After Zhang Feng finished his lunch, he ended his call with Yu Zixia. After inspecting the Void Island and performing the "Clear Water Jue" on Lingzhi, he continued to mobilize the Void Island to continue searching for monsters.

After killing a Tier 2 skeleton monster, Zhang Feng was enjoying the joy of opening a treasure chest. Suddenly the arrow tower shook. If there is a monster approaching, immediately put away all the harvest, activate the spatial gods to look around, and look for the monster.

At a distance of 80 meters to the left of the void island, there is a distinctive monster running towards the void island. It looks like a cow but not a cow. It's a proper one.

【Two-color elk】

Grade: 9

Grade: ordinary

Features: Herbivorous, beautiful

It is actually an elite monster, and there is one more [characteristic] in the introduction. But what are herbivory and beauty?

"Boom" After Zhang Feng saw the elk, the arrow tower began to attack. Before the monster reached the Void Island, its head was chopped off by the Sword Qi Tower.

The corpse of the monster was collected before the mobilization of the void island, but it was not decomposed.

In the void trial space, most of the monsters are necromantic, such as skeletons, zombies, zombies, mummies and so on.

There are very few other monsters. Zhang Feng has not seen any other species other than skeletons and zombies during the month of trial. It is said that in the Void Realm, there are not many non-necronomicon monsters.

This elk had a great effect on Zhang Feng, just the more than one hundred catties of venison could save him from worrying about food during the trial.

Elk usually live in groups, and they fly towards the direction of the elk on the left by driving the void island. If they can kill some more elk, then these venison can be exchanged for a lot of precious materials, such as void stones, such as seeds.

This time Zhang Feng urged the Void Island to fly very slowly. He didn't want to understand why the elk came straight to the Void Island. It was a coincidence or a monster discovered the Void Island.

After moving forward for another 200 meters, the God of Space found two elk patrolling irregularly 500 meters ahead. When the Void Island advanced another 300 meters, the two elk raised their heads, sniffed the air a few times, and then ran towards the Void Island together.

"It seems that the elk can smell a certain smell in the void island." Zhang Feng guessed in his heart.

Although the two elks came aggressively, they were here to deliver food, not meat. Like the previous one, the two elk were killed before they reached the Void Island.

The next thing is much simpler, control the void island, open the spatial eye, and slowly patrol this area. Every once in a while, one or two elk will come to die, and Zhang Feng is only responsible for picking up the corpses.

During the inspection, I also found the old lair of the elk, guarded by three elk elites of level nine and one elite elk of level ten. Presumably, there is no boss in the elk herd.

After confirming the enemy situation, Zhang Feng directly bypassed the lair and continued to clean up other elks. After Zhang Feng collected the 32nd elk carcass, no monsters came forward to throw them into the net.

Seeing that it was getting late, he didn't continue to attack the elk elites, but stayed away from them and found a place to stop.

"Yeah, what a great harvest. I finally don't have to eat those junk foods every day like the last trial." Zhang Feng exclaimed excitedly. This matter should be shared with Xiaohua, mainly to let her help break it down. venison.

"College belle, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, I don't know what to eat, and I don't have an appetite." It seems that the senior lady is still worried.

"What's wrong? There's no water? I feel so depressed."

"There are more spiritual plants in the afternoon, and I used another bucket of water. The temperature dropped a little at night, and I don't need to water any more. There are a little more than 3 buckets left, which can last until noon the day after tomorrow." Yu Zixia's crisp voice has A trace of loss.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll take care of the water problem, the Water Spirit Orb will gather a batch of water today, and I'll trade it to you tomorrow morning.

Also, I got some good things today, after I deal with them, I can trade some things with bonus points. ” Zhang Feng traded the corpses of five elk to the other party.

"You actually met a beast-type void monster. These meats are very precious, so you just gave them to me?" the senior colonel asked in surprise.

"I gave it to you. Your task now is to skin the elk meat, disassemble it, and then place an order in the trading system to trade void stones or other things that can be used. By the way, give me five catties of elk meat after disassembly, and I will Make today's dinner," Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, I will trade it to you as soon as it is decomposed."

After finishing the call, Zhang Feng browsed the trading system. I just heard it from others before, and I didn't check it carefully in the morning, so I was busy with other things.

The layout of the trading system is a bit like some trading software in reality. There is a search box at the top, categories at the bottom, and some goods with a relatively high number of views below.

After scrolling down, the ones with a relatively high number of views are seeds, blueprints, void stones and other items that can directly or indirectly earn points. In addition, the amount of attention on water is relatively high. I believe that after a few days, after someone learns water spells, water will not be so popular.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Zhang Feng was going to take advantage of the relatively high price of water to trade some supplies with water. As for the water that Zixia needed, he had to think of a way. At worst, he would not go out to look for supplies in the next few days, and practice "Clear Water Jue" every day. "Come to collect water.

I searched for items that can be exchanged for water. One void stone can be exchanged for about 2 liters, 20 first-order seeds can be exchanged for about 1 liter of water, and there are other things that can be exchanged. Zhang Feng didn't look carefully, after all, he doesn't need those things.

Suddenly, I found another thing I was interested in. It was a barbecue grill, the kind that can be grilled on the fire. The owner of the item needs to exchange 1 liter of water.

After checking here, I found almost all the things I want to exchange. After taking out a bucket of water, Zhang Feng began to exchange quickly. He first exchanged the grill, then exchanged all the void stones with a price tag of less than 3 liters of water, and finally searched for some common seasonings and exchanged a lot.

Before anyone else could react, the transaction was over.

In the end, I exchanged 42 liters of water for 17 void stones, a barbecue grill and a small pile of seasonings.

Open the regional chat channel again, and sure enough, the number of trials has decreased, and more than 300,000 people have been eliminated during the day.

The chat channel is now fried.

Fish who love cats: "The trading system is surprised to see a big boss, with infinite water."

Master Lonely: "Boss, do you still want the Void Stone? I still have one, it's hanging in the trading area."

Jiaojiao little sister: "Boss, give me some water, and I'll give you a monkey."

Prince Tianhua: "I am the heir of Tianhua Group. I will use 100 million credits to buy you 100 liters of water. See the reply."


When Zhang Feng read the post, he found two functions that were not there before. The first one is that now you can change your number to a virtual name, which is similar to your online name; the second is that you can post pictures. After searching several posts, Zhang Feng learned how to take pictures on Void Island.

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