In those secret treasure troves, an astonishing amount of gold hidden by Captain Cuvatro was indeed found.

If Su Xiao just wanted to be a rich man, then this gold would be enough for him and the people around him to live a life of prosperity and wealth for several lifetimes.

But if his ambition is more than that, just having this gold is not enough.

If we want to build Bolivia and make Bolivia a true beacon of democracy in Latin America, and even a beacon that breaks the shackles of corporate rule and illuminates the world, more is needed.

Arasaka cannot help Bolivia too much, the more the better.

As for providing aid to Bolivia, Arasaka Yorinobu actually did not suffer.

Because the things he gave to Bolivia once belonged to Hanako Arasaka.

Without Su Xiao's help, he would not be able to unify Arasaka.

For what Hanako Arasaka paid, Yorinobu Arasaka got more.

Now that he is claiming revenge for his sister, no one within Arasaka dares to object, not even Michiko Arasaka's pro-American faction, who dares to say a good word in favor of military technology and the new America.

Afraid of being regarded as a traitor and having everything taken away from him.

Use war to forcibly unify the factions within Arasaka, and then slowly eliminate Michiko Arasaka's faction. By that time, there will be only one voice left in Arasaka, and that is his voice, Yorinobu Arasaka.

Therefore, Su Xiao naturally feels good about aiding Bolivia, and Arasaka Yorinobu also does not suffer.

Everyone wins, and it’s a true win-win.

However, as the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad. Su Xiao and Arasaka Yorinobu won, but one person was extremely worried.

This man is the head of state of the new United States, President Miles.

Although President Miles can guess that the three major factions within Arasaka may end up fighting each other.

But President Miles did not expect that it would end so quickly.

The person who assassinated Hanako Arasaka was certainly not a killer with military technology.

President Miles never gave an order to kill Hanako Arasaka, and there was no reason to kill Hanako Arasaka.

She could guess that it was probably Arasaka Yorinobu himself who did it.

But what President Miles didn't expect was that Hanako Arasaka was so good that a killer had infiltrated his territory and was actually successful.

Originally, I wanted to sit back and watch the internal strife in Arasaka, but in the end, the internal strife did not happen at all. Instead, it quickly integrated in the face of the war.

Now Arasaka is twisted into a rope, and his strength is directed in one place.

Intelligence from military technology in various places shows that Arasaka has begun to make obvious moves.

Arasaka security forces around the world are being mobilized on a large scale.

They are gathering in Japan.

It was obvious that once they were assembled, they would cross the Pacific and head straight for the new United States.

Therefore, President Miles made a prompt decision and mobilized security forces with military technology from all over the world to immediately return to defend the new United States.

President Miles would not dare to take advantage of Arasaka's security forces to occupy Arasaka's territories elsewhere in the world.

Those territories can only be regarded as petty profits. Losing the homeland for those petty profits would be picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

On the one hand, President Miles urgently mobilized military technology security forces, and on the other hand, he sent people to the Western States, the Republic of Texas, and the Pacific Alliance to try to gain their support.

Because in her view, North America is, after all, American North America.

Although the United States has been divided, the Western States, Texas, and the Pacific Union were all Americans.

Yes, there is enmity between them, and there are issues that cannot be explained and settled, but those issues are all internal conflicts, aren't they?

Arasaka is not an American, but a Japanese. Now that Arasaka is facing a formidable enemy, he should put aside his internal conflicts and deal with the outside world in unison.

President Miles thinks so.

But, please note, I’m going to say no here.

People have different ideas, so it is difficult, very, very difficult to truly empathize and think about problems from the other person's perspective.

Take the simplest example:

Africa is still a land of poverty, backwardness, war, and disease.

The United Nations and various humanitarian relief organizations, several

In the past ten years, a large amount of materials and funds have been allocated to Africa, but it has failed to get Africa out of the above-mentioned situation.

Even a lot of relief supplies and funds were not distributed to those in need, but were robbed by warlords in Africa.

The famous Black Hawk Down was because the supplies allocated to Somalia were embezzled by Somali warlords, resulting in a serious famine problem in the country. The United States launched "Operation Code Irene" (Operation Code Irene). Of course, the result was that everyone Got it, Black Hawk Down.

From the perspective of most people, it is basically incomprehensible. We are all from the same country, why should we fight back and forth? Is there something that you can't sit down and talk about?

Moreover, so many supplies were provided by the United Nations. Do you have the nerve to appropriate them all?

If we hold all the supplies in our hands and don't distribute them, will we really be indifferent when we see the people dying of hunger?

These are the thoughts of ordinary people.

But the thinking of those African warlords is that the supplies you give from the United Nations are for me. If I don't grab it, other warlords will snatch it away.

As for the people who are starving to death, what does that have to do with me? None of my business.

This is the difference between the thinking of normal people and African warlords.

People are like this, everyone has different ideas, it is impossible to fully understand each other's ideas, and it is difficult to truly empathize.

So does President Miles.

She thought that Texas, the Western States, and the Pacific League would, for the sake of everyone once being Americans, stand on the side of the new United States and fight against Arasaka together.

