After looking through the inventory, Zhang Feng found another array map.

Item: [Five Elements Hidden Array Diagram]

Grade: second grade

Efficacy: Arrange the array according to the array map, which can be integrated into the void island and strengthen the enchantment of the void island

I don't know if the blueprint of Void Island enchantment fusion is considered an upgrade, and whether it will give points, let's try it out, anyway, it's useless to keep the formation map in your hand.

Put the array on the stone tablet, choose to fuse the enchantment of the void island, the void island just trembled slightly, and there was no response.

However, after the array map disappeared, Zhang Feng somehow had a sense of the enchantment.

He can now use part of the functions of the enchantment: transforming some items on the void island to hide some items; he can also hide the entire void island, but after the void island moves, the overall concealment effect will disappear.

Zhang Feng directly used this function to transform the soil bag on the right side of the stele where the seeds of the five-element tree were planted into several bamboos.

It was originally a solitary mound of soil, but in the blink of an eye it turned into a few proud and straight green bamboos.

Although the illusion was very similar, when Zhang Feng activated the spatial eye, the illusion disappeared immediately, and the green bamboo turned into a mound of earth and printed in Zhang Feng's field of vision.

After gaining a certain understanding of the new functions, I took out another drawing:

Item: [Blueprint of fixed defense tower]

Grade: second grade

Efficacy: It can be synthesized into a body defense tower, a second-order golden spirit pearl 1, requires 2 gold ingots, 5 silver ingots, and 10 stone materials.

Seeing that I have all the items needed for the synthesis, I clicked the synthesis directly. With this tower, it should be much safer to go out to collect supplies in the future.

Stabilization Tower: It can emit golden light to stabilize the enemy

Level: Second Tier

Range: 50 meters

Attack speed: 300 seconds/time

Attack power: 20-30 (single target attack)

Durability: 100/100.

The attack power is not high, but its function is not to attack, but a defense tower to assist the attack.

If Zhang Feng encounters a powerful monster running around, if the fixed tower suddenly freezes the opponent, then he can escape calmly.

Turned around the void island stele, collected all the mature first-order spiritual plants, and then replanted the seeds. Seeds are very precious in the void world. Generally, only one seed of a spiritual plant will mature every time it can be planted, and other seeds will not continue to reproduce.

After the Void Island affairs were all dealt with, Zhang Feng embarked on a journey to collect supplies.

It's still the same old routine, use the spatial eyes to check the surrounding environment, then avoid the second-order monsters, and clean up all the first-order monsters like leaves in the autumn wind. Finally, his eyes fell on the zombie-like Tier 2 monster in the distance.


Level: 10

Grade: ordinary

Tier 2 monsters are much stronger than Tier 1 monsters, Zhang Feng was really not sure about facing them before. Now it should be time to try it out.

"Boom!" The arrows of the two arrow towers directly hit the monster's head.

"Ow" the zombie screamed and ran towards the void island.

Zhang Feng piloted the Void Island and flew ahead, but he didn't fly forward in a straight line. He might encounter other Tier 2 monsters ahead.

And the direction he is flying now is a circular route that has been detected in advance to determine that there is no danger.

The speed of the zombies is not fast, and Zhang Feng, who is driving the void island, also slows down, keeping a distance of 30 meters from the zombies.

"Boom boom boom" Various defense towers are constantly attacking, and occasionally the body tower will attack once, causing the zombies to stop for about 10 seconds. The battle lasted only 5 minutes, and the second-order zombie was killed.

It was only at this time that Zhang Feng had an intuitive feeling for the second-tier monsters. Ordinary second-tier monsters didn't seem to be very strong, only about the same as the ninth-level elite monster Skeleton Warrior.

It seems that there is no need to be too afraid of second-order monsters in the future. The school teachers have exaggerated the strength of various monsters.

"The first Tier 2 monster has been killed, and the supplies can be collected!" With a cheer, Zhang Feng put away the corpse of the zombie, drove the void island, and flew to the place where the zombie was originally.

A bronze treasure chest was found where the zombies were, along with several stones.

[Garlic Seed +10, Tier 2 Defense Tower Upgrade Scroll +1, Zisha Cauldron +1]

[Successful decomposition, Void Stone +1]

Item: [Garlic Seeds]

Equal grade: first grade

Efficacy: Garlic can be grown.

Item: [Tier 2 Defense Tower Upgrade Scroll]

Grade: second grade

Efficacy: To upgrade the Tier 1 defense tower to Tier 2, it needs to be used with other materials.

Item: [Purple Sand Cauldron]

Grade: second grade

Efficacy: Alchemy Ding, Alchemy Ding.

The harvest is very good. It seems that the level of the surrounding monsters is higher, and the items produced by the treasure box have also increased in level. Out of the three items, two are second-rank.

Two of them are immediately available to Zhang Feng, and there is also a void stone, which can never be too much for a void island owner.

If you have something to gain, you must find someone to share it with. Seeing that it was noon, she should contact Yu Zixia, or she should be in a hurry.

Now, when she is helpless, it is also the opportunity for her to express herself, and it happens that she also wants to know the situation on her side. He took out all the garlic seeds and 100 grass seeds, and directly designated the target and traded them to Yu Zixia.

"Yu Zixia, I traded some seeds for you, and you plant them some time. What's the situation with you now?" The seeds were traded to Yu Zixia, and she was asked to plant them as soon as possible. After all, the time on Void Island is still very precious.

"The current Lingzhi is quite normal, but it consumes a lot of water. It has already consumed half a bucket of water. It is estimated that this bucket of water will not last until night." Yu Zixia's crisp voice was full of worry.

"Don't worry too much, I will definitely find a way to let you pass, you can plant the seeds I gave you in the ground now, and then water some more. I will go find some seeds in the afternoon, and I believe yours will be soon Void islands are filled with empty spaces."

"Then what about your own Void Island? You can't fail the trial because of me."

"Don't worry, I'll definitely pass the test. If I can't pass, I'll be your door-to-door son-in-law." Just joking, flirting with beautiful girls from the university is Zhang Feng's greatest joy recently.

"What time is it, you are still joking, you should help me think again, is there any other way, always watering like this is not a way."

"There are not many ways, after all, the assessment of this trial is planting. If it really doesn't work, I will work hard, collect more supplies, and make up for the lack of points by upgrading buildings and expanding the size of the void island."

Zhang Feng is now able to deal with Tier 2 monsters, and I believe that collecting a void stone every day can still be done.

"Then it's hard work for you." Yu Zixia's moving voice came.

"Beautiful Colonel, if you are moved, when the trial is over, just give me some compensation, for example, repeat what happened that morning."

"Get out, you big pervert." Yu Zixia was still very moved, but when Zhang Feng heard hooligan words again, she instantly turned into embarrassment.

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