The gravity field can change the gravity of an area and achieve range attacks.

But what's even more terrifying are the two thrusters. Once they are fully powered, they can increase the speed to the most terrifying level.

It is precisely these two thrusters that determine that this mecha is not a turret that is dumbly stunned in place, but a highly maneuverable battlefield terminator.

Once this thing appears on the battlefield, it is much more powerful than a main battle tank.

However, what is unclear is the burden this mecha puts on the human body.

Although there doesn't seem to be any problem with controlling the heavy hammer, the heavy hammer has a special physique after all and is still different from others.

However, although this mecha is good everywhere, Su Xiao also sees the fatal weakness of the heavy hammer.

During Heavy Hammer's pursuit, Heavy Hammer's mechanical legs were barely used.

Movement relies entirely on the propellers on the back, not the legs.

Those two legs are more like table legs than legs.

What's the meaning?

The two mechanical legs have almost no other function except to support standing.

Movement depends entirely on the two huge thrusters at the back.

In other words, the heavy hammer is not running, but flying.

Then, once the propeller is destroyed, the hammer will lose its ability to move.

Su Xiao, who wanted to understand this, dodged the heavy hammer's charge again, then used both legs to rush towards the heavy hammer like a cannonball.

The propeller behind the heavy hammer also spurted out dazzling blue flames, driving him towards Su Xiao at extremely fast speeds.

The speed of both parties was astonishingly fast, leaving only a startling glance in the eyes of others.

The heavy hammer slapped Su Xiao hard with both hands. If he was hit, even if the exoskeleton armor could withstand the power of the heavy hammer, he would definitely be caught and unable to move.

At this moment, Su Xiao reacted very quickly, suddenly ducked, avoided the blow of the heavy hammer, and immediately came behind the heavy hammer.

He held one of the propellers behind the hammer with both hands and exerted force with both hands.

There was only a sound of metal tearing, and the propeller was torn off by Su Xiao.

The heavy hammer that lost one of its propellers immediately lost its balance and could no longer even stand.

Su Xiao took advantage of the situation to pursue him and dropped the propeller that was torn off by him.

He dodged again, avoiding Heavy Hammer's attack, and came behind Heavy Hammer again.

Follow the same pattern and pull off the other and final propeller of the heavy hammer.

Both thrusters were lost, and Adam Hammer was directly crushed by his own weight and fell to his knees.

Lidya Su thought highly of him before.

Those two mechanical legs don't even function as table legs. Without the propeller, not only does it lose the ability to move, but it can't even stand.

Lidya Su shook his head.

No wonder Arasaka doesn’t have large-scale equipment.

Co-authoring is still in the experimental stage.

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"If you think about this giant humanoid mecha, there is still room for further improvement."

"Do you want to spend 3,000 potential points to obtain the improved blueprint - the Warfighter mecha?"

Improved drawings? Warfighter mecha?

The name sounds like a good thing.

However, Su Xiao was not in a hurry to receive the reward.

Instead, he grabbed one of Heavy Hammer's legs and fled out of the mansion quickly.

After escaping from Hanako Arasaka's mansion, Su Xiao took a heavy hammer and entered the truck waiting outside the mansion.

Then the truck ran wildly towards the sea.

Hanako Arasaka's mansion is not far from the seaside, and Tokyo is also close to the sea.

So soon the truck arrived at the beach.

They didn't wait long at the beach when a submarine surfaced with rough waves.

Su Xiao dragged the weight and climbed onto the submarine together with the people in the truck.

However, Su Xiao had no intention of entering the submarine with a heavy hammer, and the submarine did not have such a large entrance and exit for the heavy hammer to enter.

He pulled out Murasame and easily cut through the tempered glass that could prevent bullets.

The knife pierced the heavy hammer's head.

Then, he kicked the heavy hammer into the sea and watched him being dragged towards the abyss of the sea by his heavy body.

Adam Hammer is dead.

Even if he was stabbed in the head, he could still survive.

But it will definitely not survive the pressure of the deep sea.

Both of his thrusters were dismantled by Su Xiao. Without thrusters, how could he swim up?

It would be difficult for ordinary people to swim wearing a pair of armor, not to mention that the armor he wore was much heavier than ordinary armor.

After everyone entered the submarine, the submarine began to sink slowly.

Then left quickly.

In the cabin of the submarine, Su Xiao took out 3,000 potential points in exchange for the blueprints of the Warrior mecha.

After all the information about the drawings was poured into Su Xiao's mind, Su Xiao understood where the improvements in the drawings were.

The Warfighter mecha is an improved version of the system based on the experimental prosthetic body of Heavy Hammer.

Generally speaking, it is similar to the heavy hammer in all aspects.