But she thought wrong.

And it couldn't be more wrong.

Although she is right that they were once Americans, America has been divided for decades.

What is the concept of decades?

Several decades were enough for the development of the three pillars in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and then the three families returned to the Jin Dynasty.

A few decades were enough for the rise of Okehazama's Nobunaga, to the end of Honnoji Temple, and the unification of Toyotomi and Tokugawa.

These few decades may not be considered very long in the entire history of mankind, but for an individual or a country, they cannot be said to be short-lived.

The Western States, Texas, and the Pacific Union had established their own governments and were accustomed to independence and freedom.

Now you, President Miles, tell them that we are actually a family and come back to the embrace of the new America...

The unification war failed to make them surrender. Just a few words can make them throw themselves into their arms. How is this possible?

What's more, it's only been a few years since the Unification War? If it hadn't been for Arasaka's strong support, the Western States, Texas, and the Pacific League would have perished long ago.

Unless the top leaders of various countries only have the memory of a goldfish, how could they forget the original "goodness" of the new United States.

Of course, some people here may say, isn’t it all about interests between countries?

Even if Arasaka had helped them, so what? Now that Arasaka is aggressively invading North America, it seems that it would be more in their interest for them to unite, right?

Indeed, there are no permanent friends between countries, only eternal interests.


The top brass in the Western States, Texas, and Pacific League are not fools.

Long before Arasaka and Military Technology started the war, they had discussed and hypothesized countless times.

When we, the common people, are fine, we like to talk about the political situation and worry about national affairs. How could those really powerful people not anticipate what might happen?

In fact, these big families have long thought about who they should help if the fifth corporate war breaks out and Arasaka and Military Technology fight.

They discussed it more than once, but they all came to the same conclusion.

That means not helping each other and remaining neutral.

Their national strength is not strong, not even as strong as that of old Europe.

Moreover, as we all know, war is a waste of people and money.

If the enemy hits you, you have no choice but to destroy your country and your family, so you must fight to the end.

But if the attack doesn't reach your doorstep, there's no need to take sides.


We were all Americans once, and it seems that the new America is closer to us brothers.

But this is just a look.

Laughing to death.

When the new United States attacked you during the Unification War a few years ago, did they treat you as a buddy?

Everyone knows the military discipline of the U.S. military, and the new U.S. military has completely inherited the military discipline of the U.S. military.

This happened only a few years ago.

Does this require everyone to put aside their hatred and conflicts and share the same hatred?


Arasaka is here to fight your New America, what does it have to do with us?

Even if we think about it from the perspective of interests, we and your new United States can't pee in the same pot.

North America belongs to Americans. Assuming Arasaka wins, Arasaka will not be able to accommodate a new United States that big. In the end, a land as big as the New United States will still fall into the hands of Texas, the Western States, and the Pacific Alliance. inside.

And if Arasaka loses, it doesn't matter. At the very least, Arasaka will greatly consume the strength of New America and military technology, making it impossible for New America to have another unification war for at least twenty or thirty years in the future.

You see, no matter it is

Arasaka wins or New America/Military Technology wins, the Western States, Texas and the Pacific League all win.

So why do they still choose sides?

Moreover, if they stand with New America, then their country will instantly become the front line against Arasaka (after all, New America is in the east, and their country is in the west)...

In this case, wouldn’t it mean that we would become the spearhead of the new America? Normal people would think of this, right?

Therefore, when President Miles sought support, without exception, he was rejected.

No matter what President Miles says, they stick to their neutrality and remain unwavering.

This made President Miles understand that it would not work to rely on empty words to deceive the white wolf, and he would have to bear the pain of cutting his flesh.

As a result, President Miles made some concessions and put forward conditions in various aspects such as financial assistance.

It still didn't work.

The top leaders of the Western States, Texas, and the Pacific Alliance are not fools. Their neutrality policy will not be shaken by a trivial profit. They and the new United States are enemies, not friends. They stick to neutrality and do not help Arasaka. In fact, they have already It's helping the new America.

Do you want them to side with the new America? How can it be?

After irritating Arasaka, who will help them next time New America attacks them?

Seeing that there was no way to win over his own camp, President Miles was helpless.

But at least they didn't turn to Arasaka, but remained neutral. This can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

The New Year's Day of 2079 came quietly in such an atmosphere full of gunpowder.

For a whole month from January to February of 2079, Arasaka's security forces were gathering.

Then, during the ten days from February 1st to 10th, Arasaka Yorinobu drove almost all the troops to North America.

Arasaka mobilized a large number of warships and sailed towards North America with great momentum.

This scene feels unusually familiar. The last time there was such a big movement was the United Fleet's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor more than a hundred years ago.

However, this time Arasaka's army did not just run away after a successful sneak attack like last time, but they would not stop fighting until the new United States disintegrated.

Surprisingly, Arasaka's security forces did not land in Night City.

Instead, he went to Canada.

Entering Canada through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the troops then disembarked in Vancouver, the capital of Canada.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone came back to their senses.

Canada, once the back garden of the United States, unexpectedly fell into the arms of Arasaka.

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