Start: Obtain The Innate Spiritual Root Five Elements Tree

Chapter 3 Meeting The School Belle Again

The unidentified item obtained by Zhang Feng is a bead with a layer of stone coat inside. There are three gray forbidden lines on the stone coat.

According to the knowledge learned in school, every three bans are a first-tier item, which should be a better item among the first-tier items.

Putting the Void Stone on the stele and choosing to expand the Void Island, the current floor plan of the Void Island appeared in his mind instantly. He knew that this was for him to choose the location for the newly increased area.

Zhang Feng chose the most stable circle as the basic shape of the void island. Soon, the original square expanded into a circle, and the remaining part continued to expand toward the front of the stele.

The expanded void island became a circle of two square meters, but the stone tablet was not on the center of the circle, but slightly behind.

There are no more supplies to collect here, so Zhang Feng set off to continue driving the Void Island to fly forward.

In the process of continuing to move forward, the number of first-level skeletons is decreasing, and the number of second-level skeletons is increasing. When it was getting dark, Zhang Feng came to a hall again. From a distance, he saw 22 skeletons in the hall with the eye of space. Among them 12 is only a second level skeleton.

According to the old method, draw out the skeletons one by one and kill them. Open the black iron treasure chest in the hall.

[Stone +2, soil +4, arrow tower blueprint fragment (1/3) +1, spiritual rice seed +10]

I saw three stones under the treasure chest, and I got a void stone when I disassembled it.

"It's so lucky, not only the fragments of the arrow tower have been collected, but also a void stone, which can be used to build the arrow tower." Zhang Feng shouted excitedly. After calming down, he picked up the Void Stone to expand the Void Island, and continued to expand towards the front of the stele.

The radius of the expanded void island is close to 1 meter, and the distance from the front of the stele to the edge is 12 meters, and the first-order arrow tower only needs to occupy an area with a diameter of 1 meter.

Zhang Feng took out three first-order arrow tower blueprint fragments, and soon, the fragments emitted a white light and merged into a complete blueprint.

Tier 1 arrow tower blueprint: It can be synthesized into a Tier 1 arrow tower, which requires 6 iron ingots, 10 wood, and 10 stone.

This is specially prepared for himself. Zhang Feng happens to only have 6 iron ingots, but there are quite a lot of wood and stone.

A white light shrouded the open space in front of the stele, Zhang Feng fixed his eyes on the white light. A row of text is displayed.

[The first-order arrow tower is under construction, 300s, 299s]

It takes 5 minutes, not much time.

It's going to be dark soon. According to the experience of the previous testers, the monsters will be extremely irritable after dark, and their strength will double. Monsters will wander around looking for anything to break.

After dark, the field of vision will be halved, and it is best for those who have the conditions to light the fire, which will weaken the strength of the violent monster.

Zhang Feng did not lack wood, but he had no space to place a fire. If other testers found out, they would scold him to death.

It was getting dark, and Zhang Feng didn't plan to go on to kill monsters anymore, so he took the time to count today's harvest.

Killed 113 monsters, level 1 monsters can decompose 1 point of aura, level 2 monsters can decompose 2 points of aura, a total of 135 points of aura can be harvested, but driving the void island to fly for a day, plus the arrows of bows and arrows only consumes, a total of Consumed 18 points of aura.

Then there are some basic materials, wood 35, stone 22, mineral water 18, bread 11...

The most important thing is that the area of ​​the void island has expanded by 2 square meters, as well as an arrow tower.

After counting, the construction of the arrow tower has been completed.

Building: Arrow Tower

Level: first-order

Range: 100 meters

Attack speed: 2 seconds/time

Attack power: 10-20 (single target attack)

Durability: 100/100

So good, so powerful, it's the equivalent of shooting an arrow by yourself all the time. In the future, if you encounter a stronger monster, you can drive the Void Island to fly by yourself and let the arrow tower shoot the monster, which will be safer.

Move the Void Island to the corner of the hall, which is more than ten meters away from the center of the hall. After the monster comes over, he can't sense him, but he can see the monster with his spatial eyes.

Sitting next to the Void Island stele, Zhang Feng took out a piece of bread, then tore off a piece of chicken leg, and started to eat dinner. While eating chicken, I opened the public channel, and first checked the remaining number of people [number: 9056/10000]

Compared with the number of people who quit in the morning, there are many fewer people. It seems that everyone's adaptability is still very strong. Then look at the harvest of other testers.

Serial number j0122439: "It's getting dark, it's so dark, I can't see anything three meters away, who knows how to start a fire."

Serial number j0129254: "Drilling wood to make fire, didn't you learn it in class?"