But the design of the cockpit is more reasonable.

Just like the walking mecha of military technology, the driver sits in it and controls it, rather than having the driver directly embedded in it.

In addition, the protection of the thrusters is also more complete, and the thrusters are protected within the armor instead of hanging outside as before.

The mechanical legs are no longer just decoration, but can actually support the body and move.

Su Xiao didn't even know what the designer was thinking about Arasaka's experimental prosthetic body. Why did they really make the feet into decorations?

The feet cannot support the body and have to rely on thrusters to maintain body balance. This needs to be improved. It is actually very simple. Even if the system does not provide improvement drawings, Su Xiao knows how to improve it.

I can't even stand, it's just top-heavy.

Then it is natural to strengthen the weight of the legs, rationalize the weight of the whole body, and balance various parts of the body to avoid the problem of top-heavy footing.

The death of Hanako Arasaka, as expected, caused an uproar around the world like a tsunami.

The day after Hanako Arasaka died, the surveillance video of her mansion was leaked.

And spread all over the world.

From the surveillance video, it can be easily seen that the killer who killed Hanako Arasaka was someone from "Military Technology".

What, how do you see this?

Please, please.

Didn’t you see the very conspicuous “Military Technology” LOGO on the killer’s exoskeleton armor? And after he left Hanako Arasaka's room, when he went outside to fight the private guards, he also used "military technology" weapons?

What, when you say that military technology weapons are used, doesn’t that mean that it is people from military technology? It could also be people from other companies deliberately using military technology weapons to frame others?

Come on, you are really cool.

In fact, some people inside and outside Arasaka did suspect that someone else pretended to be military technology and assassinated Hanako Arasaka.

According to the principle of who is the ultimate beneficiary, whose suspicion is the greatest, many people suspect that the true identity of the killer is probably one of Arasaka Yorinobu's men.

It was Arasaka Yorinobu sent to assassinate his sister in order to seize Arasaka's leadership.

And just when various versions of rumors from the outside world were spreading, Arasaka Yorinobu stood up.

He announced to the world through the Internet platform that the killer was definitely not sent by him.

He could swear on this.

If he was the killer sent by him, then his father Saburo Arasaka would not be able to live in peace even after death.

Then, Arasaka Yorinobu felt sad for the death of his sister.

He said in tears that he left the Arasaka family because of rebellion.

I stayed outside for several years.

The relationship with his father and family was very tense.

In the end, he was able to return to the Arasaka family and regain his father's acceptance, all thanks to his sister's help.

If it weren't for his sister, he doesn't know where he would end up now.

Therefore, Arasaka Yorinobu has always been very grateful to his sister.

Now, his sister was murdered by military technology. He would never let this grudge go.

First his father Arasaka Saburo, and now his sister Arasaka Hanako...

It means that military technology has killed two people in the Arasaka family.

If Yorinobu Arasaka cannot avenge his father and sister, is he still a human being?

Therefore, Arasaka Yorinobu solemnly announced in front of the camera:

Even if it takes the last drop of Arasaka's blood, he must seek justice for his father and sister!

Arasaka must pay its debts!

If Hanako Arasaka's death was a tsunami that shocked the world...

So Yorinobu Arasaka's speech on the online platform is tantamount to a massive comet hitting the earth.

This is clearly a naked declaration of war.

Now it is not just a matter between Arasaka and Military Technology, it is no exaggeration to say that it also affects the global pattern.

Companies such as Kangtao, Tsunami Corporation, high-tech military industry, biotechnology, and biodynamics all sat in the front row of the auditorium, waiting to see how these two giant old companies with hundreds of years of history would compete with each other.

As for the ordinary people, unexpectedly, they supported the war more than they opposed it.

how to say?

It turns out that human beings are born with the instinct to watch the excitement. Of course, it is not a bad trait, but it is true that the majority of people in this world love to watch the excitement.

Especially for those at the bottom, their lives were originally a pool of stagnant water.

It's not as far as the eye can see, but it's just a pool of rotten, smelly stagnant water.

No matter what life is like, it can't get worse than it is now.

As a result, those high-ranking big shots started fighting among themselves.

It's not about bullying the lower class, nor is it suppressing the "mob", it's about fighting against oneself. Do you think the people at the bottom will object?

Chapter 344 Has it started? It's over (4K)

Arasaka Yorinobu spoke righteously and impassionedly on the online platform.

What a righteous and awe-inspiring look.

But privately, Arasaka's transportation troops delivered the most needed supplies to Bolivia.

Bolivia is actually not short of money.

When Su Xiao and the others were taking action, Sol and others who stayed in the country used the information in the electronic brain of Flores, a representative of the elite, to find the secret treasure house hidden by Captain Cuvatro.

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