After reading the first method to obtain a quota, Zhang Feng no longer worried about Yu Zixia's quota to enter the Xuanhuang space.

Relaxed Zhang Feng continued to look down.

The second thing to get the quota to enter the Xuanhuang Space is to do tasks. Individuals who have obtained more than 20,000 points at one time will directly exchange their points for admission tickets to enter the Xuanhuang Space.

This method has no start time, but the end time is the same as the exchange end time, which is 8 am on the 23rd.

The last way is to fight for money. Starting from the morning of the 23rd, all quotas that have not been issued will appear in the mission publishing tower, and the bidding will start with mission points, and the highest bidder will win. The deadline is noon on the 24th.

At the end, the introduction also specifically emphasized that the exchange quota must be used by oneself, but the admission tickets obtained by the latter two methods can be traded to others, just like the admission tickets auctioned by Zhang Feng before, they are tradable .

At the bottom of the panel, Zhang Feng also saw the current quota remaining. Just now, the fifth entry ticket was issued to a mission madman. In other words, there are currently only 94 places left.

Zhang Feng looked around the panel again to see if there was any missing information, and soon found a map button in a corner.

After clicking on it, I realized that this is the map of Xuanhuang Space. On a yellow plane, there is a circular altar.

The altar is divided into six layers, and each layer has a different number of futons. There are three futons in the center of the top of the altar, and six on the lower layer, and then nine, eighteen, and twenty-seven down. The bottom and the outermost thirty-six futons.

Each futon has a number from 1 to 99, however, the numbering is not regular.

Zhang Feng reached out and clicked on the map, and found that he could actually change the number on the futon. But now he doesn't know what is the use of this number, so he didn't change it randomly.

There are some texts beside the map. Zhang Feng read it carefully. These texts are to introduce the function of futon numbering.

Each futon on the altar can transform into a different amount of black and yellow breath. The closer to the inner layer, the more black and yellow breath the futon can transform. For futons with two adjacent layers, the black and yellow aura transformed by the outer layer is only about 80% of that of the inner layer.

The quotas obtained by the three methods mentioned above have different treatment. The quotas redeemed by the first method will be arranged in the center, the quotas photographed in the task release tower will be allocated to the outermost, and the quotas obtained by doing tasks will be arranged in the middle.

For the quota obtained through the same way, whoever is assigned to the inner tier and who is assigned to the outer tier depends entirely on luck.

Seeing this, an idea flashed into Zhang Feng's mind, but now that people around have come to eat one after another, he can't verify it now.

Turning off the panel of Xuanhuang Space, Zhang Feng began to think while eating. There is no aura in the Xuanhuang space, how should I cultivate.

It seems that you can only use Lingshi to practice. Since Zhang Feng came to the Void Realm, whether it was the City Lord's Mansion or the spiritual spring of his own Void Island, the spiritual energy was relatively strong, so Zhang Feng had never used spiritual stones for cultivation.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation, followed by a burst of discussion.

"The person sitting in that seat is Dongfang Sheng, a first-year student from Kyoto Academy. I heard that he has just entered the academy this year and has already reached the fifth level of Qi training. I didn't expect him to compete for the place to enter the Xuanhuang space."

"I know that woman over there. She is Tang Yazhi, a fourth-year student at Jiang Cheng College. It stands to reason that she has surpassed the eighth level of Qi training and is about to graduate soon. She has come to Houtucheng anyway."

"There are more and more people coming from Houtu City, and they all come to grab the places in Xuanhuang Space. I don't know how many places we locals in Houtu City can grab."


Hearing the discussions around him, Zhang Feng never imagined that so many people would come to Houtucheng to compete for the spot.

Fortunately, I just saw that the Xuanhuang space is a special training space, and it is impossible to fight in it. Otherwise, even a weak chicken with a first level of Qi training like Zhang Feng would not be enough to punch the guy opposite.

After a while, some younger people entered the restaurant one after another. Hearing whispers from the surrounding people, these people are also outstanding students from various schools on Earth and Star, and they all came here for tickets to the Xuanhuang space.

"Hi everyone, I'm Dongfang Sheng from Kyoto College. Students from several of our colleges happened to gather here today, which is considered fate. I believe that everyone is here for the Xuanhuang space, so how about sharing information with each other?" Dongfang, who was originally as stable as Mount Tai, Sheng suddenly said.

"There's nothing to share about this. All the news now is almost rumors. Only yesterday was an entry ticket at the auction, but it took so many spirit stones to get it, so naturally it won't be handed over to us." A young man wearing the uniform of Tianzang Academy said.

"I don't know Senior Sister Tang, what do you think, you don't seem to meet the requirements to enter the Xuanhuang Dimension." Said the young man in a corner.

"It turns out to be Junior Brother An Hao from Pearl Academy. You can rest assured that I am here purely for relaxation, not to compete for admission tickets. As for opinions, just wait. The space will open on the 25th, and time is running out. I think there's going to be a ton of tickets coming out over the next two days."

Tang Yazhi's soft voice came over, it was intoxicating.

"Senior Sister Tang is right." After hearing Tang Yazhi's words, many of her peers immediately responded. The purpose is to leave a good impression in front of the beauties.


Hearing the words of these peers who were only one year older than him, but whose realm was much higher than himself, Zhang Feng suddenly felt that he was really weak.

Zhang Feng, who was sitting in the corner, got up to pay the bill, and was about to go back to the void island to verify his thoughts just now.

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