"Come on! Come on everyone! Come on!"

Someone took the lead, and some courageous rebel militiamen also plucked up the courage to rush forward.

Truth himself rushed forward with his cronies.

Seeing that the commanders were rushing, the remaining people finally all left the bunker.

However, the military quality of these anti-government militiamen is indeed very poor. They look like they are charging, but instead they are running away.

Refugees are no different.

In the bell tower.

There is a main shooter lying on the machine gun position, and there is also an assistant shooter and ammunition loader lying next to it.

Judging from their clothes, it was obvious that they were not soldiers of the government army, but instructors from Dawn Military Company.

In fact, it was not just them, the snipers lurking in the building next to the street were also soldiers of Dawn Military Company.

Compared with government troops and anti-government armed forces, the soldiers of Dawn Military Company are obviously much more elite.

Su Xiao broke them up and mixed them into the government troops, or gave them some special defense points to defend.

"The government troops are too arrogant. They have been trained by us for so long. In the end, they can't even deal with this kind of militia."

"After all, the top brass on the government side are not much better."

"Stop chatting. The enemy is approaching. It's time to inform them to take action."


The ammunition loader's eyes lit up with yellow light, obviously communicating with someone.

All he said was: "You can take action. Repeat, you can take action."

The communication ended, and the yellow light in his eyes receded.

Several people looked at each other and smiled: "The show is about to begin."

Truth is a very cautious man.

Although he led his men to charge, he was not stupid and would not rush to the front.

He and his cronies huddled behind other rebel militiamen, ensuring that he would be covered no matter which direction the attack came from.

As he got closer to the clock tower, Truth became more and more excited.

Because the machine gun mounted in the bell tower suddenly became misfired from just now. I don’t know what happened.

This is undoubtedly good news for Truth and the others.

As long as they rushed to the bottom of the bell tower, the machine gun would no longer be effective.

By then, this defensive fulcrum will be pried off by them.

Just as Truth was thinking this, he suddenly heard a voice.

The sound sounded strange, a bit like the roar of an airplane engine.

While Truth was still thinking about what this sound was, the rebel militiamen who rushed to the front all screamed in surprise.

But they saw a terrifying metal beast coming from the right side of the three-way road ahead.

Previously, because it was blocked by buildings on both sides of the street, they did not discover this "Magic Lizard" armored vehicle at all.

Most of the dozens of "Magic Lizards" that Su Xiao sold to the government forces were either destroyed by the anti-government forces or captured.

Only the remaining five remain in the capital for use by government troops in the capital barracks.

However, Su Xiao, who knew the combat effectiveness of the government forces, did not dare to hand over these "devil lizards" to the government forces, so he let the instructors and soldiers of his company operate them.

The operation method of "Magic Lizard" is not complicated. You don't even need to use your hands. Instead, you directly connect the wire to the nerve slot on the back of the neck and use your brain to control it.

However, if the "Magic Lizard" were alone, it would place a huge burden on the driver's body.

Therefore, "Magic Lizard" is usually equipped with two pilots.

But even so, there are some situations where the driver has to fight alone.

During the last war, only Mitch had the experience of piloting the "Magic Lizard" alone.

It almost cost him his life, and he spent several months recuperating in the hospital before getting out of bed.

Of course, the person sitting in the "Magic Lizard" that appeared in front of the rebel militia was not Mitch.

But they're not much worse than Mitch.

The artillery fell accurately into the crowd, causing the rebel militiamen to fall off their backs.

The machine guns on the bell tower also opened fire again and began to cooperate in harvesting the lives of the rebel militiamen.

That machine gun didn't misfire at all. It didn't fire before just to wait for the "Magic Lizard" to arrive.

The rebels were immediately stunned.

This firepower was much more ferocious than the firepower they encountered from the government forces on the last street.

Especially the artillery mounted on the "Devil Lizard", if it falls into the crowd, it will be torn apart, and not even a whole corpse will be left.

However, their attacks only tickled the "Demon Lizard".

Only the rocket launcher can cause damage to the "Magic Lizard".

But the machine gun on the bell tower had already marked the militiamen holding rocket launchers, and did not give them any chance to fire.

Just shoot over them with a shuttle and beat them into a sieve.

Within a few minutes of the exchange of fire, the rebels collapsed.

The other rebel militiamen stopped listening to Truth's orders and ran away.

No matter what Truth shouted, most people ran as fast as they could without looking back.

Fight for what? Picture what?

Strategic significance, etc., that is something that the top rebels consider.

What does it have to do with the ordinary militiamen at the bottom?

All they knew was that if they didn't run away, they would all die here.

They don't want to die. There are so many valuable and good things in the rich area. If they die, it will be easier for others.