Serial number j0128254: "Do you have anything to eat? I've run out of ammunition and food here, and I'm about to quit."

No. j0122968: "I feel a monster is coming next to me. How can I kill the monster in such a dark day?"


Serial number j0121212: "Is there anyone from Fuyang High School? Let's have a chat."

Zhang Feng was a little surprised when he suddenly found a message about looking for a classmate from Fuyang High School. According to the rules that Dragon Kingdom has summed up over the years, the testers in a region are randomly selected by the entire Dragon Kingdom. It is really not easy to meet a classmate among millions of students.

Zhang Feng directly applied to become the friend of the other party, and filled in the remarks column, "Principal Pei Zhilin", which is known to their principals by ordinary classmates.

The application was approved immediately, and a friend appeared in the private chat.

Number j0121212: "Hi, I just wanted to try it out, but I didn't expect there to be a classmate. Which class are you in?" A crisp voice came over.

Private chats are different from regional chats. Regional chats can only be chatted in text mode, while private chats can be chatted by voice as usual.

Serial No. j0126789: "I'm in Class 8, Year 2. It's really a fate. Which class does the beauty belong to?"

Serial No. j0121212: "Your voice is a bit familiar from class one of the second year. I should have heard it in the past few days." The other party was a little puzzled.

Zhang Feng also felt that the voice on the other side was a little familiar just now, girl! Nice voice! The last few days! It seems that Yu Zixia is the only one left. Think back to Yu Zixia's voice, isn't it her! ! !

Serial No. j0126789: "I know who you are now, Senior Colonel Hua Yu Zixia, right?"

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, he heard two buzzing sounds from the arrow tower. He immediately stood up and looked towards the center of the hall with his spatial eyes. At one of the entrances of the hall, a tall skeleton walked in.


Level: 4

Grade: ordinary

Why did such a monster come here? Even if it is encountered during the day, it is difficult to deal with it. At night, the monster's strength becomes stronger, and it is even more difficult to kill the opponent.

Just when Zhang Feng's eyes fell on the skeleton, the arrow on the arrow tower shot directly at it. It turned out that the Arrow Tower could only sense the approach of the monster, but could not determine where the monster was. When Zhang Feng saw the monster, the Arrow Tower determined the exact location of the monster through his vision and began to attack.

Zhang Feng also took out his bow and only shot three arrows, the monster was almost approaching the void island. Instead of urging the Void Island to fly a kite to kill the skeleton, he took out the novice sword and prepared to practice with the monster. There was only this dying skeleton around, and it was not very dangerous, and he urgently needed to increase his melee experience.

"Boom" Zhang Feng raised his long sword to block the attack of the bone club in the skeleton's hand. He didn't feel the strength coming from the sword. It seems that the level 4 skeleton still couldn't shake him.

He ordered the arrow tower to stop attacking, and he raised his sword and slashed at the skull's neck. The novice sword fell on the drum stick that the skeleton was resisting, and the drum stick sank after being cut by the novice sword.

He raised his sword again and slashed at the skeleton. After going back and forth a few times, the level 4 skeleton's bone club was cut off, and he died in Zhang Feng's next slash.

It seems that the school teacher has been telling the students to be careful in dealing with monsters, not because Zhang Feng and others are not strong enough, but because they want everyone to attack monsters in the safest way.

After putting away the skeleton, Zhang Feng sat down beside the stone tablet to rest. By the way, I looked at the message replied by the person suspected to be Zixia.

"Huh? How do you know, who are you?"

"You are talking."

"Ignore you."

With three messages in a row, it seems that the other party is really curious. After thinking for a while, Zhang Feng explained the situation to the other party.

"A monster ran over from my side just now, and I just killed it."

"How do you know it's mine? You haven't said who you are yet." The message from the other party was sent quickly.

"Guess, there will be a prize for guessing." It's okay to be idle, and it's good to flirt with beautiful women.

"If there is any reward, give me some hints, I can't guess now."

"I've talked to you in the last three days. This reminder is okay, but the reward can't be said."

On a 14-square-meter empty island, a bright girl sat beside the fire, thinking with her cheeks in her hands.

"Who could it be? I've talked to you in the past three days, but I haven't met any students in the school in the past three days. Who the hell is it?

If you can still give rewards, that means you still have a connection with yourself, could it be him. "In Yu Zixia's mind, she thought of a figure who is not tall, but looks a little handsome.

"Are you the landlord Zhang Feng?"

"It was guessed by you so quickly, the two of us are really destined."

"It's very destined. You said there is a reward. What reward will you give me?"

