Time flies by, Zhang Feng is like playing a stand-alone game in the trial, slowly leading to the end.

On the thirteenth day of the trial, he had already killed 1073 monsters, leaving only 7 to pass the trial.

But when he got here, he ran into trouble. When he arrived at the final hall this morning, Zhang Feng observed it with his spatial eyes. There were only 6 monsters in the final hall.

【Skeleton Warrior】

Grade: 9

Grade: Elite

【Skeleton Leader】

Grade: 9

Grade: boss

5 elite monsters and 1 ordinary boss are still together, going up directly is no different from courting death.

Now Zhang Feng encountered two problems. The first one was that there were 7 monsters left, and he only found 6 of them, but he couldn't find the last one.

The second trouble was that after a day of observation, the six monsters showed no sign of separation at all.

Zhang Feng tried it out thirty meters away at noon today, and shot a skeleton warrior with an arrow tower, but the skeleton warrior ignored Zhang Feng at all.

After shooting for a long time, all five skeletons pressed up directly, ready to surround and beat Zhang Feng, so scared that he hurriedly urged Void Island to run away.

Just the day before, Zhang Feng encountered a level 9 elite skeleton warrior. Although the process was thrilling, the skeleton warrior was still killed by him. But this time there were too many, and he could only stare blankly.

Seeing that there was no chance, Zhang Feng retreated into the distance and began to rest. He didn't pay attention to the six monsters again until night.

As the sky darkened, these skeletons also became irritable, but they still wandered back and forth in the hall without any sign of leaving.

After 13 days of hard work, Zhang Feng's void island has expanded to 22 square meters.

In the open space in front of the stele, there are four two-meter-high defense towers, two arrow towers, one sword energy tower, and one spell tower.

Sword Qi Tower: It can emit sword Qi to attack the enemy

Level: first-order

Range: 40 meters

Attack speed: 3 seconds/time

Attack power: 20-30 (single target attack)

Durability: 100/100.

Spell tower: can emit energy bombs to attack the enemy

Level: first-order

Range: 35 meters

Attack speed: 4 seconds/time

Attack power: 30-40 (single target attack)

Durability: 100/100.

This is the result of Zhang Feng these days, and also his helper.

It was because of these defensive towers, coupled with the space divine eye, that he was able to clear the trial space in such a short time.

There is a small soil bag on the left and right sides of the Void Island stone tablet, and Zhang Feng's own natal spiritual object is planted in the soil bag on the left: the seed of the five elements tree.

But now the bag of soil hasn't changed at all, and the seeds don't even show signs of sprouting.

On the soil on the right is a tomato fruit tree more than 80 centimeters high. Many green fruits have grown on it, and it looks like it will mature in a few days.

It is also thanks to the surrounding environment that it can mature so quickly. Originally, the first-order void island can only double the growth speed of plants.

However, in the trial space, the growth speed of plants has been blessed, coupled with the double growth speed of Zhang Feng Void Island, the growth speed of tomatoes is almost 10 times that of the outside world.

The skeleton didn't move now, Zhang Feng lit the fire, ready to clean up and start eating. He also happened to say hello to his tenant, and it was Yu Zixia's chat to relieve boredom that made his trial career more colorful.

"Da Xiaohua, how is the harvest today? Did you get anything delicious?"

If you are idle, you are idle, so you should flirt with the big beauty, maybe you will really get your hands on it in the future.

"There's a pack of instant noodles, but there's no bucket, so I can't make them. If that doesn't work, let's eat some bread."

After a while, the clear voice like a lark came over.

"Hearing what you said, I also want to eat instant noodles, and I will eat it tonight."

"You are trying to annoy me on purpose, I wish you open the bag, there is no seasoning."

"It's okay, I'll add two more tea eggs to adjust the taste, and I can barely eat it. Beauty, do you want to eat instant noodles? You have a nice voice. I'll teach you how to make instant noodles. How about it?"

Zhang Feng got a lot of items during this period of time. If it wasn't for being unable to trade, he would have sold food outside a long time ago.

