"I can understand your thoughts. In fact, you are the most professional foreigner I have ever seen. The privileged class in this country have abandoned the capital and left, but you still want to lead us in the war."

"However, there is no need to fight anymore. You should run for your life quickly. If it is too late and you are surrounded by rebels, you will not be able to get out. Those rebels will not care whether you are in the Bolivian government or not. people."

"So please get out of the way, sir. We just want to go home now, take our families and leave as far as we can."

Second Lieutenant Abbas's words were echoed and approved by other soldiers.

"Yes, the president and the elite have all run away, so what's the point of us staying and fighting?"

"This country is completely screwed. There is no hope."

"I hope the wealthy area can hold on a little longer, giving us more time to escape."

"Don't worry, there are so many good things in the rich area. The rebels were dazzled by them as soon as they came in to keep them. They didn't even know which ones to grab first."

"Hey, let's talk about it. In fact, those things in the rich areas should have belonged to us, to the Bolivians. They were robbed from us by the rich, and now they have fallen into the hands of the rebels. , just thinking about it makes me feel really unwilling.”

"What's the use of being unwilling? Who made us the bottom? The bottom will be oppressed and exploited by the top. This is the same no matter in which country. The new United States is so powerful, but the result is a society where people cannibalize people. The poor It’s the same everywhere.”

Everyone looked sad and sighed.

Second Lieutenant Abbas also looked very unhappy, but because the soldiers' complaints were true, he could not refute them, and there was no need to refute them.

Seeing that Lidya Su was still indifferent, he couldn't help but said again: "Sir, if you haven't left yet, do you have anything else to say?"

"The rebels have already entered the city, and they will arrive here in a short time. No matter how big the wealthy area is, the rebel commander is not a fool. He will not let his men spend too much time in the wealthy area. "

"You don't have enough time to evacuate. Moreover, even if you escape from the city, do you have enough cars to support your escape? Are there enough food and supplies for you to escape to neighboring countries?"

"Even if you arrive in a neighboring country, how will you live without your hometown?"

Chapter 328 As long as Shuguang Military Company launches an attack (4K)

The soldiers fell silent.

Cars are not a rare thing in Night City, but here

Here, not everyone has a car.

Therefore, when Su Xiao arrived, the soldiers would fight for the few cars in the military camp.

Without a car, how fast can I run and how far can I go with my legs?

Without supplies, even if you run out of the city, how long can you hold on?

Moreover, just like Su Xiao said, they have lived here for decades and generations. How can it be so easy to leave at any time or change their environment and live in another place?

Lieutenant Abbas stood up and said.

"Sir, what you said is true, and we all know it. However, we have no choice. We are unwilling to leave our hometown, but now we have no other choice but to leave our hometown."

Lidya Su shook her head: "No, you are not helpless, you have other options."

Lieutenant Abbas's eyes flashed with a hint of expectation.

"What you want to say is that you want to take us away? Will Dawn Military Company help us leave the capital?"

The gloomy expressions of the other soldiers also revealed a hint of anticipation.

During this year, Dawn Military Company's reputation gradually spread in Bolivia.

To be honest, the locals in Bolivia basically have no favorable impression of foreign companies.

Because everyone knows that when foreign companies come to Bolivia, they come to suck Bolivia’s blood.

This is not just Bolivia, but all of Latin America.

However, this is not the case for Dawn Military Company.

They did not transport Bolivia's resources back to foreign countries, but used most of the resources to give back to the local area.

These soldiers have all heard that in eastern Bolivia under the occupation of Dawn Military Company, Dawn Military Company not only built medical stations for local people, but also helped local people build roads, schools and banks.

Schools not only educate children in reading and literacy, but also teach them the skills they will need to survive in society.

These are all tuition-free.

Even not only children, adults can also listen and learn if they want to.

As for the bank, it is a bank run by Shuguang Military Company itself. You can deposit your money in the bank and withdraw it when you need it.

Dawn Military Company's bank even supports exchanging Bolivia's local currency for the world-wide euro.

Although the exchange rate between the local currency and the euro is very low, everyone is still rushing to exchange their "bolivianos" for euros.

Because all fools know that Boliviano is not only worthless, but also extremely unstable.

If the regime changes and rebels come to power, and the existing Bolivianos are declared invalid and a new currency is implemented, no matter how many Bolivianos you hold, they will become a pile of waste paper.

That is definitely not as valuable and stable as the euro.

In the past, it wasn’t that people didn’t want to exchange euros, but they couldn’t.

Bolivia's banks refuse to provide foreign currency exchange services to the poor, and the president has repeatedly issued orders banning the use of foreign currencies for settlement in the country.

So there is no other way. Even if Boliviano is known to be unstable, everyone can only continue to use Boliviano.

But after Dawn Military Company's bank provided euro exchange services, in just a few months, civilians in eastern Bolivia exchanged almost all the Bolivianos they had on hand for euros.

Even many soldiers and civilians in territories controlled by government forces quietly ran to eastern Bolivia to exchange some money for euros.

Not to mention roads, this is a great thing that benefits local people’s livelihood.

The current president has been in office for several years, and he has never built roads or updated or maintained infrastructure.

Of course, it’s not just the current president, but also all previous presidents.

As soon as Shuguang Military Company came, it built roads for the local people. After one loss and another increase, they immediately made a judgment.

It is precisely because of these measures that Dawn Military Company has a very good reputation in Bolivia.

Therefore, when they heard Su Xiao say that there was another option, the soldiers couldn't help but show expectant expressions in their eyes.

