Seeing more and more monsters in the distance, Zhang Feng shouted loudly when he saw that Yu Zixia had finished assembling the Sword Qi Tower.

"Quick, there are more and more monsters, push the Void Island to run in the direction it came from."

At this moment, two Scarlet Fire Desire Snakes had climbed onto the void island and crawled towards Zhang Feng.

The follow-up monster army also approached the void island. Zhang Feng put away his bow and arrow, took out a newly obtained Ice Burst Talisman from the inventory and threw it at the monster army. Then he took out the Qingyun sword and attacked the two red fire snakes not far away from him.

"Boom" sounded the explosion of the talisman, but Zhang Feng didn't have time to watch the result of the talisman.

Due to the large difference in levels, Zhang Feng killed one snake with two swords, and the other snake died with two more sword swings.

After killing the monster on the island, Zhang Feng raised his head to look at the monster in the distance. More than fifty scarlet fire snakes were mostly dead, and only a dozen or so survivors on the edge were still crawling towards the void island.

At this time, the Void Island was also urged by Zixia, and began to speed up and flee towards the rear.

Taking advantage of no monsters coming forward, Zhang Feng used his spatial eyes to look in all directions again.

There are 260 or 70 monsters in the rear, and there are more than 100 monsters in total. The key point is that there are more than 10 monsters in front, which may interfere with Yu Zixia's mobilization of the void island.

Seeing that the Void Island was slowly getting out of the attack range of the monsters behind, Zhang Feng walked to Yu Zixia's side with his sword in hand, guarding against the red fire snakes in front.

Soon the Void Island met the 11 Red Fire Serpents in front.

Those 11 snakes seemed to have no intention of slowing down at all, and rushed directly to the void island, rushing towards Zhang Feng at high speed.

In the end, 2 snakes hit the stele, and 6 snakes flew over without attacking anything.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng each blocked one of them with their swords, and the last one flew past Yu Zixia's arm.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Feng asked

"It hurts a bit, but it's not a big problem."

"Then you continue to fly forward, and I'll go to the back to see other monsters." After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he walked towards the defense tower.

At this time, the situation in the rear changed again. The elites and the leader boss who were originally behind the ordinary monsters all ran to the front.

Their speed is not slow, it's just a little worse than Void Island, and it will take a long time to get rid of them completely.

Time slowly turned, and seven or eight minutes later, the Void Island had been separated from the monster by more than 40 meters. Although the naked eye could no longer see each other, the group of monsters still followed the Void Island closely under the vision of the God Eye of Space. , even if the Void Island turns, the opponent can immediately know the flight direction of the Void Island.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng noticed that Void Island was slowing down, so he looked towards Yu Zixia, and found that her face was a little red, and she was in a trance.

"Yu Zixia, how are you? Are you in good health?" Zhang Feng yelled with concern.

"It's nothing, it's just that my mental strength is a little out of focus."

She didn't say that she has a big problem with her current state, her body temperature is gradually rising, and her spirit is also in a trance, with a trace of desire sprouting in her heart.

In order to stay awake, she took out a bucket of water and put it beside her, then poured some on her head, and her mind instantly became clearer.

After hearing Yu Zixia's response, Zhang Feng stopped paying attention to her, but continued to look at the monster behind.

Due to the slowing down of the Void Island, the leader of the Scarlet Flaming Snake led the four elites to catch up in less than two minutes.

The five monsters rushed to the edge of the void island against the attack of the defense tower. Zhang Feng stood on the edge of the void island, wielding a long sword, resisting the monsters and preventing them from landing on the void island.

"Boom" a sword energy flashed, and an elite red fire snake was cut in half. It was the completion of the synthesis of the second-order sword energy tower and began to attack.

With the help of the Sword Qi Tower, Zhang Feng was much less stressed. He no longer attacked, but only defended. Every three seconds of persistence, the sword energy from the sword energy tower will kill an elite, even the leader boss persisted in two sword energy.

"Finally killed them all, oh, it hurts."

Zhang Feng sat on the ground with his buttocks, and ended up touching a wound on his calf. It was the snake tail of the dying boss that grazed his leg.

After the battle just now, the body should be very tired, but Zhang Feng's state is very strange, the body heats up rapidly, the fatigue on the body is also quickly disappearing, and the spirit is also excited.

"Hey, why is there no voice from the senior colonel?" Zhang Feng looked at Yu Zixia's position in confusion, and found that she was urging the Void Island in a trance to let it continue to fly forward.

"Beautiful Colonel, the battle is over, you can stop flying."

Zhang Feng said to Yu Zixia, seeing her angelic face and her exquisite figure after the clothes were soaked in water, he suddenly felt that she was so beautiful, and he had an urge to hug her directly.

In a trance, Yu Zixia continued to urge the Void Island to continue flying forward with a will. Suddenly, a familiar voice told her that the battle was won, and there was no need to urge the Void Island anymore.

In an instant, my spirit relaxed, and the suppressed desire burst out in an instant, and I instinctively hugged the person next to me.

Zhang Feng has already noticed that his state is abnormal. He opened the personal attribute panel to check, only to see a poisoned state marked after his name.

Just as I was about to look in the inventory to see if there was anything that could detoxify, I felt a hot body rushing into my arms.

Zhang Feng, who had originally maintained a semblance of clarity, lost the last of his sanity after seeing the seductive body that was approaching.

Zhang Feng only felt that his blood was burning, as if he was in a furnace, but there was a piece of ice in his arms, which made him reluctant to let go.

In a daze, he seemed to have returned to the dream a few days ago, embraced the fascinating body again, and was still lingering with the beautiful woman, unwilling to separate for a long time.


Three hours later, on Yu Zixia's void island, in front of the central stele, Zhang Feng was lying on the ground, while Yu Zixia stood beside her, blinking her beautiful eyes, staring at the boy in front of her, in her pair of beautiful eyes , full of complexity.

Everything that happened today was like a dream!

I still remember that at noon, when she was in danger, it was this young man who came alone and resisted the monster army for himself.

In life, how many people can you meet who are willing to go through fire and water for themselves and be in danger.

Now I have met such a person, Yu Zixia thought in her heart, and a smile appeared on her fairy-like face.

Suddenly I saw Zhang Feng on the ground move a bit, and he must be waking up.

Taking another look at the naked body, she blushed and said "It's so ugly".

Then he threw Zhang Feng's clothes on him, and finally expelled him by using the authority of the owner of the void island.

True, fantasy? Zhang Feng was neatly dressed, sitting on his bed on the void island, thinking about everything that happened just now.

To me, what happened just now was like a big dream, extremely unreal.

But what is certain is that he did have a relationship with Yu Zixia and became her man.

I hope the big school girl will stop Tianya from being a passerby.

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