"Go away, you think who doesn't know, don't you just use the packaging bag as a barrel? You still want to take advantage of me and curse you for failing the test."

"Yu Daxiaohua, I will call you a lark from now on, the voice of cursing is so nice."

He didn't care about the other party's laughing and cursing, and even gave Yu Zixia another nickname.


After more than ten days of getting to know each other, Zhang Feng also learned that Yu Zixia's parents disappeared two years ago when they followed a void island master to explore the void.

And her biggest wish is to enter the void world through the void island and find her parents.

Zhang Feng chatted with the beauty, and checked the status of several monsters in the hall through the space god eye every once in a while.

At about 5 o'clock in the morning, Yu Zixia stopped chatting with him and went to kill monsters.

Zhang Feng, who had nothing to do, also controlled the arrow tower and shot two arrows at the skeleton warrior.

He didn't have any hope at first, but he saw the skeleton warrior who was attacked running towards him. God helped me, Zhang Feng really wanted to laugh out loud.

Zhang Feng was not in a hurry to attack with all his strength, but let the two arrow towers attack while controlling the Void Island to retreat. He retreated 200 meters before he began to let go of the restrictions of the sword tower and the magic tower.

All four defense towers were put into the attack, while he still controlled the empty island to retreat slowly, keeping a distance of about 20 meters from the skeleton warrior.

Last time, due to lack of experience, the level 9 skeleton warrior was brought close to the void island, and it cost him an arrow tower to kill him.

Having gained experience this time, Zhang Feng steadily pulled the hatred of the skeleton warrior, keeping a safe distance from it, and after 10 minutes, the skeleton warrior died aggrieved.

Seeing that it was still early, Zhang Feng ran back to the side of the hall and used arrow towers to lure other skeleton warriors.

Perhaps it was the restless night that made the skeleton's anger reach the brink of eruption.

Soon two more skeletons followed in their footsteps. After daylight, Zhang Feng could no longer lure out the other two skeleton warriors.

"Since one has two, try again tomorrow morning. I hope to lure out the other two skeleton warriors and kill them." Zhang Feng said to himself.

"Lark, tell me, what will happen if you kill all the monsters?" Zhang Feng, who was idle and bored, asked Yu Zixia after dinner.

"I don't know, no one has killed all the monsters. It's not a matter of strength. After all, the surrounding area is full of fog, and it is difficult to find all the monsters. However, there may be someone who succeeds, but has not been exposed. What, you still It is impossible to kill all the monsters in delusion."

"Lark, there is always a dream, what if it comes true, right?"

"Don't be wishful thinking. If you succeed, the sun will rise in the west. Also, don't call me a lark."

"Isn't it just a name! Lark sounds so nice, otherwise, if I can't kill all the monsters, I won't call you Lark. If I succeed, you will promise me a condition, how about it?"

Zhang Feng has great confidence in killing all the monsters.

"I promise, you really can succeed. But you can't call me a lark from now on."

"Okay, big girl, wait until I really succeed, and I'll let you be a bed-warming maid for me, called Bailing Maid."

Zhang Feng teased the other party, it was just a joke, even if he killed all the monsters, it was impossible to tell Yu Zixia.


At five o'clock in the morning, Zhang Feng began to use arrow tower shooting to lure out the last two skeleton warriors and kill them.

Zhang Feng is now only two away from killing all the monsters, one is the Skeleton Lord boss in front of him, and the other one is unknown.

The Skeleton Lord needs to wait a little longer. It is not yet dawn, and its strength has not yet dropped to its lowest level. Wait until later to try to kill it.

Zhang Feng moved the Void Island to a place 60 meters away from the Skeleton Lord and stopped, and then checked its status every few minutes with the God Eye of Space.

The Skeleton Lord also seemed to sense something was wrong. After being irritable all night, after dawn, he did not calm down as usual.

It was still walking back and forth anxiously in the hall. It was not until eleven o'clock that the Skeleton Lord returned to a stone in the center of the hall and sat down to rest.

