Zhang Feng opened his space ring, and the things that will be used on the void island in the near future have been placed in a small area dedicated to the space ring.

At this time, most of the things in that area have disappeared, except for a seed the size of a peach pit.

Isn't this the seed of Nascent Soul Fruit Tree? It turned out that I had forgotten it.

The more advanced the spiritual plant, the slower it will grow. The growth cycle of a fifth-order spiritual plant like the Nascent Soul Fruit Tree takes at least several hundred years. Of course, after the acceleration of Void Island, it may mature in a few decades.

What Zhang Feng has to do now is to plant the seeds of the Nascent Soul Fruit tree, and at the growth rate of his Void Island, he can harvest mature Nascent Soul Fruit in at most thirty years. I believe that at that time, I will not reach the consummation state of the golden elixir of using Nascent Soul Fruit.

This spiritual plant is quite precious, and Zhang Feng finally planted it between the spiritual spring and the stele. There will be almost no changes here in the future. After all, the stele will not move, and the upgrade and evolution of Lingquan will not expand the area on the surface.

Finally sorting out everything on the Void Island, it was really not easy for a not-so-hardworking person like myself.

Check the property panel of your void island to see what has changed.

Void Island (Zhang Feng)

Level: Second Tier

Ability: Plants grow twice as fast

Area: 2000

Aura: 62245

Daily Aura Production: 625

Daily Aura Consumption: 78

Plant Growth Speed: 18

Aura concentration: All attribute aura +32, water attribute aura +10, metal aura +10, wood attribute aura +10, fire attribute aura +10,

Buildings: stone monument, void barrier, city lord's mansion, spiritual spring, elf spring, teleportation array...

Secret Realm: water attribute secret realm, metallic secret realm, wood attribute secret realm, fire attribute secret realm.

Defensive Towers: Tier 2 Golden Light Fixing Tower, Tier 2 Random Teleportation Tower, Tier 2 Wind Tower, Tier 2 Sword Qi Tower, Tier 2 Spell Tower, Tier 3 Arrow Tower, Tier 3 Sword Qi Tower, Tier 3 Burst Flame Tower.

Upgrade conditions: an area of ​​10,000 square meters and 1,000,000 aura points.

This time the data has changed a lot, whether it is area, aura concentration or others. But these are expected changes, and Zhang Feng is not surprised by them.

But there was one thing that made Zhang Feng feel a significant change, and that was the concentration of aura. Although the concentration on the original Void Island also had deviations, it was not serious. However, just after expanding the area of ​​the void island, Zhang Feng could clearly feel that the concentration of aura at the edge of the void island was much thinner than that at the center.

But it's normal to think about it. If all places on the Void Island have such a high concentration of aura as mentioned on the stone tablet, then many Void Islands will not be reduced to land for planting crops.

It only took one morning to clean up his void island thoroughly, and Zhang Feng is still very satisfied with his work all morning.

For this reason, before it was time to eat, Zhang Feng went to the restaurant and ordered some delicious dishes to comfort himself.

I came too early today, and I didn't see those people who talk here every day.

Zhang Feng, who was idle and bored, opened his own Sanctuary panel and flipped through it casually. Suddenly, his gaze focused on one part of the panel.

Yesterday, I searched through the entire castellan panel and couldn't find something, but today it appeared in front of him.

In the lower right corner of the city lord panel, there is an extra button called "Xuanhuang Space" at some point. Click the button to open a new panel.

On the panel of Xuanhuang Space, various materials of Xuanhuang Space are introduced in detail.

In the upper left corner of the panel there are space attributes.

【Xuanhuang Space】

Level: Tier 3 Secret Realm Space

Building: Xuanhuang Altar

Features: No aura, contains a lot of black and yellow breath.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng was a little dumbfounded, how could he cultivate without spiritual energy, could this mysterious yellow breath be used as spiritual energy.

Zhang Feng looked at the detailed introduction of the mysterious yellow space on the right with doubts.

Xuanhuang Space is a small space with less than 100,000 square meters. The space is full of violent black and yellow aura, and in the center of the space is a black and yellow altar. This altar can filter out the violent factor in the violent black and yellow air and make it mild.

Later, the introduction explained the mysterious yellow breath, which is a very magical thing. It cannot help the practitioner directly improve the power, but it can help the practitioner to quickly warm and nourish the meridians without any side effects.

On the altar, there are 99 futons, which are divided into 6 layers. There are only three in the innermost layer, while there are 36 in the outermost layer.

As long as the entrant sits on the futon, he can directly absorb the mild black and yellow breath. If you leave the futon, the violent black and yellow aura from the outside world will directly damage the practitioner's meridians.

Further down, it is no longer the introduction of space, but the issue of admission tickets that Zhang Feng is more concerned about.

The Xuanhuang Space can be opened once every 10 years for a period of ten days, with a maximum of 99 entries each time.

This time the Xuanhuang Space is opened, and all entry quotas are allocated by the system itself.

There are three ways to obtain a place:

The first is to directly use points to exchange. The exchange will start at 8:00 am on the 22nd and end at 8:00 am on the 23rd. The exchange requires 5,000 points, but the restrictions are relatively high:

First, the requirement is that the entrant himself redeems;

Second, the points must be obtained from the tasks issued by Tucheng after he took over.

Third, the redeemer must not be over 19 years old, and must not exceed the eighth level of Qi Refining.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng's spirit suddenly relaxed. No matter what, he can get another Zhang Xuan Huang space entrance ticket.

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