Seeing that all his subordinates were running away and no one was willing to listen to him, Truss also escaped under the desperate protection of several close associates.

At this time, Truth was still hoping for luck.

He divided the army into five. If his group encountered such fierce resistance, then the other units should logically be able to move forward unimpeded.

The soldiers didn't know it clearly, but he knew it.

There are only so many government soldiers in the capital. Unless they all stay, it will be possible to set up defense lines at several important pivot points to stop them.

But how is this possible?

Even now, Truss still doesn't believe it. He still thinks it's impossible for government soldiers in the entire capital to stay.

Until nightfall, when night fell, Truss saw the defeated soldiers who had come to join forces in the wealthy area. Seeing them all looking disgraced and injured, Truss felt his heart go cold.

After asking, Truth finally understood.

Not only Truss, but also the other four separate troops encountered resistance.

The firepower they faced was even stronger than that of Truss, especially the two troops trying to outflank them from both sides along the periphery of the city.

Ten do not save one.

The reason is simple. They were hit hard by the air support from Dawn Military Company.

Even if the rebels in the city encountered an air attack, it would only be an attack from a Vulcan cannon.

But the rebels outside the city are different. Because they are outside the city, they have no scruples and use rockets, aerial bombs, etc.

The explosion made the rebels cry for father and mother.

Dawn Military Company's air force uses "Medusa" armed heavy aircraft, which is a more advanced version than the "Manticore" that Su Xiao sold to the President of Bolivia.

Secondly, the pilots of Dawn Military Company are more experienced than the pilots of the government army, and their driving skills are completely incomparable.

They do not attack randomly. Before launching an attack, they will scan the enemy units on the ground and analyze the threat level of different units.

They will use the firepower on the "Medusa" to prioritize enemy units carrying anti-aircraft missiles.

Even "Medusa" and "Manticore" are equipped with jamming bombs that can interfere with anti-aircraft missiles, and heavy armor that can have a very effective protective effect.

But a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. The pilots of Shuguang Military Company will not gamble with jamming bombs and heavy armor. They prefer to directly eliminate threats in the bud.

Therefore, the troops outflanking the city, their militiamen carrying anti-aircraft missiles, and the "Medusa" falling from the sky at the first opportunity, and the few militiamen who have the courage to try to get anti-aircraft missiles will also be given special attention.

As for the rest, they were simply frightened.

Run as fast as you want.

"Truth, wouldn't it be better for us to get out of here?"

Now even his cronies are trying to persuade Truth.

Not only were they afraid that Truth would lead them to die again, but they were also afraid that people from Shuguang Military Company would attack them.

Facts have proved that Dawn Military Company is not a government army, and the two are not the same.

When the large forces arrive, they may still be able to fight.

But these people alone are not enough just to fill the gap between their teeth.

Truth looked around.

When he saw on the faces of his cronies that they didn't want to support him, he knew that it would be useless no matter what he said.

Although he knew that if he ran back in despair, he would probably not be able to get a good deal.

But if you choose to stay, you might just mutiny and be shot from behind.

After such a comparison, the former is definitely better.

At least he's still alive.

Truth sighed and said: "Okay, you go and prepare, we will retreat now."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those around him finally became much better.

What they fear most is that Truth is stubborn and insists on taking them to continue the attack or stay in the capital.

But Truth didn't, much to their relief.

But at this moment, a strange howling sound suddenly came from the sky.

Chapter 331 Justice falls from the sky (4K)

A strange howling sound suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone looked up in confusion, and then saw two "Medusas" appearing above their heads without knowing when.

Everyone's expressions changed instantly.

During the day, the remaining defeated generals who were responsible for surrounding the city from outside the city had suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, when they saw "Medusa" in the sky, they turned around and ran away without thinking.

Among the remaining people, some fled towards the building, while the rest instinctively raised their weapons and shot into the sky.

Without anti-aircraft missiles, this ordinary individual weapon alone is naturally not qualified to cause damage to "Medusa".

The bullet hit the armor of "Medusa" and splashed with dazzling sparks. It was really beautiful, but it was useless, and they were all bounced away.

The next moment, the two "Medusas" in the sky, with the two Vulcan cannons mounted under the fuselage, began to rotate slowly.

The violent barrage fell from the sky like a downpour.

Most of the rebel militiamen did not find bunkers when they fought back. It is not that they are not afraid of death, but that many militiamen have not received formal training and have no awareness of this aspect at all.

So when the rain of death falls from the sky, the result can be imagined.

The Vulcan cannon mounted on "Medusa\

,"Compared with the machine guns used by infantry, the power is not at the same level at all.

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