The government forces were even more unable to hold on, so this year, the rate of defeat was much faster than in previous years.

To put it bluntly, a few years ago it was still novices fighting each other, and everyone had similar equipment, so it was okay.

But a year ago, the government army exchanged gunfire with guns and became the captain of the transportation brigade. They handed over the "Devil Lizard" and "Manticore" to the anti-government forces, which greatly enhanced the strength there, which led to the government army On the contrary, this side collapsed thousands of miles away.

As for the surrender of the frontline government troops to the anti-government forces, it was also because the anti-government forces had greatly increased their strength, and because the government army officers were indeed indifferent and hid in the safe rear.

He never went to the front line without speaking, and he always commanded remotely and issued some unrealistic orders.

The government soldiers on the front line couldn't bear it anymore, so they surrendered to the anti-government forces.

After listening to the words of the Minister of Defense, Su Xiao was silent.

This was so outrageous that he couldn't believe what the Minister of Defense said.

However, the anti-government armed forces have already reached the city walls, confirming that what the Minister of Defense said was absolutely true.

The three of them were already in front of the elevator.

Because the elevator was already overcrowded, and there were many people waiting in front of the elevator door.

Su Xiao and Takemura Goro exchanged a look.

Then Goro Takemura lifted the Minister of Defense onto his shoulders, and the two quickly turned around and rushed towards the fire escape.

"Where are you taking me? We can't stay in the presidential palace. It's too dangerous. We have to leave quickly!"

Chapter 327: Escape or resist (4K)

The Minister of Defense, who was carried like a sack by Takemura, couldn't help but struggle.

"Shut up, didn't you see? There are so many people in the elevator. Even if we wait for the next elevator, we may not be able to get in. It's better to just take the stairs, which is faster."

While they were talking, the three of them had already arrived in front of the fire escape.

Su Xiao opened the door of the fire escape and the alarm sounded loudly, but at this time, no one cared so much.

Zhucun got into the open door, and together with Su Xiao, hurried downstairs.

The Minister of Defense, who was being carried on his shoulders, suddenly discovered at this moment that Su Xiao and Goro Takemura were very fast. Although they were taking the stairs, they were not much slower than the elevator, so they stopped struggling.

While going downstairs, Lidya Su asked another question.

"If we let you go, where are you going to go?"

"Get out of the city," the Minister of Defense said without hesitation. "The rebels entered the city from the west. We can leave from the east. There will be enough time for us to leave before the rebels arrive."

The Minister of Defense said quickly.

He didn’t say “I,” he said “we.”

"Mr. Su, come with me. Before it's too late, the feasting and feasting in the rich area will be enough to confuse the rebels for a while. By the time they have finished looting, we will have already left the city."

"After leaving the capital, we will keep driving east and we will reach your company's territory soon."

"The rebels know how powerful your company is, and they will definitely not pursue you. As long as we escape from the capital, we will most likely be safe."

"I have a deposit in a Swiss bank. As long as you protect me, Mr. Su, and go to your company's territory, I guarantee that Mr. Su will be satisfied."

Su Xiao did not agree immediately, but after being silent for a while, she asked: "What about the others?"

the Minister of Defense immediately shouted.

"It's been so long, how can I care about other people?"

The Minister of Defense wanted to say something more, but soon he seemed to have thought of something, and his mouth opened in surprise.

"Mr. Su, you...are you planning to save this city?"

At this time, the Minister of Defense remembered what Dawn Military Company had done in eastern Bolivia, including but not limited to:

Pay miners according to American wage standards, and in euros instead of the national currency that can only be used in this country;

Medical aid stations have been set up in many places, adhering to the principle of treating diseases and saving people first, and collecting medical expenses later. Even if civilians cannot afford so much money, it doesn't matter. They can only pay back part of it every month and pay it back slowly;

Villages and roads are basically protected by Dawn Military Company. If they encounter robbery or attack, Dawn Military Company will provide assistance for them.

head, and it’s completely free.

The Minister of Defense is aware of these practices of Dawn Military Company.

Not only the defense minister knew, but other ministers and wealthy people and the entire elite knew.

But everyone feels that Dawn Military Company's approach is completely unnecessary.

Common people are the property of the rich. Since they are property, of course people are more important than property at this time.

But now, when Su Xiao learned that the rebels had entered the city, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she asked "What should the others do?"

This scared the defense minister out of his mind.

If the rumors were true, wouldn't this person want to stay and help the civilians who had no time to run away and might not be able to escape?

If this is really the case, then the Minister of Defense can only find a way and drive away by himself.

Su Xiao did not answer the Minister of Defense, but asked another question.

“What would the rebels do if they took over La Paz?”

"Kill people," the Minister of Defense said without even thinking about it. "First of all, people in the government, from ministers to ordinary employees, they will not let anyone go."

"The presidential palace is the primary target of the rebels. They know that the people here are the ones who fight against them, so they will not let everyone here go."

"There will be no trial, only bullets. They use the law to judge us, because they have no law at all. They only export emotions."

"When they kill all of us, the nightmare has just begun."

"They will ransack the entire city, search door to door, and steal anything of value. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed by them."

"Don't be surprised. The rebels are not fighting for the people. They are just forming an opposition to oppose us. This does not mean that they represent the interests of the people."

