saw that this was indeed the direction to the elevator. After thinking about it again, he felt that no matter what happened, Su Xiao had no reason to kill him.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and my tense heart relaxed a little: "You...what do you want to ask?"

"In the past, the government forces were able to fight the rebels for several years. Why did they quickly retreat in just one year now? And I also provided the government forces with so many "Magic Lizard" armored vehicles and "Manticore" "Heavy armored aircraft, how come the government troops were defeated steadily?" "

Although the "Magic Lizard" is an armored vehicle, it can be used as a main battle tank in places like Latin America.

Even charged technical weapons cannot penetrate the armor of the Demon Lizard. If you want to destroy a "Devil Lizard", you must either own a tank or use a large number of rocket launchers.

However, the anti-government forces do not have tanks of the same level. They do have rocket launchers, but the "Magic Lizard" has a better field of vision and is protected by infantry. In theory, it is impossible to let enemy soldiers holding rocket launchers get close.

If the "Demon Lizard" runs on the ground and may be destroyed, then the "Manticore" is the well-deserved and undisputed ruler of the sky in this country.

The rebels have rocket launchers, but they absolutely cannot have anti-aircraft missiles. The "Manticore" won't even get close to the ground, so how can they lose?

Moreover, the importance of air supremacy does not need to be elaborated. A blow from the sky is fatal to morale and all aspects.

Even if there is no "Magic Lizard", the government army should not lose with just the "Manticore".

With the explanation from the Minister of Defense, Su Xiao finally understood why the government forces were defeated so miserably.

Although under the training of Shuguang Military Company, the government forces have been strengthened to a certain extent.

However, their infantry-tank coordination and air-ground coordination were terrible.

It's not that the "Magic Lizard" armored vehicle drove too fast, leaving the infantry behind, and then

crash into the arms of the enemy;

Even the pilot controlling the "Manticore" couldn't even tell the difference between friendly and enemy forces, and he poured firepower on his own people more than once.

An air attack is indeed fatal, so the government troops who were accidentally injured were repelled by the anti-government forces.

After coming so many times in a row, the government army officers had no choice but to come up with a solution that was not a solution.

They locked the "Manticore" in the warehouse and never used it again.

Since a bomb dropped on one's own head is more accurate than a bomb dropped on the enemy's head, it is better not to use it.

As a result, what they didn't expect was that several "Manticores" locked in the warehouse were sold by soldiers who were guarding the warehouse and could not receive military pay.

The target of the transaction is the anti-government armed forces.

After the rebels obtained the "Manticore", their firepower was greatly enhanced. People on their side obviously used it more. They rarely accidentally injured friendly troops and basically hit government troops.

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