Start Making Yu-Gi-Oh: The Whole World Is Crazy

98 Ash And Pikachu, This Is The Bond

"Why is there such a person?"

After Dai Xiaomei turned off the bullet screen, sister Zhou sitting on the left couldn't help cursing:

"I'm also a Yu-Gi-Oh fan, but I won't post this kind of barrage in other animations. How can they offend you by dreaming of developing a new IP? Cooperating with you, you want others to hold on to one IP for the rest of their lives?"

Xiao Tuan'er also said: "That's right, and the quality of the new Yu-Gi-Oh animations is not bad? What are these people dissatisfied with?"

The speeches of the two resonated with the vast majority of people in the live broadcast room:

[Sister Zhou is right, this kind of person is definitely not a real fan, it’s okay to find some sense of presence

[I have pulled the barrage shield to the full level]

[Mi Huyou still has several IPs, why didn't I see you spraying them? 】

【In front, don't open the map cannon, what's the matter with me?】

At this moment, little girl Dai made a sound to smooth things over and said:

"Alright, alright, everyone calm down, let's just watch animation happily together.

Accompanied by the opening song of youthful enthusiasm, "Pokémon Kanto Chapter" officially opened.

The first thing that caught the eyes of countless audiences was a battle of elves.

In the picture, the figures of the Four Heavenly Kings Xiba and Juzi, whose identities and names are not mentioned, just flash by. The center of gravity of the picture is still on the elves released by the two from the elf ball, Geng Gui and the big rock snake.

The Big Rock Snake and Geng Gui fought against the center of the battle field. It was obviously similar to Yu-Gi-Oh's monster duel, but it gave people a completely different feeling.

"This is a bit like Yu-Gi-Oh, they summon monsters to fight, but instead of using a duel disc, they use that strange ball-guard monster to release them.

The little girl said curiously.

Xiao Tuan'er nodded, and said:

"Yeah, and it doesn't look like Yu-Gi-Oh, turn-based you hit me."

Immediately afterwards, the screen changed, and it turned out that the battle between Geng Gui and the Big Rock Snake was just a TV broadcast.

A boy in pajamas exudes a middle-aged temperament, holds a Pokémon puppet, and uses inner narration to introduce the world view setting of this world to the audience in front of the screen.

"My name is [Xiaozhi]."

"After we are ten years old, we can be qualified to train Pokémon spirits."

"Go on a training journey with the goal of becoming an elf trainer."

"I want to declare to the whole world, the most powerful elf trainer, no! It's the elf master! It's me!!!"

When Xiaozhi put on his hat and made such a 20-legged declaration, a beautiful woman suddenly walked in the door, with an unkind expression on her face, and said: 2

"When are you going to make trouble? Xiaozhi! It's already past 11 o'clock bedtime!"

In an instant, Xiaozhi, who was still suffering from the second illness, suddenly withered, and said pitifully:

"Tomorrow is my departure day, and I can't sleep at all, Mom."

"Haha! Exactly the same situation my mom used to push me to bed when I was a kid."

Sister Zhou couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Xiaozhi's mother put her hands on her hips and said, "Then you should go to bed earlier, and tomorrow you have to go to Dr. Damu's place to get the elf, right?"

"I see~"

Xiaozhi responded, and after reading the last bit of content, he fell asleep.

And through the narration and the introduction of Dr. Oki in the program, the audience in reality also learned that the newcomer trainer can choose one of the three elves, Squirtle, Charmander, and Frog Seed from Dr. Oki.

And the next day, Xiao Zhi, who had overslept, let out a desperate scream, and went to Dr. Oki's research institute without changing his clothes.

After being ridiculed severely by Fa Xiaomao, under the helpless gaze of Dr. Oki, Xiaozhi decided to choose the wonderful frog seed as his initial elf.

In an instant, there was a wave of barrages of [Garlic King Ba] in the live broadcast room.

However, when Xiaozhi opened the elf ball, he found that it was just an empty ball.

"That one has been taken by someone who wasn't late."

Dr. Oki rolled his eyes and said.

"Damn it, then I'll choose Squirtle."

Xiaozhi picked up another elf fairway next to it.

"I'll just say Squirtle is the best!"

Zishui Wangba's fan Dai Xiaomei said excitedly.

However, opening the Poké Ball is also empty.

"That was taken too."

Dr. Oki said again.

Xiaozhi then opened Charmander's elf ball again, and the result is predictable.

In the end, under Xiaozhi's strong request, Dr. Oki had better give Xiaozhi the last Pikachu left by others.

"This is so cute!"

Xiaotuan'er said excitedly.

The chubby yellow-skinned mice seem to be more appetizing to me than the previous three.

However, when Xiao Zhi in the animation embraced this elf named [Pikachu] excitedly, he was mercilessly given an electric shock by the other party.

Dr. Oki explained: "It is very introverted, if you touch it without consent, you will get an electric shock.

Seeing Xiaozhi's scorched face from the electric shock, and Xiaotuan'er's dazed look in front of the camera, the water friends in the live broadcast room joked:

【Hahaha, does Xiao Tuaner still want this yellow mouse?】

[Although it looks similar at first glance, the setting of this new animation is obviously completely different from that of Yu-Gi-Oh!]

【Compared to Yu-Gi-Oh's emotionless monsters, these elves have real life】

【To be honest, I want to rebel a little as a card guy, these elves are so cute】

Although he was shocked by Pikachu, Xiaozhi finally chose it. After receiving the pokebook and a few pokeballs from Dr. Oki, he officially embarked on a journey under the advice of his mother Hanako.

During the subsequent trips, Xiaozhi repeatedly wanted to have a good relationship with Pikachu, but Pikachu just ignored him.

This scene made many viewers a little dissatisfied.

Do you feel that this Pikachu character is too difficult to deal with?

While traveling, Xiaozhi saw that Pikachu was disobedient, and wanted to subdue a Bobo bird instead.

During this period, I explained the setting of this world to the audience again——

Use the elf ball to subdue the wild elves and become your own partner 403.

On the way, Xiaozhi provoked the flock of sparrows, which caused Pikachu to be affected as well, and was chased and killed by the flock of fiery sparrows.

On the way, Xiaozhi stood in front of Pikachu in order to save Pikachu.

And Pikachu, who had always regarded Xiaozhi as a fish-lipped biped, had a change in the way he looked at him at this moment.

Pikachu, who was already seriously injured, exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, rushed to the front of the flock of sparrows, exhausted his last strength and used an electric shock attack to save Xiaozhi.

And it itself fell heavily into Xiao Zhi's arms.

As a result of the first episode, Xiaozhi and Pikachu have one person and one pet, and the eyes of the two parties have changed from hostility to trust at the beginning, and they went to the next city, the elf center in Tokiwa City.

"I declare that the elf I love most in my life is Pikachu!"

After the first episode was announced, Xiao Tuan'er shouted excitedly.

In the last scene, the picture of Pikachu sacrificing himself to save Xiaozhi is really cool.

And the touch of Xiaomei and Sister Zhou is no less than her.

Especially at the beginning, the two of them did not deal with each other in various ways, and at the end, the trust that could lay down their lives for each other formed a sharp contrast.

The touch and impact brought to the audience is too strong.

At this moment, anyone who has watched the first episode of "Pokémon" will give Dream Group a big thumbs up from the bottom of their hearts.

This time, they will create a miracle again!.

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