Start Making Yu-Gi-Oh: The Whole World Is Crazy

97 Yu-Gi-Oh And PokéMon Fighting?

"Fantasy is about to create a new IP rhythm! Could it be that the IP of Yu-Gi-Oh has reached its limit, so that's why it's decided?"

The three female anchors of the Shark Girls Team, Dai Xiaomei, Zhou Jie, and Xiao Tuaner were actively preparing for the upcoming World Riding Duel Competition, and they were practicing riding duels in the Magic City Fantasy Game City.

Suddenly, I heard news about the latest animations of "Pokémon" and "Yu-Gi-Oh".

The degree of discussion about the old and new IP of these two dream groups has rushed to the top of the bib search.

To be able to overwhelm the traffic stars and occupy the top spot of the hot search list repeatedly, this kind of thing can only be done by Fantasia.

Countless fans of Yu-Gi-Oh have left messages under Fantasia's official blog account, expressing that they cannot accept it, and even say that they boycott the new IP of "Pokémon".

But officials headed by Su Li did not respond. "eight eighty"

But although I was surprised in my heart, the three girls were not Yu-Gi-Oh fans after all.

Not as aggressive as some poker players.

On the contrary, after watching the trailer of "Pokémon", I am full of expectations for the new animation launched by this fantasy group.

"Wow, these little guys are so cute!"

After seeing the Guandong Yusanjia, Charmander, Jenny Turtle and Miao Frog Seeds in the trailer, Xiao Tuan'er felt that her girlish heart had melted.

Compared with the blue-eyed white dragon and the true red-eyed black dragon, these domineering dueling monsters.

This kind of cute thing is obviously more able to touch the love of women.

In the barrage, there have been many jokes.

The most famous one is the stalk that jokingly calls Miaowa seeds "garlic bastard".

"This year's netizens are all talented people. Such a cute little frog is called a bastard."

Sister Zhou covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing.

"I still like Squirtle the most. With his silly expression and small bald head, it looks like it makes people want to masturbate."

Little Sister Dai's gaze stayed on the Squirtle in the trailer.

"Luck the turtle? Dumb, you're so filthy"

Xiao Tuan'er joked.

"Fuck you, it's you who think evil!"

The little girl said back.

"Okay, anyway, the animation will start broadcasting in July, we'll just watch it then, let's focus on practicing now.

Sister Zhou reminded.

Last year's Duel City Competition, I regretted that I didn't make it to the finals, and this year I must avenge my shame.

In July, the summer vacation is coming, the day of the student party carnival, the day of making money from movies.

But the protagonist of this summer vacation this year is undoubtedly a dream!

July 1.

The World Riding Duel Conference is officially launched!

According to the statistics released by the government, compared with last year's Duel City Conference held in Shanghai.

The number of contestants from all over the world this time is more than five times that of last year.

The main reason is that the venue of this competition is not limited to the city of Shanghai.

It is the whole country of Longguo, including Kyoto, Magic Capital, Chengdu, Chongqing first-tier and second-tier cities, adding up to a dozen cities.

This will not allow duelists from all over the world to run to one place, or even fail to participate in the competition because they cannot buy tickets.

There are even a lot of crooked players who would not hesitate to spend a lot of money to airlift their D rounds to participate in the competition.

To be honest, if it weren't for the D-round, which is a highly demanding must-have item, the contestants might be able to double it by ten or even twenty times.

Fortunately, Su Li said that participating teams do not necessarily need three D-wheels, and it doesn’t matter if three people share one.

This further lowers the entry barrier.

Needless to say, the major film and television media have naturally followed up and reported on the qualifiers for the riding conference that took place in various cities across the country.

Even local TV stations couldn't help but catch the heat.

Outside the fantasy game city, countless fans flocked in to watch the game.

It's almost the same as a regular sports competition.

But the team that attracted the most attention was the Shark Girls team composed of Dai Xiaomei, Zhou Shuyi, and Xiao Tuan'er in the Shanghai Division.

The three game kings at station B, UP Shuiyue, Kugou and another person form the Bilibili team.

The revenge team formed by Saler in the Chengdu division and two other crooked players.

These people have achieved unique results in last year's Duel City Competition.

Of course they will not miss this year's competition.

The World Riding Duel Competition is extremely hot in the summer vacation.

But to defeat the dream, it can only rely on the dream.

The only one who can compete with Fantasia for popularity is Fantasia.

When the riding conference is in full swing.....

"Pokémon Kanto Chapter" and "Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal", which are new episodes in July, have also started broadcasting one after another.

"Oh! It's great to win today! Brothers, let's relax tonight and watch animation."

In the live broadcast room of Shark TV, the young girl Dai, sister Zhou, and Xiao Tuaner, who just won a victory in the World Riding Dueling Competition today, gathered together again, surrounded the live broadcast camera, and opened a new section of Station B.

The two fantasy animations that were added to the follow-up list by Dumb Girl and the others early have shown that the first episode has been updated.

The three women first watched the first episode of the fourth animation of Yu-Gi-Oh according to the suggestions of the water friends in the live broadcast room. should I say it?

I didn't ride a bicycle to play cards, but I was not used to it.

Even in the barrage, many users suggested that the riding duel should be brought back.

There is no way, after all, the first animation is too classic.

However, although the first episode of the fourth part is not full of explosive points, at least it has no toxic points. It can be regarded as an animation that can be expected.

Although the focus of production has been shifted, it seems that Fantasia did not give up this IP as some people said.

"The main character's hairstyle is becoming more and more good at playing cards."

After watching the first episode, Xiao Tuan'er couldn't help but complain.

That's right, compared to the first-generation Muto game, the second-generation Yujo Judai and the third-generation Fudo Yusei.

The hairstyle of the protagonist Ninety-Nine Yuma in the fourth generation of animation is even more ghostly.

Many people in the barrage even 0.8 have given the new protagonist a nickname


That's right, the sharp red bangs really look like lobster shells.

But according to the card guy, this hairstyle is called playing cards.

"Hurry up, watch the next one."

Dai Xiaomei couldn't wait to click on the play page of Dream Group's new IP "Pokémon".

However, as soon as the video is opened, the screen appears

【Boys, boycott this animation】

[Fantasy should still focus on Yu-Gi-Oh]

[Is it necessary to watch this kind of young animation that looks like Pleasant Goat, Bear, Big Bear II?]

【After the success of the dream, can't help but start to make it? Why do you have to make such a confession?】

Seeing these stinky barrages, the three women in front of the live broadcast couldn't help but frown, and then turned off the barrages without hesitation. .

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