But it needs to rest, Zhang Feng does not agree, he simulated in his mind all kinds of situations that he might encounter. Then, he controlled the arrow of the arrow tower and shot at the skeleton lord.

The arrow shot at the Skeleton Lord as if it was tickling, but the Skeleton Lord didn't care at all.

It wasn't until Zhang Feng shot more times that it got up and ran towards Zhang Feng's direction with a big ax on its shoulders. During Zhang Feng's trials, the toughest battle finally began.

From the moment the Skeleton Lord got up, Zhang Feng began to activate the void island, flying in the opposite direction of the Skeleton Lord.

After all, no one knows how fast this skeleton lord is. Zhang Feng was accelerating, and so was the Skeleton Lord.

After a while, Zhang Feng discovered that the Void Island was not as fast as the Skeleton Lord. Fortunately, there were four defense towers attacking the Skeleton Lord, which slowed down its flying speed.

In the end, a distance of 15 meters was maintained between the Void Island and the Skeleton Lord. The Void Island has reached the fastest speed, and every acceleration of the Skeleton Lord will be destroyed by the attack of the defense tower.

By this time, the battle had been going on for 15 minutes, and the blood bar on the head of the skeleton leader had dropped by less than one-fifth. After another half an hour, the skeleton boss' blood volume finally dropped to less than half.

At this moment, it roared suddenly, its whole body flashed red, and the big ax in its hand flew towards Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng, who had been paying attention to the rear, naturally saw this scene. Although the speed was reduced when the Skeleton Lord launched his ultimate move, the distance between the two was only 25 meters.

Zhang Feng didn't have time to dodge completely, so he had to deflect the Void Island slightly. Changed the target of the big ax attack from the original spell tower to the arrow tower.

With a "boom", the nearly two-meter-high arrow tower trembled several times after being bombarded.

But the big axe didn't stop, it flew directly over the void island and fell on the barrier of the void passage.

"Damn, I was scared to death."

Zhang Feng cursed. Just now he was urging the Void Island behind the spell tower. If he doesn't turn around, the big ax will damage the spell tower and split him in half.

Looking back at the Skeleton Lord, maybe the big move just now required a lot of consumption, which made its speed and defense drop a lot.

And without the big ax to resist the attack, it looked even more embarrassed.

Beating a Reservoir Dog has always been a favorite.

Zhang Feng quickly slowed down and attacked the skeleton lord with all his strength.

By the time the Skeleton Lord picked up its weapon, the big axe, his health bar was already less than one-fifth.

With the weapon, the skeleton lord has regained some strength, but it is still a little weaker than the original one.

The state of Zhang Feng and the skeleton lord returned to the previous state, Zhang Feng ran in front, and the skeleton lord chased after him.

It's just that the distance between the two has been expanded from the original 15 meters to 25 meters.

And the blood bar of the skeleton lord dropped faster. After only another 10 minutes, the health bar was less than 5.

At this time, the skeleton lord repeated his old trick and threw out the big axe.

However, in front of Zhang Feng who had been prepared for a long time, no loss was caused. The skeleton lord, who lost his weapon again, was quickly killed by several defense towers.

After Zhang Feng killed the Skeleton Lord, he sat down on the Void Island. This was the most difficult and dangerous battle for him after entering the Void Island.

After the rest, he urged the Void Island to turn around, first put away the big axe, and then put away the corpse of the skeleton lord.

But there will always be surprises after hardships, the Skeleton Lord actually broke something,

A blue bead. I heard that killing monsters will drop items before, but the chances are very small. I didn't expect to catch up with such good luck.

Spiritual object: 【Water Spirit Orb】

Grade: second grade

Efficacy: Gather water aura.

Zhang Feng had learned about the function of the first-order water spirit beads in books before. Putting the first-order water spirit beads into a container exposed to the air can gather water in the container. I think the second-order water spirit beads will also have this function.

Zhang Feng flew on the Void Island for more than an hour, and he returned to the hall where the Skeleton Lord was before.

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