On the void island of the trial space, Zhang Feng finally had time to relax, and the exciting time to open the treasure chest has come.

But before opening the treasure chest, go to the regional channel to see if there is any new news about the Sun Nation tester.

Opening the regional channel, the number 6028458 is the first thing that comes into view. In less than three days, more than 700,000 testers have been eliminated.

In the real-time post, there is no news about the Sun Nation Trialist, Tian Saichiro.

Zhang Feng searched directly, and that Tian Saichiro really posted the post an hour ago.

Tian Zuoichiro: "Unfortunately tell my compatriots that I will be eliminated." There is a picture in the post, in which several skeletons are demolishing the defense tower.

Unfortunately, Amasa Ichiro's post was a farewell post.

Yasukuni Tiance: "Unfortunately, Amosa Ichiro encountered an invincible monster."

Fish who loves to eat cats: "It's really spectacular. The two second-tier defense towers were demolished by skeletons. It's a pity."

Melon eater: "Looks like the god didn't bless him today."

Below the post, there are voices of regret from the people of the Sun Country, and more voices of gloating.

Zhang Feng didn't have any psychological burden at all. Originally, the other party stole his stone first and went to get the treasure chest by himself. It was a reward for a reward. Besides, if he didn't take the treasure chest, those skeletons would not let him go.

Another point is that the relationship between the Dragon Nation and the Sun Nation has not been very friendly, and it would be good if there was no fight. It is impossible to expect Zhang Feng to help the Sun Nation's trainees to tide over the difficulties.

"Open the treasure chest, open the treasure chest, it's an exciting time again."

[Sky Spirit Grass Seeds +5, Fig Seeds +5, Pure Heart Lotus Seeds +5, "Sanyang Fire Control Secret Code" +1, "Collection Technique" +1, Lingshi +160]

Item: [Sanyang Fire Control Secret Code]

Level: ground level

Efficacy: Increase the affinity of fire-type spiritual power and increase the strength of flame control.

Item: [Collection]

Tier: No Tier

Efficacy: Gather items.

They are all good things, but they are not very useful to Zhang Feng now. The first three are the third-level spiritual plant seeds, and they are the medicinal seeds for refining the foundation pill.

Foundation Establishment Pill is a elixir for Qi practitioners when they progress from the second stage of Qi training to the third stage of foundation building.

The third-order spiritual plants used to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill are also extremely precious, and they often need to grow for dozens or hundreds of years.

Compared with the spiritual plants planted on Void Island now, it is like the difference between domesticated people and wild ginseng. There is a huge difference between the efficacy of the medicine and the spiritual energy. Of course, these spiritual plants can also be planted on the void island, but it takes a long time to mature.

As for the "Sanyang Fire Control Secret Code", if Zhang Feng would have thought about it before, and now that the two have had a relationship, this jade slip must be left to Yu Zixia.

The "Collection Technique" Jade Slip is the only thing Zhang Feng can use now.

The harvesting technique is a very practical spell. It can gather the required items to the maximum extent according to the user's will, and it can minimize the damage to the plants when collecting plants.

It is very practical for the void island owner, but the collection technique is very magical, it is evolved by the void world, and it can only be learned by using jade slips. Without using jade slips, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it cannot be learned.

Without thinking too much, Zhang Feng used the jade slip of "Collection Technique". It was produced by Void, and it must be a high-quality product. After absorbing the knowledge in the jade slip, he didn't feel any discomfort in his mind.

After processing the treasure chest, he disassembled the stones he had just obtained. There were 9 stones in total, and he got 6 void stones and two unidentified items. The things that came out were quite a lot.

Zhang Feng was still in a state of self-satisfaction when new news came from the system.

[Ding dong, the trial space will enter the trial stage after 12 hours, during which there will be various abnormal weather outbreaks, please prepare for it. ]

Oops, I actually forgot one more thing.

According to previous experience, the trial is divided into three stages. The first three days are the adaptation stage, and the last three days are the finishing stage. The weather in these six days is exceptionally good. On Earth, it is a sunny day.

But the middle 24 days are different, the weather is extreme, changes abnormally, and may suddenly change from summer to winter.

Trialists not only need to protect themselves, but also protect Lingzhi.

The better thing here is that Lingzhi generally does not die, but it will affect the growth rate. How much it affects depends on the ability of the individual or teammates to master the spell.

It's hot, you need to perform the "Clear Water Jue" at least once a day, of course watering is also fine. When it's cold, you need to perform the "Red Fire Jue" once a day, of course, you can also pour a lot of hot water next to it, or light a fire. If it snows, it needs to be removed immediately.

Another kind is that when encountering pests and diseases, you need to use the "Gengjin Jue" to kill the insects. This kind of damage cannot be relieved by other methods.

As for other professions, what if there is no five elements spell. Ordinary law-based occupations, even if they don't have the five-element spells, will have other similar spells.

If not, then you can only give up planting and collect materials in harsh environments to get points.

Now Zhang Feng practiced "Clear Water Jue", and Yu Zixia should practice "Red Fire Jue". As long as she practiced Gengjin Jue to the second level, then natural disasters would not have much impact on her.

"Big beauty, have you practiced the Chihuo Jue yet?" Zhang Feng sent another message to Yu Zixia.

"It's the second floor." Yu Zixia's speech was very short these days, but her voice was still so nice.

"If there is a freezing disaster here, I will trouble you. I am starting to learn "Gengjin Jue" now, hoping to reach the second floor quickly."

"OK, no problem."

"Big beauty, did you forget something today?"

"Forgot what?" Yu Zixia was a little confused.

"Xiaohua, aren't you hungry?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Ah, I forgot to cook, just wait a moment, it will be ready soon."

"It seems that I won't be able to eat for a while, so let's go practice spells." Zhang Feng muttered as he returned to the bed.

On the bed, Zhang Feng took out the "Low-level Five Elements Spell" and pasted it on his forehead, and quickly read the relevant content of "Gengjin Jue".

After the content of "Gengjin Jue" was firmly memorized, Zhang Feng began to practice Gengjin Jue mudra. With the experience in "Clear Water Jue", he quickly picked out all the difficulties of the mudra and began to practice in sections.

During the split practice, Zhang Feng finally had dinner, and at the same time browsed the regional channels, which were full of posts about finding partners.

In the early morning, when the sky was just a little brighter, Zhang Feng got up and urged the Void Island to start hunting monsters around the place where he rested yesterday.

He didn't want to face the harassment of monsters while facing bad weather.

In just three hours, Zhang Feng ended his hunt.

Before eight o'clock, he cleaned up all the monsters within two kilometers of his resting place, thanks to the fact that there were no powerful monsters around.

Move the void island back to where it rested yesterday, then synthesize a small wooden house in the center of the void island, and finally move the wooden bed into it.

In this way, Zhang Feng is prepared for all preparations to deal with severe weather.

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