"For the sake of you guessing it right the first time, I will give you a month's rent free." Zhang Feng said generously about the reward. He thought that passing the trial would not be a big problem, and as the owner of the Void Island, he would not be short of money. That month's rent.

"Really, thank you." Yu Zixia is really short of money for the time being. After all, becoming the owner of the Void Island requires a process to become rich.

She has paid Zhang Feng's rent for one month now, and will pay the second month's rent immediately after the trial is over, but she still doesn't have enough money in her pocket.


One of them was sitting by the fire, and the other was chatting against the arrow tower, passing the time. After all, no one dared to sleep at night, if a monster really came, he would be eliminated directly.

During the chat, Zhang Feng knew that Yu Zixia had slept for several hours in the afternoon in order to pass the night.

Leaning on the arrow tower, Zhang Feng did not know when he fell asleep, after all he had been busy during the day.

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Feng felt as if someone was shaking him, opened his eyes, saw the dark surroundings, and instantly remembered that he was trying something, and a cold sweat broke out all over his body, if a monster came, he would It would be too unfair to be eliminated.

Feeling that the arrow tower on which the back was leaning was shaking violently, knowing that it was a monster coming, he immediately activated his spatial eyes and looked towards the center of the hall. There were two skeletons there, both of which were level two. When the arrow tower shot arrows this time, Zhang Feng also followed closely with his bow and arrows to attack the opposite skeletons, and the two skeletons were smashed into bones before reaching the void island.

Opening the chat system, I saw that Yu Zixia sent herself a few messages after she fell asleep, asking about her condition, she seemed to be quite concerned about herself. Zhang Feng was narcissistic for a while, and he also knew that the other party just wanted to have someone to chat with.

"College flower, what time is it now, I fell asleep just now." A message was sent back to the other party

"Ah! You are still alive! I thought you were eliminated." In just a few seconds, the other party replied the message.

"I just slept for a while, woke up and hit two skeletons, it's not that exaggerated."

"During the trial period, few people who dare to sleep at night can pass the trial. After the monsters go crazy at night, they will actively look for the trialists. If you meet someone who is sleeping, you will be able to board the Xitian Paradise in your dream .”

"College girl, then you have to pay attention. Lack of sleep will lead to wrinkles. Be careful, no one will want them in the future." Looking at the chat records, it is already past four o'clock, and Li Tian's time for dawn is not far away.

Zhang Feng decided to go hunting. The monster had been raging all night, so he must be tired. Besides, it was easier to hunt monsters while the monsters were scattered.

"This girl is naturally beautiful, why don't you worry about not getting married?"

"I won't talk to you anymore. You are naturally beautiful, and someone will take care of you in the future. An ordinary person like me needs to fight monsters." Zhang Feng urged the Void Island to slowly fly towards the Void Passage ahead.

"Then you have to be careful. Although the strength of the current monster has weakened, it is still much stronger than in the daytime. I will wait for the day to dawn before setting off."

"The big girl cares about me, I'm really touched, should I promise you with my body?" After a night of chatting, the two got to know each other a little better, and Zhang Feng also began to flirt.

"Go away." The other party cursed with a smile, ending the conversation.

Sure enough, the monsters were more scattered at night. In just half an hour, Zhang Feng slowly advanced one kilometer, killing 15 skeletons of all levels on the way.

Going forward is the next hall. There are only twelve skeletons in the hall. Now Zhang Feng needs to order the arrow tower not to attack when using the spatial eye. Otherwise, it will directly attract a large number of monsters, which is not a very beautiful thing. up.

In this hall, Zhang Feng changed his strategy, stopped the void island 40 meters away from the monster, and then used his mind to command the arrow tower to attack a single second-level monster, and then he himself attacked the skeleton. The attacked skeleton was mercilessly shot to death by Zhang Feng after only walking more than ten meters.

With a faster method of killing monsters, it is natural to make more use of it. The void island was barely moved, and this hall was occupied.

After searching for the loot, Zhang Feng continued to attack forward. According to the current killing speed, he would be able to kill all the monsters in another seven days. Of course, this is just Zhang Feng's bold guess. After all, anything can happen in this trial space, and the strength of monsters will definitely improve in the future.

The sky was gradually brightening, and the vision was slowly recovering. As expected, the strength of the monsters dropped significantly after the night of berserk ended. Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Feng stepped up his search efforts.

Until noon, he killed 98 monsters again, the void island expanded to 5 square meters, the second arrow tower was assembled, and various supplies increased a lot.

However, after searching for supplies and killing monsters for so long, Zhang Feng was exhausted physically and mentally.

In addition, he had to stay up late at night to guard the Void Island. He was not going to move on this afternoon. Instead, he stopped on the Void Island at the edge of the hall and began to rest.

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