Start: Obtain The Innate Spiritual Root Five Elements Tree

Chapter 15 Tracking And Picking Up Bargains

Two consecutive battles, plus a dreamy one with Xiaohua, the day is almost over.

Zhang Feng, who had nothing to do, was going to collect and dismantle the dozens of stones he had left, which could be regarded as the last task of collecting materials for today.

"Huh? Where are my stones?" Zhang Feng looked up and found that all the stones he left at noon were gone.

Afraid that what I saw was wrong, I used the space god to look again. Sure enough, there were no stones, but there was a void island 200 meters away from Zhang Feng's void island.

I didn't expect to meet other testers, and he should have taken away my stone.

We are not the ones who suffer, we will follow him tomorrow, and we must earn some money back.

Zhang Feng moved the void island to a distance of 20 meters from the opponent's void island, and then hid himself.

First, I went to the trading system to scan the goods, and received 4 void stones.

Then I went to the regional channel to look at the posts, and I felt wrong just after reading a few.

Yasukuni Tiance: "God bless you, Ichiro Amazawa, you are so lucky to come across a boulder that is not guarded by monsters."

Dragon Kingdom soldier: "It's shit luck."

Long live the empire: "Our country of the sun is about to rise, and the monsters of the void will make way for our warriors of the empire."


Seeing this, Zhang Feng flipped up and found a post posted by Tian Saichiro.

Amazuo Ichiro: "It's really lucky that I found a piece of stone that was not guarded by monsters, and I harvested 3 void stones." There is also a picture in the post.

Zhang Feng recognized it at a glance, the piece of stone he hadn't finished collecting was in the picture. We found the person involved, Amasa Ichiro, I will never let you run away tomorrow.

After scrolling through the posts for a while, Zhang Feng felt a little hungry. After a day of physical work, I haven't had lunch yet, so it's normal to be hungry, but I need to ask if Xiaohua cooks for herself.

First, he traded the ten fire ganoderma seeds and all the elk meat to Yu Zixia, and then sent a message.

"President Xiao, is the meal ready? I'm hungry."

"Come on, wait for a while" the other party quickly replied.

"Haha, I didn't ignore myself. It seems that I still have hope in the future. I don't know when the big girl will really become my girlfriend." Zhang Feng thought excitedly.

To perform well these days, start by gathering water sources. Thinking of this, Zhang Feng sat on the bed and began to perform the "Clear Water Jue" to accumulate water.

Until late at night, apart from eating dinner, Zhang Feng was releasing "Clear Water Jue".

Now he has formed an instinct for the "Clear Water Jue" to perform the handprint, the speed has increased a lot, and the water sources gathered each time have also increased a lot.

I believe that in a few more days, he will be able to reach the third level of "Clear Water Jue".

Sitting on the bed, Zhang Feng is practicing the "Five Elements Derivation Classic", and today's practice is different.

Not only did he have the refreshing feeling of rejuvenating yesterday, but also from time to time, a stream of aura burst out from his body and merged into the dantian. After this aura entered the dantian, the aura in the dantian became much milder.

Another night passed, and Zhang Feng traded two barrels of water to Yu Zixia as usual. While eating breakfast, I chatted with Yu Zixia, although he was the one talking, the other party didn't respond.

Today he has no plans to find supplies for the time being. If he wanted to follow the Void Island next to him, he had to take advantage of the other party and make up for the three void stones that the other party dismantled yesterday.

While practicing the "Clear Water Jue", Zhang Feng monitored the empty island next to him.

This Sun Country man is not a hardworking person. It was dawn after six o'clock, and he urged Void Island to go out to look for supplies after eight o'clock.

The average person's field of vision is only 20 meters, so they move the void island carefully, for fear of entering the monster group.

But Zhang Feng has a field of vision of five or six hundred meters, so monsters can be found very far away, so naturally he will not fly cautiously.

Zhang Feng practiced "Clear Water Jue" all morning here, and accumulated a lot of water sources, and went to the trading area to exchange for a few void stones when he had nothing to do.

In the afternoon, the testers from the Sun Kingdom finally flew into an area where monsters were located.

Zhang Feng took time to circle around the monster area, and saw the leader of the monster in the center of the area, which turned out to be a level 10 lord boss. And next to the lord boss, there is a golden treasure chest.

Knowing the situation, Zhang Feng waited here, believing that the man from the Sun Country would slowly explore.

I just picked up a bargain yesterday, and with the fluke mentality of a natural gambler in the Sun Kingdom, I wouldn't think there are high-level monsters here.

Sure enough, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the Sun Nation's experimenters carefully urged the Void Island to come not far from where the Skeleton Lord was, and they were still slowly approaching.

The Void Island defense towers of the Sun Country people are quite high. Through the eyes of space, they can see that there are two first-level arrow towers, one first-level sword energy tower, one second-level sword energy tower, and one second-level temptation tower on the island.

This formation is similar to his own Void Island, but he doesn't know if the opponent can lure away all the lord boss and two elites inside.

As the void island approached, the skeleton elite roared angrily, but did not step forward to attack.

After a while, the other skeleton elite also felt the void island of the Sun Kingdom, "roar" and "roar" two roars in succession, the first was from the second skeleton elite, and the second was from the skeleton lord.

Following the roar of the Skeleton Lord, the two Skeleton Elites and the Skeleton Lord all rushed to the Void Island of the Trialists of the Sun Kingdom.

And after seeing these three monsters, the tester also turned pale with fright, and hurriedly urged the Void Island to escape and retreat.

However, he was overtaken by the Skeleton Lord after only fleeing for more than a hundred meters. Fortunately, the defense tower is still very powerful, and has been preventing the Skeleton Lord from boarding the void island.

In this way, the three monsters of the Skeleton Lord were lured away, and Zhang Feng didn't care about the specific result. He just wanted to put away the golden treasure chest and leave here immediately.

After a while, the three skeleton monsters completely left the vision of Zhang Feng's space god eyes, and he rode the void island to appear next to the golden treasure chest, and put the treasure chest away. Not only that, but he did not give up on the few stones in the center.

After collecting materials for such a long time, Zhang Feng also discovered some patterns.

For example, all stones guarded by monsters are generally better than those without monsters, and the probability of decomposing void stones is higher.

The stones where the elites and lords are located can generally be decomposed to produce void stones or unidentified items.

After putting away the treasure chest and stones, Zhang Feng drove the empty island to fly in the opposite direction from where the monster left. It is better not to meet each other in the future.

Zhang Feng activated his spatial eyes and shuttled between the monster crowds. It wasn't until two hours later, when the sky was getting dark, that he picked a place where there were few monsters and stopped.

I felt that it was not safe to have so many monsters wandering around at night, so I drove the Void Island around again, killed all the low-level monsters around, and then stopped with peace of mind, planning to spend the night here today.

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