I hope that Su Xiao will bring a large number of cars to take them and their families away.

When people fall into the water, they will instinctively grab everything that is regarded as a life-saving straw. At this time, people cannot think of so much, and they cannot think so much.

Rather than rational thinking of the brain, one relies more on the instinct of the body to act.

Although they all looked at Su Xiao expectantly, what they did not expect was that the entire capital of La Paz had a population of hundreds of thousands...

During the Dunkirk evacuation, Britain mobilized all the ships in the country and could barely transport 300,000 British troops back to the British mainland.

And it took nine days.

Dawn Military Company is not the United Kingdom. They don't have that many vehicles to pull everyone away, and they don't have nine days.

The rebels who have already invaded will not be given nine days to evacuate.

Therefore, these people are destined to be disappointed.

Looking at these eyes full of hope, desire and expectation, Su Xiao ruthlessly told the cold truth.

"We have no way to take you and your family away. My men and I only have two people. One car can't even seat ten people, let alone everyone."

Su Xiao's words were like pouring a basin of ruthless cold water on the heads of these soldiers.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Second Lieutenant La Paz asked in a tone full of doubts: "Then what you just said, the other option is..."

"Escape is useless. Throughout the ages, when any country faces the enemy, fleeing hastily will only cause greater casualties and losses. I can get the camp door out of the way, but you can't escape very far out of this military camp. "

"If you really want to survive, you have only one choice, which is to fight to the end."

"You have guns and bullets, why are you running? This is your city, and you should drive the invaders out."

This time it was Sergeant Abbas's turn to shake his head.

He should have thought of it earlier.

The idea proposed by Su Xiao was the first to be rejected by them.

"Sir, I will no longer fight for those corrupt bureaucrats. I and my brothers have had enough of their oppression and can no longer sacrifice their lives for them."

"What's more, they have all run away, so even if we stay, there is no point."

Su Xiao loudly said in a positive tone: "You are wrong. Of course it makes sense for you to stay. You are not fighting for them, but for yourself and your home."

After that, Su Xiao climbed onto the roof of the armored SUV.

His eyes slowly scanned the people present.

Although these soldiers were all wearing military uniforms and carrying long guns, they were no different from the civilians Su Xiao saw on the way here.

On their faces, there is no courage and determination to protect their homeland and country, but only fear, panic, bewilderment, and confusion about the future.

"Do you know what I saw? All I saw was a bunch of frightened cowards, not warriors carrying guns."

Su Xiao's words made many soldiers look unhappy.

Abbas also shook his head and said: "Sir, the provocation method is useless to us. We will not fight for the sake of face."

"This is not a way to provoke generals. I am telling the truth. Do you know what will happen next if you choose to escape?"

"Everyone wants to go out of the city, but the roads in the city are only so wide. Then you will be squeezed on the road and unable to move. And when you are in a dilemma, the rebels who catch up will kill you all. .”

"When that happens, some of you may try to fight back with weapons, but believe me, no matter it is the ancient times of the cold weapons era, or now with the vigorous development of hot weapons, sporadic counterattacks will not be effective. "

"At most, it will stir up a few waves, and then you and your family will be beaten into a hornet's nest."

People who live in a powerful country may have a hard time imagining the precarious life that people who grew up in war-torn areas lead.

Even Night City and New America, where shootings occur frequently, are much happier than backward countries filled with war and death.

Even if there are giant companies in Night City and New America, the giant companies don't pay attention to the bottom.

But in order to maintain their rule, giant companies will at least come up with a set of rules so that the bottom layer can barely survive.

And here, the shadow of war has always hung over ordinary people.

Just like now, once the war affects itself, everything will be in vain.

"Even if some of you are lucky enough to escape the city alive, you will die on the road if you lack supplies."

"In the end, I'm afraid not even 1% of people can successfully run to neighboring countries."

"Since the chance of survival by escaping is so low? Why not stay? Give it a try? As long as the invaders can be driven out of your city, everyone can be saved."

"Moreover, you are not the only ones fighting. On the way here, I have already called for reinforcements. Air support will only take a few hours to arrive, and land support will only take a few days."

"You just need to hold on for a few days."

Lidya Su's words made everyone present regain their courage.

The strength of Shuguang Military Company is obvious to all.

The government forces and the rebels have been fighting for several years, but they can't produce any results.

It took Dawn Military Company less than a year to drive out the rebels in the east.

As long as Dawn Military Company can arrive successfully, the invaders will not be a worry.

A few days may seem like a long time, but that’s okay.

Because didn’t Lidya Su say it? Air support can arrive in just a few hours.

As long as air support arrives and they bombard the rebels who have invaded the capital, it will take them a long time just to regroup their troops.

After all, they have been dealing with the anti-government armed forces for several years. These government soldiers are still aware of the urinary nature of the anti-government armed forces.

After understanding that they were not completely alone, everyone's expressions suddenly became much more relaxed.

But Second Lieutenant Abbas did not show a look of relief like the other soldiers.

Instead he remained silent.

"Second Lieutenant Abbas," Su Xiao looked at him, "Do you have any questions?"

Second Lieutenant Abbas said bitterly: "With you,

With help, I think we should have no problem holding on to the entire city, but..."

"Those damn bureaucrats, if they know that the city has not fallen, they will definitely come back and sit on our heads again and dominate us."

Only then did Su Xiao finally say his true intention: "You can continue to be at their mercy, or you can choose a wise ruler again."


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