The Vulcan cannon's bullet hit a person's body, leaving a hole as big as a bowl.

If several bullets fall on the same person, that person will be beaten to pieces in the blink of an eye and his body will be broken into pieces.

And so is reality.

Basically, the Vulcan cannon swept over them, and unless they were hiding behind a bunker, there was basically no one alive, and all of them were left with broken limbs and arms.

In less than a minute, the casualties had reached three digits, and they were still rising.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Truss hid in the building and watched in horror as the two airborne Shinigami unleashed and rained down death.

Spread death to the rebel militia continuously.

It's not like Truth has never seen aerial vehicles before, but the "Medusa" and the "Manticore" are different, and the pilots of the government army and the pilots of Dawn Military Company are also obviously different.

His men were beaten until they were unable to fight back.

Those who dared to resist in the first place were reduced to pieces.

The remaining people were either hiding in buildings or running away like crazy.

Perhaps because they were concerned about the fact that this was an urban area, the two "Medusas" did not use supermodel weapons such as rockets, but only used Vulcan cannons.

But even so, it is not something they, the anti-government armed militias, can resist.

When their weapons hit the armor of "Medusa", it was just a scratch, unlike when they hit it from the opposite side, causing them heavy casualties.

Looking at the scene outside that was already like purgatory on earth, Truth felt as if he was in another world.

Because at the beginning, when they thought about their troops approaching the city, the government troops either surrendered or fled, so they never thought that they would encounter resistance, let alone that the government troops had aircraft.

It was obvious that the "Manticore" on the government side had either been destroyed or captured by them.

The same is true of the confessions obtained from government soldiers who surrendered from the front lines.

So where did the two "Medusas" come from?

Since they had no idea that the government forces had aircraft, they did not carry many anti-aircraft missiles.

After all, anti-aircraft missiles can only be used to attack aircraft, not ground units.

Under the premise that the enemy does not have aircraft, for the sake of safety, it is enough to carry some anti-aircraft missiles. There is no need to bring too many anti-aircraft missiles.

As a result, all the anti-aircraft missiles carried by their unit were handed over to the two detouring detachments during daytime operations.

Then when the two teams were attacked by "Medusa", they just tried to escape.

Not to mention using the few anti-aircraft missiles to fight back, they even dropped the anti-aircraft missiles because they disliked the interference of the anti-aircraft missiles, and did not escape with them.

This resulted in that even though there were thousands of anti-government armed forces gathered here, they did not even have an anti-aircraft missile.

Thousands of people were slaughtered like turkeys by the two "Medusas".

In fact, theoretically speaking, rockets can also be used for air defense without air defense missiles.

When the Black Hawk fell, the old American Black Hawk helicopter was shot down by a rocket.

However, the Black Hawk fell at the end of the last century, and now it is 2077. The development of flying vehicles has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it is no longer the same.

Not to mention the artifacts that can interfere with rockets, such as interference bombs. Even if it is carried with the heavy armor of "Medusa", there is absolutely no problem.

Of course, the anti-government militiamen were frightened, and no one dared to confront them with rocket launchers.

"Truth, the matter is over, we should take advantage of the opportunity now and escape as soon as possible."

A close confidant suggested.

Although the other confidants did not speak, there was no doubt that they all had the same idea as the confidant who made the suggestion.

Truth's face looked uglier than ever.

If he went back with the defeated generals with the remaining troops, he could at least pretend to be retreating, but now if only he and a few of his cronies were left to escape in despair...

Even if he is not executed, he will definitely be beaten to the end.

It will never be possible to get ahead in the future.

However, no matter what happens, as long as you survive, there will always be a way.

When you die, there is nothing.

What's more, he didn't have to hang himself on this tree.

If the rebel high-ups really can't tolerate me after returning, then if that doesn't work, I will take my cronies and escape to the territory of the Shining Group.

For an experienced officer like himself who had fought in battles, the Shining Group would not refuse.

Thinking of this, Truth no longer hesitated, greeted his cronies, and prepared to go out through the back door.

As a result, when they just walked out of the back door, they saw a "Medusa" in the sky, aiming its Vulcan cannon at them.


These were Truth's last words.

Even Su Xiao did not expect that the land support had not arrived yet, and the thousands of rebel militiamen were defeated with only air support.

More than two thousand rebels died directly in the city.

The rest of the group fled.

Su Xiaorang

Second Lieutenant Abbas led people to strengthen the defense of the capital to prevent the escaped rebels from counterattacking.

——Although Su Xiao felt that based on this performance of stretching his hips, there was a high probability that he would not be able to counterattack.

At the same time, he asked people from Dawn Military Company (not those who came from eastern Bolivia, but people from the training base near the capital) to take over the wealthy areas.

It is not to plunder and occupy, but to prevent the elites who packed up their belongings and ran away from coming back to transfer their property.