"In addition, they will also take children away from their parents, because almost no one voluntarily joins the rebels, so children who have not yet grown up are their main source of soldiers."

"They will ask those children to shoot at adults. Children who are unwilling to shoot will be beaten and confined, and children who are willing to shoot will be rewarded. Children have no opinions, as long as one of them gets benefits for killing people. , other children will soon follow blindly.”

The Minister of Defense spoke quickly, so fast that he became breathless.

"Mr. Su, I don't deny the power of Shuguang Military Company. If your company's troops are here, I believe your company will be able to save this city. But now there are only two of you. What can you do with just two people?"

"There is still a chance now. We can leave before the rebels come here."

Lidya Su nodded.

At this time, they had rushed out of the fire escape and arrived outside the Presidential Palace.

On the streets outside, people were also in panic, and there was chaos everywhere.

Su Xiao signaled Takemura to put the Minister of Defense down, and he and Takemura walked towards the armored SUV they came from.

The Minister of Defense felt relieved, thinking that Su Xiao had been persuaded by him.

But just when Su Xiao and Goro Takemura got into the car one after another, and the Minister of Defense was about to follow them, they were rejected.

Facing the puzzled look of the Minister of Defense, Su Xiao smiled.

"Last question, Mr. Minister, which direction is the military camp?"

More than half an hour later, when Su Xiao and Zhucun arrived at the capital military camp, as expected, the military camp was also in chaos.

After learning that the anti-government forces had actually reached the capital, the soldiers in the barracks first thought not about how to resist the enemy, nor how to drive the enemy out of the capital...

The first reaction was to run away.

Soldiers fought over the few cars in the military camp.

As for the officers...

The officers of the government army have always despised the soldiers who they regarded as smelly, so the officers never lived in the military barracks, but in high-end residential areas outside.

Therefore, no one in the military camp stood up to lead at this moment.

When Su Xiao arrived, what he saw was such a chaos.

"Where is your commander?" Su Xiao shouted.

But no one paid attention to Su Xiao.

Some people glanced at Lidya Su and even wanted to come over and steal Lidya Su’s car.

But as soon as they got close, they were easily knocked down by Goro Takemura.

Seeing the chaos in the military camp getting worse, Su Xiao took out his revolver and fired several shots into the sky.

If talking doesn't work, then the sound of gunshots can be understood after all, right?

Sure enough, after Su Xiao fired, the military camp, which was in chaos just now, suddenly stopped.

After hearing the sound of gunfire, many soldiers instinctively fell to the ground or hid behind bunkers.

It wasn't until they saw that the shooter was Su Xiao that they looked at him blankly.

Some of these soldiers knew Su Xiao.

After all, they have all received training from Dawn Military Company, and there is a portrait of Su Xiao in the training base not far from the capital.

Su Xiao turned off the safety of the revolver, put it in the holster, and asked again: "Where is your commander?"

The soldiers looked at each other, and finally they all looked at a burly white man.

Lidya Su also followed them

He looked over and said, "Are you their commander?"

The white man shook his head: "No, the officers don't live in the military camp. They have houses outside. Unless something happens or the president inspects them, they will not come to the military camp. As for now..."

He smiled bitterly: "Maybe they have already left the city."

"Then who is the person with the highest rank among you now?"

The white man pointed to himself: "It's me."

Su Xiao glanced at the military rank on the opponent's shoulder.

This white man was just a second lieutenant.

"May I have your name?"


"Okay, Second Lieutenant Abbas, I want you to mobilize everyone immediately and go to Dongcheng District to set up a defense line."

Dongcheng District is a civilian area.

The anti-government armed militia troops entered the city from the west and are currently burning, killing and looting in Xicheng District, a wealthy area. Therefore, they still have time to go to Dongcheng District to set up defense lines and evacuate civilians.

While talking to Second Lieutenant Abbas, Su Xiao also used the tactical eyepiece to scan the entire military camp.

He found that there were only about a thousand soldiers in the military camp.

Of course, this small amount of troops cannot be considered too much.

But the number of rebels who traveled thousands of miles to attack the capital was unlikely to be too large.

As the Minister of Defense said, they need to gather the government soldiers who surrendered on the front line, and it is impossible to send all the troops here.

No matter how brutal the anti-government militias are, they can never violate the laws of nature. As long as they are human beings, they need food and supplies.

Even if they robbed all the supplies along the way, they still had to consider whether the villages along the way had so much supplies for them to rob.

Besides, with so many government soldiers on the front line surrendering to them, are they so arrogant that they immediately let the government soldiers pick up guns and fight with them?

No matter how brainless the commander is, he can't come up with such a retarded idea, right?

Therefore, the large anti-government forces must stay behind to digest the surrendering government soldiers, and only a small number of troops will rush in.

As for the more than a thousand government soldiers in the capital, as long as they are gathered together, Su Xiao does not ask them to attack and drive the rebels out. As long as they rely on fortifications to defend, this request is not too much, right?

What's more, there is a training base of Shuguang Military Company not far from the capital, and employees there can also come to support.

With their participation, Su Xiao felt that it was not impossible to repel the attack of the anti-government armed forces.

However, the soldiers did not move.

Second Lieutenant Abbas, whose name was called by Su Xiao, did not move.

"Sir, you are not my superior and have no right to give me any orders. Moreover, even my superior has probably fled the city by now."

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