Since they chose to abandon the country when the rebels entered the city, everything they did was regarded as abandonment by default.

Lieutenant Abbas had no objection and faithfully carried out Su Xiao's order.

Not only him, but also the soldiers of the capital government army now regard Shuguang Military Company as a god-like existence.

They found it incredible that the anti-government forces that they feared were defeated so easily.

Of course, they don't think the rebels are paper tigers.

It's not that the rebels are too weak (by Latin American standards), but that Dawn Military Company is too strong.

This also allowed Second Lieutenant Abbas and the others to no longer have any worries and instead joined the Shuguang Military Company.

With such a reliable teammate, what better bike could you ask for?

What's more, they had long heard that Dawning Military Company not only paid high wages, but also that wages were always paid on time, without even a single delay or arrears.

If you can follow such a boss, what else can you not be satisfied with?

As for the president…

Lieutenant Abbas and the others didn't really care.

Although they changed careers, they only joined Shuguang Military Company. Shuguang Military Company was an ally of the government forces. This could only be said to be job-hopping, not betrayal.

No matter what, at least they are much stronger than the government soldiers on the front line who surrendered directly to the rebels.

Of course, if the president really doesn't want to, that's okay, but he has to make up for the wages owed to them for more than a year. As long as they can make up for it, Second Lieutenant Abbas and the others will not change jobs.

Then the next day, Lieutenant Abbas knew that the president would never be able to return the money.

The day after they regained control of the capital, they learned about the president and his son:

When the anti-government militias first attacked the capital, the president immediately took his son to the airport.

As a result, they were very unlucky and got into a car accident on the way to the airport.

The president died at the scene.

The bodyguard failed to perform his duties and fled the scene in a hurry.

Only the president's son, Diego, was left unconscious.

Diego was rescued by a kind man and hid in his home. Later, he was evacuated with government soldiers who followed Su Xiao's orders.

It wasn't until Diego was recognized as the president's son that he was brought to Su Xiao.

Su Xiao met Diego in the presidential palace.

In the reception room.

Lidya Su handed Diego a hot drink.

Diego took it with both hands and whispered thanks.


"I'm sorry about your father...President Anton."

Diego said nothing.

After all, he is still just a minor.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Diego looked at Su Xiao blankly, as if he didn't understand the question Su Xiao asked.

"Your father is no longer here, which means you are no longer the son of the president. So, what are you going to do next? Are you going to run for president of this country?"

In a feudal country, when I die, my son will continue to be the king.

But Bolivia is not a feudal country, and the president is elected by voting. Obviously, it is impossible for a son to inherit if the father dies.

Of course, Su Xiao believes that if Diego chooses to run for president, he still has a high possibility of getting there.

For no other reason than that the country's elite needed a figurehead.

Once those elites who fled the capital learned that the rebels had been driven out of the capital, they would definitely come back.

If they knew that Diego's father, President Anton, was dead, they would definitely persuade Diego to succeed him as president.

Of course there is no good intention in this.

Because Diego is younger and more ignorant than his father, this means that Diego is more manipulative than his father.

That's why Su Xiao asked Diego about his plan.

Diego's fingers rubbed the cup: "I don't know."

Diego's answer was not what Lidya Su expected.

He was just a kid after all, and damned if Diego answered that he wanted to carry on his father's legacy.

"Want to hear my opinion? It seems to me that you have many choices."

"For example, you can continue to stay in the capital, even if you do nothing. The property accumulated by your father alone will be enough for you to live a lifetime of food and clothing;"

"Or, you can go to any country in Europe to settle down or go to school. After all, you are now at the age of going to school. If you want to go to Europe, I can help you. Complete the formalities and go through legal channels.”

It is definitely not possible to go directly from Bolivia to developed European countries.

I am not a fool. I know you came here because you are greedy for the benefits of developed countries.


It's not impossible.

For example, you can first obtain a Greek passport. After obtaining a Greek passport, you can then transfer from Greece to Italy, and then use Italy as a springboard to jump to England, France, and Germany.

All of the above are formal procedures, and adding money can speed up the process of passport processing.

There won't be any problems, because this small stove was opened by the Immigration Bureau to make money.

In Su Xiao's view, if Diego chooses to go to Europe, it will be the best for Diego and himself.

For himself, if Diego goes to Europe, then his father's group of elites will have no puppets to use, and it will be easier for him to overturn the table.

For Diego, most countries in Europe, such as Britain, France, Germany, the five Nordic countries, or countries like Spain, Portugal, and Italy, are definitely paradise compared to Bolivia. Needless to say, if Diego chooses to live in those countries By settling down, he could completely escape his father's elite and live his own life.

No more worries about wars and rebels.

Isn't this better than being treated as a puppet?

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